Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter563-564

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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter563-564Chapter 563 Fu Jingting’s Worries
Rong Shu turned a deaf ear, still holding her hair tightly, turning on the faucet with the other hand, and
then plugging the sink again.
Hearing the sound of the rushing water, Rong Yuan suddenly felt a huge unease in her heart, “What
are you doing?”
” What are you doing?” It must be unforgettable for you.”
“My visit to Nima will be unforgettable for the rest of my life, Rong Shu, please let me go!” Rong Yuan
shouted with a grim look, and at the same time she broke Rong Shu’s hand with her hand, trying to
calm her hair. Shu rescued him.
But Rong Yuan’s height and figure were inherited from her mother, Li Xiuzhi. She was short and small,
and she couldn’t shake Rong Shu, who was bigger than her, at all.
Not to mention that Rong Shu at the moment was blessed with anger, and his strength was even
So Rong Yuan struggled, but instead of pulling her hair back, she was sweating all over.
Rong Yuan reluctantly raised her eyes and stared at Rong Shu, her eyes filled with poisonous intent,
“Bitch, let me go, or I’ll gossip…” Before
she finished her threat and warning, her whole head froze. Rong Shu was pushed into the sink.
The icy water instantly invaded her eyes, nose, and mouth, making her unable to breathe, which was
extremely painful.The uncomfortable Rong Yuan’s two hands kept swinging violently in the air.
Rong Shu looked at her coldly, “Your mouth is so dirty, I have to give you a good wash. I’ll see if you
will dare to scold people in the future, and whether you will dare to say that to your father.”
Rong Yuan’s head was dipped in the water, Can’t speak, but can hear.
Hearing Rong Shu’s words, she subconsciously opened her mouth and wanted to fight back.
As a result, when she opened her mouth, a large stream of water rushed down her throat like a flood,
making her even more uncomfortable.
Rong Shu kept staring at Rong Yuan, silently calculating the time in her heart to pick her up.
After all, even if she hated Rong Yuan, she couldn’t really kill someone.
Feeling that the time was almost up, Rong Shu pulled Rong Yuan’s head out of the water as soon as
she pulled her hair.
Rong Yuan raised her head high, coughing violently, while looking at the ceiling, breathing heavily, her
whole body was in a state of confusion, even her eyes were flushed red, and the wet eyelashes were
hanging, I don’t know what it was Tears are still water.
“How is it, is your mouth a little cleaner now?” Rong Shu looked at her with cold eyes, and said in a
cold and indifferent voice.
Rong Yuan rolled her eyes and looked at Rong Shu as if she was going to eat a man. Her chest rose
and fell violently, and she gritted her teeth and replied, “Bitch, man, how dare you fucking dare to
grumble…”Rong Shu frowned, and once again She pushed her head into the water, “It looks like your mouth
hasn’t been washed clean yet. Let’s continue.”
Rong Yuan almost vomited blood in anger, closed her eyes and mouth tightly, and kept shaking her
head in the water, trying to make Rong Shu go hands off.
But Rong Shu grabbed her hair, and it was so hard that she couldn’t get rid of it no matter what she did.
Rong Yuan knew that she probably couldn’t get rid of Rong Shu’s hand, and she felt desperate.
Of course, in addition to despair, there is also deep hatred.
The hatred went straight to the top of her head, and she couldn’t help but swear.
However, the mouth is in the water, and the water is filled as soon as it opens, so the sound that comes
out is the kind of quack, quack, and it is completely incomprehensible. But she didn’t understand, Rong
Shu could also guess through the hatred and killing intent in Rong Yuan’s tone that she was cursing,
and after a snort, she
said, “Rong Yuan, you really are not good at learning.”
He pulled up Rong Yuan’s hair and pulled her head out of the water again.
Just when Rong Yuan opened her eyes and was about to take a breath, Rong Shu pressed her down
After pressing it down, instead of pressing it all the time like just now, it was lifted up after pressing
down, and then pressed down and lifted up again.
After repeating this a dozen times, Rong Yuan was about to collapse.Rong Shu’s behavior is more tormenting than keeping her head in the water, because every time she
takes a breath and has not adjusted her rhythm, that breath is taken away by the water again.
And every few seconds, you will feel the cold suffocation that is eroded by water, which makes people
feel very depressed and fearful mentally and psychologically.
So under such double torture of mind and body, it’s no wonder that Rong Shu didn’t collapse.
And her strength gradually diminished because she had been struggling to resist, and the strength of
her final struggle began to get smaller and smaller.
Rong Shu knew that she couldn’t go on any longer, otherwise people would really have an accident,
and then she pulled her head up and threw her whole body to the compartment.
Rong Yuan’s back slammed against the partition door, causing her to scream in pain, her body slipped,
and she finally sat on the cold ground, panting heavily.
She has no strength at this moment, and the whole person is unable to collapse, and she can’t move
when she sits on the ground.
But even if she was like a cripple at the moment, she did not forget to raise her head and stare at Rong
Shu, “wait for Rong Shu for me, today’s humiliation, I will definitely return it to you, and I will definitely
let you try it again!”
