Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 105

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39 Talk To Your Mate

Calliope POV

After Larisa and Rose left, Eli was quiet. I’m sure he is in shock about Rose’s news. Faith starts to
squirm and fuss. I rub her back. “What’s the matter, sweet girl?” He smiles at her and picks her up in
his arms. He rocks her for a minute but she doesn’t quiet down. “I’m going to go grab her bottle and the
diaper bag. I won’t be gone long.” I wonder how he is feeling about all we just learned. Maybe he is
leaving because he needs time alone to think and process everything. I’m not upset that Clara is
Rose’s wolf. The goddess is amazing and, honestly, I’m glad that Clara will still have an opportunity to
watch Faith grow up. She deserves that. I just hope that this doesn’t change things between me and
Eli. He is my mate and I want nothing more than to mark him. I need to make him mine in every way.

This has to be a lot for him to absorb in a very short time between Clara’s visit and now knowing she is
Rose’s wolf. A light knock on the door sounds and the doctor steps inside. “Alpha Calliope, how are
you feeling?” “I’m perfect, Aurora has completely healed me.” She looks me over and checks my vital
signs. My wounds are completely healed. “I’m comfortable with discharging you but you will need to
follow up with your pack doctor tomorrow. Can I trust you to do that, Alpha?” I smile “I promise I will get
checked out.” I look around the room, realizing for the first time I don’t have any clothes. They must
have cut them off of me when they brought me to the hospital. “I will have the nurse bring you some
scrubs to wear if you want to go into the bathroom to get cleaned up.” “Thank you” I say. I manage to
get myself into the bathroom. I’m a little sore, but nothing I can’t tolerate.

Once I’m in the shower, the spray of the water feels amazing on my skin. All the dirt, blood, and grime
run down the drain. Aurora has been quiet and I wonder what she is thinking. “Aurora, tell me what
you’re thinking. I know you heard the conversation.” “Our mate is amazing. Did you see him with our

pup?” I smile “yes, I did. He is a wonderful father.” “He won’t change his mind, Calliope. I can already
feel the bond starting to form with him and Silas.” I love my wolf and I pray she is right. I step out of the
shower and dry off. I pull my long red hair into a ponytail. I wrap the towel around myself and head
back into the room. Eli is sitting back in the chair next to the bed and his eyes darken when they land
on me. I feel my core clench just from his gaze, but I push those thoughts away. Now is not the time for
those thoughts. “Where’s faith” I ask, and his eyes return to their normal color. “She is with my mother
while we talk.” My heart squeezes in my chest. I look around the room and there are clothes sitting on
the bed. “I brought you these so you wouldn’t have to wear the hospital scrubs. Larisa picked them out,
so I hope they fit.” “Thank you” I say as I pick them up and head back into the bathroom. Once I’m
dressed, I head back out and Eli smiles. “You look beautiful.” I chuckle “it’s just jeans and a t-shirt, but
thank you. The doctor said I’m discharged so I guess we can leave.” He nods and puts his hand out to
me. I place my hand in his and the tingles feel amazing on my skin.

He leads me down a path and the pack members we pass stare at our joined hands. I hear chatter of
them asking each other if I’m the new Luna. I hear one girl mention a girl named Suzanne being pissed
when she finds out Eli is taken again. I make a mental note to ask Eli about her later after our talk. We
reach the pack house and he leads me upstairs. I expect us to head to his office, but we don’t. He
opens a door that leads to what I assume is the Alpha floor. I smile as I look around and see evidence
of Faith everywhere. Her toys are on the floor, her highchair sitting at the table, and her little shoes by
the door. He leads me over to the couch and we both take a seat. “What did you want to talk about
Eli?” I see fear and sadness in his eyes. My heart breaks for him and I pray that he hasn’t changed his


As I walk toward the pack house to get Faith’s bottle, I can’t help the fear that I feel. I still can’t believe
that Clara is Rose’s wolf. I know how strange it sounds, but I’m glad that Clara will be there for Faith.
My connection with Clara is gone and every part of me wants to be with Calliope. She is my future. She

is my mate. It truly won’t be weird because I can’t talk to Rose’s wolf, only she can. I can’t thank Clara
and the goddess enough for giving me this gift, but how will Calliope feel about it? I head toward my
floor and my mother is walking toward me. “Eli, I expected you to still be at the hospital. How is
Calliope,” she asks. “She is good. The doctor will probably discharge her this afternoon. I came to get
Faith a bottle.” “What’s wrong Eli? Why do you look so worried? I thought everything was good with you
and Calliope now. Please tell me you didn’t hurt that girl again.” She takes Faith from my arms. “I have
accepted her completely, mom, but something happened and I’m not sure she will still want to be my
mate.” She looks at me like that is the dumbest thing she has ever heard. “I saw how defeated that
woman was when you rejected her.” “I never spoke the formal rejection. I was afraid, but I never
rejected her.” “That is just a formality. You made her think you didn’t want the bond. I understand why
you did that, Eli, but it still hurt her. I’m just glad you realized that Calliope is a gift that you deserve.
Now what on earth would make you think she doesn’t want to be your mate.” I tell my mother about
everything that Rose told us. She gasps before a smile breaks out on her face. “That is wonderful.
You’re worried that Calliope won’t want to be with you because Clara is Rose’s wolf and that will be too
hard for her to deal with?” I nod because I can’t bring myself to say it out loud. “Eli, I love you but
sometimes you don’t use the brains the goddess gave you.”

