Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 667-668

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Chapter 667 You Help Me Take Off

Rong Shu and Fu Jingting sank to the bottom of the bath.

Rong Shu quickly held her breath to avoid choking on the water.

But Fu Jingting drank too much and didn’t know what to do now. He opened his eyes stupidly and let
the water get into his mouth and nose.

Rong Shu saw that his face changed, and knew that he was suffocated by the water now. After
frowning, he quickly reached out and raised his chin, and led him out of the bath water.

“Cough…” Rong Shu coughed twice after getting out of the water, and quickly took a big mouthful of
fresh air.

However, Fu Jingting, who was beside him, was lying on the edge of the bathtub, motionless, not
knowing what was going on.

Rong Shu took a few deep breaths in a row and felt that his breathing gradually recovered before going
to check on his condition.

I saw him staring at the floor of the bathroom with his eyes open, in a daze.

Even if Rong Shu tried to push him, he didn’t respond, as if he had lost his soul.

But Rong Shu knew that he didn’t lose his soul, but almost drowned, and he hadn’t reacted.

Shaking his head helplessly, Rong Shu patted his back while muttering, “Fu Jingting, Fu Jingting, I
really owe you in this life, so hurry up and spit out the water you just swallowed.”

She aggravated a little . The force of slapping his back, trying to force out the water he swallowed.

Fu Jingting was captured by her, his eyes gradually focused, and he opened his mouth obediently.

Soon, he spat out a few saliva.

Seeing this, Rong Shu stopped slapping him on the back.

Great, as long as he spit out the water, she doesn’t have to worry about water accumulating in her
lungs, causing lung inflammation or something.

After doing this, Rong Shu leaned against the edge of the bathtub soaked wet, panting slightly, looking
at the man who was also leaning on the edge of the bathtub with angry and helpless eyes, “Fu Jingting,
Fu Jingting, I was tossed by you today. Enough, these few short hours are more tired than I have been
this year, when you wake up, wait for me.”

Fu Jingting blinked, then suddenly swam to his side and hugged her, “Rong Shu “…”

“Do you still know my name?” Rong Shu pushed him, but didn’t push.

Fu Jingting buried his head on her shoulder and called out again, “Rong Shu…”

“Speak!” Rong Shu gave him a tired look.

“Uncomfortable.” Fu Jingting rubbed her shoulder.

Rong Shu raised his hand to push his head, and lifted his head up, “Where is the pain?” Could

it be that there is still water that hasn’t been spit out?

Fu Jingting rubbed her palm again, “It’s uncomfortable, it’s heavy!”

Rong Shu understood now, looking at the soaked clothes on his body, she pouted and said, “The
clothes are all wet and stick to the body, can it not be heavy? , I’m still heavy.”

She was dragged into the bath by him, and naturally her clothes could not be kept, and they were all
stuck to her body at the moment, which made her very uncomfortable.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was a drunk and his IQ had regressed to about ten years old, she would
have cut him off long ago.

“What should I do?” Fu Jingting held her clothes and asked her what to do with her clothes so heavy.

Rong Shu sighed, “What else can I do, take off the bath.”

She pushed him away and stood up from the bath, “You quickly take off the bubble, I’ll go out and
change clothes.”

Really, he hurt She got wet all over, she was going to put on his clothes.

Thinking, just as Rong Shu stepped out of the bath, Fu Jingting took her hand again and pulled her
back into the bath.

The water splash was so high again that it was poured directly over the heads of Rong Shu and Fu

Wet Rong Shu’s dry face again.

Rong Shu closed her eyes fiercely. After opening them again, she angrily shouted at the man, “Fu

She was mad, really mad at her.

Why hasn’t she seen him so annoying before?

Fu Jingting was yelled at by her innocent face, “What’s the matter?”

“What’s wrong?” Rong Shu’s chest kept heaving and heaving, “You still ask me what’s wrong? I also
want to ask what are you going to do?”

“I want to take a bath. “Fu Jingting lowered his head and looked back.

It took a while for Rong Shu to calm down, “Since you want to take a bath, you can do it, why do you
have to pull me.”

“I can’t take off my clothes, so help me take it off.” Fu Jingting took her hand and said.

Rong Shu was silent.

Well, she got it.

He was determined to let her help him off.

Otherwise, he would never let her go.

Rong Shu took a deep breath, resisted the urge to get rid of him and walked away, then held his face
and squeezed hard, “Fu Jingting, listen to me, if I undress you, you If you want to keep me doing
things, I really will leave, if you don’t believe me, try

it.” “No.” Fu Jingting shook his head and replied in a low voice.

Rong Shu twitched the corners of her mouth, “It seems that your mind is still very clear. If you know I’m
leaving, you should quickly restrain yourself. Now I doubt whether you have sobered up long ago and
are pretending to be on purpose.”

Fu Jingting’s eyes He looked at her calmly, the confusion in his eyes did not hide at all.

Rong Shu was not sure whether he was really awake or what, and didn’t bother to think about it. After
releasing his face, he started to unbutton his buttons.

It’s not the first time she’s changed his clothes. The cave under the cliff has changed once before, so
she has no psychological burden to undress him.

