Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 377-378

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Chapter 377 The Real Murderer

Rong Shu was very happy, “I thought it was her conscience that found out, so she knew she couldn’t
hide so she didn’t hide.”

Fu Jingting looked at her, “What do you want to do with this person?”

“Don’t worry, I want to know. , why did she attack me?” Rong Shu pinched her hands, her face
extremely cold.

Fu Jingting’s eyes suddenly narrowed, “She didn’t explain.”

“No?” Rong Shu was surprised.

Fu Jingting rubbed his fingers, and murderous intent emerged all over his body, “Yes, no matter how
the police interrogated her, she never opened her mouth to explain.”

Rong Shu gritted her teeth, “Then she is quite stubborn.”

“Lu Qi has seen her before, and after hearing what Lu Qi said, it seems that Something is supporting
her, so she refuses to explain.” Fu Jingting’s thin lips pursed into a straight line.

Although he didn’t go to the police station to see the man, Assistant Zhang went.

Assistant Zhang said that the police even used a strong light, and the woman didn’t explain it. She
didn’t seem to be a strong person, just an ordinary person with a weak personality, but that woman
always insisted on doing everything. not disclosed.

So if it wasn’t for something that made her scruples, her willpower would not be so strong.

“What’s that woman’s name?” Rong Shu took a deep breath and managed to calm down.

Fu Jingting looked at her, “Chen Xiuzhi.”

An extremely rustic and ordinary name.

“Chen Xiuzhi?” Rong Shu was puzzled, obviously she didn’t know or even heard of it.

So a person who has no injustice and no hatred, why would he do this to her?

Was it under the instigation of someone, or…

For a while, Rong Shu was full of doubts.

“I want to go to the police station tomorrow to see that woman and ask her personally.” Rong Shu said
with a sullen face.

If she doesn’t ask clearly, she is not reconciled!

Fu Jingting originally agreed with her, after all, her injury is still not healed.

But looking at the firmness on her face, she didn’t stop in the end.

Donghua Jingdu, Gu family.

Only at this time did Gu Manqing know that Chen Xiuzhi had been taken away. She was so nervous
that she didn’t eat a few bites of dinner, so she went back to her room under the pretext of being

She sat on the edge of the bed, her breathing was slightly rapid and heavy, and the anxiety in her eyes
and face could not be hidden.

She is very scared now, afraid that Chen Xiuzhi will confess her.

Although she made a deal with Chen Xiuzhi and asked Chen Xiuzhi to agree to accept the police
investigation on her behalf, Chen Xiuzhi repeatedly promised not to confess her, but in the end it will,
who can guarantee it?

So since the afternoon, she has been worried and absent-minded while shopping with her mother. It
was not until dinner when she saw Chen Xiuzhi was arrested on the news that she was completely
panicked. She was always worried that the police would suddenly come to the door and take her, the
real murderer, with her. go.

Yes, it was she who really attacked Rong Shu, not Chen Xiuzhi.

The day before she attacked Rong Shu, she met Chen Xiuzhi by chance. She knew that Chen Xiuzhi
needed money very much. After saving her son, she took the initiative to talk to Chen Xiuzhi and asked
Chen Xiuzhi to make a deal with her. She paid for Chen Xiuzhi’s son to treat his illness. , and Chen
Xiuzhi took the blame for her.

So, she came up with a plan, let Chen Xiuzhi buy a set of men’s clothes, take it to the department
store, go to the toilet of the department store at 5 pm, and exchange clothes with her. She wore Chen
Xiuzhi’s clothes and went to Repulse Bay to destroy it. She dropped Rong Shu’s red mole, and Chen
Xiuzhi pretended to be her. She took a taxi back to the urban village to wait for her. After she destroyed
Rong Shu’s red mole, she went to the urban village to exchange it with Chen Xiuzhi. The reason why
this plan was able to go smoothly, It is also thanks to her and Chen Xiuzhi that she is the same height
and weight, otherwise the police will definitely find that the person who attacked Rong Shu is different
from the person who was arrested.

After she changed into her clothes and returned to Gu’s house, she broke the stick that attacked Rong
Shu, wrapped some old clothes and put them in a black garbage bag to throw away.

The reason why she brought it back was because she was afraid that the police would find it in
Repulse Bay or an urban village. After all, there might be fingerprints on it that she had not cleaned up.
Once found, the plan would be useless.

Secondly, the reason why she did not let Chen Xiuzhi attack Rong Shu, but chose to do it herself, was
also because Chen Xiuzhi was too timid, even younger than her. Do it yourself.

Although she is not a good person and has deep shrewdness, it was the first time that she really hurt
someone, so when she attacked Rong Shu, she was also very panicked and scared, but for the sake of
her own future, she had to grit her teeth when she was panicked and scared. After she was done, she
was no longer afraid, only afraid that she would be found and arrested.

However, according to the news, Chen Xiuzhi was arrested at around 4:00 pm. Several hours have
passed now, and the police have not looked for her. It seems that Chen Xiuzhi did not recruit her.

