Novel Name : Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 796-799

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Chapter 796 [Title below]
Liu Yi creases his brows and quickly relaxes.
"Looks like it is a familiar person."
He stretches out his hand and raises the boiled immortal tea on the table.
Based on what the servant had said, this immortal tea is boiled from the best Fog Tea as well as the dew from the wee hours. Its fragrance is delightful and can extend one's life. Thus it is called Immortal Tea.
There is a legend that in the past, when a disciple from Penglai Island went out to journey around, he had once let a mortal taste a small amount of this Immortal Tea and that local despot lived until over two hundred years old and was revered by those local people as a sage.
This Immortal Tea was also called Penglai Immortal Tea by others, one that can be discovered but not sought.
Liu Yi leans against the back of the chair as he leisurely drinks this Penglai Immortal Tea.
Outside, the sound of knocking became louder and was then followed by a girl shouting, "Liu Yi! Quickly open the door! I know that you are inside! Don't pretend that you are not around!"
That girl's voice is very familiar. It is none other than Zhang Jiashuang whom he had met near the River Song.
Penglai Island junior sister.
Although this Zhang Jiashuang is young, her cultivation is impressive. She possesses 16 starjade cultivation.
It can be said that of this generation young cultivators, she is considered as a person of outstanding talent.
Just that compared to Liu Yi, she is so inferior that she is dim without any light.
But Liu Yi got some advantage over them. At the very least, he had cultivated a few hundred more years than them.
Furthermore, with a spirit vein, he cultivates very swiftly. All of these make other people envious.
Although Liu Yi's fake spirit vein cannot be compared to the real spirit vein, his cultivation speed is still heaven-defying! Just like Fog Qi, his master needs a few years to comprehend but he only needed a few hours.
Outside the knocking sound became louder and louder. There is a barrier placed on the door thus those who are not invited in need to forcefully break it to enter. Although Zhang Jiashuang is crafty and unruly she does not dare to be unbridled in her own sect.
Zhang Jiashuang stomps her legs as she shouts, "Liu Yi! Open the door! If you do not open the door then I shall force my way in!"
"Force your way in then," says Liu Yi leisurely sip his immortal tea, "I do not mind."
"You scumbag! Hurry and open the door! Do you wish to let me get scolded by my sect? I secretly ran over to find you! My sect does not allow anyone to get in touch with you one, do you know?"
When Liu Yi heard this, he instantly frowns before getting up and pulls open the door.
Zhang Jiashuang's flushed face appears in Liu Yi's sight carrying a trace of anger.
"Hmph! You know how to open the door, is it?"
Ever since the last time they had said goodbye to each other at River Song, Zhang Jiashuang was unable to become smooth and steady. It is not because she had fallen in love with this guy or the like but due to her feeling unresigned!
Especially when she recalls how she said how powerful she was in front of him but in the end, she has no place to place her face and wished to find a hole to hide within!
Liu Yi is too hateful! He is clearly so powerful but why did he pretend that he was very incapable in the beginning!
Help! Pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger! So bad!
Liu Yi no longer has the heart to drink this immortal tea anymore. He places the teacup by the side and asks, "You said that your sect does not allow anyone to meet me, what is happening?"
"What the, they used Penglai Immortal Tea to receive you! Too extravagant!"
Zhang Jiashuang is very blunt as she picks up a teacup and pours a cup before gulping it down.
"Wow, really tasty! I seldom get the chance to drink this and they serve this to you! Too wasteful!"
"Didn't you say that your sect prohibited getting in touch with me?" Liu Yi can't make sense of it, "Then why did they want to use this Immortal Tea to receive me?"
"This tea is used to receive guests. Although the sect does not allow us to get in touch with you they cannot lose their way of treating guests right?"
As Zhang Jiashuang drinks the tea she says, "Later on if people get to know that my Penglai Island does not know how to treat guests, wouldn't we become a joke?"
"Why do they not allow you to get in touch with me?"
Liu Yi is very curious. What is this Penglai Island doing?
"This I do not know. Perhaps in my sect eyes, you are a dangerous character."
Zhang Jiashuang curls her lips, "Recently your reputation had become big. After defeating Sun Palace Hall Hall Leader Chen Sihan, who in the entire cultivation world does not know of your name? Especially since you are both in the righteous and demonic side, thus the sect is still on guard against you. Right now the sect had given the order that before my master, who is the island master has exited seclusion, no one is allowed to get in contact with you! Perhaps they are afraid that we will get lead astray by you, hehehe…"
"Then why did you still come? Are you not afraid of being punished by your sect?"
