Novel Name : Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard

Chapter 090.1: Attack! (1)

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As Du Xiaoli’s fingertips flitted along her flute, waves of power flew out from it and reaped the lives of those people like a harvesting machine. Very quickly, more than half the people had collapsed onto the ground.
“She’s s-so powerful!” The members of Water Moon Paradise were all stunned by this scene before them. Wasn’t this the sort of strength that only the sect’s law-keepers and the elders possessed?!
The black-clothed people were so frightened by Du Xiaoli’s power that they dared not advance any further. She was clearly just a 14-year-old child, and she was clearly just holding a flute. Yet she gave them a kind of feeling as if she were the reincarnation of Asura. The killing intent she was emitting made them take a step back unconsciously.
When the black-clothed man standing right at the back saw his subordinates’ reactions, he chided the latter: “All of you, advance! No one’s allowed to retreat! Your lives are not yours. Think of what will happen if you retreat! Keep going forward!”
With nowhere to retreat, all of the black-clothed people charged forward again. They were even greater in number this time around, and this made the heartbeats of Water Moon Paradise’s members and Beiling Yicheng suspend in worry.
“You sure are acting recklessly!”
Du Xiaoli laughed coldly for a moment, then there was a change in the flute’s melody. It was not as intense as the one just before. Instead, its vibe was a bit hard to pinpoint. However, this sort of music was even more shocking than the tune she had just played. That was because the moment those black-clothed people heard this tune, they all pointed their swords at their own allies in succession.
They were being controlled!
Those people were like puppets with absolutely no consciousness as they used their blades to swing wildly at the people beside them. Consequently, the number of black-clothed people began to decrease rapidly. By the time Du Xiaoli’s tune ended, the over two hundred people—aside from the person who had been commanding them from the very rear—had all gone to check in at the King of Hell’s place.
“Who sent you?!” Du Xiaoli was just holding a flute while sitting on a horse, yet her small figure gave others a kind of feeling like a weight of 18,000 kilograms was pressing down on their head. Her question was asked in a tone that was utterly bereft of emotion like that of a voice from hell.
Seeing the completely unharmed Du Xiaoli, the one remaining black-clothed person felt a burst of cold chill his heart. Du Xiaoli was so young, yet she had already hidden her real self so deeply without the slightest trace of exposure. Was it truly a good thing for his master to be enemies with this sort of person?
The black-clothed man wanted to flee, but he didn’t know where he should run to. His family members were all under the control of other people, so if he were to escape, they would be killed in his place. Suddenly, he looked up at the sky and let out a hearty laugh. After laughing for a while, he collapsed with his eyes wide open, displaying his resentment.
212 people were completely wiped out, without a single person left alive.
Du Xiaoli didn’t say anything for a long while as she gazed at the corpses before her. An autumn wind blew against her face, and wafting in the midst of the cold wind was a strong smell of blood. In her distracted state, that familiar scent made her once again recall the battles she’d fought in her previous life. She thought of the first time she killed someone. The room had reeked with the scent of blood, making her unable to eat or even have a single sip of water for three days and three nights. At that time, she was only 14 years old. Since then, she slowly began getting used to coming into contact with bright red blood.
Ever since coming to this world, Du Xiaoli had always been making herself more powerful as she knew she would once again encounter that sort of situation. Upon smelling this familiar scent of blood again, she felt the different times and places had intertwined, and she couldn’t distinguish between her past and current lives.
When Fairy Shui Qing saw Du Xiaoli staring dazedly at the corpses, she yelled: “Miss Du. Let’s carry on with our journey.”
Du Xiaoli came to her senses and saw Fairy Shui Qing’s somewhat worried expression. Handing the flute in her hand back to Fairy Shui Qing, Du Xiaoli said, “Let’s go then.”
Once she finished talking, she pressed against the sides of the horse with her legs, and the horse broke into a run. Meanwhile, the others hurried to catch up with her. Before long, they had cast that pile of corpses far behind them.
Beiling Yicheng was following Du Xiaoli from behind. Seeing that small figure on the horse in front of him, his heart shook like never before. He had never ever encountered a girl like her. Although he had been interacting with her for only a few days, she had shocked him time and time again in unbroken succession. With her medical expertise and martial art skills, someone like her was as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns in this world. Her dutifulness, decisiveness, good-natured attitude toward the common people, and callousness toward her enemies—every aspect of Du Xiaoli was different to those of the girls he’d interacted with previously.
Such a wondrous girl… Just what sort of existence was she?!
During the journey back, Du Xiaoli didn’t speak a single word. Everyone knew that she wasn’t in a particularly good mood, so they didn’t bother her.
It was at around noon that the party of people finally returned to Phoenix City. Upon reaching the city gates, the members of Water Moon Paradise parted with Du Xiaoli after telling her to go looking in the courtyard behind Blizzard Pavilion Feng Xue House."> if she wished to find them.
Du Xiaoli knew that there was a courtyard behind Blizzard Pavilion, but she had never imagined it would be Water Moon Paradise’s territory.
After parting with the members of Water Moon Paradise, she and Beiling Yicheng returned to Sui Yuan Club together. They entered from the back gate and headed straight for the Northern Qi’s women’s courtyard.
“Mistress, you’ve finally returned.” Xia Yuan was just leaving Beiling Yu’s room when she saw Du Xiaoli and hurried to welcome her. Seeing that Du Xiaoli was completely unharmed, Xia Yuan’s tense heart finally relaxed.
“How’s Princess Yu’s condition?” Du Xiaoli asked as she walked.
“She only complained of pain once yesterday evening. But after drinking the medicine, she said it didn’t hurt anymore,” Xia Yuan answered.
“Did the pain last for long? And what was the level of pain?”
“Not long, but the pain was quite severe. She nearly fainted.”
Du Xiaoli had just arrived in front of Beiling Yu’s room. When she heard Xia Yuan’s words, she paused for a moment before reaching out her hand to knock on the room door.
Beiling Yu’s servant girl very quickly opened the door. Seeing Du Xiaoli and Beiling Yicheng, the servant girl greeted the prince hurriedly.
“7th Prince.”
“Where’s my younger sister?” Beiling Yicheng asked.
Beiling Yu was currently bored in bed. When she heard Beiling Yicheng’s voice, she immediately sat up and stretched her neck out to look at the room’s doorway. Seeing Beiling Yicheng, Beiling Yu waved her hand and yelled, “Elder Brother, come over here quickly. Where have you been? You said you’d just be gone for a day or two. In the end, it took you so long to return. You’re too late to participate in the competition.” References 1. — Previously Feng Xue Lou -> Feng Xue House. MoonWhisperer, TWIP's Thoughts

I've finally finished setting up the team! So, there will be more changes happening with the terms etc. For the more specific ones, they will be noted in the footnotes. We have decided to make a general name format change from the normal Chinese format to the more common format of Surname + Given names combined, e.g. Du Xiao Li -> Du Xiaoli. Hope this doesn't cause any confusion!
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