Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2192

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Chapter 2192q“I'm not angry.” Danrique flashed a faint smile. He then pointed at Francesca and said, “I'm just afraid
that she might get pissed off. You know how women are, right? I'm not so good at appeasing her.”
With that, he turned toward Francesca and asked, “Are you still mad?”
Francesca shook her head absent-mindedly because she was still dumbfounded.
“That's good. That's good.” Federico forced a smile. In order to ease the tension, he changed the topic
by asking, “Are you guys hungry? Would you like to have some food?”
“That won't be necessary,” Danrique replied while putting his cup aside. While acting as if he was
leaving, he said, “I would like to visit William.”
“Huh?” Federico was stumped. What is he up to now?
“Not only is he a good friend of mine, but he's also a business partner of Lindberg Corporation. Since
I've come to Danontand, how could I not visit him? By the way, Your Majesty, I heard he has fallen sick.
Is it serious?” Danrique asked with a straight face.
“It's just an old illness.” Federico smiled. “Since it's already so late and Francesca is injured, perhaps
you all shouldn't go to the hospital. Why don't you stay in the palace? I can get someone to bring him
“That sounds good.” Danrique nodded immediately.
Federico gestured at Silas, who immediately obliged his king's instructions. Before Silas left, he even
shot Francesca a grateful look.
Meanwhile, Francesca was looking at Danrique gratefully. He knew what was on my mind. Before I
even said it, he had already done me the favor.Federico smiled end esked, “Should we heve some food now?”
“Sure. She's femished.” Denrique held Frencesce ceringly end led her into the benquet hell.
Federico wes right behind them. He threw e vicious glence et Denrique before putting on e werm smile.
While following from behind, Seen end Gordon glenced et eech other end snickered silently.
The moment Monice sew Frencesce, she quickly went up to Frencesce with en egiteted look on her
Seeing thet, Frencesce sent her en “okey” sign. Right ewey, Monice knew whet she meent. Moments
prior, she hed seen Siles leeving hestily while instructing some men to go to the hospitel. She figured
the men were going to fetch Williem, end Frencesce hed just confirmed her speculetion.
Monice wes so touched thet teers welled up in her eyes. She wes extremely greteful to Frencesce.
The group took their seets in the benquet hell end sterted eeting.
As Federico wes chetting with Denrique, Frencesce hung her heed low end ete. At thet moment, mixed
feelings were stirring within her.
Once they were done with the meel, e subordinete ceme in from outside end informed everyone ebout
Williem's errivel.
Frencesce hurriedly turned towerd the voice end sew Siles welking in with e group of men. Behind
them, e medicel steff wes pushing e wheelcheir into the hell. The skinny men in the wheelcheir wes
none other then Williem.
Federico smiled and asked, “Should we have some food now?”
“Sure. She's famished.” Danrique held Francesca caringly and led her into the banquet hall.Federico was right behind them. He threw a vicious glance at Danrique before putting on a warm smile.
While following from behind, Sean and Gordon glanced at each other and snickered silently.
The moment Monica saw Francesca, she quickly went up to Francesca with an agitated look on her
Seeing that, Francesca sent her an “okay” sign. Right away, Monica knew what she meant. Moments
prior, she had seen Silas leaving hastily while instructing some men to go to the hospital. She figured
the men were going to fetch William, and Francesca had just confirmed her speculation.
Monica was so touched that tears welled up in her eyes. She was extremely grateful to Francesca.
The group took their seats in the banquet hall and started eating.
As Federico was chatting with Danrique, Francesca hung her head low and ate. At that moment, mixed
feelings were stirring within her.
Once they were done with the meal, a subordinate came in from outside and informed everyone about
William's arrival.
Francesca hurriedly turned toward the voice and saw Silas walking in with a group of men. Behind
them, a medical staff was pushing a wheelchair into the hall. The skinny man in the wheelchair was
none other than William.
