Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 114

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48 Not a Hero

Larisa POV

A part of me feels bad for hitting Oliver. He is the only one that seems kind. Ara and I couldn’t shift
completely because of the silver, but she was able to lend me some of her strength, making the blow
more powerful. He will live but he is going to have one hell of a headache when he wakes up. I manage
to roll him off of me and get to my feet. My ribs hurt like a b**ch with my healing slowed by the silver.
Once I’m on my feet, I move through the cell door without touching the bars. I’m grateful to find the
door that leads out of the room is unlocked. As I keep moving, I find the hallway is empty. I move
through the hallway as quickly as I can without drawing attention to myself. I’m almost to another set of
stairs when I hear something behind me. I turn to see the b**ch from earlier coming out of a room,
followed by the man that the goddess has chosen as my mate. She spots me first and wipes her
mouth, letting me know that she just had my mate’s c**k in it. Ara wants me to turn around and rip her
throat out. “He has made choice and we are not it. We need to get the hell out of here, Ara.” I rush
down the stairs as fast as I can with my injuries. I approach a door that I’m sure leads outside. I push it
open and I’m grateful to be right. As soon as we step outside the door, we shift, heading for the woods.
Hope blooms in my chest that I have saved myself from these evil f**ks.

We weave through the trees saying a prayer to the goddess that I can get far enough away so they
won’t be able to find me. Apparently, I’m not that lucky. I run for a few more minutes before something
hits me hard in the side with enough force to knock me off of my feet and into a tree. If my ribs had
healed at all they are definitely broken again. Ara whimpers and all the hope from a few minutes ago is
gone. I look up to see three vampires standing over us. “The stupid b**ch tried to run. You thought you
were actually faster than us. I hope Magnum punishes your a** for running and let’s all of us watch.” I
close my eyes, not wanting to see them stand there and gloat. A noise that sounds like a sickening

thud gets my attention and I pry my eyes open. “I told you not to hurt her”, Magnum yells at the vampire
he has pinned to the tree. A thought that he might actually care about me is immediately replaced by
the reality that he needs me alive to get to my father. I hear a crack but I don’t even dare look as I close
my eyes again. Did he just kill one of his own men? Ara is scooped up like she weighs nothing and,
based on the tingles, I know exactly who is carrying us this time. After a few minutes, I open my eyes
enough to see Oscar standing at the door. Magnum pushes past him without a word and carries me
back upstairs. I expect him to carry me back to the cell but he doesn’t. He takes me to a room that is a
few doors down from the one I was in earlier. It is beautiful and I doubt this is Magnum’s room. It has a
huge bed and it is decorated in blue and gray. I would think his room would be dark with red and black
colors. “Just because he is a vampire doesn’t mean he has to like black and red”, Ara says, and I roll
my eyes.

He sets us down gently before he stands back to his full height. “Shift back little wolf” he says like a
command. I know Ara wants to please him and she does as he asks without warning. “Traitor” I say
before I realize I’m lying naked before him. I scramble for the covers almost forgetting about my broken
ribs. I wince and I can see anger flash in his eyes. “Where are you injured?” “Don’t worry about it. I’m a
wolf, I’ll heal. I will be perfectly healthy by the time you need to use me” I say with all the venom I can
muster. “Laura, I asked you a question and I expect an answer.” I almost forgot that is the name I gave
to Oscar. “Why don’t you go ask your girlfriend about my injuries since she is one that’s responsible for
them?” “The vampire that I just killed is responsible, not Jonelle.” Her name on his lips just pisses me
off further. I laugh “your vampire may have made it worse, but she is the one who broke my ribs in the
first place.” His eyes turn blood red and he turns heading for the door. He reaches for the handle before
he turns back to look at me. “There are vampires posted outside your window and this door. Do not try
anything stupid again. I can’t afford to keep killing men if they hurt you.” He leaves and I don’t know
what the hell to think about what he just said. “He cares about us” Ara says. “No, he cares about
revenge. Don’t even let yourself hope. He will not be our mate, Ara.” She whimpers, receding to the
back of my mind. I hate that I have to be the one to tell her to give up on our mate, but I can’t let her

hold on to hope. Once this is over, the goddess may bless us with a second chance who isn’t an evil
pr*ck. One who wants us with all his heart. I wrap the blanket around myself and the adrenaline that
was coursing through my veins is gone. Exhaustion like I’ve never known envelops me and I give into
the darkness.

