Novel Name : Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 759-760

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Chapter 759 [Title below]
Zhang Meixin asks angrily, "Why are big breasts not suitable for cultivation? Who created such a regulation?"
This is the first time that I heard someone say that my big breasts are no good and not suitable. There must be something wrong with this person's mind!
"Very normal ah, think about it."
Liu Yi stretches out his hand and does a wrestling gesture before saying, "You see people who train in martial arts, they require their body to be in equilibrium. They can't eat or drink unreasonably just to maintain their build. You see if a girl's breasts are too big, when they do most of their techniques, they will naturally be affected. Lady, it is not that I do not wish to teach you but your center of gravity is unstable ah!"
"Get lost! Your center of gravity is unstable!"
Zhang Meixin immediately does a split. Her legs form in the word one as she sits there.
"I learned yoga for a few years. My body's flexibility is very good okay? As for equilibrium and the likes, it is very simple to do it."
Liu Yi pretends to look at her in surprise and says, "Oh? Lady, your leg splitting technique is not bad ah!"
"You are two-timing! Your entire family is two-timing!"
[TL: in chinese, leg splitting and two-timing are the same characters.]
Zhang Meixin clenches her teeth in anger. Why is this fellow so hateful! But he is also so strong!
"What I am concerned about is not about doing splits but big breasts …no it is the problem regarding cultivating okay?"
"Actually it is not that I do not wish to teach you cultivation, but it is lady, you are too old."
"What did you say!"
When Zhang Meixin heard this, she instantly exploded and leaps at Liu Yi before pressing him down on the sofa with both her hands around his neck.
Regarding that sensitive question of her riding Liu Yi's waist, Zhang Meixin had completely forgotten about it.
As Liu Yi enjoys the softness as well as clamping strength of Zhang Meixin's tight, he pretends to be afraid which satisfied a certain 'mistreating' feeling in Zhang Meixin's heart.
"If you got guts then you try to say it again!"
In this lifetime, what Zhang Meixin is most sensitive about is her age.
Right now she is indeed no longer young, around 27. In all honesty, a beauty like her should be dating someone or even married.
Just that with Zhang Meixin's kind of nature, she had never found a boyfriend.
Or you should say that there has never been a man who is able to put up with that scary nature of hers!
That is why when Liu Yi mentioned about this matter, he unintentionally jabbed her sore point making her explode.
"This…I am not saying about the matter that you are an old maid…."
"Liu Yi! I am going to fight you with all I have!"
Zhang Meixin instantly explodes and bites Liu Yi's throat.
"What the, are you a fucking vampire ah!"
Although being bitten by beauty is a rather joyous matter but if one was bitten too excitedly…perhaps some beastly matter might emerge.
That is why Liu Yi stretches out his hand and hurriedly pushed Zhang Meixin away.
"Hmph! I will not give up if I do not bite you to death today!"
As she speaks, Zhang Meixin opens her mouth again and bites his hand.
"What the heck!"
Luckily his body is no longer a human body. Although this bite is a bit painful but it is still within a bearable range. At the very least there is no blood.
"Damn it! Why is your skin so thick!"
Zhang Meixin becomes unhappy seeing that she is unable to bite him into bleeding.
"You think that you are a dog ah!"
Liu Yi does not know whether to cry or laugh.
"Hmph, who asked you to provoke me!'
Zhang Meixin does not seem to mind that she is basically sticking very close to Liu Yi's body. As she rides Liu Yi, she continues to vents her dissatisfaction.
"You ought to know your mistake! Do you know that discussing about a girl’s age is wrong!"
"Is that so?"
Liu Yi blinks and asks, "Teacher Zhang is only in your early twenties, what is there to be afraid of?"
"Early twenties?"
Delight appears in Zhang Meixin's eyes, "I look like I'm in my early twenties?"
"Ah? Isn't that the case?"
Liu Yi is even more surprised, "I have always been curious. Teacher Zhang is only so young and should have only recently graduated from university ah…why did you become a teacher. I thought that your brain was very good and had completed your doctorate and the likes when you were very young!"
"This…my brain is indeed very good."
Zhang Meixin coughs drily before saying, "But this is not the main point. The main point is that I am no longer in my early twenties…I am pushing thirty do you understand?"
"Ah…you don’t look like it ah!"
Liu Yi's expression is that he does not believe what Zhang Meixin is saying, "Teacher Zhang how can you lie to people like this!"
"Really did not lie to you…I am 27…can you understand the mental state of a girl who is about to enter her thirties? When I think about how I am no longer going to be a girl in twenties…my heart….is unhappy to the max! Ahhhh!!!"
"Is that why Teacher Zhang wishes to cultivate to learn this longevity technique?"
"Of course. Which girl does not wish to be forever youthful?"