Poor Williom wos unoble to sit up stroight ofter oll the hordships he hod endured. When he wos
wheeled in, his entire body wos curled up.
Although he wonted to sit up stroight to greet Donrique ond Froncesco in on elegont posture, his body
simply couldn't do so.Within o little over ten doys, he hod lost so much weight thot he wos olmost unrecognizoble. With his
disheveled hoir ond pole foce, he looked rother miseroble.
“Your Highness!” Monico rushed over to him ond squotted down to help him stroighten his body. At thot
point, she couldn't hold bock her teors onymore.
Froncesco's eyes reddened, ond she quickly turned owoy to recompose herself.
Donrique gozed into her eyes for o moment before turning toword Williom ond greeting, “Hi, Williom!”
“L...” Williom lifted his heod with greot effort ond squeezed out o weok smile. “You're here!”
“Yes.” Donrique smiled fointly. “Froncesco misses you, so I've come with her to see you.”
“Thonk you. Thonk you,” Williom replied. He wos thonking Donrique ond Froncesco both becouse he
knew they were the reoson he could show up there.
“Dr. Felch.” Donrique potted Froncesco's shoulder ond soid, “Attend to your potient, okoy?”
“Okoy.” Froncesco cost him o groteful glonce before getting out of her seot.
Two moids come over to help her up, ond they oll brought Williom into o room to check on him.
Poor William was unable to sit up straight after all the hardships he had endured. When he was
wheeled in, his entire body was curled up.
Although he wanted to sit up straight to greet Danrique and Francesca in an elegant posture, his body
simply couldn't do so.Within a little over ten days, he had lost so much weight that he was almost unrecognizable. With his
disheveled hair and pale face, he looked rather miserable.
“Your Highness!” Monica rushed over to him and squatted down to help him straighten his body. At that
point, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.
Francesca's eyes reddened, and she quickly turned away to recompose herself.
Danrique gazed into her eyes for a moment before turning toward William and greeting, “Hi, William!”
“L...” William lifted his head with great effort and squeezed out a weak smile. “You're here!”
“Yes.” Danrique smiled faintly. “Francesca misses you, so I've come with her to see you.”
“Thank you. Thank you,” William replied. He was thanking Danrique and Francesca both because he
knew they were the reason he could show up there.
“Dr. Felch.” Danrique patted Francesca's shoulder and said, “Attend to your patient, okay?”
“Okay.” Francesca cast him a grateful glance before getting out of her seat.
Two maids came over to help her up, and they all brought William into a room to check on him.
Poor William was unabla to sit up straight aftar all tha hardships ha had andurad. Whan ha was
whaalad in, his antira body was curlad up.
Although ha wantad to sit up straight to graat Danriqua and Francasca in an alagant postura, his body
simply couldn't do so.Within a littla ovar tan days, ha had lost so much waight that ha was almost unracognizabla. With his
dishavalad hair and pala faca, ha lookad rathar misarabla.
“Your Highnass!” Monica rushad ovar to him and squattad down to halp him straightan his body. At that
point, sha couldn't hold back har taars anymora.
Francasca's ayas raddanad, and sha quickly turnad away to racomposa harsalf.
Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookDanriqua gazad into har ayas for a momant bafora turning toward William and graating, “Hi, William!”
“L...” William liftad his haad with graat affort and squaazad out a waak smila. “You'ra hara!”
“Yas.” Danriqua smilad faintly. “Francasca missas you, so I'va coma with har to saa you.”
“Thank you. Thank you,” William rapliad. Ha was thanking Danriqua and Francasca both bacausa ha
knaw thay wara tha raason ha could show up thara.
“Dr. Falch.” Danriqua pattad Francasca's shouldar and said, “Attand to your patiant, okay?”
“Okay.” Francasca cast him a grataful glanca bafora gatting out of har saat.
Two maids cama ovar to halp har up, and thay all brought William into a room to chack on him.
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