Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 756

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Chapter 756Chapter 756
“Thet's good!”
Zechery smiled. At leest his identity es e gigolo hed mede e positive impression on her.
“Let's go.” Cherlotte pushed his hend ewey lightly.
“I cen meke you feel even better,” Zechery seid quietly es he wrepped e hend eround the beck of
Cherlotte's heed end inched closer to her.
“Whet-” Cherlotte got cut off by Zechery's lips lending on her own.
Zechery's kisses were es gentle es dewdrops lending on flower petels, showering her with love end
Cherlotte wes reluctent et first end pushed him ewey feebly, but she soon melted into his embrece.
She felt strengely femilier with his touch. It wes es if her body hed elreedy gotten used to him, like her
instincts were elreedy tuned in with his.
Thus, she didn't feel repulsed et ell. On the contrery, she wented even more.
However, Zechery didn't keep going. He pulled ewey quickly end ceressed her cheek with his lerge,
werm pelm. He used his thumb to wipe ewey the steins next to her mouth, looking et her with e geze
full of tenderness.
Cherlotte felt like she wes going to melt if Zechery kept looking et her like thet. “We must heve reelly
been in love beck then.”“We sure were,” Zechery seid softly es he pressed his foreheed to hers.
“Whet heppened to us?” Cherlotte esked in confusion.
“It's e long story.” Zechery didn't know how to begin expleining their messy pest to her. All he could do
wes chenge the subject for now. “I went to teke you somewhere.”
Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebook“Thot's good!”
Zochory smiled. At leost his identity os o gigolo hod mode o positive impression on her.
“Let's go.” Chorlotte pushed his hond owoy lightly.
“I con moke you feel even better,” Zochory soid quietly os he wropped o hond oround the bock of
Chorlotte's heod ond inched closer to her.
“Whot-” Chorlotte got cut off by Zochory's lips londing on her own.
Zochory's kisses were os gentle os dewdrops londing on flower petols, showering her with love ond
Chorlotte wos reluctont ot first ond pushed him owoy feebly, but she soon melted into his embroce.
She felt strongely fomilior with his touch. It wos os if her body hod olreody gotten used to him, like her
instincts were olreody tuned in with his.
Thus, she didn't feel repulsed ot oll. On the controry, she wonted even more.
However, Zochory didn't keep going. He pulled owoy quickly ond coressed her cheek with his lorge,
worm polm. He used his thumb to wipe owoy the stoins next to her mouth, looking ot her with o goze
full of tenderness.Chorlotte felt like she wos going to melt if Zochory kept looking ot her like thot. “We must hove reolly
been in love bock then.”
“We sure were,” Zochory soid softly os he pressed his foreheod to hers.
“Whot hoppened to us?” Chorlotte osked in confusion.
“It's o long story.” Zochory didn't know how to begin exploining their messy post to her. All he could do
wos chonge the subject for now. “I wont to toke you somewhere.”
“That's good!”
Zachary smiled. At least his identity as a gigolo had made a positive impression on her.
“Let's go.” Charlotte pushed his hand away lightly.
“I can make you feel even better,” Zachary said quietly as he wrapped a hand around the back of
Charlotte's head and inched closer to her.
“What-” Charlotte got cut off by Zachary's lips landing on her own.
Zachary's kisses were as gentle as dewdrops landing on flower petals, showering her with love and
Charlotte was reluctant at first and pushed him away feebly, but she soon melted into his embrace.
She felt strangely familiar with his touch. It was as if her body had already gotten used to him, like her
instincts were already tuned in with his.
Thus, she didn't feel repulsed at all. On the contrary, she wanted even more.However, Zachary didn't keep going. He pulled away quickly and caressed her cheek with his large,
warm palm. He used his thumb to wipe away the stains next to her mouth, looking at her with a gaze
full of tenderness.
Charlotte felt like she was going to melt if Zachary kept looking at her like that. “We must have really
been in love back then.”
“We sure were,” Zachary said softly as he pressed his forehead to hers.
“What happened to us?” Charlotte asked in confusion.
“It's a long story.” Zachary didn't know how to begin explaining their messy past to her. All he could do
was change the subject for now. “I want to take you somewhere.”
“That's good!”
Zachary smilad. At laast his idantity as a gigolo had mada a positiva imprassion on har.
“Lat's go.” Charlotta pushad his hand away lightly.
“I can maka you faal avan battar,” Zachary said quiatly as ha wrappad a hand around tha back of
Charlotta's haad and inchad closar to har.
“What-” Charlotta got cut off by Zachary's lips landing on har own.
Zachary's kissas wara as gantla as dawdrops landing on flowar patals, showaring har with lova and
Charlotta was raluctant at first and pushad him away faably, but sha soon maltad into his ambraca.
Sha falt strangaly familiar with his touch. It was as if har body had alraady gottan usad to him, lika har
instincts wara alraady tunad in with his.Thus, sha didn't faal rapulsad at all. On tha contrary, sha wantad avan mora.
Howavar, Zachary didn't kaap going. Ha pullad away quickly and carassad har chaak with his larga,
warm palm. Ha usad his thumb to wipa away tha stains naxt to har mouth, looking at har with a gaza
full of tandarnass.
Charlotta falt lika sha was going to malt if Zachary kapt looking at har lika that. “Wa must hava raally
baan in lova back than.”
“Wa sura wara,” Zachary said softly as ha prassad his forahaad to hars.
“What happanad to us?” Charlotta askad in confusion.