Magnum POV

After I leave her in the guest room, I find Oscar in the hallway. I had thought about placing her in my
room but I know Jonelle’s scent is all over in there. I don’t know why I care. Actually, I do, it’s this damn
bond. I shake those thoughts away as Oscar is walking toward me rubbing his head. “What the f**k
happened?” “I went to check on her just like you asked me to. I smelled blood so I went inside the cell
to check on her and she must have hit me.” I don’t know whether to smile or be pissed. Why would
there be blood? She is definitely a feisty little thing, but did she make herself bleed to make it look like
my people injured her or did Jonelle really do it? She saw what I just did to the ba**ard that hurt her, so
it makes sense she would accuse Jonelle. I also have no doubt that Jonelle would hurt her if she got
the chance, but she has never defied my orders before. “Did you see Jonelle anywhere near the cell
with the she-wolf in it?” He looks like I’m not going to like his answer. “Not long after I put the she-wolf
in the cell I found Jonelle standing outside her cell causing her pain. I immediately told her to stop and
she left.” “Why the f**k didn’t you tell me about this earlier?” “I wasn’t sure you would actually care. I
mean she is your prisoner.” I’m sure my eyes show my anger. “Magnum, what the hell is going on with
you? If I didn’t know any better, I would think you care about the wolf.” I shoot him a glare. He raises his
hands in surrender.

“I want Jonelle in my office in five minutes.” He nods and heads toward my room. I’m sure that is
exactly where she is. I head to my office and take a seat behind my desk. I am trying to keep a tight
leash on my anger at the moment. The door to my office opens two minutes later and Jonelle walks in
with a seductive smile on her face. I stand walking around the desk until I’m standing in front of her.
She takes that as an invitation to wrap her arms around my neck. I force her hands down and look into

her eyes. I grip both her upper arms. “Tell me what you did.” I see a flash of anger and fear. “I don’t
know what the hell you’re talking about Magnum. Let me go you’re hurting me.” I squeeze her arms
tighter. “Did you hurt the she-wolf and think very carefully before you answer me?” I feel her trying to
free herself from my grasp. “Answer me now.” “You think I don’t know what she is to you.” I stiffen at
her words. “She is your beloved isn’t she. I know she is and she will never have you. You are mine,
Magnum.” “Whatever she is to me is none of your concern, Jonelle. I never promised you anything but
f**king and you will not disobey my orders. Stay away from the she-wolf. If you disobey me again, you
will not like the consequences.” She stays quiet for a minute before she finally answers me. “I’m sorry
Magnum. Please let me make it up to you.” She tries to lower herself to her knees, but I stop her. “Get
out of my office and don’t let me see you for the rest of the night.” She turns heading for the door.
“Remember what I said Jonelle. I will not repeat myself.” She nods before she leaves.

Larisa POV

I’m not sure how much time has passed, but when I wake up it’s dark outside. I really wish that I had
my clothes right now. I wrap the sheet around myself and head for a door that I hope is the bathroom.
I’m stuck here and, honestly, I need a shower after running through the woods. The bathroom is just as
beautiful as the bedroom. I drop the sheet on the floor and turn the shower on, making the water as hot
as I can tolerate. My ribs feel much better than they did earlier, but they are still a little sore. I step into
the spray and let the water run over my body. “I’m sorry Larisa” Ara says. “I’m not mad at you, Ara. I
know how hard this is for both of us. We need to focus on getting out of this place and getting back to
the pack. I won’t let anyone hurt dad or our family.” “I know your right and I will do my best to fight the
bond, Larisa. You are more important than anyone to me. I will keep us safe.” I smile “I’m glad we have
each other and we will get through this together.” I finish my shower and shut the water off. I turn to
grab my towel and an unfamiliar scent invades my nose. The door handle jiggles and I’m glad that I
made sure to lock it before I got into the shower. I stay quiet and I’m grateful when whoever it was
seems to be gone. I finish drying and grab a fresh towel to wrap around myself. I reach for the handle
of the door, but before I can reach it, the door flies open. My eyes go wide when his heated glare

moves up and down my body. I step back and the grin that spreads across his face makes a pit form in
my stomach. Ara growls and I grip the towel tightly. “Why are you in here”, I say to the man that I
recognize as one of the men from earlier in the woods. “Jonelle says we’re allowed to have fun with
you and, since Magnum killed the head soldier, I get to go first.”

[HOT]Read novel Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 114

Novel Betrayed by My Beta Mate has been published to Chapter 114 with new, unexpected details.
It can be said that the author TheNich29 invested in the Betrayed by My Beta Mate is too heartfelt.
After reading Chapter 114, I left my sad, but gentle but very deep. Let's read now Chapter 114 and
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