But when she took off her pants, she couldn’t keep such calm in her heart.

Rong Shu tremblingly reached for Fu Jingting’s belt, turned his head to one side, and didn’t look at it.

If you see things you shouldn’t see, it’s not good to end.

Fortunately, Fu Jingting was not very conscious at the moment, and just asked her to help him undress,
and had no other intentions.

So Rong Shu turned her head to one side, and he didn’t ask her to turn around.

Of course, if he were awake, he would certainly do it.

Rong Shu couldn’t see Fu Jingting, so she gave him a blind escape like this, and her hands were still
shaking slightly, so she couldn’t help but touch him somewhere.

When she touched it, her hand shrank suddenly as if it was touching.

However, this contraction, it encountered again.

Rong Shu’s face was wrinkled into a bun. In the end, she had no choice but to calm herself down with a
desperate look on her face, let herself hold back, and don’t hold back.

If I didn’t shrink my hand, I wouldn’t necessarily encounter it.

But as soon as you shrink your hands, you will definitely encounter it.

Thinking of this, Rong Shu gradually calmed down, then grabbed Fu Jingting’s interior and both sides
of the edge of his trousers with both hands, pulled down hard, and took off his trousers for him.

After taking off, Rong Shu hurriedly stood up from the bath and stepped out. She turned her back to the
man behind her and said, “Okay, let’s take a dip, I’ll go out first.”

After speaking, without waiting for the man to respond, she hurried out. When I went to the bathroom,
there were traces of water left wherever I went.

Later, she got into Fu Jingting’s cloakroom and rummaged through it to find a new set of pajamas to put

Fu Jingting’s pajamas are very large, and they are like wearing a skirt when they are worn on her.

Rong Shu couldn’t help it, so he found another belt of his to tie around his waist and made a waistband.

In this way, the loose and baggy pajamas on her body suddenly turned into a fashionable dress.

After changing clothes, Rong Shu threw her soaked and dirty clothes into a clothes basket, took the
hair dryer and carried the clothes basket out of the cloakroom, and went outside to blow her hair.

It’s been ten minutes since I finished eating my hair.

Rong Shu walked in the direction of the bathroom, ready to ask Fu Jingting if he had finished washing.

It’s been so long, it should be almost.

Rong Shu came to the bathroom door, raised her hand and knocked on the door, “Fu Jingting, have
you washed yourself?”

There was no response from the door.

Rong Shu thought he didn’t hear it, so he knocked on the door and shouted, “Fu Jingting?”

There was still no response.

Rong Shuxiu frowned and put her ear to the door, wanting to hear what was going on inside.

However, there was no sound inside, which made her worried.

Nothing will happen, right?

Chapter 668 Rong Shu’s Helplessness

He drank too much, and he had no strength, and he was still stupid. He fell into the bottom of the bath
and didn’t know how to swim up.

Maybe he really slid into the bottom of the bath after she left, maybe he’s drowned now!

Thinking of this, Rong Shu’s heart sank, and her face turned pale.

The next second, she quickly opened the door and rushed in.

After entering, she didn’t see the horrible scene she thought, only saw Fu Jingting lying on the edge of
the bathtub, with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

Seeing this scene, Rong Shu breathed a sigh of relief and patted her bulging chest.

Great, he didn’t sink and drown.

It really scared her to death!

But there is no way, who makes the current Fu Jingting feel uneasy.

Rong Shu rubbed his temples, walked over slowly, squatted on the edge of the bathtub, raised his hand
and touched Fu Jingting’s face lightly, confirming that he was indeed asleep, not an accident, and the
whole person was completely settled.

“Really, you can even take a shower and fall asleep.” Rong Shu retaliated and flicked Fu Jingting’s

Immediately, Fu Jingting’s forehead became red, showing that she really used her strength.

After all, who made her torment her for a few hours?

“Wake up, Fu Jingting, wake up.” Rong Shu shook the man, trying to wake him up, “Don’t sleep here,
you will catch a cold, get up, put on your clothes and go to sleep in the room.”

However, Fu Jingting moved a little. Besides, there was no intention of waking up at all.

Rong Shu’s hands were tired, he didn’t even flutter his eyelashes, how peacefully he slept.

This made Rong Shu feel a little helpless, but also a little angry and funny.

It seems that she really owed him in her last life, so in this life, she will be tortured by him to repay the

That’s all, she took off all his clothes before, it’s a big deal to put them on now.

Isn’t there a saying that whoever takes off the clothes is responsible for putting them on?

Rong Shu sighed, then picked up his sleeves, grabbed Fu Jingting’s armpits with both hands, and
pulled him out of the bath.

Fu Jingting was tall and tall, so naturally he couldn’t be light.

In addition, he was in a state of drunkenness and sleep, so Rong Shu felt that he was much heavier
than his actual weight.

So, to pull him out, she almost exerted her strength to suckle.

Two minutes later, she finally succeeded in dragging him out, but because she ran out of strength, after
dragging him out, she couldn’t stand firm, staggered back two steps, and finally sat down on the cold

And Fu Jingting sat on her lap.

