Novel Name : My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 238 Saving Venus (3)

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Venus bypassed the pool and continued to move forward. Just when she stepped on the edge of the
pool, a loud bang made Venus so frightened that she screamed uncontrollably "Ah--".

The cry of horror travelled through the loose air to the outside of the cave. Gavin frowned when he
heard it. What did she encounter that made her so terrified?

Heng Zhang and Alisa were standing together and they looked at each other smiling. They hoped that
Venus would be scared to death in the cave, thus saving them some work.

After a wave of panic, Venus shone the flashlight into the pool. As far as she could see, a huge fish
was swimming in the pool. It swished its big tail, splashing water from time to time.

Venus has never seen such a fish. How to describe it? It looked very casual as if it had been in the dark
for so long time that it didn't care about its image at all.

The fish had a big head yet two small eyes. Maybe it's because it had been in the dark for a long time
and its vision had deteriorated. Nevertheless, it had many tentacles on the top of its head.

Venus was a little curious. What did it live on? There were no other fishes in the pool. Just when she
was wondering, the big ugly fish quickly sank under the water and disappeared in an instant.

The pool may be connected to an underground river. Here was the place where the fish came to take in
oxygen and it just happened to meet her.

Venus muttered in her heart what kind of cave this was.

She really wanted to go out and tell Gavin that there was nothing in the cave, but she was really
curious about what else to see. She couldn't control her feet and continued moving on.

The flame of the candle began to sway, and Venus had more difficulty in breathing. Her reason kept
telling her don't go further, but she couldn't stop her feet.

A corner was lying ahead. Venus stopped and thought whether to go in or return.

After a fierce struggle in her mind, she finally made up her mind to turn this corner to see what was
there. She would just take a look, and then went back the same way she came.

After making up her mind, Venus walked forward cautiously. She just arrived at the corner when she
tripped over something under her feet and fell. The candle in her hand fell onto the ground and, after a
few rolls, went out. Fortunately, she held the flashlight very firmly.

"Ouch, it hurts." Venus tried to get up with her hands on the ground, but she seemed to have touched
something. She shone the flashlight, but she was scared out of wits.

"Ahhhh-" Venus screamed loudly at the skull in her hand. At this time, only screams could ease her

She quickly threw the skull away, and shone the flashlight around. Venus was so frightened that she
was about to faint, because the beam of the flashlight revealed skeletons everywhere.

She couldn't stay there any longer. She ran towards the entrance desperately despite her weak legs,
as if chased by many ghosts. The loud footsteps awakened many bats which spread their wings and
flew out of the cave.

This scene also shocked the people outside. No one had seen so many bats before.

Gavin was holding the sleeping baby. There was a hint of worries in addition to surprise in his eyes.
Venus wouldn't really be scared to death, would she?

As he was worrying, a familiar figure ran out of the cave, with a large group of bats overhead...

The moment Venus came out of the cave, she slumped on the ground and gasped heavily. Her small
face was extremely pale, her hair was messed up, and her eyes move nervously without focus. The
candled was gone. Only the flashlight was held tightly in her hand.

All eyes were on her. Some are out of inquiry, some ridicule, and others inexplicable concern.

"Venus, what did you see inside the cave?" asked Gavin.

Venus didn't replied. She just looked up at him blankly, as if she didn't understand him.

Gavin wanted to ask again, but was stopped by Mr. Cai, "Stop asking. We are not going to get any
useful information now. She is probably scared. Give her a break."

Mr. Cai was right. Venus was really frightened.

She probably wouldn't forget the horrible scene all her life.

The panting gradually weakened, replaced by sobbing. But the sobbing became louder and louder, and
finally turned into howling.

In the silent mountains, a woman was crying bitterly, but not a single onlooker went up to gave her a
tissue or hugged and comforted her.

Venus felt extraordinarily sad.

Gavin looked at her quite surprisingly. Last time in the hospital, she just gritted her teeth and wept
silently even in great pain. He thought this woman was very strong and did not expect her to be this

No one knew how long Venus had cried. Gavin did not step forward to disturb her. Crying is a way to
soothe people's emotions when they are really scared. If strong feelings are not given vent to, they will

become a kind of heart disease.

Venus had finally cried enough. She wiped away tears with her sleeves, panting lightly to calm herself

"Okay, now you can talk about what happened to you that was so terrifying." Gavin asked calmly.

Venus looked up at him, eyes wet. She looked just like an injured deer in the deep forest, making
Gavin's heart skip a beat.

She said in a trembling voice, "There are many corpses inside, no, not corpses, but skeletons. There
are so, so many."

Everyone's face changed. No wonder Venus was so frightened.

"Are you sure they're human skeletons, not animals'?" Gavin asked.

Venus shook her head vigorously, "They are not animals'. They're humans'. I, I also picked a skull. His
eyes are looking at me..." Venus's tears streamed down her face.

Gavin looked at her, then turned to Mr. Cai, "What do you think?"

Mr. Cai frowned, "This cave is so far from the village at the foot of the mountain, how can anyone die
inside? And if there are skeletons, it means that people have died for a long time."

"Should we send others to go in again?" Gavin asked Mr. Cai.

Mr. Cai looked at Venus, hesitated for a while and said, "Then let the two bold people go in to see if
there is anything behind the bones."

Gavin turned his head and looked around. The subordinates all bowed their heads. Even Heng Zhang
and Alisa are no exception. After seeing Venus's reactions, how could they not be afraid? After all, they
were flesh and blood.

"Heng Zhang, you take two people in." Gavin ordered coldly.

Heng Zhang's scalp was numb, but he couldn't refuse. He nodded, called two people, took what they
needed and walked towards the cave.

"Wait a minute." Venus stood up from the ground. Although her legs were still weak, she was happy to
cast shadow on Heng Zhang's heart. The three looked back and Venus said, "There is a pool in the
cave. In the pool are several big fishes. They are cannibalistic. I was almost dragged down by them just

Before Heng Zhang and the other two subordinates entered, their fear had already increased

Seeing the three of them disappear into the entrance of the cave, Venus was secretly happy for
successfully frightening them.

"Are you telling the truth or lying to them?" Gavin asked coldly.

Venus sneered, "Why would I lie to them?"

"To make a prank, or to frighten them."

"Right, yeah, like I haven't got more important things to think about." Venus was relieved at this time,
and even had the strengthen to mock Gavin. When she came up to Gavin to take the baby over, he
took two steps back in disgust.

"You don't smell good. Don't bring ominous things to the baby."

Venus suddenly realized that she just touched the human bone. How could she hold the baby?

"I'm going to wash my hands nearby." Venus remembered that there was a stream nearby which was
flowing when she came by.

Alisa watched Venus leave, walked to Gavin and asked, "Boss, should I go over and watch her?"

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