Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 741-742

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Chapter 741

Rong Shu understood something and looked surprised, “You mean, Madam Gu hasn’t come out of the
ridiculous conclusion that I am Gu Manqing, so she sees me like this?”

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, “Other than that Besides, there is no other reason to explain why Madam
Gu’s attitude changed drastically when she saw you.”

Rong Shu pondered for a moment, “You are right, apart from this, I really can’t think of any other
reason, after all, before today, Madam Gu saw To my point of view, my nose is not my nose, and my
eyes are not eyes, but I don’t believe Gu Yaotian and the others haven’t realized how ridiculous their
suspicions are. After all, the real Gu Manqing is by their side, they should have realized that I am not.
Gu Manqing is over.”

“Gu Yaotian should have come out, and understand that you are not Gu Manqing, but Mrs. Gu is not
necessarily, as I just said, she has not come out yet, women are less sober than men in this regard. ,
especially a woman who is a mother.” Fu Jingting looked at Rong Shu and said.

He didn’t tell her that even if Mrs. Gu knew in her heart that Rong Shu was not her daughter, but after
she had the idea that Rong Shu might be her own daughter, it was really not that easy to completely
discard this idea.

Even as soon as he sees Rong Shu, he will think of this idea again, and then he will subconsciously
produce some strange words and deeds towards Rong Shu.

Such as caring, paying attention, etc.

In the long run, Mrs. Gu will pay more attention to Rong Shu, and even begin to have feelings for Rong

After all, the bond of blood is the most mysterious.

At that time, Mrs. Gu may doubt again whether Rong Shu is in love with Gu Manqing.

Rong Shu didn’t know what the man was thinking, and when she heard the man’s words, she nodded
thoughtfully, “You’re right, women are indeed more emotional than men, so I can really understand
Madam Gu’s weirdness towards me. Moved .”

Fu Jingting’s eyes flashed a complex look, then changed the subject, “What did Li Zhaodi tell you

Rong Shu pouted, “What this woman said to me is even more funny. What do I think I am Gu

Fu Jingting’s face became gloomy when he heard this, “She is really like you. Say?”

What is that woman doing, isn’t she afraid of causing Rong Shu’s suspicion?

Rong Shu nodded, “Yeah, she was jealous and jealous, so she deliberately said these sour words in
front of me.”

“Oh?” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes.

Rong Shu sneered, “She told me that when Gu Yaotian saw my press conference, he suspected that I
was Gu Manqing, and then asked me if I thought I was Gu Manqing, because she was afraid that I
would impersonate her and deceive Gu Yaotian and his wife. Then come to take revenge on Gu
Yaotian and his wife, do you think she has a problem here, such impossible things can be imagined.”

She pointed to her forehead and said speechlessly.

Fu Jingting was silent.

He never thought that Li Zhaodi, the woman, could actually round up such obvious and problematic

And let Rong Shu believe it.

Thinking of this, Fu Jingting glanced at Rong Shu.

No wonder she believed it, after all, she couldn’t really think that she was Gu Manqing, and she didn’t
dare to think about it in that way.

Therefore, she has to believe it if she doesn’t believe it. It can even be said that she subconsciously
understands that what Li Zhaodi said may be false, but she is unwilling to admit it.

Fu Jingting lowered his eyelids, “Don’t take Li Zhaodi’s words to heart.”

“I will, of course I won’t take such foolish remarks to heart.” Rong Shu said with a smile.

Fu Jingting hummed, and then asked, “Besides, did she ask you anything else?” For

example, are there any red moles on the body, or some birthmarks or the like.

If asked, then the problem is big.

Fortunately, Rong Shu shook her head and replied, “No more.”

Only then did Fu Jingting feel relieved, “That’s good.”

Hearing these three words, Rong Shu glanced at the man strangely, “How do I feel, you are glad that
Madam Gu didn’t ask me anything else, are you? What are you hiding from me?”

“No.” Fu Jingting suppressed the look in his heart, took her hand, and looked back calmly, “I’m just
worried that Mrs. Gu will make things difficult for you by asking some questions.”

“Don’t worry, She really didn’t this time.” Rong Shu shrugged her shoulders, “And for the sake of her
inexplicable concern for me, I didn’t yell at her like I usually do. It was the first time we coexisted
peacefully. Speaking of which, it seemed pretty good. .”

It’s really good.

It stands to reason that even if she doesn’t quarrel with Mrs. Gu, what happens to the festival, but after
all, she is an enemy, and living in the same room, she must be disgusted with each other, and the
atmosphere is tense.

But this time, she didn’t feel that Madam Gu was disgusting, and the atmosphere wasn’t tense, just a
little embarrassing and complicated.

But overall, it felt really good, and it didn’t make her feel uncomfortable.

Seeing that Rong Shu was puzzled and couldn’t figure out why, Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips.

She didn’t know why it felt good to get along with Madam Gu, but he knew.

Because they are mother and daughter, biological mother and daughter, even if the two sides do not
know, but the blood is there.

