Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 443-444

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Chapter 443 Fu Jingting wakes up

At this moment, Rong Shu was shy and timid, without caring about the protection of men and women,
and directly reached out to Fu Jingting’s clothes.

The suit jacket on his body was easy to take off, but when he took off the suit jacket, Rong Shu was
startled by the sight in front of him and couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

I saw that the back of Fu Jingting’s white shirt was completely stained with blood.

But because of being soaked in water, the bloodstain that was originally bright red has now fainted and
turned pink.

“God!” Rong Shu covered her mouth subconsciously, her pupils trembling.

How can there be so much blood?

He always thought that his back was just bruised and turned into a bruise.

Unexpectedly, there was blood!

But soon, Rong Shu remembered that it was not long before Fu Jingting was subjected to the old lady’s
family law, and the whiplash should not be healed yet, so these may be the whiplash cracked.

Taking a deep breath, Rong Shu tried to calm herself down as much as possible, then reached out
again and carefully took off Fu Jingting’s shirt.

This time, Rong Shu finally saw the specific situation of Fu Jingting’s back.

What kind of back is that!

It can hardly be called a human back. There is no complete skin on the entire back. It is full of crooked,
centipede-like scars. Some of the scars are good, while others are already cracked. Turning it over,
there are still traces of bright red constantly emerging, making people startled and trembling all over.

Rong Shu’s hand holding Fu Jingting’s shirt was shaking, and her eyes were red. Looking at Fu
Jingting’s pale face, she opened her mouth and was completely speechless.

A person’s ability to endure pain is limited. If it was her, if she was injured like this, she would have
cried out in pain long ago.

As for Fu Jingting, there was no pain when his arm was broken, and there was no pain when his head
was hit. Even the back injury did not open.

Doesn’t he know it hurts?

Rong Shu reached out and touched a raised scar on Fu Jingting’s back. Suddenly, his heart was
blocked, astringent, sour, and some unspeakable feelings.

She sniffed, took her hand away, got up quickly, and went to the table and chopsticks.

She remembered that she had just been there and saw a medicine chest.

Sure enough, Rong Shu read it right, there really is a medicine box there.

Rong Shu smiled a little, it’s really hard to follow the path of perfection. It was raining to avoid the rain,
so I saw a cave, entered the cave, and saw all kinds of necessities, even a medicine box. This is simply
God’s blessing.

Rong Shu took the medicine box and returned to Fu Jingting, then opened the medicine box and
rummaged through the medicines inside, and found that there were not only common anti-inflammatory
drugs and antipyretic bandages, but also medicines for animals.

It is estimated that when the rangers lived here, they would occasionally save some small animals.

Rong Shu didn’t pay too much attention to the medicine for those animals. After finding out the
medicine and bandages that Fu Jingting was going to use later, she patted Fu Jingting’s face lightly,
“Fu Jingting, can you hear me?”

Fu Jingting frowned, and quickly Calm again.

Rong Shu sighed.

It seems that I can’t hear it.

Forget it, she can do it herself.

Rong Shu cut a long bandage with scissors, wrapped it into a strip, reached out and pinched Fu
Jingting’s cheek, forced him to open his mouth, and put the strip of bandage into his mouth sideways.

In this way, when I disinfected and applied medicine for a while, I didn’t worry that he would bite his
tongue subconsciously in pain.

After doing this, Rong Shu started taking medicine.

She first stopped the bleeding for Fu Jingting, and then started disinfection when she saw no more
blood coming out.

During this period, Fu Jingting’s body was trembling in pain, his face was dripping with sweat, his
brows were furiously wrinkled, his eyes were rolling under his eyelids, but he couldn’t wake up.

Finally, ten minutes later, Rong Shu gave him medicine and bandages, and began to change him into a
camouflage uniform.

Just as Rong Shu carefully tucked his two arms into his sleeves and was about to turn him over and
button the front for him, he suddenly saw a scar on his left chest.

The scar was about ten centimeters long, very light, and if you didn’t look carefully, it would be easily

And there are traces of stitches on the scar.

There is only one type of scar that can be sutured, and that is surgical scar.

So Fu Jingting did thoracotomy?

When did this happen? Why has she never heard of it?

During the six years of marriage with him, he has never had any surgery, and it is impossible for these
few months, because of this scar, it looks a few years old.

Therefore, it can be inferred that Fu Jingting should have done it six years ago.

It’s just that what kind of disease does he need to have a thoracotomy?

Rong Shu touched the scar on Fu Jingting’s chest, her eyes full of doubts.

She suddenly realized that she didn’t know Fu Jingting as well as she thought.

At least, she didn’t know why he had this scar on his chest.

Wait until he wakes up and ask.

Thinking about it, Rong Shu buttoned him, then turned him back, took the quilt beside him, unfolded it,
and covered him.

