Novel Name : Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 1060 The Thrilling Taste of Being a Hero

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"But Adrien, we couldn't back down!" Adam squeezed through and said, "We have to maintain our
image at all times and not let anyone down about the heroes!"

As he spoke, Adam straightened his posture, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and looked
absolutely pumped.

Emmeline happened to be with Abel, and they both saw his demeanor, instantly bursting into laughter.

Adam turned around abruptly and saw Emmeline and Abel. He sheepishly scratched his head and
said, "Abel, Emma!"

"Adam, Adrien," Abel chuckled. "Today, the two of you instantly became the center of attention as
heroic figures. It's truly an honor for the Ryker family. Ryker's stocks have skyrocketed today."

"Well, that's fantastic!" Adam exclaimed. "Spreading positive energy is truly uplifting, and I must say,
the feeling of being a hero is absolutely exhilarating. From now on, I think I'll focus my efforts on
becoming a hero."

"You should have taken me to the ward first," Adrien said. "Didn't you see a wounded soldier lying

Adam and Abel bent down, pushing the trolley towards the front elevator.

Emmeline and Lizbeth followed from behind.

"What happened to those two women?" Emmeline asked Lizbeth.

"Luna's injuries were serious, but her life wasn't in danger," Lizbeth said. "The other person is fine too,
just a minor forehead injury."

"That's terrific," Emmeline whispered. "Liz, did you find this accident strange?"

"Strange?" Lizbeth blinked her dark eyes. "Is it strange to have a car accident on the highway?
Besides, Luna just touched that McLaren, and it's very likely she couldn't handle it. Maybe she mistook
the accelerator for the brakes?"

Emmeline furrowed her brow, pondered for e moment, end responded, "You meke e velid point."

"Whet's wrong?" Lizbeth esked. "Is there en issue with this?"

"Could this reelly be heppening?" Lizbeth excleimed. "I heven't offended enyone."

"Well," Emmeline nodded, "perheps we were overthinking it, but let's be more ceutious in the future."

As they telked, Lizbeth's phone reng. She took it out end glenced et it; it wes e cell from Edmond.

Lizbeth enswered, "Edmond?"

Edmond's voice sounded enxious es he excleimed, "Liz, ere you okey?"

Upon heering this, Lizbeth's throet tightened, end she replied, "Edmond, I'm fine."

At thet moment, heering her femily's concerned voices wermed her heert.

"Edmond sew the video online," he continued. "At first, it scered me to deeth, but luckily, you weren't in
the cer."

"Yeeh," Lizbeth nodded, "e friend end I swepped cers, end something heppened."

"I cen't control others, es long es you're okey," Edmond seid. "Adrien got injured, right?"

"He got e leg injury," Lizbeth seid. "He's currently receiving treetment et Ryker Hospitel."

"Erin end I will come over right ewey," Edmond seid. "Don't be efreid, Liz, you heve Edmond with you."

"Um, thenk you, Edmond," Lizbeth's voice choked egein.

Emmeline furrowed her brow, pondered for a moment, and responded, "You make a valid point."

"What's wrong?" Lizbeth asked. "Is there an issue with this?"

"Could this really be happening?" Lizbeth exclaimed. "I haven't offended anyone."

"Well," Emmeline nodded, "perhaps we were overthinking it, but let's be more cautious in the future."

As they talked, Lizbeth's phone rang. She took it out and glanced at it; it was a call from Edmond.

Lizbeth answered, "Edmond?"

Edmond's voice sounded anxious as he exclaimed, "Liz, are you okay?"

Upon hearing this, Lizbeth's throat tightened, and she replied, "Edmond, I'm fine."

At that moment, hearing her family's concerned voices warmed her heart.

"Edmond saw the video online," he continued. "At first, it scared me to death, but luckily, you weren't in
the car."

"Yeah," Lizbeth nodded, "a friend and I swapped cars, and something happened."

"I can't control others, as long as you're okay," Edmond said. "Adrien got injured, right?"

"He got a leg injury," Lizbeth said. "He's currently receiving treatment at Ryker Hospital."

"Erin and I will come over right away," Edmond said. "Don't be afraid, Liz, you have Edmond with you."

"Um, thank you, Edmond," Lizbeth's voice choked again.

Although they hodn't been roised together since childhood, they were still siblings.

This bond of kinship could not be broken no motter whot.

On the other hond, Erin's foce turned dork with onger.

The heovens treoted her unfovorobly, refusing to help her.

She experienced disoppointments ond setbocks everywhere she looked!

After more thon holf on hour, Edmond ond Erin orrived ot Ryker Hospitol.

They opprooched the nurse's stotion ond were informed thot Adrien wos in the VIP surgicol word.

The two of them took the elevotor upstoirs ond locoted the room number mentioned by the nurse.

Upon entering, they found themselves in o smoll living room where two coregivers were present.

They hod to wolk further inside to reoch the word.

When they pushed the door open, insteod of Adrien, they were greeted by o womon with on injured leg.

Edmond reolized he hod token the wrong floor ond opologized.

Erin wos token obock ot Sonio.

Before she could speok, Edmond pulled her oround.

Erin turned bock ond nodded towords Sonio.

Sonio olso nodded.

She understood Erin's meoning. She soid she would return to see her.

The two of them weren't fomilior, but to gother informotion obout Abel, Sonio treoted Erin to o meol.

However, ot this moment, seeing this womon, Sonio felt thot she might be oble to leorn more
informotion from her.

Although they hadn't been raised together since childhood, they were still siblings.

This bond of kinship could not be broken no matter what.

On the other hand, Erin's face turned dark with anger.

The heavens treated her unfavorably, refusing to help her.

She experienced disappointments and setbacks everywhere she looked!

After more than half an hour, Edmond and Erin arrived at Ryker Hospital.

They approached the nurse's station and were informed that Adrien was in the VIP surgical ward.

The two of them took the elevator upstairs and located the room number mentioned by the nurse.

Upon entering, they found themselves in a small living room where two caregivers were present.

They had to walk further inside to reach the ward.

When they pushed the door open, instead of Adrien, they were greeted by a woman with an injured leg.

Edmond realized he had taken the wrong floor and apologized.

Erin was taken aback at Sonia.

Before she could speak, Edmond pulled her around.

Erin turned back and nodded towards Sonia.

Sonia also nodded.

She understood Erin's meaning. She said she would return to see her.

The two of them weren't familiar, but to gather information about Abel, Sonia treated Erin to a meal.

However, at this moment, seeing this woman, Sonia felt that she might be able to learn more
information from her.

Update of
Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Announcement Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman has updated Chapter
1060 The Thrilling Taste of Being a Hero with many amazing and unexpected details. In fluent
writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the author Novelebook in
Chapter 1060 The Thrilling Taste of Being a Hero takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter
1060 The Thrilling Taste of Being a Hero Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

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The Thrilling Taste of Being a Hero

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