Thinking of this, Gu Manqing’s restless and frightened heart calmed down a little.

She got up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the night sky outside, and whispered softly,
“Miss Rong, don’t blame me, I am also for my own future, since you and Mr. Cheng brought me to this
paradise and inspired me If you are greedy in your heart, then you will be responsible, so if you want to
blame it, you must blame yourself, why is it Gu Manqing…” The


day, at nine o’clock in the morning.

Rong Shu asked Lu Qi to take a morning off for herself, and was going to go to the police station to
take a look at Chen Xiuzhi.

Lu Qi couldn’t beat her, so he had to agree and found a wheelchair to accompany her there.

As soon as they walked to the parking lot, Assistant Zhang pushed Fu Jingting over there.

Seeing this, Lu Qi directly put his hands on his hips, “Why, you want to go too?”

Fu Jingting was noncommittal, “Isn’t it possible, I also have credit for catching people, so I should go .”

Lu Qi curled his lips, “If not At this point, anything I say will stop you.”

“Okay, Aqi, don’t make trouble, let’s go.” Rong Shu couldn’t see it, so he could only grope to meet Lu
Qi, patted Lu Qi’s hand, and urged with a headache, “Don’t forget, we only have one time. Morning.”

“Sorry baby, you know, I wanted to hurt Fu Jingting when I saw him, I’ll take you into the car.” Lu Qi
said, took out the car key and opened the door. Next to him, Assistant Zhang coughed

against his lips, suppressed his smile, and said to Fu Jingting, “Mr. Fu, let’s get in the car too.”


It wasn’t until Rong Shu got into the car with Lu Qi’s help that she signaled Assistant Zhang to push her
to the car.

The two cars came to the police station after about ten seconds apart.

Lu Qi pushed Rong Shu in.

The police station had already received a call from Fu Jingting and knew they were coming, so they
didn’t say anything and took them to see Chen Xiuzhi directly.

Chen Xiuzhi has been detained in the interrogation room. The police are going to detain her for 24
hours. She will not be given anything to eat, only water or sleep. She will also be irradiated with strong
light in order to oppress her spirit and make her unbearable. explain.

But now more than ten hours have passed, and Chen Xiuzhi’s mental state is obviously sluggish, but
she still bites and refuses to let go, which makes the police very headache.

After all, they seldom encounter such stubborn people. Generally, people who are extremely sinful will
be so stubborn because they are involved too much.

But this Chen Xiuzhi, who was just an ordinary citizen and made small mistakes, was so stubborn, it
was really helpless.

“You are Chen Xiuzhi!” Rong Shu was pushed into the interrogation room by Lu Qi, who had already
told her in a low voice that Chen Xiuzhi was opposite her.

Chapter 378 The Secret of the Red Mole

So even if she couldn’t see, she accurately set her ‘eyes’ on Chen Xiuzhi’s face.

Chen Xiuzhi was exhausted at the moment, her head was dizzy and painful, and it was about to

She was lying on the interrogation table, raising her eyelids diligently to look at the four people on the
opposite side.

She didn’t know the three men, but she knew the woman in the wheelchair who asked her if she was
Chen Xiuzhi.

To be precise, she had seen it on the picture that person gave her.

Chen Xiuzhi responded in a breathless voice, “I know what you are here for, but you give up, I won’t
say anything.”

Saying that, that person will definitely not save her son.

Her son was her only relative. She didn’t want her son to be rescued because he had no money, so
she had to save her son.

Although her son did not know that her mother existed.

When Rong Shu heard Chen Xiuzhi’s words, her eyebrows knitted together.

Before she asked, this person said that he would not say it. This kind of feeling is really unpleasant.

Rong Shu squeezed the armrest of the wheelchair and suppressed the anger in her heart a little before
speaking again, “Are you sure you won’t say anything, you have to know that as long as you say it,
your crime will be lessened, if you don’t say it, The crime will be aggravated.”

“I know, it doesn’t matter, anyway, I won’t say anything.” Chen Xiuzhi went out and laughed, the smile
was bitter and tired.

The anger that Rong Shu had just suppressed came up again at this moment, and her head began to
feel uncomfortable.

Fu Jingting first noticed something was wrong with her, put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed
lightly, and said in a concerned tone, “Okay, don’t get excited, take a deep breath and adjust your

Rong Shu also knew that if she was not calm No matter what the consequences would be, he didn’t
care if he touched him, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he did.

Lu Qi stared at Fu Jingting’s hand on Rong Shu’s shoulder, “Hey, surnamed Fu, quickly take your claws
off of baby’s shoulders, you will take advantage of it.” After speaking

, he was about to step forward and do it himself. Take Fu Jingting’s hand away.

However, Fu Jingting didn’t give him a chance at all, and when his hand came over, he took it away.

Lu Qi fluttered in the air and almost fell.

Assistant Zhang caught him in time and asked with a smile, “Mr. Lu, are you alright?”

“I have something to do for you?” Lu Qi snorted, pushed Assistant Zhang away and stood back to Rong

Assistant Zhang looked at him and shook his head mindlessly.

