Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 120

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54 Cinnamon and Mate

Larisa POV

I can’t believe he is really here. I knew things had changed between us, but I never expected him to
come for me. I see concern flash across his handsome face but a knock on the door stops me from
asking him what’s going on in his mind. The pack doctor steps inside and smiles at me. “Larisa, I’m
glad to see you smiling and looking well.” Magnum’s brows furrow and I squeeze his hand. “There is a
good reason for that, Dr. Paul. This is my mate, Magnum.” He looks at Magnum “congratulations to
both of you on finding your mate.” Magnum’s face softens “thank you.” “I would like to check your vital
signs one more time and if everything is normal, I will discharge you.” “Good, I’m ready to get out of
here, no offense.” He chuckles “I would never be offended about someone wanting to leave the
hospital, Larisa.” Once he is finished checking me over, I link Rose to grab me some comfortable
clothes from my room. “Are we going to the coven since they are discharging you” Rose asks and I
smile. “I have a surprise for you when you get here” I say and cut the link. “I take it you’re linking
someone that makes you smile. Do I need to worry that you’re going to throw me over for the mystery
person”, Magnum says, but I can hear the hint of his nerves in the teasing. “Nope, you’re stuck with
me. I was linking my best friend Rose to bring me some clean clothes. I want to shower before we head
to the pack house.” “Well, that’s my cue to head to the guest room your mom showed us to earlier”
Oscar says.

I smile knowing that he has spoken with my parents. Once Oscar leaves, Magnum stands from the
bed. “Do you need me to help you to the shower?” I smile and I’m sure there is a blush on my cheeks.
Magnum shoots me a knowing glare and I drop my gaze. He steps closer and lowers his head so we
are eye to eye. “I promise you that the moment you feel up to and are ready to complete our bond, I will
put that blush on your cheeks permanently. He places his fingers on my chin, tipping my head and

pressing a soft kiss on my lips. My first kiss and it’s amazing. It’s meant to be gentle, but I still feel it in
my core. He pulls back and presses another kiss on my forehead. He pulls back and offers me his
hand. He leads me into the bathroom and once I’m inside he turns to the door. “I will bring your clothes
in when your friend arrives.” “Thank you, Magnum.” “You never have to thank me for taking care of you
Larisa. I plan to spend the rest of our lives doing just that” he says, shutting the door. “Did you hear that
he is going to take care of us”, Ara says with a wolfish grin. I roll my eyes and slip off my hospital gown.
I can’t believe everything that has happened over the last few days. I step in the shower and the warm
spray feels good against my skin. I can hear the door open and I assume that Magnum is putting my
clothes inside. “Larisa” I hear Rose’s voice but she sounds funny.

I move the curtain aside and she looks like she saw a ghost. “Rose, what’s wrong,” I say panic in my
voice. I grab the towel wrapping it around myself before I step out. Her silence is putting me on edge. I
come to stand in front of her and she finally looks into my eyes. “Rose tell me what’s going on.” “I can
smell my mate in your room” she says, with worry on her face. I can’t help the squeal that escapes my
lips. The door flies open and Magnum looks between us. I must have scared the hell out of him. “We’re
good, I just got excited.” He smirks before he shuts the door. I look back at Rose and smile. “Why are
you smiling like you know what the hell is going on? Why do I scent my mate out there?” “Do you know
how you were worried that I would be moving away and we wouldn’t be together all the time?” “Larisa, I
swear to the goddess if you don’t just tell me what the hell is going on I’m going to kick your a**.” I
laugh “my mate is an identical twin. His brother just left for the pack house.” Her eyes get big before the
most brilliant smile breaks out on her face. “Let me finish getting dressed so we can go get your man.”
She growls and I can see Clara is close to the surface. “Down girl” I say and Rose’s eyes return to their
normal hazel color. “Sorry Clara and I are excited to meet our mate.” “Alright, let me get dressed before
your wolf loses it.”

Rose POV

“Rose, can you grab me some clean clothes from my room? The doctor said I can go home.” I wonder
what the hell she means that she has a surprise for me? I head to the pack house and up to Larisa’s
room. I grab her a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. As I head back downstairs, I catch the faintest
scent of cinnamon. Clara is pacing in my mind. “Clara, you’re giving me a headache. What’s going on?”
She stops and rests on her haunches but she says nothing. As I walk to the hospital, I see Cayden and
Penny walking toward the pack house. Evelyn and I agreed that I would be the one to tell him about my
wolf, but there really hasn’t been a good time. “Hey Rose, Jenn asked if we could have a girls night like
we did when we were pups. I think she is feeling left out since she has a few years before she gets her
wolf”, Penny says. “I’m heading to the hospital to give Larisa some clothes. I would love to hang out
and I’m sure she will want to too.” I notice their fresh marks and smile. “Congratulations on your
marking.” “Rose, is everything alright”, Cayden asks and I feel bad for making him worry. Before he left
to find and kill the witch that hurt Clara, we were all getting close. “I was hoping before our girls night
we could talk, Cayden. It’s nothing bad but it’s important.” “Of course, you know you can always talk to
me Rose.” I meet his eyes and smile. We say our goodbyes and I to the hospital.