Rong Shu stood in front of the sink with her back to her, washing her hands while looking at her in the
mirror, a sarcastic arc drawn from the corner of her mouth, “Well, then I’ll wait, if you want me to try,
then look at you Do you have that ability?”
After speaking, she pulled a hand towel from the cardboard box next to her, and turned around, “If you
don’t have that ability in the end, you must kneel in front of Dad’s grave and apologize.”“Why?” Rong Yuan gritted her teeth.
Rong Shu crumpled the hand towel and threw it into the trash can, “Just because you are unfilial, is
that enough?”
Rong Yuan gritted her teeth fiercely.
Rong Shu was in no mood to talk to her anymore, took the bag on the side, stepped on high heels, and
walked out of the bathroom gracefully.
“Rong, Shu!” Rong Yuan’s teeth rattled, and these two words were almost squeezed out of the gap
between her teeth.
These two words were bitten and bitten by her teeth, grinding and grinding, as if she wanted to use this
name to achieve the purpose of biting and grinding Rong Shu.
She stared viciously in the direction where Rong Shu left, and vowed silently in her heart that when she
returned to the country, she would take everything from Rong Shu.
Not only that, she also wanted to let Rong Shu experience all the painful and desperate experiences in
this world.
Otherwise, it would be hard for her to vent her hatred!
On the other side, Rong Shu walked out of the bathroom and towards the banquet hall.
As soon as he walked to the entrance and exit of the banquet hall, he saw a figure running out of it.
“Fu Jingting?” Rong Shu looked at the man who ran out and shouted quickly.
Fu Jingting heard her voice and stopped.Rong Shu frowned, “What are you running for? You forgot your feet…”
Before she could finish speaking, she stretched out an arm towards her, and then hugged her tightly,
her voice low and hoarse. Asked, “Where have you been?”
Rong Shu heard the worry and anxiety in his tone, opened her eyes, and replied obediently, “I went to
the bathroom.”
“Why did it take so long?” Fu Jingting released her slightly After a while, he looked down at him, “I went
back to find you and waited for you for nearly 20 minutes. Did you really go to the bathroom?”
“Of course.” Rong Shu nodded, “Where do you think I went?”
“I thought you disappeared suddenly, it was another accident.” Fu Jingting said with a serious and
tense expression, “It happened a few times before that you suddenly disappeared. When I found you,
you would have an accident, so Rong Shu, don’t leave without authorization in the future. , even if you
want to leave, will you send me a message to tell me? I don’t know, how worried I was when I couldn’t
find you, worried about your accident!”
He could no longer hear the news of her accident, His heart couldn’t take so much stimulation.
So he is really scared now, and before his heart is changed, he is stimulated to death.
Chapter 564 Rong Yuan’s Ambition
And by then, he had left her again.
Therefore, he must not let her have any more trouble. Before he changes his heart, he must not be
stimulated. He wants to live, and he wants to live with her for the rest of his life.Hearing the worry and anxiety in Fu Jingting’s tone, Rong Shu felt a warm feeling in her heart and
smiled slightly, “Sorry for worrying you.”
She also raised her hand and put it on his back, gently He patted him twice to soothe his emotions.
Fu Jingting gradually calmed down, “Be sure to tell me after you’ve been away for so long.”
He gently released her, cupped her face with one hand, and watched her exhort.
Seeing his serious expression, Rong Shu nodded subconsciously, “Okay.”
She agreed, and Fu Jingting released his frown in satisfaction, “Is there anything else?”
“It’s nothing. “Rong Shu shook his head.
When she came here, in addition to attending a friend’s engagement ceremony, she was talking about
purchasing rights.
Now that both things are done, there is nothing else to do.
“Then let’s go back.” Fu Jingting raised his wrist and looked at his watch.
It’s almost early morning now.
Rong Shu also wanted to go back a long time ago. Hearing what he said, he nodded naturally and said,
“Okay, let’s go back.” The
two walked towards the elevator, and soon came to the hotel’s parking lot.
Fu Jingting took out the car key and pressed it, the luxurious Bentley let out a cry, and the lights
flickered.Fu Jingting opened the co-pilot’s door and motioned for Rong Shu to get in the car.
Rong Shu closed the coat that was draped over her body, then covered her chest with one hand, and
bent over to get into the car.
Just when she stepped into the car with one foot, she suddenly felt something, retracted her foot, stood
up straight and turned her head to look in one direction.
Seeing her doing this, Fu Jingting lightly opened her thin lips and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Rong Shu didn’t answer, but pursed her thin lips, her face turned cold, and she stared intently over
Why are you looking so serious?
Fu Jingting turned his head, followed, and saw a man and a woman beside a car not far away.
The man he knew was Li Wen.
He didn’t know the woman, but standing beside Li Wen, Rong Shu had the same expression again,
and he immediately guessed the identity of the woman.
Rong Shu’s younger sister, Rong Yuan.
Over there, Rong Yuan followed Li Wen to the parking lot, and was about to leave the hotel and go
back to the apartment for excitement.