Zhang Jiashuang is like a proud dog wagging its tail, "Who in the sect can control me? Thus I ran over to find you! Furthermore, seeing you is not to be led astray by you, but to ask you things! Right, nearly forgot about the proper matter!"
Zhang Jiashuang is a bit unwilling as she places down the teacup before looking at Liu Yi seriously. "I have some matters that I don't understand thus I wanted to ask you. If you are a hero then you must answer me."
Liu Yi creases his brows lightly as he rubs his jaws in difficulty, "Aiyah…this might be difficult…"
Zhang Jiashuang hurriedly adds on, "I will not ask you questions that are too sensitive…"
"The crucial point is that I am not a hero…"
Liu Yi winks, "Precisely the opposite, I am a vile character…"
Zhang Jiashuang nearly vomits blood from anger, "Go die! If you do not wish to answer the questions then there is also no need to make such a big curve! Am I that dislikeable in your eyes?"
"That is not true. But I am indeed a vile character, thus I had never made a losing transaction."
Liu Yi waves his hand and says, "Ask me a question then I will ask you a question as well. This way it will be fair to us."
"Eh…that seems reasonable…"
"OK, then we do it like that. You must answer it truthfully. I shall ask first."
"Oi, oi, oi. Based on what! I am a girl. It seems like based on your current era etiquette, you must let the ladies go first, right?"
It looks like the people from Penglai Island are not behind times.
"Although that is what is said, that is western etiquette."
Liu Yi says seriously, "Based on eastern etiquette, the one who should go first is the guest. You must let me go first, right?"
"This…is also correct. Fine then. Let's stop delaying. Ask!"
Liu Yi smiles in his heart, I don't believe that you will not fall for it!
"Oh, how long has your master been in closed-door cultivation?"
Liu Yi starts with some simple questions. Cooking the frog in warm water, slowly boiling it alive.
"It has been more than half a year! My turn, my turn!"
Zhang Jiashuang asks anxiously, "Are you really a disciple of Raising Immortal Palace Hall?"
Liu Yi nods his head, "Of course I am. Replacement guaranteed if not genuine."
"Then who did you learn your cultivation from!"
"It's my turn now."
"Damn it, hurry and ask!"
"Recently a lot of girls have gone missing in Penglai Island's nearest Fog City. Did you hear about it?"
Liu Yi hammers down this thing like a huge sledgehammer and asks as he continues to loosen Zhang Jiashuang's vigilance.
"Seems like I heard about it. It might be some perverted rapist, thief and the likes who did it! Hmph, if I meet him, I will chop him into pieces!"
As they are also girls, thus Zhang Jiashuang is rather emotional.
"Okay, next question…"
"Still the same one that I asked, who did you learn your cultivation from?"
Zhang Jiashuang seems to be quite concerned about asking this question.
"My master from Raising Immortal Palace Hall is Ma Long."
Liu Yi's reply is not fake at all. It is only more one-sided and rather crafty.
"Ma Long? That outer pavilion expert who had fallen into the devil’s path? He sounds rather familiar…"
Zhang Jiashuang cups her jaws like she is thinking about something.
Liu Yi catches her off guard and suddenly asks, "Do you know where Meng Xi is locked up at?"
"She is locked up in the Trapping Demon Formation at the back mountain…ah!"
Zhang Jiashuang suddenly covers her mouth in shock as her eyes widen as anger filled her eyes.
"Liu Yi! You, you tricked me!"
"Oh? How did I trick you?"
As Liu Yi smiles, he remembers that place in his heart.
Trapping Demon Formation at the back mountain? Very good. Handsome guy, very soon I shall complete the matter that you asked me to help you.
"You asked me where Meng Xi is located at! That is my sect's forbidden ground!"
Zhang Jiashuang says in anger, "The sect had ordered that no one is allowed to get close to there! Why did you ask about it!"
"Just asking. Aren't our rule you ask one question then I ask one question? Where did tricking you come from?"
"Are you treating me as an idiot?"
Zhang Jiashuang clenches her teeth, "Let me tell you! Don't have any plans for Meng Xi! She has been sealed there for a very long time. The people in the sect says that she is a supreme demon! If you release her then all of us will suffer a calamity! Don't get close, do you understand?!"
