Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 211 The Romance He Gave Me (3)

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After climbing for four hours, the two of them finally reached the top of the mountain, but unfortunately,
they didn't see any Datura along the way.

There was a big rock at the top of the mountain, white and smooth, just under the shade of the trees
again. Tianye Mu led Xiran Xiao over, "Sit here and have a rest. I'll go to the side."

"Be careful."

"I won't go far. I’m around here."

Tianye explored along the winding path, and soon disappeared from Xiran's sight.

It was quiet in the mountains, and the sun was shining very brightly. Fortunately, she had brought a hat
and wore long pants and long sleeves, or else she would get a sunburn.

Three minutes later, Tianye's voice came over, "Xiran, come on, I seem to have found it."

Xiran was overjoyed and ran in his direction. After walking more than ten meters, she saw his figure.

"Over here."

Xiran strode up and saw the flowers she had seen on the TV. It’s even more beautiful than that on the

On a huge tree, dozens of large golden flowers, like a small trumpet, blossomed on green branches
emitting a fragrant aroma in the sunlight.

"Tianye, don't get so close. This flower is poisonous. You will easily get dizzy and see visions after
smelling it for a long time."

Tianye was taken aback and backed up a few steps to walk to her side, "Is there really such a magical

Xiran nodded, "Well, I didn't believe it at first, but I do when I looked it up on the Internet. It is indeed
poisonous, especially its green leaves and fruit."

Tianye joked, "No wonder Guo Yang can be so deeply poisoned."

Xiran took out her phone to take a few pictures, then quietly admired them, "It's really beautiful and
worth climbing for four hours."

Tianye was taller than her, so he stood in front of her to shield her from part of the scorching sun.

Maybe it was because she was looking too carefully, or the Datura paralyzed people little by little. She
didn’t notice a small coral snake that wrapped around the flower branch coming close to her calf.

"Ah-" Feeling a stabbing pain, Xiran subconsciously looked down. She was so scared that she almost
jumped up.

At this time, Tianye also saw the small snake. With a stern action, he pulled out the dagger at his waist,
and the head of the snake fell into the grass.

"Don't move, I'll carry you out." Then, Tianye lifted Xiran in his arms and went quickly away. Putting her
on the big rock, he tore off her trouser leg with force.

A drop of blood came out on her calf, and the surrounding area was already swollen.

Xiran was biting his teeth in pain. Without saying a word, Tianye lowered his head to suck out the

"Tianye, don't do that. You will be poisoned." Xiran stopped him in a hurry. The small snake was coiled
around the Datura flower and must be highly poisonous, as it inhaled the flowers’ toxins for years.

Regardless of Xiran's words, Tianye continued. The only thing on his mind now was that she could not

"Tianye, stop it!" Xiran finally cried out.

Tianye still ignored her. After the skin near the wound became a little more normal, he took out a bottle
of water from his bag to rinse her wound.

After rinsing the entire bottle of water, Tianye took out another bottle, drank and gargled the water out,
but there was still the taste of blood in his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Xiran asked as he took off his t-shirt, tore it into strips of cloth, and then tied
them over the wound.

"It hurts a little. Hold on." Tianye said to her.

Xiran nodded with tears in her eyes.

Tianye tightened so hard that it was as if the lower part of the calf had been strangled short.

"The blood flows slower and the toxins spread slower in this way." Tianye carried his bag in front of
him, then squatted in front of her and said, "Come, I'll carry you down the mountain."

Tears rolling down, she rarely cried, but she was touched by this man today.

"Hurry up, we found each other after so many things. I don't want to die and don't want you to die."
Tianye turned his head and looked deeply at her.

Xiran no longer hesitated and climbed onto his bare, strong back.

She didn't want him to carry her, but it was the quickest way to get down the mountain.

The scalding water burst forth from her eyes, falling on his back.

Tianye walked quickly and comforted her, "Do not cry. Your tears make my heart broken."

As a result, the woman burst out even more tears.

"Be good. Don't cry. Keep your strength."

Hearing these words, Xiran bit her lip and tried to calm herself down.

Seizing every minute and second, Tianye was not so much walking as running. He almost tripped
several times, but kept steady with his good balance.

The sweat rolled down in large droplets. Xiran could not care about the sun and took off her hat to fan

"Tianye, take a break." Xiran said in distress.

Although she was as light as 45 Kilo, he would become tired even with the physical strength of an
athlete as he had carried her for such a long time.

"No need." Tianye's legs were tired, but he couldn't stop. The more seconds he delayed, the more
danger his woman faced.

The four-hour journey just took Tianye over an hour to reach the bottom.

In the mountain pass, Tianye met a villager driving a tricycle. He rushed to stop it, asking, "Where is the

The villager was shocked at first. But his expression changed dramatically when he was Tianye’s face,
"Have you been poisoned by a snake?"

Tianye shook his head, "Not me, it's my girlfriend."