As a result, I didn’t expect it to be so coincidental, and I saw Rong Shu here.
Seeing Rong Shu, Rong Yuan thought of the humiliation that Rong Shu had done to herself in the
bathroom before, and the anger and hatred in her heart couldn’t stop rushing up, and then she couldn’thelp staring at Rong Shu, her eyes were incomparable Fierce, as if wishing to stare Rong Shu out two
Later, she saw the man next to Rong Shu who could not see the front, actually unlocked the lock of the
Bentley and opened the door for Rong Shu, not only hatred, but also jealousy in her heart.
Although Rong Shu rescued Tian Sheng, but now Tian Sheng cannot support Rong Shu to buy such a
good car, so this car must belong to the man next to Rong Shu.
That man was so blind, so rich, he actually liked Rong Shu’s divorced shoes.
Just thinking about it, in the next second, Rong Yuan saw the man turn around, and the extremely
beautiful face made Rong Yuan stunned for a moment, and then her mouth widened in surprise.
So handsome!
She dared to swear that this man was the most beautiful she had ever seen.
Such a man should stand on the altar, unattainable, but now he is standing beside Rong Shu!
What’s so good about Rong Shu, a divorced and broken shoe, why is such a good man with money,
face and temperament favoring Rong Shu?
The more she thought about it, the more jealous she became, Rong Yuan’s eyes were scarlet, and her
face was even more distorted.
Li Wen, who was beside her, noticed her appearance, raised her eyebrows, and followed her line of
sight.Unexpectedly, he saw Fu Jingting.
For a moment, a trace of guilt flashed in Li Wen’s eyes, but it disappeared quickly. After straightening
his neckline and tie, he raised his feet and walked towards Rong Shu and Fu Jingting.
I’ve met them all, so what if you don’t say hello.
After all, the identity of the other party is much higher than his own.
Rong Yuan’s eyes lit up when she saw Li Wen passing by, and then hurriedly chased after him,
“Brother Wen, wait for me.”
Li Wen seemed to know this man.
In that case, she can follow the past and get to know this man.
And she must remind the man that Rong Shu is not a good thing.
Let him get away from Rong Shu quickly.
On the opposite side, Fu Jingting saw Li Wen brought Rong Yuan over, turned his head to the woman
beside him and said, “Shall we go?”
Rong Shu shook her head, “Don’t worry, since they have come, they will leave without saying hello,
right? It means we are rude.”
Moreover, Rong Yuan’s provocative smug look at that step was obviously about to cause trouble.
She wanted to see what Rong Yuan wanted to do.
Listening to the woman’s words, Fu Jingting chuckled lightly, “You are right, you can’t be rude.” After he
finished speaking, he released thedoor handle and stood beside her.
Li Wen took Rong Yuan to the two of them, and stopped at a distance of almost two meters.
He first threw Rong Yuan’s hand out of the crook of his arm, then stretched out his hand to Fu Jingting,
with a flattering smile on his face, and shouted to Fu Jingting, “Mr. Fu, we meet again.
novelbin” Usually, Li Wen shook off Rong Yuan’s arm like this, and Rong Yuan had long been unhappy.
But at this moment, she was very satisfied with Li Wen’s actions.
In front of this man , she didn’t want to have any close contact with Li Wen at all.
When she was in the distance just now, she saw that this man was very handsome. Now that she got
closer, she found that he was even more beautiful and beautiful, and her heart was pounding faster.
Moreover, this height and figure and the temperament revealed all over the body are far more than Li
Before that, she had always felt that Li Wen was already the best among men, so she was willing to
show some affection to follow him and hold him firmly, so that she would not worry about food and
clothing, and she would use some strategies in the future, Maybe even marry into the Li family.
But now, after seeing this man, she suddenly realized that Li Wen was the same.
Thinking, Rong Yuan raised her head and glanced at Li Wen, just in time to see the apologetic smile on
Li Wen’s face, a look of boredom flashed in her eyes, which was fleeting, and then quickly turned her
head away and looked at Fu Jingting. light.
Judging from Li Wen’s attitude towards this man, this man’s identity is not simple, at least he is taller
than Li Wen.Sure enough, the man she Rong Yuan was really looking for should be this President Fu.
Li Wen… is already in the past tense.
Rong Yuan looked at Fu Jingting’s scorching, hot eyes, it was too obvious, it clearly fell in the eyes of
Rong Shu, Fu Jingting, and Li Wen.
Li Wen’s expression froze, but soon returned to normal, and lowered his eyelids to hide the coldness in
his eyes.
Well, this woman kept saying she loved him before.
Now I see another man, and I can’t take my eyes off it.
Let’s see how he cleans her up for a while!
Seeing that Fu Jingting didn’t want to shake hands with him, Li Wen smiled awkwardly, then put his
hand back, pretending that nothing had happened, and looked at Rong Shu, “Who is this lady?”
“Hello, My name is Rong Shu.” Rong Shu opened her mouth and replied with a smile.
Her smile was light, even a little perfunctory.
Because she really doesn’t want to have a good attitude towards this kind of cheating person.
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