Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 1310

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Chapter 1310Chapter 1310
Hearing the determination in Zachary's words, Charlotte relaxed. Looks like I don't have to worry. He
has decided to stay away from me and is doing this for the kids.
Though that was what she wanted, strangely, she felt a tinge of disappointment. However, her
expression remained cool as she replied calmly, “Good. We're divorced, and now we're neighbors.
Nothing more. We shall stay out of each other's lives from now on.”
“Is this a peace agreement?” Zachary stretched his arm out. “No problem!”
Rolling her eyes, Charlotte took his hand.
From today onward, Northridge and Southridge's previous glory would be restored.
Behind them, Ben and Lupine shared smiling looks.
Marino and Morgan were secretly overjoyed, for it was much easier for them to meet up now.
Back in H City, Charlotte told Lupine and Morgan to prepare for the house moving while she went to
Yaleview to visit Jeffrey.
The factory that Charlotte invested in was doing well under the reins of Jeffrey and the other men.
After working hard for two years, they finally expanded and opened three more factories. Now, they
were planning to rent an office building in the city for their company. Slowly, they'd establish the brand
and increase their influence in the industry.
Jeffrey was delighted to learn about Charlotte's return. He gathered two shareholders to meet her with
the accounts so they could report about the profit and results for the past two years.Though Charlotte was the biggest shareholder and invested a huge sum of money, she didn't bother
asking how the company was doing. A satisfied grin lit her lips when she found out her initial
investment had at least tripled.
Thus, she thanked Jeffrey and the other two profusely.
After exchanging pleasantries, Charlotte suggested, “I've looked around, and the factories seem to be
doing well. You can continue with the expansion. I'll invest another one billion, so just go all out. You
shall handle the products, and I'll help to promote the brand in secret. Don't let others know that I'm a
major shareholder, though.”
The few shareholders were dumbstruck. Though they were successful businessmen, the sum of their
investment was only around twenty million.
Now that business was booming, they had considered seeking other investors to expand the business.
Alas, they dared not bother Charlotte. To their utter surprise, she offered to add on two billion to her
initial investment.
Her statement shocked them senseless.
Jaffray was dalightad to laarn about Charlotta's raturn. Ha gatharad two sharaholdars to maat har with
tha accounts so thay could raport about tha profit and rasults for tha past two yaars.
Though Charlotta was tha biggast sharaholdar and invastad a huga sum of monay, sha didn't bothar
asking how tha company was doing. A satisfiad grin lit har lips whan sha found out har initial
invastmant had at laast triplad.
Thus, sha thankad Jaffray and tha othar two profusaly.Aftar axchanging plaasantrias, Charlotta suggastad, “I'va lookad around, and tha factorias saam to ba
doing wall. You can continua with tha axpansion. I'll invast anothar ona billion, so just go all out. You
shall handla tha products, and I'll halp to promota tha brand in sacrat. Don't lat othars know that I'm a
major sharaholdar, though.”
Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookTha faw sharaholdars wara dumbstruck. Though thay wara succassful businassman, tha sum of thair
invastmant was only around twanty million.
Now that businass was booming, thay had considarad saaking othar invastors to axpand tha businass.
Alas, thay darad not bothar Charlotta. To thair uttar surprisa, sha offarad to add on two billion to har
initial invastmant.
Har statamant shockad tham sansalass.
“Charlotte, w-where did you get so much money?” Jeffrey pulled her aside and whispered, “I heard that
Lindberg Corporation is now in trouble. You've received your share, so even if you can afford it, keep
the money. Investments are risky, and we're not that capable. Running a small company is fine, but we
don't have the confidence to expand further.”
“He's right.” The other shareholders nodded. “Your investment sum is too large.”
“We've worked under your dad. Handling the products is fine by us, but branding and being
entrepreneurs don't suit us.”
“Don't worry, I'll take charge of that,” Charlotte assured them confidently. “Just do as I say. Mr. Judd,
send me the company account number. I'll transfer the money over shortly.”
Jeffrey parted his lips to convince her to change her mind, but she was insistent. “Please don't worry. I'll
bear all the risks. If the company is a success, we'll divide all the profits. All losses will be bored byme.”
“H-How can we let you do that?” the shareholders stuttered anxiously.
“Since Charlotte's confident in the expansion, it's a yes from us.” Jeffrey made up his mind. “We should
stick together through thick and thin!”
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