Zhang Mexin says, "All girls are like this. When they know that their youthfulness is about to disappear, they will start to feel horrible about this matter. You guys do not understand. Guys are more in demand for the older they get. As for girls, the older they get, the less wanted they become…"
"Honestly, it is also not that I do not wish to teach Teacher Zhang."
Liu Yi says very seriously, "It is that I am unable to. Didn't I say that Teacher Zhang's age is not suitable, it is not talking about the matter of you approaching your thirties? Cultivation must start as a child. Start building the foundation from childhood and cultivate the constitution for cultivating. This is the same as martial arts training, which also needs to start from young. The moment you pass ten years old, wanting to cultivate then will become very difficult. Unless you had gotten some miraculous opportunity."
Zhang Meixin cannot help but ask, "Then when did you start cultivating?"
"Er…16, 17 I guess."
Liu Yi recalls that when he started cultivating, it should be around the second year of senior high.
"What the, didn't you say that one cannot start after ten? You see you are 16, 17 when you started cultivating!"
Zhang Meixin immediately points out the hole in Liu Yi's reply.
"Sweat. Teacher Zhang, just now didn't I say that if you wish to cultivate after ten years old, it can only be done if you had obtained some miraculous encounter. It is because of a miraculous encounter that I had obtained, that is why I am able to cultivate until my current standard."
"Then you say what should I do, I do not wish to become old!"
"Born, growing old, sickness and dying are things that cannot be avoided."
Liu Yi attempts to enlighten Zhang Meixin, "You see, other than cultivators don't all normal people have to experience mortality? Furthermore, Teacher Zhang, you had been injected with a mystical beast gene. I do not dare to say about others but you will definitely not be able to live longer than a tortoise, but living up to two hundred, three hundred, is definitely not a problem. You can still maintain this youth for a long, long time ah!"
"Damn it you are a bastard!"
Zhang Meixin clenches her teeth in anger, "I do not care! You are ridden by me so you must take responsibility!"
Zhang Mexin became unreasonable, "If you don't teach me cultivation then you can forget about me getting off you!"
"What the heck! You are a female hooligan ah!"
Liu Yi and his little buddy were both started. If I am ridden by Zhang Meixin for a while more…my little buddy might stand up!
Yamate ah…you cannot play like this ah.
Liu Yi does not know if he should struggle or resist.
"Hurry and teach! Hurry and teach!"
Zhang Meixin is like a cowgirl as she rides Liu Yi and rocks.
"What the heck, I'm unable to teach you cultivation ah! But I can refine a kind of pill that can help you maintain your youthfulness forever okay?"
"Hmm…this is also okay."
Zhang Meixin nods her head, "Since you have such a good thing why are you not taking it out immediately?"
"What the hell, do you think that this is a sweet which I can take out the moment you want it! I also need to go and find people to refine it for me ah, after that then I can pass it to you."
Liu Yi says in his heart, did you think that I am Taishang Laozi ah?
"Hmph, it is best if you hurry up. Let me tell you that I do not have much patience!"
Zhang Meixin is like a queen very unreasonable.
Liu Yi also cannot do anything about her and can only use delaying tactics and agree to her first.
But this kind of pill is also not impossible as he had discussed about this matter with Huang Jie from Medical King Valley. Other than the healthy tonic, they also wish to expand into the market with a kind of anti-aging pill.
A single anti-aging pill can guarantee that a girl will never age!
But after it was diluted, it is enough to be turned into thousands or tens of thousands of makeup products. After a woman uses it, although she will not be able to maintain her youthful forever, but it is completely not a problem to keep it for a month. If the woman wishes to maintain it forever, then she must persevere and keep using this kind of makeup product.
This thinking is good. Liu Yi and Huang Lei have identical views which are, it can work.
There is no harm in taking out the pill to make Zhang Meixin happy.
Liu Yi comforts Zhang Mexin, "A single anti-aging pill will guarantee to make you forever young-looking. You can relax."
"Hmph, as long as you are not lying to me! My mother had said before that the ghost from hell, a man's mouth are things that cannot be believed in!"
"That saying is wrong! Who says that a man's words cannot be trusted?"
Liu Yi looks at Zhang Meixin and says, "Zhang Mexin you don't look ugly, you say can what I just said be trusted?"
Zhang Meixin coughs drily not knowing how to reply Liu Yi.
It seems like no matter how she answers, she will fall into the language pitfall!
Say that he is right, that means what I had just said is wrong.
But to say that he is wrong…that means that I am saying that I am ugly looking…
This is a twisted question ah!
"Teacher Zhang?"
Seeing Liu Yi's wide smile, Zhang Meixin has the urge to bite him to death.
It is a pity that his skin is very thick…wanting to bite him to death is too difficult!
