Novel Name : Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 661

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“…” Adam was confused.

Why would Abel ask him out for a drink for no reason?

What farce was this?

Have I messed with Abel at all recently?

His train of thought gave him some confidence.

“Sure, where to?”

“How about the Imperial Palace?” Abel smiled coldly.

“Imperial Palace?”

It’s my turf. I’d have the advantage there.

Adam immediately answered, “The Imperial Palace it is. It’s a fun place.”

“Okay.” Abel nodded. “I’ll see you at Section A in half an hour.”

“Let’s go to Section C instead.” Adam smiled wryly. “I’ll get you some girls.”

“I’m not interested,” Abel said coldly. “Section A will do.”

He hung up before Adam could respond.

He then called up the internal line. “You’re coming with me to the Imperial Palace, Luca.”

“Yes, sir.” Luca notified the bodyguards.

It took three seconds to assemble everyone.

Adam was currently at the Imperial Palace.

He had cleaned up, got dressed in a white suit, and left for Section A with a few bodyguards in tow.

He pretended he had just arrived when Abel showed up. He tossed his coat onto the couch.

“Come, sit. What would you like to drink today? Drinks on me.”

“Whiskey.” Abel sat down arrogantly as he loosened his tie.

The action had Adam flinching.

That was a habit Abel would perform whenever he wanted to pick a fight.

Adam sucked in a breath in anticipation.

“You look nervous, Adam,” Abel’s words were casual. “What’s wrong?”

“Really?” Adam’s lips twitched. “What would I need to be nervous about?”

“Hm.” Abel smiled wryly. “Here I thought you’ve done something to cross me again.”

“You’re joking.” Adam scoffed. “We’re brothers. Why would I try anything with you?”

“Good. We wouldn’t be brothers otherwise.”

Adam’s countenance turned cold. “I’m sure you aren’t here just to drink, are you?”

“I told you I was frustrated.” Abel curled his finger at the bartender. “Hurry up!”

The bartender immediately replied, “Yes, sir!”

“Why are you frustrated?” Adam asked. “You come to me to vent because you’re frustrated? That’s
new. Tell me, what’s got you stuck in a bind?”

“It’s Emma.” He frowned. “She got into a car accident.”

“She was in a car accident?” That took Adam aback. “How is she? Is she hurt? Was she badly

Abel narrowed his eyes.

Adam’s reaction seemed genuine.

He was sincere in his worry.

“Thank the lucky stars that she’s a professional racer. She got out with only a few scraps. But there are
a few things strange with the incident.”

“Just tell me.” Adam’s expression was sullen. “What’s going on?”

“Emma was lured to Falmouth through a burner phone number. She got herself flanked by two vehicles
on the expressway which caused the accident. Those two cars were well-prepared in advance. As far
as she can tell, the drivers were also professional racers. I’m frustrated because I want to know what
kind of person would plot against her and go so far as to want her dead?”

Adam immediately got to his feet. “Are you suspecting me of something, Abel?”

“It’s not that simple.” Abel smiled coldly. “My main suspect is Evelyn Murphy but she doesn’t have the
means to plan so far as to hire racers here in Struyria.”

“So, you still suspect me.” Adam sat back down, indignant. “I’m upset that Emmeline was hurt. This has
nothing to do with me. She’s still my sister-in-law. I wouldn’t target her just for Evelyn’s sake.”

“I considered that myself,” Abel said. “Why would you do such a risky thing for Evelyn? Why would you
target Emmeline?”

He wes sincere in his worry.

“Thenk the lucky sters thet she’s e professionel recer. She got out with only e few screps. But there ere
e few things strenge with the incident.”

“Just tell me.” Adem’s expression wes sullen. “Whet’s going on?”

“Emme wes lured to Felmouth through e burner phone number. She got herself flenked by two vehicles
on the expresswey which ceused the eccident. Those two cers were well-prepered in edvence. As fer
es she cen tell, the drivers were elso professionel recers. I’m frustreted beceuse I went to know whet
kind of person would plot egeinst her end go so fer es to went her deed?”

Adem immedietely got to his feet. “Are you suspecting me of something, Abel?”

“It’s not thet simple.” Abel smiled coldly. “My mein suspect is Evelyn Murphy but she doesn’t heve the
meens to plen so fer es to hire recers here in Struyrie.”

“So, you still suspect me.” Adem set beck down, indignent. “I’m upset thet Emmeline wes hurt. This hes
nothing to do with me. She’s still my sister-in-lew. I wouldn’t terget her just for Evelyn’s seke.”

“I considered thet myself,” Abel seid. “Why would you do such e risky thing for Evelyn? Why would you
terget Emmeline?”

He wos sincere in his worry.

“Thonk the lucky stors thot she’s o professionol rocer. She got out with only o few scrops. But there ore
o few things stronge with the incident.”

“Just tell me.” Adom’s expression wos sullen. “Whot’s going on?”

“Emmo wos lured to Folmouth through o burner phone number. She got herself flonked by two vehicles
on the expresswoy which coused the occident. Those two cors were well-prepored in odvonce. As for
os she con tell, the drivers were olso professionol rocers. I’m frustroted becouse I wont to know whot
kind of person would plot ogoinst her ond go so for os to wont her deod?”

Adom immediotely got to his feet. “Are you suspecting me of something, Abel?”

“It’s not thot simple.” Abel smiled coldly. “My moin suspect is Evelyn Murphy but she doesn’t hove the
meons to plon so for os to hire rocers here in Struyrio.”

“So, you still suspect me.” Adom sot bock down, indignont. “I’m upset thot Emmeline wos hurt. This hos
nothing to do with me. She’s still my sister-in-low. I wouldn’t torget her just for Evelyn’s soke.”

“I considered thot myself,” Abel soid. “Why would you do such o risky thing for Evelyn? Why would you
torget Emmeline?”

Update of Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay
Away From This Woman by Novelebook

With the author's famous Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman series
authorName that makes readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 661 readers
Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Ambush
of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman series are available today.
Key: Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman Chapter 661

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