"When did I say that I am going to get close. Fairy Zhang, you are thinking too much."
Liu Yi shrugs his shoulders as he sits back into his chair. Taking advantage that Zhang Jiashuang is not playing attention, he smiles faintly.
It looks like there are plans for tonight.
Although it is slightly dangerous, Liu Yi will still do it. After all, he had promised other people. Being entrusted by others, one must complete it!
Just as Liu Yi is planning to get close to Meng Xi, Daoist Xiaoyao San is currently kneeling in front of the closed-door room.
"Island Master, I have arranged a place for him to stay. Don't know if island master had prepared any other instructions?"
"5 Spirit Gathering?"
From behind the door came a deep voice. It is that Island Master Wuyi, "Whoever can control the spirit vein shall control the six realms. Although no one knows if this is real or not, it shouldn't be considered as a baseless claim. This seat feels it is still worth it to make a trip for this 5 Spirit Gathering. As for the specifics, let this seat ponder over it first. Go receive that Liu Yi properly. Based on the jianghu rumors, he is a person who is both righteous and demonic. Without my orders, no one is allowed to provoke him, understood?"
"Understood. I have passed down words that no one is allowed to get close to Liu Yi."
"Mm. Not bad you did well. You are indeed this seat's trusted aide. You can retreat first."
Daoist Xiaoyao San retreated. Island Master who is sitting within mutters to himself, "Hmph…Liu Yi is it…you came at the time…I am still lacking a yin body, then this seat's cultivation technique shall be cultivated fully…at that time, who in the world can block us?"
Chapter 796 [Being a guest]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 797 [Title below]
Meng Xi had a dream. She dreamt that she once again had a reunion with the fisherman Ah Hua. From then on, the two of them lived together and also gave birth to a son and daughter.
Of course, when she woke up, she realized that she is still chained up in this black Trapping Demon Pillar's side.
Meng Xi wishes to cry but after so many years, her tears had dried up.
She blankly leans against the pillar as she sits there while her heart starts to turn empty.
After so many years passed, my boyfriend should have died.
After all, he is only a mortal and does not possess the lifespan of a thousand years.
Thus she can only sit here forever crying without tears and sound towards the moonlight.
If there is really a god on the moon then come down and save me…I wish to leave this place…
As Meng Xi is praying, a footstep breaking leaves sound is gradually getting closer from a distant place.
Meng Xi lifts her eyes spiritlessly as she looks in the direction where the sound comes from.
Is it him who came? He is here to consume my essence again…hahaha…
Meng Xi feels like she is about to become a walking corpse.
But at this moment the voice of a youngster came from the woods, "Oh? The scenery here is rather unique."
Hearing this voice, Meng Xi shivers.
This place is the forbidden ground of Penglai Island. Why would there be the voice of other people? Could it be that he is here to get rid of this ban? Impossible! How would he be so kindhearted! This place hides his greatest, most shameful secret!
"Oh…this place seems to have a formation…"
The voice **outside while Meng Xi cannot help but warn loudly, "Don't, don't come in!"
"There is the voice of a girl?"
The youngster is slightly sluggish before asking, "Is this Meng Xi?"
Meng Xi knows that this island master does not have any son thus she asks, "How did you know…you are…the disciple of the island master?"
"Hahaha, I am not a person from Penglai Island."
The youngster outside is none other than Liu Yi. Currently, he is wearing a black coat with his hands inside his pocket as he stands outside the Trapping Demon Formation.
Black mist enveloped the Trapping Demon Formation. Even those with a cultivation base are unable to see what is inside of it. They are only able to hear Mengxi's voice that came from inside.
A demon is indeed a demon. They can live for a long time. It has been so many years and her voice still sounds so young.
Although that handsome guy's voice is also very young he had died. What is alive is only the soul.
"Not a person from Penglai Island? Then who are you?"
Meng Xi's voice carries a trace of vigilance. Perhaps there are very few outsiders who came to Penglai Island.
"I came here due to a request from a fisherman."
Meng Xi's voice clearly trembles. Clearly, this keyword touched her heart.
Liu Yi does not know that his sentence is like a lance piercing through the thick layers of casing covering Meng Xi's heart before stabbing deep into her heart.
Is…is he talking about him…I heard of news regarding him again…this…how many years had passed? 500 years? Or a thousand years…
"Who…who on earth are you. Why did you mention him…"
"I am a kindhearted person. You can call me Lei Feng."
