Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 14

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14 Belief

Unknown POV

I grab my cheek after he knocks me to the ground. I still can’t believe this is my life now. I’ve been
betrayed by my own beloved, but I wouldn’t change what I did. He kicks me bringing me out of my
thoughts. “You did this to yourself.” “I stopped feeling bad long ago for punishing you.” I stay silent
because I won’t give him the satisfaction of showing him tears or begging for him to stop. He is an
unfeeling monster who has no problem causing me pain. “Nothing to say love?” I look at him with
disgust at his pet name. “Still such spirit after all this time.” “I bet you wish you could use your powers
but that won’t be happening.” “Where did she go?” “You took what I was supposed to have and now
you will be punished until I get what I’m owed.” I look up and look into his eyes “even if I knew where
she was I wouldn’t tell you.” I feel his fist connect with my cheek and the darkness take me under. I say
a prayer to the goddess in that moment that he never finds her.

Amelia POV

I probably should have kept that detail to myself, but I am nothing to the Darkmoon pack. It’s too late
now I’ve said it and honestly it felt right acknowledging what I am to Lincoln and this pack. “I’m
confused Amelia, what do you mean”, Neal asks. “How can you take a chosen mate while you’re still
mated to Alpha Atlas?” Lincoln growls and I lay my hand on his arm reassuring him I can handle this. “I
think I have made it clear that I am nothing to that cheating ba**ard.” “Lincoln is not a chosen mate.”
Now he looks more confused. “Apparently the goddess is as angry with Atlas as I am because she has
given me a second chance with a fated mate.” “I can’t believe this, how is that possible” Neal says with
a hurt look on his face. I know he is loyal to the pack and his Alpha, but based on what Elias said of
him he is a man of honor. “I can’t believe he would betray you.”

“Neal, I know how hard it is to believe that Atlas would do this, but I promise you that I heard them
together in his office.” “I tried to get away without them knowing I was there but they heard me in the
hallway.” “They came out acting like nothing happened.” “Both acting like they were so worried about
me and my pup.” “Star and I hated ourselves for not realizing the pain we we had every day was that
ba**ard scr*wing Freya over and over again.” “Then he would come back to me and act like he loved
me and our pup after he was finished with her.” “He betrayed his own brother, a man who treated him
like an equal not a Beta.” “So, I know you don’t want to believe all this but it’s the truth.” “So, to answer
your question, no I won’t go back to him or that pack.” “As soon as the bond is completely broken, I will
be formally accepting Lincoln.” “He is my mate and my pup’s father.” Lincoln wraps his arm around my
shoulder pulling me close to him.

I watch Neal look at Lincoln and then John. “Neal the Elders will be coming tomorrow and I will be
telling them the same thing I just told you.” “What if they don’t believe you Amelia?” “What if they give
you no choice?” Again, Lincoln growls but I don’t need anyone to defend me in this moment. “I will tell
them I am not a possession of the Darkmoon Alpha and I will not go back to Atlas.” “I will not be forced
to stay mated to a monster who doesn’t honor the mate bond.” “I’m sorry Amelia, I had no idea what he
had done to you.” “I never would have come here to take you back to him.” I smile, Elias always said
that Neal was a man of honor and loyalty.” He was right. “Neal, you came here because you believed
your Alpha but you listened to me instead of just following orders blindly.” “That makes you a honorable
man, not just a mindless warrior of your Alpha.” “He is not my Alpha after what he has done to you.”
“What can I do to help you, Amelia?”

Lincoln POV

As I listen to Amelia speak to Neal, I couldn’t be prouder. My mate is amazing and strong. She could
have broken after everything that happened to her, but instead she sits here like the Luna she is. I
listen to her telling Neal exactly what happened to her at the hands of his so-called Alpha. The anger I
feel even though I know this story, is resonating through my body. Talon is ready to run to that pack and

end this, but I remind him we need to do this the right way. I worried that this wolf wouldn’t go against
his Alpha. I can see that he definitely cares about what is right, not some misguided loyalty to a man
that doesn’t deserve it. When he asks what he can do to help Amelia, I couldn’t be more grateful.
“John, can you get Lily to join us so we can discuss a plan for Neal to help us.” “Yes Alpha”, John says
and leaves the room.

Ten minutes later he returns, followed by Lily. When she steps into the office, her eyes land on Neal
and she stops walking. A look I can’t decipher crosses her face but it’s gone just as quickly. “Lily, are
you alright?” “Yes Alpha, John said you wanted to see me.” “Lily, this is Neal, a warrior from the
Darkmoon pack, I believe you met him at the hotel.” “Why is he here?” “Lily” John says with
disappointment in his voice. “It’s ok I understand she is worried for Amelia” Neal says. He stands
walking over to her. He sticks out his hand to properly introduce himself to Lily. She turns and rushes
out of the room. “I’m sorry Neal, I don’t know what’s going on with her”, John says, and leaves my
office. Neal comes back and sits down in front of us. “I’m going to go check on Lily with John”, Amelia

Lily POV

I’m downstairs just grabbing something to eat. I was off today and I’m enjoying being able to spend
time with Amelia. We are supposed to go for a walk tomorrow before her meeting with the Elders. John
walks into the dining room and straight toward me. “Lily, Lincoln wants you to come to the office.”
“What’s wrong, is Amelia, ok?” “Yes, she is absolutely fine.” “One of the warriors from the other day is
here speaking to her and Lincoln.” I don’t even wait for him to finish speaking and I take off toward the
office. What the hell would Lincoln let a damn Darkmoon warrior near Amelia for? John grabs my arm
just as I reach the door. “What the hell is wrong with you?” “Why is he here and why wasn’t I told before
now?” “Lily, we are guests here in this pack, so I suggest you act as such.” “Be respectful or I’ll go back
in by myself.” “You don’t question Lincoln’s actions.” I take a deep breath and follow John in. As soon
as I see him sitting in the chair, I stop walking. I can’t do this, I can’t be in this room with him. When he

gets up walking toward me, I lose it. I rush out of the office and head toward the room I’ve been staying
in. Once I’m inside, I sit on the floor in front of the door.

A knock sounds on the door. “Lily, open up and talk to me.” “What the hell is going on” John says from
the hallway. “John, please just leave me alone right now.” “I need some space.” “Fine, but we are going
to talk about this later.” I hear his footsteps becoming distant and I thank the goddess he listened. A
few minutes later, a knock on the door scares me. “Lily, it’s Amelia, please let me in.” I open the door
and she walks in, wrapping me in a hug. “Lily, what happened in there?” I pull back but I’m not ready to
talk about this yet. I don’t want to lie to Amelia, but I know if I don’t she will push until I tell her. “I just
don’t want him around you and your pup.” “I know your worried about me and bean but honestly Neal is
nothing like Atlas.” “He wants to help me because he is a good person.” I feel my heart clench in my
chest at her words. “What if he is lying Amelia?” “You once thought Atlas was a good person.” I see
hurt flash on her face and I feel like a total b**ch. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean that.” She places my hand her
hand on my cheek. “I know you just said that because you’re worried about me.” “Everyone isn’t like
that ba**ard and I have to believe there are still good wolves in our world.” “Besides I’m here and
protected.” “Any plan we come up with will not involve me leaving this pack.” She laughs “you can be
sure Lincoln wouldn’t agree to that.” I smile “no he wouldn’t.” “Ok I’m with you, let’s go come up with a

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The novel Betrayed by My Beta Mate has been updated Chapter 14 with many unexpected details,
removing many love knots for the male and female lead. In addition, the author TheNich29 is very
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Novel Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

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