Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 203 Kerry Was Dead? (3)

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At Ye family’s villa, when Venus returned from the hospital, Mrs. Qin asked Venus about Kerry's

After Venus told her that Kerry was in a comma, Mrs. Qin was relieved

Venus was surprise at her optimism, "Mrs. Qin, aren't you worried that Kerry won't wake up?"

"This little wound is nothing to him.” Mrs. Qin said. “Whether he wakes up or not, we will take good care
of him.”

Hearing Mrs. Qin's words, Venus felt a little better. She hurried back to her room to rub herself and
charge her phone.

For John and Henry, however, the night was extremely painful. They stood in front of the ICU's glass
window, looking at Kerry, who was still unconscious inside.

"John, why don't you take a rest for a while?" Henry said. "You need to take care of yourself."

"I've been in the Ye family for almost forty years. I've watched Mr. Ye grow up. He's been hospitalized
for injuries before, but this is the first time I've seen him hurt so badly." John sighed softly.

"Don't you worry, Mr. Ye will be fine. He'll get over it. He still has to find her wife and child."

John patted him on the shoulder, "I'm going to go take a nap for a while."

In the ICU, the doctors and nurses were examining Kerry's body now.

The men Henry had brought back were all locked up in the drill ground, where Kerry's men usually
trained. It was a remote place, and it was hard to find that place if people weren't familiar with it.

Originally Henry wanted to find a doctor to bandage Heng Zhang's wounds, but after learning about
Kerry's injuries, he almost wanted to kill him. Still, he thought that Kerry might want to question him, so
Henry gave him some anti-inflammatory medicine to stop the bleeding and made sure he wouldn't die
in the next two days.

Kerry didn't have any sudden symptoms during the night, and his blood pressure, heart rate and
temperature were all normal. So once the 12 hours were up, Kerry was moved to a general ward.

"The medication in his body is almost diluted. He may wake up today." The doctor said calmly.

When Venus arrived at the hospital in the morning, she saw John and Henry relaxed a little. They took
turns watching over Kerry, but the day was almost over and Kerry hadn't woken up yet.

"Doctor, didn't you say that Mr. Ye woke up today? Why hasn't he woken up by now?" Henry ran to ask
the doctor.

The doctor was also confused. "All his stats are normal, he should wake up." the doctor said. "I'm just
extrapolating from experience. Maybe he'll wake up tomorrow."

In the evening, Venus received a call she both looked forward to and didn't want to receive.

"Miss Mu, you've done a great job this time. There was a bit of trouble in the middle, but it turned out

Venus gripped the phone, knowing the treasure map was in his hands, "When are you going to release
my baby."

"No, it's not over yet,"

Venus raged, "You've got the treasure map. What more do you want?"

The man laughed and said regretfully, "This treasure map is not complete. There's still a part of it that
Kerry keeps in the vault, and you need to help me get it."

Venus was surprised that Kerry was so shrewd.

"Once you have the rest of the treasure map, your child will be returned to you." The man said.

"I hope you keep your word," Venus said.

"As much as I love this little boy, he's not my child, so what am I keeping him around for?"

Venus gritted teeth, "I'll get the rest of the treasure map soon."

"Oh, one more thing," The man said slowly. "Kerry's got some of my men. The others can die, but one
of them is named Heng Zhang, you get him out."

"I only promised you the treasure map. I didn't say I'd help you save anyone." Venus said angrily.

The man laughed lightly with an obvious threat in his voice, "Miss Mu, do you have any chance to
refuse my requests?"

"You ......" Venus was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Well, since you don’t have the ability to help him out, then you can ask for the address where he's
being held and tell Xuan. That's easy for you, right?" The man said.

"Are you a pig? You think Kerry is easy to be fooled?" Venus couldn't help but curse.

“It depends.” the man said. "Miss Mu, it's rude for a girl to curse. You'd better not curse next time."

"You bastard!" Venus stormed off and then just hung up the phone.


"There's a good chance that he's in this condition with nerve damage to the brain," The doctor

"What do you mean?" Henry asked.

The doctor said gravely, "Maybe he'll never wake up."

Henry's and John's brows both furrowed with question in their eyes.

"Now you will have to wait for him to wake up on his own, or you can talk to him to awaken his
consciousness. But I can't be sure when he'll wake up." The doctor said this and then turned away.

Venus was a little upset at the news, though she told herself not to care if he woke up or not.

John sat next to the hospital bed with a sad look on his face. "Mr. Ye, please wake up soon. Ye family
needs you very much.

John's eyes lit up and then he said, "Let's get Kevin back. They're brothers. If he's here, maybe he can
help Kerry wake up."

Henry didn't know what to do at this time. This was, after all, the Ye Family's business, but they were
just Kerry's subordinates and couldn’t make the decision.

"How about giving Kevin a call first?"

"I'll make the call." John hurried out of the hospital room.

Henry looked towards the hospital bed. Kerry was the person he looked up to the most so far. The
moment Kerry saved his life Henry vowed to follow Kerry for the rest of his life.

"Mr. Ye, you have to wake up. Don't you still have to find your wife and child? If one day they come
back and you are in a coma, how sad would they be? And Yehuang Group also needs you." Henry
whispered to himself.

Venus stood behind him, listening to his murmurs, feeling sad.

After a while, John pushed in the door and said, "Miss Chu, Kevin said he wanted to talk to you for a
few minutes."

"Why does Kevin want to talk to me on the phone?" Venus froze.

Taking the phone, Venus took a deep breath and then said, "Hello, Mr. Ye."

Kevin was startled for a moment, and then said gently, "Hello, Miss Chu. John has told me about my

"I'm sorry for this."

"You're not to blame for this. You haven't been in Sky city for long. Your kidnapping may have
something to do with my brother." Kevin said. "I'm doing a research project with my professor these
days. I'm booking a flight back in two days," Kevin paused and sounded apologetic, "I know it might be
rude to say this, but Miss Chu's voice sounds a lot like my sister-in-law's. Can I beg you for one thing?"

"Please go ahead." said Venus.

"My brother and sister-in-law used to have many misunderstandings, so my brother has always
regretted in his heart. If Miss Chu has time in the next two days, would you please accompany him and
speak in his ear?"

"Ok, I will." Venus promised. In fact, she'd do it even if Kevin didn't ask her to. If he didn't wake up, she
wouldn't get the rest of the treasure map.

"Thank you." Kerry paused for a moment, "Goodbye, Miss Chu."

"Bye." Venus did.

Actually, she thought of Kevin occasionally. After all, he was the one who had lent her a helping hand in
her most difficult time, giving her warmth, but she couldn't love him.

"John, you guys go home and get some rest. I'm here with him today."

Henry was about to speak when he was held back by John, who said, "Then thank you, Miss Chu.
We'll go back."

Then John pulled Henry out of the ward.

"John, how can Miss Chu be here alone? " said Henry staring straight at him.

"Miss Chu is the one Mr. Ye protects with his life. She's more useful here than you are." John said

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