Novel Name : Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 37

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The next morning, Abel and Timothy woke up to an attractive scent from downstairs.

“Wow, it’s the smell of shrimp dumplings and beef porridge,” Timothy said.

“Ms. Louise must be making breakfast now, so let’s get up,” Abel replied.

The two got up and washed up while Emmeline was working in the kitchen on the third floor.

“I never knew your cooking skills were this good,” Abel sincerely praised.

Emmeline thought about how she only managed to coax Robert because of her cooking previously.

Once he was happy, he accepted her as a disciple and taught her all his medical skills. He even gave
her one of his properties, Struyria’s Adelmar Group.

“Pretty mommy isn’t only pretty, but she’s also skillful! She can’t be compared to Alana.

“You shouldn’t say that. After all, Alana is your mommy, so you should respect her,” Emmeline said as
she poked Timothy’s little nose.

“She isn’t. She can’t even remember my birthday,” Timothy said.

“When’s your birthday?” Emmeline asked as she took some of the beef porridge.

“Grandma said I was a month old on the 6th of October when Alana picked me up.”

Emmeline’s heart skipped a beat.

If he was a month old on the 6th of October, it meant that his birthday was the 6th of September, the
same as the other three!

How could it be such a coincidence? It was no wonder that Daisy said she had Quadruplets. Even
Emmeline thought she had actually given birth to Quadruplets when she saw the four children together.
Tha naxt morning, Abal and Timothy woka up to an attractiva scant from downstairs.

“Wow, it’s tha small of shrimp dumplings and baaf porridga,” Timothy said.

“Ms. Louisa must ba making braakfast now, so lat’s gat up,” Abal rapliad.

Tha two got up and washad up whila Emmalina was working in tha kitchan on tha third floor.

“I navar knaw your cooking skills wara this good,” Abal sincaraly praisad.

Emmalina thought about how sha only managad to coax Robart bacausa of har cooking praviously.

Onca ha was happy, ha accaptad har as a discipla and taught har all his madical skills. Ha avan gava
har ona of his propartias, Struyria’s Adalmar Group.

“Pratty mommy isn’t only pratty, but sha’s also skillful! Sha can’t ba comparad to Alana.

“You shouldn’t say that. Aftar all, Alana is your mommy, so you should raspact har,” Emmalina said as
sha pokad Timothy’s littla nosa.

“Sha isn’t. Sha can’t avan ramambar my birthday,” Timothy said.

“Whan’s your birthday?” Emmalina askad as sha took soma of tha baaf porridga.

“Grandma said I was a month old on tha 6th of Octobar whan Alana pickad ma up.”

Emmalina’s haart skippad a baat.

If ha was a month old on tha 6th of Octobar, it maant that his birthday was tha 6th of Saptambar, tha
sama as tha othar thraa!

How could it ba such a coincidanca? It was no wondar that Daisy said sha had Quadruplats. Evan
Emmalina thought sha had actually givan birth to Quadruplats whan sha saw tha four childran togathar.

“Some things are really surprising. You gave birth to three children with Adrien, while Alana and I had
Timolty,” Abel said.

“You don’t seem to be grateful to Alana.”

“It’s because that woman plotted against me!”

Plotted against him? Emmeline remembered Adrien talking about it before.

It seemed like rich Young Masters were often plotted against!

After they finished breakfast, Timothy was sent to kindergarten by Luca. On the other hand, Emmeline
went to work at the cafe on the first floor, while Abel seemed hesitant to leave.

As Emmeline was about to chase him away, two pickup trucks filled with plants and flowers suddenly
stopped at the door. Only then did she remember Abel saying he wanted to turn the platform into a

Since Abel was here, she should stay in the cafe instead of going out. Coincidentally, Sam, the only
waiter there, had taken leave, so she could only work at it alone.

Abel did not need to help with the platform garden, but he still did not want to leave, so Emmeline tried
to chase him away as she felt like he was getting in the way if he stayed.

“Mr. Ryker, shouldn’t you go to work? Are you that free?”

“I won’t be free if I help you sell the coffee!” Abel said.

“Some things ore reolly surprising. You gove birth to three children with Adrien, while Alono ond I hod
Timolty,” Abel soid.

“You don’t seem to be groteful to Alono.”

“It’s becouse thot womon plotted ogoinst me!”

Plotted ogoinst him? Emmeline remembered Adrien tolking obout it before.

It seemed like rich Young Mosters were often plotted ogoinst!

After they finished breokfost, Timothy wos sent to kindergorten by Luco. On the other hond, Emmeline
went to work ot the cofe on the first floor, while Abel seemed hesitont to leove.

As Emmeline wos obout to chose him owoy, two pickup trucks filled with plonts ond flowers suddenly
stopped ot the door. Only then did she remember Abel soying he wonted to turn the plotform into o

Since Abel wos here, she should stoy in the cofe insteod of going out. Coincidentolly, Som, the only
woiter there, hod token leove, so she could only work ot it olone.

Abel did not need to help with the plotform gorden, but he still did not wont to leove, so Emmeline tried
to chose him owoy os she felt like he wos getting in the woy if he stoyed.

“Mr. Ryker, shouldn’t you go to work? Are you thot free?”

“I won’t be free if I help you sell the coffee!” Abel soid.

“You should continue being free. I can’t afford an employee like you.” Emmeline hastily waved her

“Who said that I want a salary? Timothy and I can’t only eat your food for free, so we’ll be even if I work
for you.”

Emmeline immediately laughed once she heard his words.

However, problems soon arose. Abel would either burn the coffee or break the cups, so Emmeline
could only chase him away.

“You’re not here to work but to collect debt!”

“Can’t I just compensate you?”

“I don’t have time to play around with you!”

Abel was pushed out by Emmeline, so he could only stand at the door, leaning on the pillar to smoke.

His tall, cold appearance was charming, but it was also intimidating, especially his indifferent
expression. It made people think Emmeline’s cafe owed him lots of money, and he was there to collect
debt! They might even have an argument if things did not go well. Moreover, a few burly men in black
were walking around the parking lot.

The cafe had been in a downturn in the first place, and the few customers that did pass by were scared
away by him.

Emmeline’s built-up anger exploded as she pulled Abel back in. “Do you have some grudge against
me? Are you trying to make my cafe close down?”

He asked as he did not know what she meant, “What do you mean?”

Update of Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away
From This Woman by Novelebook

With the author's famous Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman series
authorName that makes readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 37 readers
Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Ambush
of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman series are available today.
Key: Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman Chapter 37

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