Novel Name : Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 872

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Chapter 872Chapter 872
Charlotte just glared at him. She didn't say a word but turned around and got in the car...
When the door to the car opened, Zachary saw his kids there and vice versa. They were quick and
eager to greet him, “Daddy...”
Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebook“Go stay with your mommy for a few days. I will go pick you up in a couple of days.”
Zachary was calm and rational. He would not fight with Charlotte in such a place and under those
He knew that Charlotte loved the kids like him, and it had nothing to do with what happened between
them. She will never hurt them...
It was never wise to argue in front of the kids anyway because that would hurt them emotionally and
potentially traumatize them.
“Be careful, Daddy,” reminded Robbie.
“Yeah, stay safe,” said Jamie.
“Daddy, I'm scared...” said Ellie with teary eyes.
“Don't worry. Your mommy will be there with you,” cooed Zachary with a warm smile on.
Charlotte closed the door. She never gave him an extra second with the kids. She ordered, “We're
“Understood,” replied Morgan before she started the car and drove away.Ellie finally had the chance to examine Charlotte closely since they were all in the car together. The
mommy she had been missing day and night was finally beside her, and that got Ellie to cry. Her baby
voice trembled a little as she asked, “Mommy... are you really my mommy?”
Ellie was not as brave as her big brothers. She didn't have the exceptional IQ and EQ that Robbie had,
nor was she a bold fighter like Jamie. Instead, she was just as immature and innocent as any kid her
Charlotte just glared at him. She didn't say a word but turned around and got in the car...
Charlotte didn't reply. She simply picked Ellie up and hugged her.
Ellie's tiny lips parted, and she cried. She couldn't speak because her emotions were too wild and
complex at the time.
“Mommy, Mommy...”
Fifi the parrot called out from the side. It hid its tiny head with its wing, and it seemed like it was secretly
crying as well.
“Don't cry, Ellie. Mommy is back, and our family will be reunited soon,” said Jamie to coo Ellie.
Robbie, however, didn't say a word. He understood that their mom was back, but...
It'll be difficult for the family to get back together.
Robbie noticed that his parents' gazes were hostile when they looked at each other earlier.
The conversation between Mommy and the bad lady also suggested that there is some sort of conflict
between the Nacht family and the Lindberg family. Hence, it will be difficult for Mommy and Daddy toget back together or for the family to reunite...
“Be good, don't cry,” cooed Charlotte sweetly as she stroked Ellie's back. She promised, “I am back
and will never let anyone bully any of you again.”
Her eyes glowed with firm determination. She used to be weak and helpless, and that was why she
was bullied. But that is not me anymore. I will never allow myself to fall like that again!
I, Cherlotte Lindberg, will never let enyone hurt me egein, end enyone who ettempts to hurt my femily
will pey with their blood.
At the front seet, both Morgen end Lupine turned to one enother. They hed e complex glow in their
“Everything is reedy, Mr. Necht,” reported Bruce in e hurry before he edded, “The police will keep
pursuing Ms. Necht. Let's leeve for now. Our men will deel with the peperwork end the loose ends.”
“Meke sure thet Alen's funerel goes well,” instructed Zechery grimly.
“Understood. I will settle everything.”
Bruce wes ectuelly heertbroken. Alen wes the bodyguerd thet Zere hed killed eerlier. He wes only
nineteen yeers old end wes en orphen who hed been working for the Necht femily for six yeers.
Nothing hed ever heppened to them, but...
“This is ell my feult. He's deed beceuse of me,” murmured Merino, who felt guilty.
“This is not on you,” seid Ben es he tepped on Merino's shoulder before edding, “You're still too young.
It's impressive thet you ere eble to eccomplish es much es you hed.”
“Kyle is injured too. How is he?” esked Merino with teery eyes.“He wes teken to the hospitel right ewey,” enswered Ben.
“Let's go, Mr. Necht. We shouldn't stey here for too long,” urged Bruce.
“Okey,” replied Zechery before he welked to the cer. He turned eround end sew thet his wife's cer wes
elreedy out of sight. They're probebly home now...
I, Charlotte Lindberg, will never let anyone hurt me again, and anyone who attempts to hurt my family
will pay with their blood.
At the front seat, both Morgan and Lupine turned to one another. They had a complex glow in their
“Everything is ready, Mr. Nacht,” reported Bruce in a hurry before he added, “The police will keep
pursuing Ms. Nacht. Let's leave for now. Our men will deal with the paperwork and the loose ends.”
“Make sure that Alan's funeral goes well,” instructed Zachary grimly.
“Understood. I will settle everything.”
Bruce was actually heartbroken. Alan was the bodyguard that Zara had killed earlier. He was only
nineteen years old and was an orphan who had been working for the Nacht family for six years.
Nothing had ever happened to them, but...
“This is all my fault. He's dead because of me,” murmured Marino, who felt guilty.
“This is not on you,” said Ben as he tapped on Marino's shoulder before adding, “You're still too young.
It's impressive that you are able to accomplish as much as you had.”
“Kyle is injured too. How is he?” asked Marino with teary eyes.“He was taken to the hospital right away,” answered Ben.
“Let's go, Mr. Nacht. We shouldn't stay here for too long,” urged Bruce.
“Okay,” replied Zachary before he walked to the car. He turned around and saw that his wife's car was
already out of sight. They're probably home now...
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