"You are also poisoned as your lips are purple. Hurry up and get in the car. There is a clinic ahead. I
will take you there." The villager said kindly.

Tianye put Xiran on the vehicle, and then jumped into it himself.

When Xiran saw his purple-black lips and reddened face, she knew that it’s because he sucked out the
poison. She grabbed Tianye's hand tightly and anxiously asked the villager, "Is there any medicine at
the clinic that can treat snake venom?".

The villager said loudly, "Yes, there are many snakes in our area, and every clinic and house have the
antidote serum, as well as some old prescriptions."

Xiran put her mind at ease and looked back at Tianye who was observing her calf.

The place bitten had swollen greatly. the small half of the leg below the strip of cloth was green but the
rest of it was fine.

He hoped it was not too late.

After a respite, Tianye found that he was dizzy and saw double.

He shook his head to try to stay awake, but it’s getting worse.

"Tianye, what's wrong with you? Please hurry up, my friend is going to faint." Xiran anxiously urged the

"Look, it's just ahead. Hold on for a while. We'll be there soon."

The bumpy, small vehicle was running at fast speed and making great noise, but it became their savior.

It took them half a minute to arrive. Before the car stopped, the villager shouted in the local dialect at
the clinic, "Dr. Bai, Dr. Bai, some people have been poisoned by a snake. Come out quickly."

Tianye bit his tongue to make himself awake and got off the car. He also wanted to get her out of the
car, but was refused by Xiran’s pat. How could she let him do so as he’s feeling bad. With tears in her
eyes, Xiran sat on the side of the carriage and jumped down on one foot

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Out ran a middle-aged man in a white lab coat, who was dark skinned
and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

"Dr. Bai, these two people were poisoned by snakes."

The middle-aged man looked at Tianye and Xiran, and said, "Come in quickly. Wangwa, come help

Tianye helped Xiao Xiran to enter. But he blacked out and fell down after he walked a few steps.

"Ah-Tianye-" The woman's terrified scream rang out.

"Wangwa, quickly help the man up." Dr. Bai shouted again, "My dear, come quickly."

A middle-aged woman ran out. She dressed in local ethnic clothing, with a round face and a friendly

"Well, girl, come here." Auntie Bai helped Xiran to walk inside, while Dr. Bai and Wangwa worked
together to lift up Tianye.

They put both of them on the bed, and then Xiran said, "Doctor, you save him first. I'm fine right now."

Dr. Bai measured Tianye's blood pressure and temperature, and asked, "Where were you bitten? What
does the snakes look like?"

"Next to a Datura flower at the top of Cangshan Mountain. It’s a small coral snake."

Dr. Bai's face went cold, "What color is the Datura?"


Dr. Bai rolled Tianye's eyelids again, "His heart is beating fast and he's passed out. Go and bring the
medicine from the first drawer in the second row of the medicine cabinet."


Dr. Bai continued to ask, "Where was he bitten?"

"I was bitten, and he helped me suck the venom out." Xiran replied with a trembling voice.

Dr. Bai looked back and could see how worried she was. So he couldn't help but comfort her, "Lady,
don't worry. Although the medical condition here is poor, there are more than a dozen prescriptions for
snake venom. He won't die."

When Xiran heard this, tears fell down her eyes. The most wonderful words she had ever heard were:
"He won't die.

Dr. Bai was busy disinfecting, cleaning, giving injection and dosing them...

Dr. Bai wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Lady, we could save you as the treatment of your
wounds was on time, the venom was squeezed out of most of them, and the delay of time was short. If
I'm right, the snake biting you is called Gloydius strauchii, which mainly lives in mountains 3,000 meters
above sea level. Its toxicity is not strong originally, but if it lives near a Datura all year round, the toxicity

will be much stronger. If you don't take serum and get your wound cleaned within two hours, you will
die soon. "

Xiran was frightened and looked at the still unconscious Tianye, asking, "Doctor, what about my

"He sucked some of the venom, and with the overexertion, the venom quickly spread throughout his
body. So, although, it was you who was bitten, he was more severely poisoned than you. Now his
blood pressure and heartbeat are normal, but the toxicity of the Datura put him into a coma. He'll be
fine with two bottles of drip."

"Thank you so much." Xiran said.

Dr. Bai said with emotion, "You have a good boyfriend as he tried hard to save you. You are lucky."

Xiran smiled through tears, thinking that her luck was good.

When the sun set over the western mountains, Tianye woke up. When he opened his eyes, he saw
Xiran sleeping in the bed next to him.

Tianye was so scared that he struggled to get up from the bed. He said with his burning throat "Xiran. "

Xiran was in a light sleep. When she heard the sound, she woke up immediately and got up in a hurry,
saying in surprise, "Tianye, it's great you wake up."

Tianye was relieved, and he had thought she...

"I'm glad you're okay. You scared me to death." Tianye smiled, "Let me take a look at your wound."

Xiran stretched her calf out in front of him. Except for a slight swelling, the color had returned to normal.

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