“Sleep well, I will definitely take you out tomorrow.” Rong Shu looked at Fu Jingting’s pale handsome
face, and said with guilt in her eyes.

No guilt.

After all, it was because of her that he was hurt like this.

Touching Fu Jingting’s naturally air-dried hair, Rong Shu’s eyes flashed with envy.

Short hair is good, it dries quickly.

Unlike her, her hair is still wet now, clinging to her scalp, heavy, cold and uncomfortable.

Rong Shu got up, walked to the side, and put on the lady’s camouflage for herself, then picked up the
wet clothes she had changed, and went to the fire with Fu Jingting’s wet clothes. It’s going to be dry by
the fire.

In the process of roasting the fire, Rong Shu’s stomach suddenly growled.

She suddenly realized that she hadn’t eaten for a day.

“I’m so hungry!” Rong Shu touched her stomach, couldn’t help but muttered, and then looked at the pile
of pots and pans.

She hasn’t turned over there carefully, and she doesn’t know if there will be anything to eat.

Thinking of this, Rong Shu put down the small wooden stick in his hand, then got up and walked
towards there.

After rummaging, she really found something to eat, a few bags of vacuum-packed biscuits, and a few
bottles of mineral water.

Seeing this, Rong Shu was so excited that she almost burst into tears.

She quickly tore open a bag of biscuits, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, and went back to the fire
to eat.

This kind of biscuits will not expire for three years, so she doesn’t have to worry about eating expired

Just as Rong Shu was halfway through eating, a cough suddenly came from behind.

After hearing this, Rong Shu frowned and swallowed the unpleasant biscuits, then turned to look.

Seeing that Fu Jingting put up some body, he quickly put down the mineral water and biscuits and ran
over, “Fu Jingting.”

Hearing her voice, Fu Jingting opened his eyes, met her nervous and concerned eyes, and shouted in
a hoarse and weak voice, “Rong Shu.”

“I’m here.” Rong Shu nodded.

Fu Jingting propped up his body again.

Since he had no strength and only one arm could move, he held up a little and almost fell back.

Seeing this, Rong Shu quickly gave him a hand, “Don’t move, you want to sit up, right? I’ll help you.”

After speaking, she helped him up with force, then turned around and sat down.

Fu Jingting was about to thank him when he suddenly saw some small camouflage uniforms and some
old quilts, and he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

Chapter 444

Later, he discovered another situation, that is, this cave, and the materials in the cave, what is the

“Where did these… come from?” Fu Jingting asked, lifting the quilt on his body.

Rong Shu sat down and explained, “It was brought by the cave.”

“It was brought by it?” Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows, obviously surprised by the answer.

Rong Shu nodded, “Yeah, I’m going out of this forest behind your back to see if anyone lives outside,
as long as someone lives, we will be saved, but before we can go out, the sky has changed, and then I
found this cave and took you in to hide from the rain. After I came in, I found these things.” “

So it is.” Fu Jingting nodded, then frowned and said, “Is this cave where fugitives live?”

The fugitive prisoners like to hide in the deep mountains and old forests.

So when these things appear in a cave, it is hard not to think that they are fugitives.

“No.” Rong Shu shook her head, “At first, I suspected that the fugitives lived, but I found this later.”

She pointed to the left breast pocket of her camouflage uniform.

Fu Jingting looked down, saw the word “forest ranger”, and immediately felt relieved, “It’s good to be a

He did hear that some rangers would build some grass huts or wooden houses on the It’s late for the
mountain patrol, so I have a place to stay in the mountains.

Therefore, this natural cave will be used by the rangers, which makes sense.

“Yeah, that’s why I took you here for the night with confidence.” Rong Shu smiled, “Speaking of which,
we should thank these two forest rangers for keeping clothes and quilts here, and most importantly,
also keeping Medicine chest and food and drink, otherwise tonight, even if we have a fire, it will be
difficult to survive.”

Speaking of which, she suddenly remembered something, looked at the man’s pale handsome face
and asked, “By the way, Mr. Fu, How is your head now? And your arms and back, are you still in
severe pain?”

Fu Jingting chuckled lightly and replied, “My head is still a little dizzy, I don’t feel anything in my arms,
and my back doesn’t hurt anymore. Did you give me medicine?”

He remembered that she just mentioned the medicine kit.

So there is a high possibility that she drugged him.

Rong Shu nodded and said, “Yes, the wound on your back is split open. If you don’t use the medicine,
it will become inflamed, and you will have a fever, so I will give it to you.”

“Thank you.” Fu Jingting looked at her.

Rong Shu waved her hand, “You don’t need to thank me, it’s me who should say thank you, it’s
because of me that you suffered these innocent disasters.”

“I did it voluntarily, so you don’t have to take it to heart.” Fu Jingting comforted her.

Rong Shu took a breath, “Okay Mr. Fu, let’s not talk about this, are you hungry?”