Liu Yi smiles merrily and says but Meng Xi is still in slight disbelief.
"You are lying to this girl…he must have died a long time ago…so many years have passed… I'm afraid that his corpse had turned to dust…"
"He has indeed died."
Recalling that reef outside Penglai Island, Liu Yi cannot help but sigh, "But he was turned into a reef just outside Penglai Island. He has been waiting outside for you."
"What…he, he was turned into stone!"
When Meng Xi heard this, she wails, "Ye Heng! You are so ruthless! You used a demonic technique on Ah Hua! You lied to me! You lied to me! You lied to me!"
This wailing is very heart wrenching making Liu Yi who heard feel his hair stand on the end.
"Meng Xi, don't be agitated. Let me enter and save you t. You shouting so loudly will give me trouble if you summon people over."
"You cannot enter!"
Unexpectedly, Meng Xi rejects Liu Yi.
"Why can I not enter?"
"There is something that you do not know."
Meng Xi's voice carries forlorn as she says, "Other than this girl, as long as other people enter it, this Trapping Demon Formation will be triggered and allow Ye Heng to know!"
"Who is Ye Heng?"
"Ye Heng is the Island Master of this Penglai Island! A devil who is draped with human skin! "
Liu Yi seems to feel the appearance of Meng Xi clenching her teeth.
"Penglai Island Island Master is a devil?"
Liu Yi starts to contemplate in his heart. The way this Meng Xi speaks, doesn't seem like she is lying. Could it be that Penglai Island has some secrets?
No matter what, I still have to first make a trip into this Trapping Demon Formation.
Liu Yi's qi in his body starts to change. He immediately enters the second stage of dragon transformation and filled his body with demon qi.
Finishing all of these, Liu Yi steps into the black fog and enters the Trapping Demon Formation.
"You! You came in!"
Seeing Liu Yi walking out from the black mist, Meng Xi got a huge shock, "Are you crazy! You…gods, you are…a demon…"
"To be correct, a half-demon."
Liu Yi smiles, "Now, how to bring you out."
"It is useless…" Meng Xi shakes her head. "Even if you can enter, you cant exit. The reason why this is called Trapping Demon Formation is that it traps demons."
Liu Yi stretches out his hand and touches the black mist.
Instantly a black light shoots out and jolted Liu Yi's back a few meters to the side of Meng Xi.
Thus Liu Yi finally sees Meng Xi's appearance. Indeed she is a beauty, bright eyes and white teeth, clear as ice and clean as jade, no wonder she can make that handsome guy so bewildered until he hovered between life and death. Even if he had died, he also wants to make Liu Yi save her.
Why are these female demons born so beautiful?
"You see…simply cannot exit at all…"
Meng Xi bites her lips lightly, "Why did you come in…later on when Ye Heng comes, he will kill you…"
"I received a request from others, thus it must be complete. I promised that handsome guy of yours, how can I not fulfill my promise."
"Thank you benefactor…"
Meng Xi sighs, "But benefactor, right now you and this servant are trapped inside this Trapping Demon Formation, we can only wait for death…Alas, this servant and he have harmed benefactor. I am sorry."
"No worries, no worries. The scenery here is rather unique."
Liu Yi waves his hand before sitting by the side of the stone. He then looks at that black pillar by Meng Xi's side and asks, "Talking about this, what is this?"
"This is the formation eye of the Trapping Demon Formation, Trapping Demon Pillar."
Meng Xi stretches out her hand and gently touches that icy pillar, "This is a tool forged from deep-sea cold iron. Being by its side, a demon will not be able to exert their strength. this servant was trapped here for over a thousand years by it…as for how long, this servant also is not clear…"
"Talking about this, you said that the Penglai Island Island Master is a devil, can you explain?"
Liu Yi is more concerned about this.
"Hmph! What Penglai Island Island Master. This is nothing but a mask that he puts on to conceal himself."
Meng Xi's voice turns cold. Clearly, she is filled with hatred towards this Ye Heng, "Over a thousand years ago, Ye Heng entered Penglai Island. Afterward, relying on his talent, his cultivation soared rapidly while he was still young. Resulting in him being appreciated by the Island Master of the previous generation who accepted him as his close door disciple. But how would that Island Master expect that Ye Heng has the ambition of wild wolves? He secretly killed the previous generation Island Master and became the next Island Master of Penglai Island!"
