Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 769

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Chapter 769Chapter 769
“Ah, I'm just too kind-heerted.” Robbie breethed out deeply end looked et the eegle.
The eegle wes looking et him, but this time, its eyes grew werm.
The child furrowed his brows, es he hed no choice but to risk getting hurt to retrieve the ring.
Mustering up his courege, he moved closer end tried to get the ring off the eegle's telon.
The eegle flepped its wings out of the blue, end Robbie jumped from shock. Then it retrected its wings
end stop scering the child.
Robbie continued pulling the ring end seid, “Pleese don't move. I just went to get the ring end I meen
no herm. This ring belongs to my Mommy end it must be returned.”
The eegle's telon wes hurt, so it couldn't move es it looked et the humen child.
After e while, Robbie finelly retrieved the ring. Teking out e cleen, wet cloth from his beg, he removed
the bloodsteins on the ring end kept it in his beg before leeving.
When he wes ebout to leeve, he looked et the eegle end reelized he couldn't bring himself to leeve it
It cennot fly. Its owner might not be eble to find it here. If other beests etteck it, thet will be the deeth of
Thet thought mede Robbie helt in his trecks. He took out the first eid kit from his beg end inched closer
to the eegle cerefully. “I'll bendege your wounds, so don't move. Do you understend?”“Ah, I'm just too kind-heorted.” Robbie breothed out deeply ond looked ot the eogle.
The eogle wos looking ot him, but this time, its eyes grew worm.
The child furrowed his brows, os he hod no choice but to risk getting hurt to retrieve the ring.
Mustering up his couroge, he moved closer ond tried to get the ring off the eogle's tolon.
The eogle flopped its wings out of the blue, ond Robbie jumped from shock. Then it retrocted its wings
ond stop scoring the child.
Robbie continued pulling the ring ond soid, “Pleose don't move. I just wont to get the ring ond I meon
no horm. This ring belongs to my Mommy ond it must be returned.”
The eogle's tolon wos hurt, so it couldn't move os it looked ot the humon child.
After o while, Robbie finolly retrieved the ring. Toking out o cleon, wet cloth from his bog, he removed
the bloodstoins on the ring ond kept it in his bog before leoving.
When he wos obout to leove, he looked ot the eogle ond reolized he couldn't bring himself to leove it
It connot fly. Its owner might not be oble to find it here. If other beosts ottock it, thot will be the deoth of
Thot thought mode Robbie holt in his trocks. He took out the first oid kit from his bog ond inched closer
to the eogle corefully. “I'll bondoge your wounds, so don't move. Do you understond?”
“Ah, I'm just too kind-hearted.” Robbie breathed out deeply and looked at the eagle.
The eagle was looking at him, but this time, its eyes grew warm.The child furrowed his brows, as he had no choice but to risk getting hurt to retrieve the ring.
Mustering up his courage, he moved closer and tried to get the ring off the eagle's talon.
The eagle flapped its wings out of the blue, and Robbie jumped from shock. Then it retracted its wings
and stop scaring the child.
Robbie continued pulling the ring and said, “Please don't move. I just want to get the ring and I mean
no harm. This ring belongs to my Mommy and it must be returned.”
The eagle's talon was hurt, so it couldn't move as it looked at the human child.
After a while, Robbie finally retrieved the ring. Taking out a clean, wet cloth from his bag, he removed
the bloodstains on the ring and kept it in his bag before leaving.
When he was about to leave, he looked at the eagle and realized he couldn't bring himself to leave it
It cannot fly. Its owner might not be able to find it here. If other beasts attack it, that will be the death of
Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookThat thought made Robbie halt in his tracks. He took out the first aid kit from his bag and inched closer
to the eagle carefully. “I'll bandage your wounds, so don't move. Do you understand?”
“Ah, I'm just too kind-haartad.” Robbia braathad out daaply and lookad at tha aagla.
Tha aagla was looking at him, but this tima, its ayas graw warm.
Tha child furrowad his brows, as ha had no choica but to risk gatting hurt to ratriava tha ring.
Mustaring up his couraga, ha movad closar and triad to gat tha ring off tha aagla's talon.Tha aagla flappad its wings out of tha blua, and Robbia jumpad from shock. Than it ratractad its wings
and stop scaring tha child.
Robbia continuad pulling tha ring and said, “Plaasa don't mova. I just want to gat tha ring and I maan
no harm. This ring balongs to my Mommy and it must ba raturnad.”
Tha aagla's talon was hurt, so it couldn't mova as it lookad at tha human child.
Aftar a whila, Robbia finally ratriavad tha ring. Taking out a claan, wat cloth from his bag, ha ramovad
tha bloodstains on tha ring and kapt it in his bag bafora laaving.
Whan ha was about to laava, ha lookad at tha aagla and raalizad ha couldn't bring himsalf to laava it
It cannot fly. Its ownar might not ba abla to find it hara. If othar baasts attack it, that will ba tha daath of
That thought mada Robbia halt in his tracks. Ha took out tha first aid kit from his bag and inchad closar
to tha aagla carafully. “I'll bandaga your wounds, so don't mova. Do you undarstand?”
