Novel Name : Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard

Chapter 090.5: Attack! (5)

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“Her Sound Arts are that great?” Han Minghong asked with a cold expression. If this was true, just how many things was she hiding from him? Did that guy, Han Mingyi, already know about all these?
“Miss Du’s Sound Arts are very powerful. Water Moon Paradise’s Fairy Shui Qing was also present at the time, and Miss Du’s Sound Arts were clearly much more powerful than Fairy Shui Qing’s,” the imperial bodyguard replied.
If it was not for the fact that he had witnessed it personally, he too would not believe it. It was totally unexpected that the girl who had always been rumored to be a country bumpkin would actually have such amazing martial arts skills! Even within Water Moon Paradise, it’s likely that there were only a few, if any at all, who could catch up to her!
“Your Highness, could it be that the rumored secret book of Sound Arts is in Miss Du’s possession?” Huang Qi surmised.
Han Minghong didn’t speak, but he had come to the same conclusion.
“Regardless, it is a fact that Miss Du knows how to use Sound Arts. Should we go snatch the secret book away and publicly disclose this matter?” Huang Qi asked.
In the past, Prince Ren’s Manor had also put in quite a lot of effort to find the secret book, but ultimately, it had been to no avail. Now that they knew there was a possibility the secret book was in Du Xiaoli’s possession, Huang Qi didn’t know if Han Minghong would still want to snatch it away.
Han Minghong glared at Huang Qi and berated, “Snatch? Snatch what?! If it’s really in her possession, then This Prince is even happier. The stronger Du Xiaoli gets, the more This Prince will like it. Perhaps, now that I know this secret, I may even be able to make use of it and have her obediently come over to my side!”
If Du Xiaoli knew that Han Minghong was aware of her secret, would she be willing to be together with him? Thinking of this, Han Minghong got into a really good mood.
“Since the situation is like this, This Prince will spare your feeble lives! However, while you can be exempt from the death penalty, you cannot escape punishment. Go receive your punishment yourselves.”
“Your Highness, thank you for your kindness in sparing our lives!” The two imperial bodyguards replied together. After that, they rose from the floor and left to receive their punishments.
“Your Highness, do you need us to prepare anything?” Huang Qi asked.
“There’s no need for that. This Prince wants to handle this matter personally. You can go first. Call for someone to come in and clean up this place.” Han Minghong leaned against the back of his chair and revealed a happy smile as he thought of Du Xiaoli.
Once Du Xiaoli was done with her bath, she called for both Ying Ge and Qiao Zhu to return. She asked them for updates on what had happened during her two days of absence as well as the competition’s situation. After Du Xiaoli gained a clear understanding of everything, she had Ying Ge go and let Fu Wansan know of her return and also about the incident with Water Moon Paradise.
When Ying Ge came back from doing that, she brought word that Fu Wansan had indeed dispatched some people to go after Du Xiaoli. However, they had taken the wrong route somewhere along the way, so they never did manage to meet up with Du Xiaoli. Meanwhile, knowing that Du Xiaoli had returned safely, Fu Wansan’s worried heart could finally be at ease.
In the evening, Du Xiaoli made another visit to Northern Qi’s women’s courtyard to have a look at Beiling Yu. After taking the medicine, Beiling Yu’s complexion looked a lot better, and she could already get off the bed and walk around on her own. Seeing Du Xiaoli come into the room, Beiling Yu even waved at her.
“Princess, I’ve come to examine the state of your health,” Du Xiaoli said with a smile.
“Sure!” Beiling Yu agreed to it and went back to lying on the bed with her hand extended to let Du Xiaoli take her pulse. When she saw Du Xiaoli’s delicate and slender hand placed on her own wrist, Beiling Yu said, “Miss Du, you’re really amazing!”
“What do you mean?” Du Xiaoli asked while lifting her head back up.
“In the afternoon, Elder Brother told me all about it—that he was getting the herb with you during these couple of days. I never even imagined that I actually fell victim to such a powerful poison, let alone that you’d be so amazing to actually be able to neutralize it. I really have to thank you a lot this time. When I return home, I will definitely speak with Father and request that he bestows you with a reward!”
“A reward? That’s not necessary,” Du Xiaoli stated as she stood up. “Princess, you fell sick here, so we naturally did our best to help you neutralize the poison. The poison has already been detoxified from your body, so it won’t affect your later matches.”
“I too feel like my body is fine now. I don’t have any of that feeling of sickness from before. Regardless, I still want to thank you. If you come to Northern Qi in the future, I will definitely give you a good welcome!” Beiling Yu said, standing up as well.
“If there is an opportunity for it, I will definitely go over for a visit,” Du Xiaoli replied. Then seeing the servant girl bring in Beiling Yu’s dinner, Du Xiaoli said, “Princess, you should eat first. I’ll go have a look at some other places.”
“All right.” Beiling Yu knew that Du Xiaoli had many things to manage, so she didn’t try to make her stay.
Du Xiaoli left the Northern Qi’s women’s courtyard and headed straight for the men’s courtyard. When Beiling Yicheng’s servant boy saw her, he led her to Beiling Yicheng’s room.
“Miss Du, why have you come?” Beiling Yicheng was somewhat surprised to see Du Xiaoli.
Du Xiaoli took out a medicine bottle and said, “It’s about time to change your wound’s wrappings, so I’ve brought the medicine over. The other thing is that I’ve instructed the kitchen to prepare some blood-enriching meals for you alone. You lost a lot of blood yesterday, so you shouldn’t move about for these couple of days.”
“Mm, I understand,” Beiling Yicheng replied and accepted the medicine bottle.
Du Xiaoli turned around to leave, but after taking two steps, she turned back to look at Beiling Yicheng who was examining the medicine bottle. She asked him, “7th Prince, do you regret it?”
Beiling Yicheng blanked out for a moment. However, he soon realized Du Xiaoli was asking if he regretted not being able to participate in the competition due to having gotten hurt while obtaining the herb for Beiling Yu. He laughed and then said firmly, “I don’t.”
Turning back around, Du Xiaoli left. She had already guessed his answer early on. Nevertheless, after seeing Beiling Yicheng’s expression of having no regrets, she still felt that it might not necessarily be all fighting and scheming within an imperial household.
Soon after, she went to have a look at the other courtyards and sent Xia Yuan off to do some work, leaving Du Xiaoli to walk alone in the night. Suddenly, she sensed the pressure of a killing intent. Before she could even attack, she was pulled behind a rock garden by the opposing party, and her entirety was instantly enveloped by the killing intent.MoonWhisperer, TWIP's Thoughts

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