Novel Name : Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard

Chapter 098.3: Villains Collude Together (3)

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"That's right. Sometimes, This Prince will think about it to the extent where I get an unbearable urge, but it still won't work. In that case, This Prince will use this method of yours to treat the symptoms for now. However, you still need to find the medicine to treat the root cause of this condition as soon as possible," Han Minghong said somewhat excitedly.
Although he hadn't been able to 'make love' during this period of time, he did think about how 'it' couldn't work. Yet the more he thought about it the more it didn't work, and the more it didn't work, the more he thought about it. This kind of feeling was simply driving him mad!
In the past, he made a show of it that it didn’t really bother him, but this period of time made it seem like his need for it had become an exceptional longing.
This could also be considered a side effect of that drug! Du Xiaoli didn't actually know this, but even if she did, she would just scoff. This was merely exposing his true nature.
"There's a readily available pharmacy in the manor, so you can start your research immediately. As for your and Miss Nuo'er's belongings, we can just have some servants follow Miss Nuo'er to collect them." Han Minghong urgently wanted to fix his current condition.
Wang Ze stood up and bowed at the waist while replying, "Yes, Your Highness."
Fan Nuo'er was strolling about in the prince's manor, and its sumptuous buildings drew her interest. Then when she passed by a garden, she saw a group of servants escorting a young married woman and felt very envious of her. Fan Nuo'er asked the servant girl accompanying her about this young woman and finally came to know that she was merely a lowly concubine in the manor.
Seeing that even a lowly concubine could have this kind of treatment, Fan Nuo'er couldn't help fantasizing what it would be like if she were to become the mistress of this manor.
"Nuo'er." Wang Ze came over to Fan Nuo'er's side and sent the servant girl away to a distant area to wait.
"Master, have you finished talking with His Highness?" Fan Nuo'er asked while looking at Wang Ze.
"Mm, Nuo'er, I've already agreed to become one of Prince Ren's subordinates. I'll be working here in the manor from now on," Wang Ze replied.
"Master’s staying behind? Then what will I do?" Fan Nuo'er said aggrievedly.
"Nuo'er, take a look at Prince Ren's Manor. Can you feel its glory, splendor, wealth, and rank?" Wang Ze asked while gazing at Fan Nuo'er.
Fan Nuo'er nodded and said, "This place is much nicer than the Medicine King's Valley!"
"Nuo'er, now that we've left the Medicine King's Valley, we must live even better lives. Otherwise, those people back home will laugh at us. Isn't that so?" Wang Ze continued to ask.
Fan Nuo'er also continued to nod.
"If it's possible to have you become the mistress of this place, would you be willing to do so?" Wang Ze asked.
"Have me become the mistress of this place?" Fan Nuo'er looked disbelievingly at Wang Ze. She had just been fantasizing about this, and now she was being told that it was possible. Of course, she was insanely happy!
Wang Ze watched Fan Nuo'er's reaction with satisfaction. He smiled and said, "It's not at that point yet for now, but there is currently an opportunity like that. His Highness wants to take you as his Third Imperial Concubine. I've asked around, and it seems that Prince Ren still does not have a First Imperial Concubine. If you become his Third Imperial Concubine, you'll have the possibility of becoming his First Imperial Concubine! Moreover, like this, we would both be able to stay here and attain the glory, splendor, wealth, and rank that belongs to us!"
"His Highness… His Highness wants to marry me to be his Third Imperial Concubine?" Fan Nuo'er said in amazement.
"He does. His Highness is feeling a little unwell. Later, I will brew some medicine for him, and you'll carry it over to him. After that, you don't need me to teach you what to do next, right?" Wang Ze said.
Fan Nuo'er's cheeks immediately reddened. Naturally, she didn't need her master to explain this sort of thing to her.
" All right. Now, you should first take some people with you to go and move our things over. Starting from today, we'll be staying in the prince's manor," Wang Ze instructed.
"Yes, Master." Fan Nuo'er finished speaking and left with the young manservant that had accompanied Wang Ze here.
As Wang Ze gazed at the manor's high walls and red roof tiles, his face showed a complacent smile. He and Fan Nuo'er had stayed in the capital all this time, wondering if they would be able to catch a big fish. Unexpectedly, such a big fish delivered himself to them of his own volition.
From this day onwards, he wanted to begin enjoying the flourishing world. ‘Hahaha…’
After Fan Nuo'er brought over her and Wang Ze's luggage, it was already evening. Wang Ze picked out a rather thin dress for Fan Nuo'er and let her put on some light makeup. Then he had her bring the medicine over to the study for Han Minghong.
Han Minghong had already instructed his guards early on that if someone from Wang Ze's side were to bring over some medicine, all they had to do was let her straight in.
As such, when Fan Nuo'er arrived at the study, she did not encounter many obstructions. The imperial bodyguards keeping watch outside the doors of the study even opened the doors for her.
Upon entering the study, Fan Nuo'er bowed toward Han Minghong and said, "Your Highness, I, Nuo'er, am here on Master’s order to deliver Your Highness' medicine."
Han Minghong was currently in jitters and turned to look when he heard Fan Nuo'er's words. Upon seeing her appearance that was like a flower in the wind, he said hurriedly, "Nuo'er, you've come. Bring the medicine over here."
"Yes, Your Highness."
Fan Nuo'er straightened her posture and brought the medicine to the study table for Han Minghong. At this time, the sky had already darkened, so there was a lit oil lamp on the table. With the light from the oil lamp, Han Minghong saw Fan Nuo'er's bodacious figure and gently reached over to take the bowl of medicine from her. He drank the medicine in one gulp.
"Your Highness, please rinse your mouth." Fan Nuo'er brought over a bowl of water for Han Minghong to rinse his mouth.
Han Minghong steadied Fan Nuo'er's hand and drew in a mouthful of water from the bowl. Then he spat into a spittoon at the side.
"Your Highness, Master said this medicine is quite bitter, so have a candied fruit
." Fan Nuo'er took a candied fruit and brought it to Han Minghong's lips.
Han Minghong sucked the candied fruit into his mouth. In passing, he did the same with Fan Nuo'er's fingertips and licked them with his tongue. This startled Fan Nuo'er so much that she immediately withdrew her hand.
Nevertheless, Han Minghong had no intention of letting her leave. He reached out and wrapped his hand around Fan Nuo'er's tiny waist. With just a light use of strength, he pulled her into his embrace.References 1. — Fruit or fruit pieces preserved in sugar or honey. MoonWhisperer, TWIP's Thoughts

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