Novel Name : Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard

Chapter 108.3: Tell Him Why the Flowers Are So Red (3)

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Since Du Xiaoli had given the word, Ji Liufeng, Leng Yi, and Leng Er, along with the others, all flew to surround the carriage. Although they were curious as to how Du Xiaoli knew how to do the Sound Arts, they knew that now was not the time to talk about it, so they turned their attention to their opponents.
“How do you know the Sound Arts? What is your relationship with Shui Yuetian?” The black-robed man from Feng Ming looked at Du Xiaoli and asked.
“Look at the flute in her hand!” The burly man suddenly exclaimed.
“That, that’s the Phoenix Flute?!” The black-clothed man from Feng Ming looked at the flute in Du Xiaoli’s hand, his eyes widening.
Leng Yi and Leng Er had known that Du Xiaoli had this flute in her possession, so they weren’t too surprised. For Ji Liufeng and the others, however, this was the first they were hearing of it, and their expressions mirrored those of the man in black.
“It really is the Phoenix Flute. That means the Wind Blowing Snow is in her hands!” The burly man said.
“Go, arrest that women for me!” The man in black urged excitedly.
“Wait a second.” The burly man halted them, then said to the man in black, “I’ve heard that this martial arts of Wind Blowing Snow is very powerful, if we go up this rashly, will we be… caught?”
“Si Lang, that martial arts is indeed very powerful, but do you know how old that girl is? She’s still a month away from fourteen years old! A thirteen year old child– how high do you think her martial arts can be?” The black-clothed man said with certainty.
“You’re right.” Seeing Du Xiaoli’s appearance, the burly man also felt that she was quite young. “Let’s settle the Feng Ming princess first, then arrest that girl. Once we get the secret martial arts manual, we can make a copy of it, so neither of us lose out.”
“Good.” The man in black nodded in agreement, telling his subordinates who had rushed down, “Go settle those people.”
Du Xiaoli sneered when she heard their thinking– they wanted to capture her? Dream on!
When Ji Liufeng and the others saw all the black-clothed men besieging Du Xiaoli, they flipped the swords in their hands, preparing to charge and fight them, but were stopped by Du Xiaoli.
“Don’t go over there yet. Liufeng-gege, didn’t you ask why the flowers are so red? I’ll show you now,” Du Xiaoli spun the flute twice, placing it on her lips to blow again.
This time, she not only played a few simple notes, but an entire melody. All of the black-clothed men fell from the air, a pained look on their faces.
“So, so powerful!” Even though Leng Er and the others knew that Du Xiaoli could do the Sound Arts, they were still stunned by her skill.
They hadn’t expected her martial arts to be so high!
“Truly powerful!” Although Han Mingxiang also knew that Du Xiaoli had martial arts skills, she hadn’t known she was this powerful. The opponents that had been giving all of them a headache were being blocked by her alone!
The burly man and the black-clothed man had stepped back quite a bit from when Du Xiaoli started playing her flute. However, when they saw that their men had been blocked just by her playing her flute, their eyes had become even more excited.
Because in their opinion, Du Xiaoli had only skimmed the surface of the Sound Arts. If this little bit was so powerful, if they got the entire secret manual, how powerful could they be in the future!
Du Xiaoli didn’t even bother to look at Han Mingxiang and the others’ reactions. She fixed her gaze on the black-clothed men in front of her, increasing the power of her Sound Arts.
At first, those people just felt a little bit uncomfortable. Those with higher martial arts were still able to move, but after a while, those with lower martial arts had their five senses clouded with blood, and they violently died on the spot.
After playing one song, Du Xiaoli changed to another. Waves of power burst from the flute, like sharp blades, directly reaping the lives of the opposing people.
One by one, the men clothed in black fell. Even if they didn’t die immediately, they were no longer capable of fighting. The burly man and other man in black saw the same traces of unwillingness yet excitement in each other’s eyes, then they turned and fled in different directions at the same time.
This time, although they hadn’t destroyed the marriage between the two countries, they had found the whereabouts of Wind Blowing Snow. They knew that it was in Du Xiaoli’s hands, and they would come back later to steal it.
The black-clothed men with higher martial arts saw that their leaders had fled, and also scattered away.
Leng Yi and the others saw the men escaping, and hurriedly chased after them, killing the men that had been tossed around by the Sound Arts.
But the burly man and the black-clothed men took this opportunity to run away.
Once she finished playing, Du Xiaoli stopped. With a wave of her hand, the soldiers went up and captured the ones still living.
“Those two escaped, now what?” Leng Er looked at the two who escaped and stomped his feet fiercely.
“No matter what, those two must be recaptured! Information about the princess can’t be leaked,” Leng Yi said.
“Those two people’s martial arts are not weak. Sending ordinary soldiers would be sending them to their deaths. Why don’t we let Xiaoli and the girls wait here for a while, and a few of us will go after them,” Ji Liufeng suggested, looking at Du Xiaoli, “What do you think?”
She had practiced Wind Blowing Snow to its fifth level, about to break the threshold to the sixth layer, making her what would be considered an expert in the martial arts world, and facing a group of people wouldn’t necessarily put her at a disadvantage. However, Du Yunhan seemed to have something going on and Han Mingyi’s expression had been rather grave when he left, so right now it would be better to do more rather than less. So she nodded, agreeing to Ji Liufeng’s suggestion.
“Then let’s…”
Ji Liufeng hadn’t finished speaking when he heard two rustling sounds. The fleeing burly man and the leader of the black-clothed men were thrown back as if they were objects, landing in front of Du Xiaoli and the other girls.
Then, a familiar man, also clothed in black flew over from the direction in which the black-clothed man had fled, landing in front of their bodies. At the same time, two other people flew from the direction the burly man had fled in, landing behind Luo Qi.
As soon as Du Xiaoli saw these people, she was filled with joy. Happily jumping down from the carriage and going to their side, she said excitedly, “Luo Qi-gege, why are you here? Did you kill them?”
“I made a trip to Northern Yuan some time ago, and happened to be in Lu City these past few days. Knowing that you were coming to see off your family, I thought I could wait for you, and we could go back together. Then I learned there was an ambush here, and hurried here. I didn’t expect to hear you playing the flute when I arrived, and saw those two escaping, so I split up with my men and we went after them.” Luo Qi smiled, seeing the happiness in Du Xiaoli’ eyes.
“Young Master Luo? Ha, it’s lucky that your men killed these two, otherwise we would be in trouble this time.”
When Ji Liufeng, Leng Er, and the others saw Luo Qi, they were a bit surprised, not expecting to see him here.
“General Ji, Leng Er, and ‘Prince Ding’.” Luo Qi instantly recognized Leng Yi when he saw him pretending to be Han Mingyi.
As soon as Du Xiaoli heard Luo Qi’s tone of voice, she knew that he had seen through Leng Yi’s identity, or at least knew that he wasn’t the real Han Mingyi.
“Luo Qi-gege, these two are?”
“The two of them are people from the mountain villa, they’ve been with me since my childhood. Both of them can be trusted.” Luo Qi introduced, “This is Mu Shan, and this is Mu Shui.”
“Greetings, Mistress.” Mu Shan and Mu Shui took their swords, saluting Du Xiaoli with clasped hands.MoonWhisperer, skyrise's Thoughts

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