As I walk down the hall toward Larisa’s room, the scent of cinnamon invades my nose again. Clara
growls “mate” she says, and I freeze. I reach for the handle and when I open the door the scent is even
stronger. I step inside and a man I’ve never seen turns to me. I immediately know he’s a vampire. Holy
sh*t is this Larisa’s vampire. “I assume you are Larisa’s friend.” I nod and he smiles. “My name is
Magnum. I am Larisa’s beloved.” “I’m Rose, Larisa’s best friend.” “It’s very nice to meet you Rose. I can
take those” he says, reaching for the clothes. “Actually, I need to talk to Larisa” I say making a beeline
for the bathroom. As soon as I’m inside, my mind is going a mile a minute. After Larisa tells me that her
mate has a twin brother, Clara is howling in my head. “Our mate is a vampire. That means our pups will
be tribrids” Clara says, wagging her eyebrows at me. “We aren’t even mated Clara and you’re talking
about pups.” She sticks her tongue out at me before she recedes in my mind. Clara leads me out of the
bathroom and Magnum smiles at us. “Care to tell me what has you so excited Larisa”, Magnum asks.
“You’re about to find out”, Larisa says and grabs his hand.

Once we are in the pack house, the butterflies in my belly are having a party. We make our way to the
second floor where guests stay. As we move closer to the room, the scent gets stronger and I swear it
makes my knees weak. Larisa knocks and when the door opens the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen
is standing there. Despite the fact that Magnum and this man are twins, they are very different.
Magnum has a more authoritative and brooding aura about him, whereas my mate’s aura is gentle and
kind. “Oscar, I have someone I would like you to meet. This is my best friend, Rose.” I step forward and
the minute our eyes meet I’m wrapped in strong arms. “Seems it’s good you came with me, brother”, I
hear Magnum say from behind me. Oscar pulls back but keeps his arm wrapped around me. “Larisa
and I are going to give you two sometime to get to know each other. We have some things to discuss”,
Magnum says, and I see a flash of concern on Larisa’s face. Before I can ask any questions, they turn
and walk down the hallway. “Are you alright with talking in this room, Rose?” I nod and he leads me

Magnum POV

I’m still in shock that Oscar’s beloved is Larisa’s best friend. I smile thinking about my mother playing
match maker with the goddess. I lead Larisa to the guest room that her mother showed me too earlier. I
need to tell her about that ba**ard Grant. I’m sure he isn’t going to stop coming for the pack and I won’t
let him hurt them. Once we are inside the room, Larisa whirls on me and pulls my lips to hers. I can’t
help but kiss her back. Goddess, she is so perfect. I rub my hands down her side as I deepen the kiss.
I pull back when we are both breathless and her eyes are dark. She touches her lips and her face is
flushed. I smile “what is your wolf’s name, Larisa?” “Ara and she is very excited to meet you”, she says.
“I’m excited to meet her too.” She goes to kiss me again but I put my hands on her hips. “I love kissing
you but we need to talk first, it’s important.” She smiles and we take a seat. I take her hand in mine.
“Larisa, I’m sure you know who Alpha Grant Hoffner is.” She growls and I keep talking. “The Red Moon
Pack and the Black Heart Coven have had a relationship before I was even born. Honestly, Grant is the
only reason I knew that your father was the one that killed my father. He came to me before I took over
the coven and planted the seed of hate.” She flinches at my words and I squeeze her hand.

“Your father did what had to be done to protect the people that he loved and cared for. I know that now
and I can never show you how sorry I am for what I put you through.” She puts her hand on my face
and the tingles feel amazing. “You protected me even before you let me go. We don’t need to talk about
that anymore.” I nod and she smiles. “He isn’t going to stop trying to get Evelyn back and he doesn’t
care who he has to kill to get to her. I know your pack is not one to attack, but I think that Eli should
make the first move against him. He has nothing left to lose and he will continue to try to enlist
supernaturals. He had called a bear shifter before he contacted me.” She smiles and I’m confused.
“Hudson ended up being Evelyn’s real second chance mate. Grant had spelled Evelyn all those years
ago. They were never true mates. Do you know what he did to her pups?” I shake my head and I’m
scared to hear what she has to say. Pups are innocent and I have done many things I’m not proud of,
but there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. By the time she is done telling me the story, I’m sure my
eyes are blood red. She stands and sits in my lap. I hold her close, trying to calm the rage I feel inside.
“I think we should go talk to Eli because I agree it’s time to end that ba**ard on our terms” Larisa says.

Alpha Grant POV

I’m seated at my desk awaiting the meeting with the witch my Beta arranged. He linked me a few
minutes ago to let me know she has arrived. Thiago has been more present in my mind today, which
I’m glad about, but it doesn’t make sense after all his threats. The scent of eucalyptus invades my nose
and a pit forms in my stomach. The door to my office opens and my eyes turn black. “No f**king way” I
scream and my Beta freezes in the doorway.

Update Chapter 120 of Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Announcement Betrayed by My Beta Mate has updated Chapter 120 with many amazing and
unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author TheNich29 in Chapter 120 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 120 Betrayed
by My Beta Mate series here. Search keys: Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 120

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