Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 66

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66 Bonus Chapter

Lincoln POV

I hated leaving Amelia sleeping in our bed this morning. I watched her sleep for a long time. Watching
her body change with this pregnancy has been just as amazing as it was with Eli. I can’t wait to meet
our daughter. I hate that I have to meet with that ba**ard from the Crescent Moon pack today. My father
entered this alliance before I became Alpha. He doesn’t like him either, but sometimes we have to
make decisions that benefit the pack, even if it means dealing with an a**hole like Alpha Mateo. Once
I’m in my office, I make sure everything is in order so I can get through what we need to cover quickly.
“Lincoln the Alpha and his Beta have arrived” Michael links me. “Show them to my office please”, I say
before I cut the link. A few minutes later, they arrive and Mateo takes a seat in front of my desk. “Alpha
Lincoln, it’s good to see you. This is my Beta Bradford.” “Alpha Mateo and Beta Bradford welcome to
the Nightfire pack.” They both nod and I start to spread out the paperwork. “Alpha Lincoln, since I
haven’t found my mate I was hoping I could meet with your unmated females. I’m sick of using bed
warmers when my Luna is what my wolf wants” This guy makes my skin crawl and I pray that he is not
mated to anyone in my pack. I link Michael to have the unmated females in the pack yard.

“I’m sure that can be arranged.” “Wonderful, let’s get all this formality done so we can see if my mate is
here.” Thankfully, it doesn’t take us long to finish up the changes that needed to be made to the
alliance. I know he wasn’t happy that I insisted on changes to the alliance paperwork he did with my
father but I don’t trust him. As we head downstairs, Michael joins us. I say a prayer to the goddess that
no woman is unlucky enough to be mated to this tool. We reach the pack yard and the women are
waiting with smiles, excited about the fact that they might meet their mate.

Amelia POV

I’m due in a few days but I’ve been having contractions. I know that Lincoln is nervous after everything
that happened with Eli’s birth, so I haven’t said anything to him. I know my body is just getting ready. I
can’t believe we will have a daughter soon. Two perfect pups, one boy and one girl. There are so many
pups in the pack house right now. We have set up a playroom on our floor so the pups can stay there
when we need to tend to our duties. Only the omegas that I have picked watch the pups. Lily and Neal
had a little girl two months ago. She is beautiful and looks just like her mother. They named her Rose
Amelia. To say I was honored was an understatement. Our girls will be the best of friends. Pheobe and
Michael had the boys three days after Lily gave birth. They named the boys Mason Hunter and Micah
William. I’m sure with Eli the boys will be a pain trying to protect our daughters. I chuckle at the thought.
I have had so much fun helping them take care of the new pups during the day. By the time night
comes I’m exhausted, but I knew I would be with our pup getting so big. Eli is such a good pup. He
hardly cries and he is always so happy.

Lincoln was out of bed this morning before me to meet with the Alpha of the Crescent Moon. He didn’t
seem very excited about the meeting when we discussed it last night. I got the impression that the pack
Alpha is an a**hat. They are meeting here because Lincoln wanted to be close in case anything
happened. Eli’s babbling on the monitor makes me chuckle. I head across the hall and he is standing in
his crib smiling. “Mama” he says when he sees me. “Yes it’s mama little one.” I scoop him up, taking
him over to the changing table. Once he is cleaned up and dressed for the day, I sit down in the rocking
chair to feed him. It’s been normal for the breastfeeding to cause some contractions, but the amount of
pain I’m in is stronger than it’s been. I think I’m in early labor. I hope Lincoln’s meeting doesn’t take
long. I don’t want to have to interrupt him.

Lincoln POV

Mateo starts to walk past the woman like they are milk at a grocery store. Talon is growling in my head
and I agree with him. He stops and turns toward a young woman named Abigale who works in the
kitchen. I hear him say “mate” and I cringe. He walks until he is standing directly in front of her. “What is

your name and rank, mate?” What the f**k kind of question is that to ask the woman the goddess
blessed you with? I can tell she is afraid to say that she is an omega. “Speak mate”, he says sternly,
and Michael growls. He turns his head, eyeballing Michael. “Do you have a problem, Beta” he says to
Michael. “Be careful Alpha Mateo, I know you are not disrespecting my Beta in my own pack.” He looks
at me “my apologies, Alpha Lincoln.” He turns back and steps even closer to Abigale. He breathes in
deep, which I’m sure is his wolf. “What is your name, little mate?” Now I know it’s definitely his wolf by
the change in his voice. “Abigale, Alpha,” she answers. I am an omega.” He steps back and I can see
the hurt on her face.

“Excuse me, an omega. That can’t be. I’m an Alpha.” I see the tears that start to flow down her cheeks
and I have had enough dealings with this ba**ard. “I think it’s time for you to leave Alpha Mateo.” He
turns and he looks pissed but I could care less. “Michael escort the Alpha and Beta from my pack.
Consider our alliance over.” Michael starts toward him “you are making a big mistake. Are you willing to
cause animosity between our packs over a pathetic omega?” Talon growls and everyone drops their
gaze, including Mateo. When he finally is able to look at me, I see the shock flash on his face that his
wolf gave in to mine. “Fine, we are leaving but you will be sorry for your choice.” He turns like he is
going to walk away and as he walks past Abigale he grabs her arm. He starts to drag her and I am on
him in seconds. “Release her now.” He growls but complies with my command. “She is mine to do with
what I want.” I step so we are nose to nose. “Do you intend to accept her as your mate and Luna?” He
laughs “as if I would take an omega as anything but a bed warmer.” “Then you will leave here without
her.” I look to Abigale and she nods. “Leave my pack and don’t ever return. I will make sure the other
packs we are aligned with know what kind of Alpha you are.” I see him ball his fists at his sides and I
wish he would take a swing. He turns heading for the gate. “Follow him Michael, and make sure the
men know that no member of his pack is allowed on my pack lands.” “Yes, Alpha” he says.