"Ah? How did you know all of this?"
Meng Xi lets out a bitter laugh, "Because this servant was originally an eight desolate poison female spider who had managed to cultivate into a human form. Later on, I was subdued by Ye Heng and became his spirit pet."
"You are Ye Heng's spirit pet?"
Liu Yi seems to understand something, "That is why back then when you snuck out of Penglai Island, Ye Heng would come out to capture you?"
"That's right. What benefactor says is right."
Meng Xi nods her head, "It is just that it is not because he has deep feelings for me. But Ye Heng hates to part with me because I can absorb moonlight."
"Why do you say such things?"
"I am a special kind of special spider. We can absorb the moonlight's quintessence and then use it to train our inner dan. This moonlight to Ye Heng is very precious. He needs to use moonlight to cultivate his Moon Dream Heart Law! This he follows this servant to the human realm and lied to this servant's husband as well as lied to this servant…when he found this servant, he told this servant that if I do not wish to let this servant's husband die, then this servant must follow him back to Penglai Island and enter this Trapping Demon Formation. After this servant entered, this servant did not expect that…he caused the death of this servant's husband…"
"This guy's jealousy is rather strong." Liu Yi analyzes and says, "You fell in love with a mortal. This definitely caused his self-esteem to crack. Thus he took action and killed your husband."
"That's right…Ye Heng smiles at you on the surface but in reality, he is a man with a big smile and evil intentions. Benefactor…it is a pity that you are also going to die in his hands today…"
Liu Yi smiles and says, "Why is that so? I still wish to take a longer look at this scenery."
"Because today is the day where he comes to find this servant to consume the moonlight…"
Meng Xi raises her head and looks at the moonlight, "I'm afraid that it is almost time…"
As they are speaking from outside came the sound of the wind making Meng Xi's complexion turn pale.
"Benefactor, he is back, he has come…benefactor?"
Meng Xi looks around only to realize that there is no longer the shadow of that benefactor which makes Meng Xi badly startled.
Where did benefactor go?
How would Meng Xi know that Liu Yi had already used his Fog Qi to transform into a small ant sticking on the back of the iron pillar no longer moving? He also has the technique that Han Yuxin imparted him to conceal his aura. Even if gods and buddhas wish to discover him, it will be extremely difficult!
At this moment, the black mist outside split apart as a tall figure walks in.
Meng Xi hastily deepens her complexion as her eyes turn emotionless.
When Ye Heng enters, he immediately asks, "Evil creature who were you talking to earlier?"
Chapter 797 [He is a devil]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 798 [Title below]
"When has there ever been another person in this Trapping Demon Formation?"
Meng Xi's voice is as dead as usual and did not carry any emotion, "Could it be that when this servant is bored, this servant cannot talk to herself?"
"Evil creature! Still not speaking the truth!"
An ominous glint flashed across Ye Heng's eyes as he clenched his fist towards Meng Xi.
Instantly Meng Xi's body was lifted up and pressed against the Trapping Demon Pillar making it hard for her to breathe.
Liu Yi's heart moved. He wishes to help but he bears with it.
It is still not time to take action! Although that Ye Heng has an ominous glint in his eyes there is no killing intent. Meng Xi is very important to the cultivation of his technique thus he will not kill her. If he could take action, he would not have taken great pains and ran to the human realm to capture her!
"So be it if you do not believe…"
Meng Xi does not have any trace of fear. Instead, she smiles, "After killing me, this servant will become free and accompany this servant's husband…"
"Dream on!"
Ye Heng instantly becomes very angered. He waves his hand and tosses Meng Xi's body t, smashing against the side of the black mist.
The black mist exploded out with black light knocking Meng Xi back causing her to smash into the ground. That knock causes her to vomit out blood in pain.
"Your just an evil creature that dared to betray this seat!"
Ye Heng says ruthlessly, "You wish to die?! Impossible! Furthermore, even if you die, you will not see your husband! Let me tell you your husband has been turned into a reef by this seat using the Moon Dream Heart Technique! His soul is trapped within forever unable to reincarnate! The two of you shall endure endless suffering and punishment for this seat! "
"Ye Heng…you beast…"
Meng Xi bites through her lips, "You lied to me! You lied to me!"
"That's right, this seat lied. What about it?"
