Novel Name : Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard

Chapter 100.1: A Piece of Bad News (1)

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Han Mingyi accompanied Du Xiaoli to the Prime Minister’s Manor and then returned home. Before leaving, he saw Du Xiaoli’s slightly red and swollen lips and smiled with satisfaction.
Du Xiaoli made a fist at Han Mingyi’s carriage, then she turned around and entered the manor.
Chang Feng appeared at the manor’s gate and told Du Xiaoli, “Miss, Master is waiting for you in his study.
“Father hasn’t gone to sleep yet? I’ll go right away. Thank you, Chang Feng,” Du Xiaoli said. Then she went to Du Yuhan’s study.
The imperial bodyguard at the doorway of the study motioned to Du Xiaoli that she could just go straight in, so she pushed open the door and went inside. Du Xiaoli found Du Yunhan had already changed into sleepwear. It seemed that he intended to go to bed after Du Xiaoli came home.
“Father, you were looking for me?” Du Xiaoli asked as she walked over.
“Why are you only coming home now when it’s so late? Have you had dinner yet?” Du Yunhan asked with great concern.
Du Xiaoli arrived at the chair and sat down before saying, “We went to visit Imperial Grandmother
and had dinner there before returning home. Was there a reason why you were looking for me, Father?”
“Not particularly. I just wanted to ask if His Majesty had previously divulged to you about wanting to bestow you with the title of a princess?”
Du Xiaoli shook her head and said, “There wasn’t a single indication of it.”
“It seems he intends to get us involved,” Du Yunhan said profoundly.
“Although I gave some of my power back to His Majesty, I think he still feels doubtful about me. At such a time, he can either embroil me or root me out and have one of his own people take my place. Now, it appears that he has chosen the former,” Du Yunhan explained.
Du Xiaoli understood what her father meant about how Han Mingze had embroiled them by making her a princess. She initially thought it was just her who got involved and had not expected that the situation would actually be like this.
“Then what do you think, Father? Are you willing to let him involve you? Or…”
Du Yunhan looked at Du Xiaoli with an intense gaze and said, “I don’t have much of an opinion on it. Whatever I do is all for your sake. If you want to think about it, then I will too. If you don’t want to, then I won’t either.”
Du Xiaoli was stunned by Du Yunhan’s words and stared blankly at him. Soon after, she laughed and replied, “I feel that being given the title of a princess is better than becoming a princess through marriage.”
“Mm, I understand,” Du Yunhan said with an apparent understanding.
He had actually guessed Du Xiaoli’s opinion on it, but he still wanted to hear her say the words. Otherwise, he would have fought to get what she wanted.
“Then I’ll retire to my room now.” Du Xiaoli stood up and left, leaving behind Du Yuhan whose face was filled with a sense of contemplation.
“Master.” Two black-clothed men entered the study and kneeled on the floor.
“Has everything been collated?” Du Yunhan was not as amiable as he had been a moment ago; he had now resumed his usual appearance.
“Yes. All of these contain the information we’ve gathered,” one of the black-clothed men said while raising up a bag.
Du Yunhan had the man bring the bag over to him. Taking out the papers from the bag, Du Yunhan read through them and said, “As expected, a weakness has been found”
“Master, what should be our next move?” the other black-clothed man asked.
Du Yunhan gathered up the intelligence report and tossed it onto his desk. He said, “Tomorrow, I’ll go into the palace and hand this over to the emperor.”
The two black-clothed men looked at Du Yunhan in astonishment. “Master, we’ve been making preparations for so long. Are we really going to give up just like this?”
“Xiaoli doesn’t like it, so what am I supposed to do with it? You can go now,” Du Yunhan said and waved his hand to dismiss them.
Although the two black-clothed men were discontent with this, they still bowed respectfully and left.
Du Yunhan leaned against his desk and pored over the information again. He said coldly, “Ex-Prime Minister Zhong, you’d never expect that I’d be able to find out about all these things, would you? Back then, you destroyed my happiness. I wonder if you’re prepared to bear the consequences of your actions…”
Du Xiaoli returned to her courtyard, and Xia Yuan and the others hurriedly boiled some water for her to bathe in. Once Du Xiaoli was ready for bed and prepared to cultivate, Xia Yuan brought over a letter.
Du Xiaoli opened her eyes and asked, “What is it?”
Xia Yuan handed the letter to Du Xiaoli and said, “This is to do with the matter you requested an investigation for last time. They’ve completed the investigation. The influence of the Prime Minister’s Manor and Second Madam is too great, so they took this long to make a thorough investigation.”
Taking the letter, Du Xiaoli opened and read it. With an expression that showed things had turned out as she expected, she said, “It’s just as I thought. Have the witnesses been found?”
“The two of them have already been found as well as contained,” Xia Yuan answered.
“Very good.” Du Xiaoli’s hand trembled, and the letter she held turned into bits. “Now, we just have to wait for the right time to reveal everything.”
“Mistress, what should we do next?” Xia Yuan asked.
“Wait. I’ve only just been conferred the title of Princess Anle. Those people will definitely have their eyes focused on the Prime Minister’s Manor. If something happens here now, it won’t be good for Father’s reputation,” Du Xiaoli said nonchalantly. “All right, you should go to bed now.”
“Will do.”
Xia Yuan curtsied and left soon after.
Du Xiaoli formed a circle with her right thumb and middle finger and flicked lightly at the lamp on her table. Once the lamp’s flame was extinguished, she began tonight’s cultivation.
The next day, Han Mingze announced that he had conferred Du Xiaoli with the title of Princess Anle. Aside from the princes and officials present at yesterday’s meeting, everyone else was really surprised by the announcement. The opposing faction immediately argued with the emperor. Afterwards, Eunuch Shan spoke once again of Du Xiaoli’s achievements and merits to the country. It was only then that the opposing faction shut their mouths.
News that Du Xiaoli had been conferred with the title of Princess Anle was very quickly spread everywhere. This made many people extremely furious, such as those few people at the Du Manor.
“Mother, what’s going on? How did that lowly wench get bestowed with the title of a princess?” Du Kexin yelled in Zhong Meiqing’s room. “That lowly wench is now a princess. Doesn’t that mean I’ll have to bow to her every time I see her?! Mother, I don’t want to!”References 1. — This is more accurate to the raw as there is a distinction for terms. Basically, everything would have an additional “Imperial” to indicate they are part of the imperial family. I felt this was really awkward in English (e.g. Imperial Older Brother, so I have left it out thus far. However, I’ve added it here to make it clear she’s not talking about her own grandmother but her future imperial grandmother-in-law as she is talking to her father and not with other members of the imperial family. MoonWhisperer, TWIP's Thoughts

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