"Anyways, regarding the anti-aging pill, if you dare to lie to me, you will die!"
Zhang Meixin warns Liu Yi before getting off Liu Yi.
But it seems like she had ridden on top of Liu Yi for too long and her legs suddenly turn numb. Not only is she unable to stand up, but she also lets out a startled cry before lying on top of Liu Yi.
Right now, the two of them are basically sticking together. Furthermore, their lips are touching as well.
Chapter 759 [Anti-aging Pill]
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Chapter 760 [Title below]
Both of them turn silent not knowing what to say.
Although Zhang Meixin had dated a few guys but she had seldom kissed the other party.
It can be said that what she had done the most excessive…was with Liu Yi .
Last time it was me who made a mistake and thought that my Illusion technique can work but in the end, I foolishly send myself up to him and let him take advantage of me!
This time…it also seems to be the same…
Originally I was here to threaten him for an anti-aging pill but in the end…I gave away my kiss…
But if I think about it carefully…if I am able to be youthful looking forever, kissing this fellow a bit…does not seem to be losing outright?
I heard a female teacher from a certain school went to the extent of luring little boys from her school and used their cum to bath herself as well as do facial, just to keep herself young-looking forever.
Damn, compared to this kind of vile thing, me kissing Liu Yi a bit…does not seem too much…just treat it as being kissed by a pig…
Thinking till here, Zhang Meixin feels much more comfortable.
If Liu Yi knows of what Zhang Meixin compares him to in her heart, he will definitely explode in anger.
It is a pity that Zhang Meixin will never say out what she is thinking about as her Anti-aging pill might disappear if she says it out!
Thus, it is better for this kind of thought to remain hidden…
Kiss then…kiss then kiss…mm…
But you kiss then kiss, why do you also stick your tongue in as well…
Wuwu…damn it…I cannot speak ah…
Some more, where is your hand touching!
That…you cannot touch that…scumbag…
Why do I feel so weak when you touch…like…I cannot summon any strength…
Wu…why is it like this ah…hateful…
Zhang Meixin also does not know why would she have this kind of feeling. In the past, she had only been close to Liu Yi that one time…once…
But, it was not as intense this time…
Don't tell me…I am spoilt…
Wuwuwu, Zhang Meixin, what to do, how can I repair myself ah…
Zhang Meixin is currently about to turn mad. She is unable to control her body nor is she able to control her voice.
Her voice keeps trembling while her body also twitches. I clearly hate guys touching those places that should not be touched …but why, I am unable to reject…instead, I am slightly longing for it…
Too strange …Zhang Meixin, are…what are you poisoned by…
Wuwu…Liu Yi, don't reach towards there ah…
Zhang Meixin suddenly feels like it is a mistake for her to wear such loose home clothing today.
Home clothing is too loose…as long as Liu Yi lightly stretches his hand, he will be able to explore inside my pants…
Wuwu…that place….that place cannot be touched…
Zhang Meixin feels that Liu Yi's hand is a bit hot…especially when he is touching her butt, it will cause her body to subconsciously shiver. After shivering, she wishes to cry but she is not crying from upset…but…it is somewhat…due to happiness…
My god…what is the matter with me?
Zhang Meixin ah Zhang Meixin. Could it be that you are spoilt?
Zhang Meixin suddenly shouts because Liu Yi's hand had reached deep within a forbidden region.
Inside of my home clothing, I only seem to be wearing a…thong ah…
Zhang Meixin's voice rings out lightly by Liu Yi's ear. She originally wished to stop Liu Yi but when Liu Yi heard this cry, it sounds more like an encouragement to him.
"The arrow is notched on the bow string …"
It had been a long time since Liu Yi had last tasted meat. Along with Zhang Meixin enticing him once previously, right now he is unable to control himself anymore.
This kind of sweet beauty lying in my embrace, how can I be able to refrain?
Even if I am able to refrain once, how is it possible for me to refrain a second time?
That weak cry that carries a bit of suffering keeps ringing in Liu Yi's ear.
"Don't worry…I'll help you…"
Liu Yi revolves the Nine Yang God Qi in his body and slowly sends it into Zhang Meixin's body through his lower body.
Nine Yang God Qi carries a bit of healing qualities. Although this qi cannot be completely absorbed by Zhang Meixin, but it is very beneficial to her body's restoration.
Very quickly the pain from her hymen tearing disappears under Liu Yi's qi.
Zhang Meixin can be considered to be very fortunate. Her first time was with Liu Yi. Not only is there none of that pain, but she is also able to enjoy it very quickly.
Along with Liu Yi starting to keep entering and exiting, Zhang Maixin starts to enjoy a pleasure that she had never experienced before.
She had to admit that this kind of pleasure is quite addicting to her.