Ye Heng sneers, "An evil creature wishes to possess love? Stop dreaming! In this lifetime you will be this seat's pet and contribute your qi for my Moon Dream Heart Technique!"
He raises his left hand and Meng Xi was instantly raised into the air by him!
The moonlight in the sky seems to turn slightly brighter. Threads of white qi fly down from the moonlight and enter Meng Xi's nose but then it flies out from her mouth and was sucked into Ye Heng's mouth below!
As he consumes it Ye Heng mocks her. "Hahaha, this kind of splendid moonlight is a waste to give to you!"
"This seat's Moon Dream Heart Technique can cultivate to the peak! Wait till I return and consume the Yuan Yin girl that was captured today then no one in the world will block me, hahaha!"
"You devil…"
Meng Xi shouts in pain, "Not only did you suck this servant's moonlight you also harmed the girls in the mortal world! You will not have a good death!"
"In this world, who can make me die?"
Ye Heng says in delight, "Once my technique has reached major accomplishment, in this world who can be my opponent! Hmph, today I shall let you watch some good thing. This seat shall consume that Yuan Yin girl in front of you and let you watch the scene of this seat reaching major accomplishment in my technique! Hahaha!"
He tossed Meng Xi to the side before taking out a palm-size bag from his waist.
His other hand grabs the mouth of the bag and pulls it open.
Instantly this palm-size bag turns into a two-meter big bag which he pours out.
A female figure falls out of the bag. Liu Yi who is on the pillar looks at the figure and got a shock. What the hell, isn't this the beauty that I had met this morning?
Why would she be captured here?
That beauty is naturally both startled and afraid. When she lands on the ground, she woke up. Staring at the guy in front of her in shock, she retreats.
"Who, who on earth are you. Don't harm me. If you want money, I can give you it!"
The beauty actually took Ye Heng as a kidnapper.
"Hahaha…wealth and the likes are all material objects."
How would Ye Heng be greedy about wealth? What he wants is his cultivation.
"You are such a pure Yuan Yin body. You will be very beneficial to this seat's cultivation! Hahaha, wait till I have eaten you, this seat's technique will reach major accomplishment and from then on, there will no longer any need to consume girls anymore! Meng Xi, didn't you think of yourself as high and pure? Wait till this seat's technique has reached major accomplishment then I shall press you against that reef and take you a hundred different ways! I shall let that lover of yours take a good look at how this seat conquers you, hahahaha!"
Ye Heng laughs loudly causing Meng Xi's face to turn pale.
This beast…beast!
"Wait here first. After this seat has absorbed this girl then I shall bring you to have fun, hahaha!"
As Ye Heng speaks, he stretches out his right hand and lifts up the beauty through the air.
"What, what do you want! Save me!"
The beauty shouts loudly, struggling with all her might.
"It is useless. Even if you shout till your throat burst no one will save you here!"
Ye Heng sneers, "Being able to become part of this seat's cultivation is the glory of you!"
"You pervert! I do not want to become your strength!"
The beauty is about to cry. She only feels that everything tonight had exceeded her knowledge. This person is a pervert…or a monster!
"This is not up to you. Come, obediently sacrifice everything of yours!"
"Aiyah…why would I meet this kind of pervert on this night. Really is an eyesore."
Just as Ye Heng is about to take action, from the side came the voice of a guy.
He was instantly startled. Who can silently enter this place!
He raises his head and instantly sees a youngster wearing a black coat sitting on top of Trapping Demon Pillar. He stretches out a finger and a red little dragon flies out from his finger.
Meng Xi's heart shook, so he had always been here?
The beauty was even more started. Isn't this that Lord Ball-breaking that I had seen on the boat earlier? Why would he be here! From the looks of it, he and this pervert are not together…
"Who are you!"
Ye Heng frowns, "Why did you come to my Penglai island…"
He suddenly understands something as his brows jump, "You are Liu Yi!"
"Eh?" Liu Yi is slightly surprised as he looks at Ye heng, "This uncle is rather smart. Instantly seeing through my identity?"
"Good fellow!"
Ye Heng's face sinks as killing intent flashed across his eyes, "Instead of staying inside your room, why did you run to this place?"
"The night scenery is so beautiful thus I came out for a stroll."
Liu Yi shrugs his shoulders, "Who would know that I meet a pervert. Hey, hey. Perverted uncle. Give some face. I know this beauty that you had just captured, can you let go of her?"