Rong Shu was stunned, and it took a while for her to recover. She looked at the floor behind her, and
then at the handsome red-fruited man who was sitting on her lap. She was speechless.

What is this called?

How did things turn out like this?

Rong Shu put one hand on the man’s shoulder and the other on her forehead, and suddenly smiled.

Really laughed.

I am amused by the funny pose of myself and Fu Jingting.

After laughing for a while, Rong Shu took a long breath to calm down, then put both hands on the
man’s back, took the man up from the ground, and then helped the man to the bathroom door.

Along the way, she tried to look straight ahead, not to look at the man, so as not to see any
embarrassing scenes.

However, in the room, when Rong Shu threw Fu Jingting on the bed, he glanced out of the corner of
the eye and inevitably saw something of the man.

“Hey…” Rong Shu’s eyes widened, she gasped for breath, and her whole face turned red to the root of
her neck.

“Bastard!” Rong Shu blushed and scolded Dr. Fu Jingting, then quickly covered her face and eyes and
turned away, her heart was beating so fast that it was about to come out of her chest.

God, how could she see that thing, it’s going to be a needle eye now.

Under the palm of her hand, Rong Shu’s face was full of annoyance and anger, her little face was
wrinkled into a bun, and she regretted that she shouldn’t have rolled her eyes just now, but at this
moment, what she just saw appeared from time to time in her mind.

That thing is really… big!

When she had the only most intimate act with him before, she was in a state of drunkenness and
Chinese medicine, so she didn’t know the whole process, so she didn’t see his body.

Now that I see it, I am really taken aback.

He is really rich!

Thinking of that time when something as big as Fu Jingting entered her body, Rong Shu felt that she
was so great.

Bah, bah, what are you thinking!

“Calm down, calm down!” Rong Shu waved her hand, and quickly scattered the yellow waste in her
mind, then took a deep breath and walked quickly to the bathroom to get Fu Jingting’s pajamas.

Soon, she came out holding Fu Jingting’s clothes and stood beside the bed with a very serious
expression, as if she was facing life and death.

Because next, she is going to dress him.

Dressing is no better than undressing.

Undressing is easy and can be done with eyes closed.

But it’s not enough to wear clothes. With eyes closed, it’s easy to button the wrong button.

And he has to wear underwear and pants.

I heard that things about men need to be adjusted.

So with eyes closed, how to adjust?

That is to say, next, she will not only look at Fu Jingting again, but also touch it.

God, spare her!

Rong Shu closed her eyes, and she wanted to cry but had no tears on her face.

If only Assistant Zhang was here now.

Although she thought so, Rong Shu knew that it was impossible. After all, she couldn’t really wait for
Assistant Zhang to come back and let him change it for Fu Jingting.

Who knows when Assistant Zhang will come back.

“Huh…” Rong Shu pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a long sigh.

Forget it, she gave it up.

I’ve seen it all, but what if I touched it?

And in the future, she can’t avoid it.

Thinking, Rong Shu took a deep breath, and then found Fu Jingting’s underwear and pants from the
clothes in his arms, ready to put them on.

She threw the other pajamas aside, picked up his underwear and trousers, unfolded them, held Fu
Jingting’s ankle, and began to put them on for him.

When wearing it, she paused, as if she was doing psychological construction.

After a few seconds, she settled her fast-beating heart and continued to lift her panties and panties up.

Finally, Rong Shu saw that rather complicated thing again, and then her face that was already red was
even more red now, and her breathing became much more rapid.

But this time, she didn’t avoid it any more. Although she was shy, she stared boldly.

After watching for a while, she poked her finger curiously.

After realizing what she had done, Rong Shu hurriedly raised her head to prevent something from
flowing out of her nostrils.

God, she found out that she was also a good and lustful person.

To actually touch Fu Jingting on purpose…

Rong Shu, you are really helpless!

Rong Shu twitched the corners of her mouth, then lowered her head in self-sacrificing, and continued to
dress Fu Jingting.

This time, her whole person became calm, and she was no longer nervous and shy like just now.

After all, I have seen it, I have touched it, the freshness is gone, and the five poisons will naturally not

Finally, Rong Shu changed Fu Jingting’s pants, he sighed in relief, and sat on the bed to rest.

Yes, rest.

She changed Fu Jingting’s pants, as if she had fought a big battle, her tired back was soaked with

Rong Shu turned her head, glanced resentfully at the man who was still sleeping soundly on the bed,
and shook her head helplessly, “Fellow!”

Then, she stood up, picked up the pajamas on the side, and continued to change him.

It was very stressful to change clothes without changing pants, so Rong Shu quickly put on his right
sleeve. When it was his left hand, she suddenly stopped, “This is…”

Read This Time, I Will Get My Divorce - This Time, I Will Get
My Divorce Chapter 667-668

Read with many climactic and unique details.
The series This Time, I Will Get My Divorce one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter
content chapter This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 667-668 - The heroine seems to fall into
the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big event. So
what was that event? Read This Time, I Will Get My Divorce This Time, I Will Get My Divorce
Chapter 667-668 for more details

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