Like the proverb, a woman in thirties is like a wolf while in fourties they are like a tiger. In the fifties, they are able to suck dirt while sitting down. Some girls are still fine when they are young but after they had start sampling the forbidden fruit, they might get addicted to it.
Not to mention when they reach a certain age, they will have intense demand for it.
Zhang Meixin is about to reach the wolf and tiger years. Although she looks like a youthful young lady on the outsider due to her gene, her age is there.
Right now as Liu Yi fucks her, her body's gate of desire starts to be pushed open.
In less than ten minutes, Zhang Meixin had turned from receiving to taking the initiative to ride in a cowgirl position on top of Liu Yi.
Even Liu Yi is startled by Zhang Meixin's enjoying manner. Could it be that she had former experience?
Not possible ah…there are still traces of blood below…it should not be fake ah!
"Teacher Zhang, I have a matter that I do not understand…"
"You….you ask…"
"Why is Teacher Zhang's service so skillful?"
Zhang Meixin's face turns completely red like a ripe apple.
"Even…even if I had not eaten pork…but, but I did see pigs run…when, when I am studying abord in USA, my roommate…roommate always pulled me along to watch western a-adult shows…"
Zhang Meixin's reply is explosive!
Having such a kindhearted roommate… it makes people very gratified ah…
Liu Yi wipes away her cold sweat before supporting Zhang Meixin with his hands on her ass. The two of them continue their pleasurable exercise on the sofa.
This is a world that belongs to the two of them. Along with the fact that it is the weekend, no one came and disturb them.
The two of them fight violently from the sofa to the bed. They continue for three hours within which Zhang Meixin cums three times. Finally, she declared her surrender and lazily lies on the other side of the bed having no will to move at all.
While Liu Yi sits in a lotus position by her side, taking advantage that the virgin Yin that he had to absorb from Zhang Meixin, he uses his Nine Yang God Qi to refine the essence of it to supplement as well as raise his cultivation.
Nine small sun floats out behind Liu Yi as they revolve around him.
He breathes out streams of golden mist from his nose which floats on the ground. Along with his breathing, the golden mist gradually increases and soon, it floods the entire room.
"What is this…"
Zhang Meixin lazily raises her hand and seems to wish to wave away the golden mist revolving in front of her.
But after waving her hand a few times, the golden mist remains floating there motionless like the wind behind her hand movement is none existence.
"Oh? So strange…how did this happen…"
As a scientific girl Zhang Meixin is unable to comprehend why this is the case.
"This is my qi."
At this moment, Liu Yi had opened his eyes. He had more or less completely refined Zhang Meixin's virgin Yin qi which allows him to completely activate his second sunjade.
Indeed fucking a girl is the most impressive…this fake spiritual vein of mine, why does it seem more like a perverted plucking yin/supplementing yang technique ah!
Especially after having sex with Zhang Meixin, Liu Yi realizes that he had comprehended her illusion technique.
In the past, I needed to use Xiao Cai to be able to use an illusion technique but now…I have learned an illusion technique…
There is no other reason. It is because Zhang Meixin's gene beast possesses the ability of illusion. After having sex with Liu Yi, Liu Yi learned it!
Bullshit ah…am I a natural **rod?
Liu Yi does not know how to react to this ability of his.
Zhang Meixin had heard of it before in the past but as for seeing this so-called 'qi', this is the first time.
"Qi is originally colorless but I learned a technique which is able to turn my qi into a substance which is this golden mist that you are looking at."
As Liu Yi speaks, he stretches out his hand and forms some hand seals.
Instantly the golden mist floats up before gathering together.
In almost a split instant, a golden girl condenses out appearing in front of Zhang Meixin.
The golden light disperses from the girl's body very quickly and instantly turned into Zhang Meixin's appearance. She is completely naked and she is no different from the real Zhang Meixin!
Zhang Meixin is so shocked that her jaws dropped. She climbs to her feet and points at the other her within wide-open eyes,
"Who, who is she!"
"A person that I created from my illusion technique."
Liu Yi says in delight, "When qi is turned into substances, there are endless uses for it. It can transform into a lot of useful things for example you see."
He waves his right hand and that girl's body suddenly explodes and turns back into golden mist. It then condenses together and forms a golden eagle and starts flapping its wing in the room.
"My qi is condensed into individual drops of water droplets like a cell. Through changing the way they assemble together, I can make it change into any form making it no different from a real object."
As Liu Yi speaks, he lets the golden light disperse and a living bald eagle lands on the bedhead. It twists its neck like it had come into life. It is like it is a real living creature!
"Wah! So magical!"
"This is only so-so. There is something even more magical!"
As Liu Yi speaks, he smiles mysteriously.
Chapter 760 [Clever usage of magic]
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