“Did you talk to your mate about how she is feeling or how you are feeling?” When I don’t answer she
growls at me. “So, you are borrowing trouble that might not even exist. Go talk to your mate, I will take
care of Faith.” She takes Faith from me and I kiss her head. She leans up and kisses my cheek before
she heads to their wing. I stop at Larisa’s room to grab clothes for Calliope because I’m sure she
destroyed them when she shifted. After she is dressed, I lead her to the pack house. Once we reach
our floor, I lead her over to the couch. “Calliope, how are you feeling about everything that just
happened? I know learning that my former mate will still be part of our lives may be difficult for you.”
“Eli, do you think I’m upset that Clara is Rose’s wolf? Eli, I love that Clara is going to get a chance to
see her pup grow up. It changes nothing about our bond for me. Did you think that I wouldn’t want to be
your mate because of that?” “It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t worried.” Before I know what’s

happening, Calliope straddles me and looks into my eyes. My goddess, she fits perfectly on my lap.
Her scent is intoxicating and I can’t wait to make her mine. Silas growls his agreement. He has been
quiet since I made the decision to accept Calliope. I know it was hurting him when I refused to accept
her. “I’m just glad that you realized that Calliope was meant to be ours before it was too late”, Silas
says. “Me too, Silas.” “Now if your done talking to Silas I want to talk about the Crescent Moon pack.” I
chuckle and she smiles.

Calliope POV

“I’m glad that you accept that I am an Alpha. I can’t say that I wasn’t worried that you would want to
have a Luna stand by your side.” He smiles “I would never want you to change who you are to please
me, Calliope.” I smile and his words spread warmth through my chest. I tell him about everything that
happened leading up to me leaving the pack and returning to end Mateo. He rubs circles on my back
as he listens to my story. “Mateo made certain I felt like the pack would never belong to me. I never
really felt like the Alpha of the Crescent Moon after the way Mateo treated me. After I killed Mateo, I
took the title because the pack needed an Alpha, but honestly I would like to appoint a new Alpha.”
“You’re sure you don’t want to combine the packs. The members from both would have equal rights
under our rule. It is your birthright despite what that a**hole thought. He was a piss poor excuse for an
Alpha,” “I appreciate that, but the pack members have been through enough. Their lives are just getting
to a place where everyone feels valued and I don’t want to disrupt that. I would like the Crescent Moon
to be our sister pack if you agree.” He places his hand on my face and I can’t even explain the love I
feel in this moment. “I think you are amazing and I would love to have the packs be bound to each
other. Do you know who you would like to appoint as Alpha?” “I do, but I will need to discuss it with my
Betas.” He growls low and I wrap my arms around his neck. “He is a friend, nothing more. I am yours
and yours only. You are the only man that will ever touch me.” He slams his lips down on mine and this
kiss is nothing like the one we shared earlier. It is sending heat to my core and I’m sure he is going to
scent my arousal. This kiss is possessive and I love every minute of it.

He stiffens and when he pulls back, I can see he is getting a link. His eyes are dark and he looks
pissed. “There is a rogue at the border that is requesting to speak with the Alpha.” “Let’s not keep our
visitor waiting” I say and he smiles. He leads me through the pack house and outside. As soon as we
are outside, he starts to undress and I can’t help but check him out. He looks at me confused when he
notices I’m not undressing. I smirk and shift. He shifts and Silas is amazing. I can’t wait to spend time
with him too. Silas takes off and Aurora follows behind him. “Did you see our wolf mate, he is
scrumptious”, Aurora says as we run. I can’t help but laugh at her words. We reach the border and
there are warriors already waiting. Eli shifts and turns toward me. I shift and I see surprise flash in his
eyes before he looks toward the rogue. “I am Alpha Eli Thomas and this is my mate, Alpha Calliope.
What do you want, rogue?” His stares at me which earns him a growl from Eli. “Keep looking at my
mate like that and you won’t live to speak.” The rogue looks back at Eli. “My master has a message for
the Nightfire pack.” “Who is your master?” “You will know soon enough.” I growl this time “what is your
message?” He turns to Eli. “You and everyone you love will pay for your father’s sins” he says. “Take
him to the cells now” Eli gives command and the rogue is taken into custody. Strong arms wrap around
me and he places his head in my neck, breathing in my scent. “No one will take our mate and pup from
us.” Aurora growls her agreement. He pulls back “we need to talk to my father and mother. I want to
know who the f**k is threatening my family. They are going to be very sorry.” I nod and we shift heading
back toward the pack house.

Read Betrayed by My Beta Mate - Chapter 105

Read Chapter 105 with many climactic and unique details. The series Betrayed by My Beta Mate
one of the top-selling novels by TheNich29. Chapter content chapter Chapter 105 - The heroine
seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened
a big event. So what was that event? Read Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 105 for more details

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