I start to walk toward Abigale when I get a link from Amelia. Oh my goddess she is in labor. I link Lily
and Phoebe. “Maryann, will you stay with Abigale, the Luna is in labor.” Abigale and Maryann both
smile. “Go Alpha, I’ll be fine” Abigale says. Maryann nods at me. She is the head omega and I know

she will take care of Abigale until I can speak with her about what happened. I reach the pack hospital
and Lily appears with Amelia, who is groaning. “Pheobe has Eli”, Lily says as I wrap my arm around
Amelia. “Love how long have you been in pain?” By the look on her face, I know it didn’t just start.
“Luna and Alpha are we ready to have a pup” the doctor says saving Amelia from my question. Once
we have her set up in bed, I pull a chair next to her. I lay my hand on her belly. “Are you ready to meet
our daughter?” “Yes I am so ready.” “I could feel your anger earlier. Is everything alright” she asks
before another contraction hits. “We will talk about that later. You and my daughter are what is
important right now.”

Amelia POV

The doctor comes in to check on me and I’m hoping that I won’t have long before I’m ready to push.
“Well, Luna, you’re progressing nicely. You’re dilated to five centimeters.” Not exactly what I wanted to
hear but I’m glad to be half way there. “I’ll be back to check on you shortly. Let us know if you need
anything.” I nod and he leaves the room. “We have time now for you to tell me what happened at the
meeting. It will distract me.” He rolls his eyes but tells me everything that happened with Alpha Mateo.
“What the hell is wrong with him?” “I don’t know love but he is not an Alpha I will ever have an alliance
with.” I smile at how amazing my mate is. After another hour of contractions, the doctor comes in to
check me again. “It won’t be long Luna, you’re doing well. You’re seven centimeters and the pup is
moving down.” I’m excited and nervous. I just want everything to be good. I know how scary it was last
time for me and Lincoln. “Everything is going to be fine,” he says, squeezing my hand.

An hour later, I start to feel sick to my stomach. “Lincoln, I’m not feeling good. I’m going to throw up.”
He hands me something and rushes out of the room. A few minutes later, the doctor and nurses come
back in following Lincoln. “Let’s check you, Luna” he says calmly. As soon as he checks, he smiles “it’s
time, Luna, to have your pup. That happens sometimes when it’s time to push, so don’t be nervous.”
His words make me feel a little better. Lincoln grabs one leg and the nurse grabs the other. I push for
another twenty minutes and with one more push I hear the best sound. My pup’s cries fill the room and

the relief that washes over me is unimaginable. Thank you, goddess. I say a silent prayer of thanks.
Lincoln leans down, kissing my forehead. “I’m so proud of you, love. You were amazing.” I smile and
look at the nurses wrapping my sweet girl in a pink blanket. Lincoln walks over and brings her to me.
He sets her in my arms before he snuggles in, wrapping his arm around us both. As I look down into
her perfect little face I’m in awe. She has Lincoln’s eyes and her hair that matches her brothers. “Thank
you Amelia for making me a father again.” I turn, pressing my lips to his. When I pull back, I rest my
forehead against his “thank you for loving me and our pups.” “Do you still think the name we picked fits
her” he says with a smile. I look down at our daughter “yes, it’s perfect. Welcome to the world Larisa
Lily Thomas.”

Two Weeks Later

Amelia POV

“Maureen, did you invite Carter to the party?” “I did, he will be here shortly.” “How are you feeling?”
“Well, besides John driving me a little crazy, I feel great. Penny is super excited to be a big sister.” “I’m
sure she is.” “Abigale, how is everything going with the food?” “Maryann and I have everything under
control, Luna.” I smile “I’m sure you do. Thank you for all your hard work today.” She smiles and heads
back toward the pack house. Lincoln pushes the stroller into the garden where we are having the party.
He is such a good father. I am truly blessed. Everyone finally arrives and the whole pack was invited to
the party. I love to see our pack having fun after all the drama we had to deal with. “Luna and Alpha, it’s
good to see you again” I turn to Carter’s voice. “It’s good to see you too. We are glad you could make
it.” “Ethan has come a long way and is more than capable of looking over the collective while I’m gone.”
“That’s good to hear.” He takes a seat at the table and looks around at all the pups. “My goodness it’s
pup overload.” We all laugh before we hear a growl and the word mate. We all turn and Abigale is
staring at Carter. Oh my goddess, he’s her second chance. Carter stands and walks toward her. He
wraps her in his arms and buries his head in her neck. “Mate” he says, claiming Abigale. The goddess
is truly amazing and we have all been blessed by her.

About Betrayed by My Beta Mate -

Betrayed by My Beta Mate is the best current series of the author TheNich29. With the below
Chapter 66 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the
tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read
chapter Chapter 66 and update the next chapters of this series at

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