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, “A little bit.”

“Wait a minute.”

She got up and went to the place where she just picked up the biscuits and mineral water , came back
with a bag of biscuits and mineral water.

“There are only these emergency dry rations here, you will take it.” Rong Shu said while tearing open
the package for him and unscrewed the screw cap.

Fu Jingting watched her do this for himself, his eyes full of tenderness, “It doesn’t matter, in this case,
it’s good to have something to eat.”

“Yeah.” Rong Shu nodded in agreement, “So we should thank you for leaving something. The forest
ranger here, but my phone and wallet are gone, and I don’t know what to do…”

“The wallet in my pocket should still be there.” Fu Jingting pointed to his pants by the fire and said.

Rong Shu looked at it, “No wonder when I took off your pants for you, I felt that something was on me.
It turned out to be a wallet.”

Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows, “Take off your pants?”

Rong Shu met his deep eyes, and only then did she realize that her words were a little inconsiderate,
which made people misunderstood, and her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, “Then
what…you passed out, so I started to change it for you. A set of dry clothes, but don’t worry, I didn’t do
anything to you, and I didn’t watch too much.”

“Really?” Fu Jingting looked at her with a half-smile.

Rong Shu met his smiling eyes, her face turned even redder, and at the same time she looked away
with a guilty conscience, “When…of course it’s true.”

She really didn’t do anything to him, and she couldn’t do anything to him.

It’s just that she shouldn’t have seen it, she just saw it.

“Okay, I believe you.” Seeing the woman blushing about to drip blood, Fu Jingting smiled lowly and
stopped teasing her.

Otherwise, what should I do if I become angry for a while?

“Right.” Rong Shu turned her head back, “What’s the matter with the surgical scar on your chest?”

Fu Jingting, who was drinking water, paused when he heard her question.

But soon, he returned to his natural state, put down the water bottle and replied lightly: “I have had a
heart transplant.”

“Heart change?” Rong Shu exclaimed, her eyes widened.

The operation on the chest, she can think that it must be related to the heart, such as bypassing the
bridge, nourishing the heart, etc.

But unexpectedly, it was a change of heart.

The change of heart is the heart in Fu Jingting’s chest at the moment, not his own, but someone else’s.

“How could it be a change of heart?” Rong Shu looked at the man in surprise.

The man took a bite of the biscuits and chewed slowly, “I have a congenital heart disease, a hole in my
heart that cannot be filled since I was a child. When I was born, the doctor determined that I would not
live to be twenty years old, but because of the Fu family With money, he did everything to treat me, so I
didn’t have a heart transplant until I was twenty-four years old.”

“Twenty-four years old…” Rong Shu opened her mouth wide, “Isn’t that six years ago?”

“Yeah.” Fu Jingting nodded, then met her eyes, “Six years ago, I asked you to meet by letter, just to tell
you that I fell in love with you, you agreed to meet, and made a special call. Give it to me, ask me when
I will meet, and the answer I give is one month later.”

“I know.” Rong Shu replied.

Fu Jingting swallowed the biscuits in his mouth, “The day you called me was the day of my surgery.
The reason why I made an appointment to meet a month later is because I can only get out of the
hospital bed one month after the heart transplant operation.

” That’s right.” Rong Shu’s nose was slightly sour, and she understood everything.

No wonder she heard his voice that day, so weak, so weak, it turned out that he was ill and needed

Otherwise, she must be able to hear that he is the one she has always loved, the gentle senior who
likes to wear white shirts and smile.

Unfortunately, everything is over.

Taking a deep breath, Rong Shu suppressed the sourness in her heart, tugged at the corners of her
mouth and asked, “I remember that congenital heart disease is a genetic disease. Who are you
inherited from?”

“My mother.” Fu Jingting replied. road.

Then he thought of something, and added, “It’s not Wang Shuqin, Wang Shuqin is not my biological
mother, but a stepmother. I inherited it from my biological mother.”

“I know Wang Shuqin is your stepmother, as my grandmother said before.” When Shu heard what he
said, she didn’t reply with any surprise.

“But I’ve always been curious about why Wang Shuqin is so kind to you. She doesn’t look like a person
who would be a good stepmother.” Rong Shu was very curious.

Fu Jingting smiled, “It’s true, she’s snobby and vulgar, and she’s too pretentious, she doesn’t look like a
good stepmother, she should be a vicious stepmother, but she’s not a bad person. , It’s also really good
to me, because I feel guilty.”

“Guilty?” Rong Shu raised her eyebrows, “Isn’t it possible that she is the third party of your parents, so
she feels so guilty to you because she has destroyed your parents’ feelings? But it’s not right, if that’s
the case, with you With her character, she will definitely not be able to spare her, so how can you treat
her as a biological mother?”

Read This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My
Divorce Chapter 443-444 - the best manga of 2020

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