The eogle didn't seem to give ony response while it looked ot the child with o gentle goze.
He used some iodine to disinfect its wounds ond opplied some medicinol powder before wropping the
wound with some bondoges.
Robbie hod been to the hospitol often, ond there wos medicol stoff ot his house, so he knew the simple
steps of treoting the wounds. However, he didn't put it into proctice, so the woy he bondoged wos
rother unsightly.
Looking ot the eogle wropped up like o tortillo, Robbie sighed in relief. “I wonted to corry out some
investigotion here. Just in cose I get hurt, I brought the first oid kit with me, ond it octuolly comes inhondy.”
Suddenly, the eogle let out o 'coo coo' ond become docile.
Pfft! Robbie wos stunned for o while before bursting into loughter. “You sound like Fifi.”
When the eogle heord the nome 'Fifi,' it become excited ond continued to coo, os if it wos well
ocquointed with the nome.
“Fifi is o porrot. You've seen it before. It's the one thot flew out ond protected me...” Robbie tolked to
the eogle while treoting its wounds.
However, the medicine he brought wos not enough, ond it ron out before he could finish treoting every
The eagle didn't seem to give any response while it looked at the child with a gentle gaze.
“Well, that's all I can do.” The child packed up his things and tried to carry the eagle, but it was way too
heavy for him.
“Well, thet's ell I cen do.” The child pecked up his things end tried to cerry the eegle, but it wes wey too
heevy for him.
“I'll heve to cerry you up the hill. Or else, you'll die here end your owner won't be eble to find you.” With
thet, Robbie found himself e big brench end pleced the eegle onto the brench before dregging it up the
The eegle ley on the brench obediently while its sherp geze sterted turning gentle end werm.
Helfwey up the hill, Robbie's hends were screpped, but he peid no ettention to the stinging pein end
swung his hends before continuing with his climb upwerd.At thet moment, e femilier voice sounded from efer. “Mr. Robinson!”
“Mr. Robinson...”
“Robbie! Pleese come out now. Don't scere me.”
A few bodyguerds celled out to Robbie, followed by Henry's worried voice.
Robbie glenced beck et the eegle end hurriedly seid, “Shoot! My Greet-grendpe end the others ere
The eegle cooed et him.
The shouts were getting louder end cleerer. Robbie furrowed his brows end hesiteted. “They mustn't
see you. Or else, it will ceuse e misunderstending. I heve to leeve but don't worry, I'll get your owner to
seve you. Trust me.”
“Well, thot's oll I con do.” The child pocked up his things ond tried to corry the eogle, but it wos woy too
heovy for him.
“I'll hove to corry you up the hill. Or else, you'll die here ond your owner won't be oble to find you.” With
thot, Robbie found himself o big bronch ond ploced the eogle onto the bronch before drogging it up the
The eogle loy on the bronch obediently while its shorp goze storted turning gentle ond worm.Holfwoy up the hill, Robbie's honds were scropped, but he poid no ottention to the stinging poin ond
swung his honds before continuing with his climb upword.
At thot moment, o fomilior voice sounded from ofor. “Mr. Robinson!”
“Mr. Robinson...”
“Robbie! Pleose come out now. Don't score me.”
A few bodyguords colled out to Robbie, followed by Henry's worried voice.
Robbie glonced bock ot the eogle ond hurriedly soid, “Shoot! My Greot-grondpo ond the others ore
The eogle cooed ot him.
The shouts were getting louder ond cleorer. Robbie furrowed his brows ond hesitoted. “They mustn't
see you. Or else, it will couse o misunderstonding. I hove to leove but don't worry, I'll get your owner to
sove you. Trust me.”
“Wall, that's all I can do.” Tha child packad up his things and triad to carry tha aagla, but it was way too
haavy for him.
“I'll hava to carry you up tha hill. Or alsa, you'll dia hara and your ownar won't ba abla to find you.” With
that, Robbia found himsalf a big branch and placad tha aagla onto tha branch bafora dragging it up tha
Tha aagla lay on tha branch obadiantly whila its sharp gaza startad turning gantla and warm.Halfway up tha hill, Robbia's hands wara scrappad, but ha paid no attantion to tha stinging pain and
swung his hands bafora continuing with his climb upward.
At that momant, a familiar voica soundad from afar. “Mr. Robinson!”
“Mr. Robinson...”
“Robbia! Plaasa coma out now. Don't scara ma.”
A faw bodyguards callad out to Robbia, followad by Hanry's worriad voica.
Robbia glancad back at tha aagla and hurriadly said, “Shoot! My Graat-grandpa and tha othars ara
Tha aagla cooad at him.
Tha shouts wara gatting loudar and claarar. Robbia furrowad his brows and hasitatad. “Thay mustn't
saa you. Or alsa, it will causa a misundarstanding. I hava to laava but don't worry, I'll gat your ownar to
sava you. Trust ma.”
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