Blood ties are such a magical thing, even if a pair of brothers have been separated since childhood and
do not know each other’s existence, but when Mo Yitian met unexpectedly, even if they didn’t know
each other, they felt that each other was kind.

This is the power of blood.

That’s why Rong Shu said that when she and Mrs. Gu didn’t quarrel, they were comfortable getting
along because blood was pulling them in.

But he couldn’t tell her that.

He knew that he was sorry for her, but he was also good for her.

Moreover, he didn’t plan to hide it from her all the time. He would tell her her true identity after Gu
Yaotian’s death.

As soon as Gu Yaotian died, the Gu family collapsed. At that time, he didn’t have to worry, she would
be caught in the hatred between Gu Yaotian and the Rong family, unable to do anything, only to
collapse in despair.

“I’m distracted again.” Seeing what Fu Jingting was thinking about, Rong Shu held his head and stared
at him.

Fu Jingting’s eyes flashed slightly when he heard her words, and he came back to his senses.

Rong Shu’s red lips moved, and just as she was about to ask what he was thinking, she walked away
twice in a row.

But at this moment, the partition came down, Assistant Zhang looked at them from the rearview mirror,
“President Fu, Miss Rong, Repulse Bay is here.”

“So soon.” Rong Shu tossed the question to her head Later, I rolled down the car window and looked
out, and found that Repulse Bay was really close at hand.

“While talking to you all the way, I didn’t notice the place.” Rong Shu closed the car window again and

Fu Jingting chuckled lightly, “That means you are pretending to be me.”

“Narcissism.” Rong Shu rolled his eyes at him, but didn’t refute it.

The smile in Fu Jingting’s eyes grew stronger.

Looking at his eyes, Rong Shu felt a little embarrassed and turned her face to one side, “Okay, get out
of the car.”

After she finished speaking, she opened the car door and went out.

Fu Jingting naturally opened the door on his side and got out of the car.

After getting down, he instructed Assistant Zhang in a low voice to get off the driver’s seat, “Put your
luggage up.”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang responded and walked towards the trunk.

Rong Shu looked puzzled, “What luggage?”

Fu Jingting didn’t answer, Assistant Zhang answered for him, “It’s President Fu’s luggage, some
clothes and daily necessities, Mr. Fu said, Miss Rong, you will definitely not agree to move to Mr. Fu’s
place so soon, so Mr. Fu just I decided to come over to you, Miss Rong, for the time being. No, let me
pack my luggage, there are two big suitcases.”

After speaking, Assistant Zhang twisted the two huge suitcases out of the trunk.

Rong Shu saw the two suitcases with her own waist height, and the corner of her mouth twitched,
“You’re really welcome, don’t treat yourself as an outsider.”

Chapter 742 Access Card

She hadn’t even opened her mouth to allow him to move in with her, but he was fine, he didn’t even say
hello to her, so he came upside down.

Hearing the woman’s words, Fu Jingting laughed softly, “You’re right. I’m really not an outsider, but your
insider. Since that’s the case, I should live here, so I don’t need to be polite.”

“You Don’t you think my place is very small, and I’m not used to living here?” Rong Shu wrapped her
arms and looked up at him.

Fu Jingting hooked his lips, “Of course not, as long as I live with you, no matter how small I am, I will be

Rong Shu laughed, “Who knows if you lied to me?”

She had to admit that his words were still very useful to her. of.

“Of course I won’t lie to you, what I said is true, otherwise I wouldn’t have moved here, would I?”

After speaking, Fu Jingting looked at Assistant Zhang who was twisting the two suitcases, raised his
chin slightly and instructed, “Move Go up.”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang responded.

Fu Jingting retracted his gaze and took Rong Shu’s hand, “Let’s go up and let him move slowly.”

“Wait a minute.” Rong Shu didn’t lift her foot, but turned to look at the two huge boxes, “Assistant
Zhang , will the box be heavy? If it is, I…”

Knowing what she was going to say, Assistant Zhang waved his hand quickly, “It won’t be heavy, don’t
worry, Miss Rong, I can do it alone.”

“Really yes. Is it?” Rong Shu pointed to the suitcase.

Before Assistant Zhang could answer, Fu Jingting pressed her hand down, “There are roller skates
under the box, so he doesn’t need to carry it all the time. If he can’t even do this, it will be a waste of

my high annual salary.”

While speaking, he He glanced coldly at Assistant Zhang.

Assistant Zhang smiled inwardly, “President Fu said that, so Miss Rong, you don’t have to worry about

Compared with Mr. Fu, a cold-hearted person, Miss Rong is indeed more heart-warming.

Seeing what Assistant Zhang said, Rong Shu nodded, “Okay then, Assistant Zhang, you’ve worked

“It’s nothing, that’s what I should do.” Assistant Zhang loosened the lever of a suitcase and pushed on
his glasses. back.

“Okay, let’s go up.” Fu Jingting didn’t want to waste time in the garage, he just wanted to get up quickly,
so he pulled Rong Shu directly and walked to the elevator.