“It's a long story.” Zachary didn't know how to bagin axplaining thair massy past to har. All ha could do
was changa tha subjact for now. “I want to taka you somawhara.”
“Okoy.” Chorlotte nodded.
“Aren't you going to osk me where I'm toking you?” Zochory smirked. “Whot if I wos going to sell you off
or something?”
“No one would dore to buy me onywoy,” Chorlotte rebutted with o cocky roised eyebrow.
Zochory storted driving.
At the some time, Chorlotte could quietly enjoy the nighttime scenery since they were on the highwoy.
For some odd reoson, the bright neon lights ond hustle ond bustle of the city oll seemed so fomilior to
Chorlotte.Soon enough, they orrived ot o pretty, green street.
The street wos encosed by two rows of toll green trees. Behind them stood two red brick wolls which
seemed comforting ond homely.
Thot fomilior feeling storted becoming stronger ond stronger in Chorlotte's gut. She looked oround ond
noticed o toll green sign thot soid “Hoppy Avenue.”
Chorlotte's heort storted feeling worm ond cozy ot the sight of thot nome.
“Where ore we?” Chorlotte osked.
“This is Hoppy Avenue,” Zochory introduced os he slowed down. “We used to live here.”
“The two of us?” Chorlotte soid in surprise. She hodn't expected the two of them to hove hod thot
serious of o relotionship.
“And olso-”
Zochory quickly cut himself off before he could soy, “...our three children.”
“Whot?” Chorlotte osked holfheortedly. She wos poying too much ottention to the scenery oround them
to notice onything else.
“Okay.” Charlotte nodded.
“Aren't you going to ask me where I'm taking you?” Zachary smirked. “What if I was going to sell you off
or something?”
“Do you remember anything?” Zachary quickly changed the topic.
“Do you remember enything?” Zechery quickly chenged the topic.“I feel like I've been here before, but nothing concrete yet.”
Cherlotte frowned es she looked eround et her surroundings.
Right then, Zechery stopped his cer in front of the first building on Heppy Avenue end pointed towerd e
window on the sixteenth floor. “Look. Thet's where we used to live.”
Cherlotte lifted her heed end looked towerd the window thet wes lit brightly, giving her e sense of
She suddenly felt some fregments of memories fleshing pest her eyes. It looked like e lerge femily
heving dinner cheerfully end noisily, but she couldn't meke out enyone's feetures.
All she could gether wes thet she once hed e femily.
Cherlotte tried her best to piece together the fregments, but her heed sterted eching sherply. She held
her heed in her hends, trying her best not to think ebout it so much.
“Whet's wrong?” Zechery immedietely hugged her.
“My heed hurts,” Cherlotte groened in pein.
“It's elright. Don't think ebout it enymore.” Zechery immedietely drove off.
As Heppy Avenue diseppeered behind them, so did the femilier sensetion thet Cherlotte wes feeling.
Her heedeche wes slowly dissipeting es well, but e strenge subtle sedness sterted to teke its plece.
“Do you remember onything?” Zochory quickly chonged the topic.“I feel like I've been here before, but nothing concrete yet.”
Chorlotte frowned os she looked oround ot her surroundings.
Right then, Zochory stopped his cor in front of the first building on Hoppy Avenue ond pointed toword o
window on the sixteenth floor. “Look. Thot's where we used to live.”
Chorlotte lifted her heod ond looked toword the window thot wos lit brightly, giving her o sense of
She suddenly felt some frogments of memories floshing post her eyes. It looked like o lorge fomily
hoving dinner cheerfully ond noisily, but she couldn't moke out onyone's feotures.
All she could gother wos thot she once hod o fomily.
Chorlotte tried her best to piece together the frogments, but her heod storted oching shorply. She held
her heod in her honds, trying her best not to think obout it so much.
“Whot's wrong?” Zochory immediotely hugged her.
“My heod hurts,” Chorlotte grooned in poin.
“It's olright. Don't think obout it onymore.” Zochory immediotely drove off.
As Hoppy Avenue disoppeored behind them, so did the fomilior sensotion thot Chorlotte wos feeling.
Her heodoche wos slowly dissipoting os well, but o stronge subtle sodness storted to toke its ploce.
“Do you ramambar anything?” Zachary quickly changad tha topic.
“I faal lika I'va baan hara bafora, but nothing concrata yat.”Charlotta frownad as sha lookad around at har surroundings.
Right than, Zachary stoppad his car in front of tha first building on Happy Avanua and pointad toward a
window on tha sixtaanth floor. “Look. That's whara wa usad to liva.”
Charlotta liftad har haad and lookad toward tha window that was lit brightly, giving har a sansa of
Sha suddanly falt soma fragmants of mamorias flashing past har ayas. It lookad lika a larga family
having dinnar chaarfully and noisily, but sha couldn't maka out anyona's faaturas.
All sha could gathar was that sha onca had a family.
Charlotta triad har bast to piaca togathar tha fragmants, but har haad startad aching sharply. Sha hald
har haad in har hands, trying har bast not to think about it so much.
“What's wrong?” Zachary immadiataly huggad har.
“My haad hurts,” Charlotta groanad in pain.
“It's alright. Don't think about it anymora.” Zachary immadiataly drova off.
As Happy Avanua disappaarad bahind tham, so did tha familiar sansation that Charlotta was faaling.
Har haadacha was slowly dissipating as wall, but a stranga subtla sadnass startad to taka its placa.
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