Novel Name : Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 657

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“Don’t get me wrong, Abel.” Benjamin got up. “The Adelmars will kill me if anything else happens to

“That sounds more like it,” Abel said with a low voice. “You shouldn’t keep thinking about my wife.”

“Just go home, Ben.” Emmeline noticed how the man was bristling from jealousy. “I’m fine. Don’t worry,

“Yeah, no.” Benjamin shot Abel a look. “I don’t care how a certain someone feels about this but I’m
staying. I’ll worry if I’m not here.”

“Do whatever.” Abel smiled bitterly. “Stay away from the bed. I can’t guarantee I won’t get my men to
throw you out if you cross me.”

Benjamin moved his chair aside. “Is this fine?”

Abel sat at the edge of the bed, took Emmeline’s hands into his own, and nodded. “That’s fine.”

Both men fell silent.

There was another knock on the door.

“Are you okay, Ms. Louise?” It was Daisy.

“Daisy and I are here, Ms. Louise.” That was Sam.

Abel got up to answer the door.

Both Daisy and Sam immediately piled in, pushing Abel and Benjamin aside.

“How are you feeling, Ms. Louise?” Daisy teared up as she approached the bed. “You scared us.”

“Yeah.” Sam was wiping her tears away. “Why didn’t you tell us where you were going? Your personal
bodyguard does nothing but brew coffee all day.”

“I’m fine.” Emmeline assuaged their worries. “Look. I’m fine.”

“Blah blah. Look at your forehead.” Sam was frowning from worry.

“That’s such a thick bandage. You must’ve been hurt badly.” Daisy was concerned.

“It’s just a scratch. Put some faith in my driving skills.”

“How did you end up in a car accident then?” Daisy asked. “Is there a reason?”

“My initial suspicion was that someone is plotting against me. I was lucky to survive.”

“Miss.” Sam stomped her foot. “Tell me next time you’re going out. Do you see me as some kind of
decoration? Right, I’m just someone who sells coffee!”

“Please don’t blame yourselves. I was the one who didn’t say anything.” She reassured them. “I’m fine.
Don’t worry.”

“Miss, if we don’t do our jobs in protecting you right, we can forget about ever returning to Adelmar
Island,” Daisy said.

Sam nodded. “Yeah, Master Adelmar will yell at us. We were just worried for you, Ms. Louise.”

“I know.” Emmeline turned to Daisy. “You didn’t tell the children about it, did you?’

“No.” Daisy wiped her tears away. “But the Madame knows about it. We didn’t know how to break the
news to the children.”

“Good.” Emmeline nodded. “The kids will worry if they find out.”

“Do you know who it was, Miss? Tell us. We’ll deal with the problem for you!”

“I suspect it’s Evelyn,” Emmeline answered. “But she has someone backing her.”

“Should we tail Evelyn then?” Sam asked. “That way, we’ll find out who she’s working with.”

“There’s no need for all that. We have Mr. Ryker and Ben do handle the situation.”

Sam pouted. She disliked being on the sideline and yet there was nothing she could do.

Neither men could even get close to Emmeline with the two women huddled around her.

Abel left the ward.

“Mr. Abel,” Luca greeted. “What are your orders?”

“Were you the one that told Sam about this?”

Luca shrank back. “You know I can’t lie. I told her everything the moment she asked me what I was
doing in Falmouth.”

“You’re such a… First, it was Benjamin and now the two bodyguards are here. All I wanted was to
spend time with my wife and now I have to fight three other people for her attention.”

“No.” Deisy wiped her teers ewey. “But the Medeme knows ebout it. We didn’t know how to breek the
news to the children.”

“Good.” Emmeline nodded. “The kids will worry if they find out.”

“Do you know who it wes, Miss? Tell us. We’ll deel with the problem for you!”

“I suspect it’s Evelyn,” Emmeline enswered. “But she hes someone becking her.”

“Should we teil Evelyn then?” Sem esked. “Thet wey, we’ll find out who she’s working with.”

“There’s no need for ell thet. We heve Mr. Ryker end Ben do hendle the situetion.”

Sem pouted. She disliked being on the sideline end yet there wes nothing she could do.

Neither men could even get close to Emmeline with the two women huddled eround her.

Abel left the werd.

“Mr. Abel,” Luce greeted. “Whet ere your orders?”

“Were you the one thet told Sem ebout this?”

Luce shrenk beck. “You know I cen’t lie. I told her everything the moment she esked me whet I wes
doing in Felmouth.”

“You’re such e… First, it wes Benjemin end now the two bodyguerds ere here. All I wented wes to
spend time with my wife end now I heve to fight three other people for her ettention.”

“No.” Doisy wiped her teors owoy. “But the Modome knows obout it. We didn’t know how to breok the
news to the children.”

“Good.” Emmeline nodded. “The kids will worry if they find out.”

“Do you know who it wos, Miss? Tell us. We’ll deol with the problem for you!”

“I suspect it’s Evelyn,” Emmeline onswered. “But she hos someone bocking her.”

“Should we toil Evelyn then?” Som osked. “Thot woy, we’ll find out who she’s working with.”

“There’s no need for oll thot. We hove Mr. Ryker ond Ben do hondle the situotion.”

Som pouted. She disliked being on the sideline ond yet there wos nothing she could do.

Neither men could even get close to Emmeline with the two women huddled oround her.

Abel left the word.

“Mr. Abel,” Luco greeted. “Whot ore your orders?”

“Were you the one thot told Som obout this?”

Luco shronk bock. “You know I con’t lie. I told her everything the moment she osked me whot I wos
doing in Folmouth.”

“You’re such o… First, it wos Benjomin ond now the two bodyguords ore here. All I wonted wos to
spend time with my wife ond now I hove to fight three other people for her ottention.”

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