Seeing his eagerness to go upstairs, Rong Shu shook his head in disbelief, “Slow down.”

Although Fu Jingting didn’t reply, he still slowed down after listening to her words.

Soon, the apartment arrived.

Rong Shu took out the magnetic card and swiped it on the induction area.

The door creaked open.

Rong Shu put down the magnetic card and was about to put it in her bag, but suddenly felt that the
man’s eyes kept moving with her hand.

She looked up at the man.

The man didn’t seem to feel that she was looking at him, his eyes kept on the magnetic card in her
hand, his thin lips moved, as if he wanted to say something.

Rong Shu raised her eyebrows, then smiled.

The desire in this man’s eyes should not be too obvious.

“Stretch out your hand.” Rong Shu ordered Fu Jingting, wrapping her arms around her.

Although Fu Jingting was puzzled, he raised his hand obediently, “What’s wrong?”

Rong Shu didn’t answer, and continued to order, “Spread it out, palms up.”

Fu Jingting still obeyed.

Rong Shu released the arm around his chest, and then put the white magnetic card on his right hand
into his palm.

Fu Jingting was stunned, “You…”

“Why? Don’t you?” Rong Shu looked at the man’s stunned look with a strong smile, “I see you’ve been
staring at this, I thought you wanted it, since you don’t want it, Give it back to me then!”

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and gestured to get the card back.

At the moment when her hand reached out, Fu Jingting immediately closed his fingers, retracted his
hand, and then, under Rong Shu’s gaze, put the card in his suit pocket, and patted it seriously, “Who
said I No, give it to me, that’s mine.” As

he spoke, the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably, and the joyful mood could be observed with the
naked eye.

Rong Shu covered her lips and smiled, “Isn’t it just an entry card, so happy?”

Fu Jingting looked at her, “Of course, you gave me the key to your residence, this is a formal
recognition to me, and it is also a formal agreement that I can move in The evidence that came in, so I
am not only happy, but also keep the card well.”

“I don’t know, I thought you were going to pass it on as a family heirloom.” Rong Shu was amused.

He also gave her the key to her residence two days ago, and she didn’t see him so excited.

“Heirloom?” Hearing Rong Shu’s teasing, Fu Jingting lowered his head and touched the keys in his
pocket, thinking thoughtfully.

Seeing this, Rong Shu had a bad premonition in her heart, and the corners of her mouth twitched, “No
way, do you really have such a plan?”

Fu Jingting raised his chin slightly, and said seriously, “Your suggestion is quite good. , I can consider
implementing it.”

Rong Shu looked horrified, “Don’t, let it go, I’m just joking, it’s just a door card, what’s worth passing

“Of course it’s valuable.” Fu Jingting was still so serious , “I can tell our children and grandchildren that
this is a token of their ancestors’ cohabitation.”

Rong Shu was stunned at first, then pushed open the door with a black line and entered the house, and
said angrily and hilariously, “Returning the descendants and ancestors, Fu Jingting, why didn’t I find
you so funny before.” You

can think of such words.

Fu Jingting followed Rong Shu into the room, “What do you mean?”

“It’s nothing, hurry up and put your luggage away, I’ll go.Cook. Rong Shu put down her bag, picked up
the apron on the dining table and chair, and said while tying it.

Fu Jingting walked over and stopped behind her to help her tie the apron.

Rong Shu didn’t refuse, and let go of the situation.

Fu Jingting answered while tying a bow on the back of her waist, “Let Zhang Cheng handle the
suitcase, and I’ll go to the kitchen with you to help . “

“You?” Rong Shu immediately turned to look at him, “Can you help?” “

“Hmm. Fu Jingting nodded.

Rong Shu squinted at him, “Are you sure?” “

“Naturally. Fu Jingting nodded again.

Rong Shu smiled suddenly, “Forget it, last time you helped…”

Before she could finish her words, Fu Jingting suddenly grabbed her shoulder, turned her around, and
made her face him After

the two looked at each other for a while, Fu Jingting took a step away from Rong Shu’s subtle
expression, and coughed a little awkwardly and said, “I lied last time, I just learned to cook that time.
So it’s more and more helpful, but now, I’ve learned a lot of dishes, so I’m sure I can, or how about I
make it tonight and let you try my craft? Rong Shu raised her eyebrows, “

Are you serious? “

“Otherwise?” Fu Jingting also raised his eyebrows, “Originally, I did plan to cook a meal for you and
surprise you when my cooking skills reach the perfect level, but now I can’t help but want to show you a
hand in advance. “

Seeing that a man is so eager to show himself, Rong Shu can’t let him down.

She untied the bow of the apron that had been tied behind her waist, took off the apron and handed it
to him, “Okay, then come on, I Looking forward to your craft tonight. “

You won’t be disappointed.” “Fu Jingting took the apron with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth.

He was very confident in the few dishes he already knew.

He believed that he would definitely make her an eye-opener.

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