This Mr. Lu is really like a willful child, whoever catches and bites.

Fu Jingting ignored what happened between Assistant Zhang and Lu Qi. He squinted and stared at
Chen Xiuzhi, “Are you sure you won’t say anything?”

Chen Xiuzhi simply buried her head and said nothing, her attitude was already there, not to say

Fu Jingting’s lips curled up coldly, “If you don’t say yes, then your family will…”

“What do you want to do?” Chen Xiuzhi couldn’t calm down anymore, she raised her head quickly, her
ordinary face was full of panic.

Even Rong Shu and Lu Qi looked at Fu Jingting in surprise.

They never thought that Fu Jingting would use Chen Xiuzhi’s family to threaten Chen Xiuzhi.

Although some do not want to be moral, I have to admit that this method is the most effective.

And looking at Chen Xiuzhi’s appearance, it seems that he is beginning to be afraid.

“What do I want to do, don’t you already have the answer in your heart? You’d better say it obediently,
and tell everything. If you don’t say it, I’ll take the knife on your family.” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes,
and his voice was as cold as an ice cellar. , without emotion.

Chen Xiuzhi shivered and looked at him like a devil.

Fu Jingting was very satisfied with her look, lowered his eyes and asked coldly, “Tell me, why did you
attack Rong Shu.”

Chen Xiuzhi opened her mouth, and after a long time she spit out a hoarse sentence, “Because… her
existence will threaten a person. “

Fart!” Lu Qi exploded directly and slapped him on the table, “Threatening someone? Who is it?
Everyone is unique, baby is not a devil, tell me, she can threaten Who!”

Fu Jingting and Rong Shu were also disgusted by Chen Xiuzhi’s words.

Especially Rong Shu, a storm was set off in his heart.

Sure enough, Lin Tianchen guessed right, the red mole on her wrist really made people feel

“I can’t say.” Chen Xiuzhi shook her head and replied to Lu Qi’s question.

Fu Jingting’s brows twitched in dissatisfaction, and just as he was about to speak, the phone rang.

He took it out and took a look, saw the caller ID, his eyes darkened, then looked up at Rong Shu, “I’ll
go out to answer a call.”

Rong Shu nodded.

Assistant Zhang pushed Fu Jingting out.

Lu Qi closed the door of the interrogation room, and when he came back, he stared at Chen Xiuzhi
angrily, “Can’t you say it? Did you forget what Fu Jingting just said, explain honestly, if you don’t explain
honestly, be careful of your family!”

Chen Xiuzhi shrank . After a while, she replied submissively, “I’m sorry, I really can’t say, I can tell you
something you want to know, but this person, I really can’t reveal it, please, don’t ask me this.”

She burst into tears. flowed out.

Although the Mr. Devil threatened her with her family, she still couldn’t confess that person.

Her son is still waiting for surgery.

Moreover, she is also betting that these few can’t find her son, because her son has been stolen since
he was born, and she also found it some time ago, and did not recognize her son at all, because he did
not dare.

Now she is alone, no one knows, she has a son.

Therefore, there is a half chance that these people will not be able to find her son, so this threat will
naturally have no effect on her.

But if she tells these people who that person is, then her son is really dead, so she can’t say.

Because she said that, her son will not be saved. Not to mention, her son still has a half chance of
being saved. Everyone knows how to choose.

“Don’t ask you this?” Lu Qi laughed angrily, grabbed Chen Xiuzhi’s collar, and lifted the person up,
“What kind of answer are you, ah?”

Chen Xiuzhi closed her eyes and cried.

Rong Shu pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a little tired, “Okay, Aqi, let her down.”

“Baby…” Lu Qi was a little reluctant.

Rong Shu repeated again, “Put her down, this is the police station, do you want to be forcibly taken
away by the police officers?”

“…” Lu Qi stopped talking and threw the person back on the chair.

Rong Shu looked at Chen Xiuzhi who was paralyzed on the chair, like a lost soul, and said coldly,
“Okay, I don’t ask you who that person is, I will ask you now, you attacked me, that person ordered you,
or you My own idea?”

“It’s me.” Chen Xiuzhi tapped her chest again and again, “I attacked you myself, I accidentally
discovered the red mole on your wrist, knowing that your existence would threaten that person, and
That person is the most important person to me, that’s why I decided to attack you.”

“Really?” Rong Shu pursed her red lips, then waved to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi leaned down, “Baby, what’s the matter?”

“Help me see if he’s lying.” Rong Shu commanded in a low voice.

Lu nodded, then stared at Chen Xiuzhi.

After watching for a while, Lu Qi replied, “She seems to be telling the truth. I don’t think she’s lying
when I look at her.”

Rong Shu squeezed her palm.

So, all this was planned by this Chen Xiuzhi, and no one else was involved in the back?

“Last question.” Rong Shu took a breath. “What’s the secret of the red mole on my wrist? Why does it
threaten your most important person? What kind of threat!”

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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

Announcement This Time, I Will Get My Divorce has updated This Time, I Will Get My Divorce
Chapter 377-378 with many amazing and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere
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