Ye Heng thinks rapidly before saying, "So this is someone whom Daoist Liu is familiar with. Really apologetic. This seat does not know. Let me return her to you."
Ye Heng waves his palm and that beauty was immediately tossed over.
Liu Yi hurriedly stretches out his hand and embraced the beauty in his embrace. At the same time, a fragrance enters his nose.
The beauty's heart trembles. This is the first time being so close to a guy…it is actually somewhat intoxicated…
As for Liu Yi, holding the beauty in his embrace, he stretches out his other hand swiftly and with a -pa-, he seems to grab hold of something in his palm.
"Uncle, you look like a talented person but why do you this kind of shameful thing. "
Liu Yi opens his palm and in his palm lies a hornet that was crushed.
This hornet is not small, around the size of a baby's fist.
Meng Xi cannot help but warn Liu Yi, &123;This is Penglai Island's specially raised killer wasp! The killer wasp's poison is enough to kill benefactor over a few times!&125;
Meng Xi does not dare to speak directly to Liu Yi, thus she transmits her voice over to him.
Liu Yi's lips curl up and say, "Island Master Ye, this present of yours is a rather nice surprise."
"As long as Daoist Liu does not dislike it, it is okay."
Ye Heng is able to stay calm as he chuckles, "Daoist Liu came from afar. This seat is this island master. I don't have anything to gift thus I sent up my Penglai Island's specialty. I hope that Daoist Liu will be impolite and continue to receive it."
As he speaks, Ye Heng takes out a jade flute, placed it by his mouth and blows it.
&123;Be careful!&125;
Just as Meng Xi warns, from the surrounding came a dense buzzing sound.
Liu Yi raises his head to see a black cloud covering the moonlight.
But it is not a cloud but a shape formed by countless of killer wasps.
Ye Heng lowers the flute and says coldly, "Hope that you do not mind my small meager gift."
At this moment those killer wasps had charged over. Surrounding Liu Yi densely within.
Meng Xi knows how powerful the killer wasps are and is already anxious.
The beauty also exclaimed in shock. After all, it seems like she was also surrounded by these impressive wasps.
"Island master Ye is really polite. So many cute bees. Then I shall be impolite and accept all of them!"
As Liu Yi speaks, he slaps towards the side with his left hand!
Glorious Sun Palm: Coloured Glass!
-cracking sound-
Space instantly starts to be torn apart as a black hole emerges bring about a powerful attractive force!
Liu Yi's legs stand steadily on the pillar as he holds on to the beauty tightly.
This is only a small scale black hole that will not affect cultivators much but beauty is only a mortal thus she is affected.
The black hole attractive force sucked that dense black cloud of wasps in and the ears became much more peaceful.
"You are indeed Liu Yi. You indeed have some methods…"
Ye Heng withdraws his jade flute, "No wonder you can defeat Chen Sihan. But in this seat's eyes, Chen Sihan is nothing much. You think by defeating him you will defeat this seat, that is a huge mistake!"
"Uncle you are mistaken about a matter."
Liu Yi lightly descends and places that beauty by Meng Xi's side before letting out Sky Flipping Seal, enveloping the two girls within. Doing all of these, Liu Yi turns around and says to Ye Heng, "I did not come here to defeat you."
"Oh? You also know that you are not the opponent of this seat?"
Ye Heng chuckles, "Right now, there is still time if you surrender."
"I am not here to defeat you. I am going to kill you!"
Coldness flashed across Liu Yi's eyes, "Descend to hell uncle!"
Chapter 798 [To kill you]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 799 [Title below]
"Just you?" Ye Heng laughs in disdain, "Do you really think that you are an expert?"
"Actually I am very weak." Liu Yi shrugs his shoulders, "In this world, there are too many, too many people who are stronger than me. But this does not mean that I am unable to defeat you."
"Naive!" Ye Heng's killing intent is scathing, "You know this seat's secret thus today this seat must retain you! Little kid, consider yourself unlucky!"
He forms seals with both hands before pointing at the Trapping Demon Pillar.
The surrounding black mist instantly spread out and widens the Trapping Demon Formation area until it became as spacious as a football field!
"This Trapping Demon Formation can isolate qi and sound. Even if you are exploded into slag no one will know."
Ye Heng sneers in delight, "Tonight this place shall be where you die!"
"Do be quick."
Liu Yi hooks his finger at Ye Heng.
"Still so arrogant! Right now I shall send you to hell!"
Ye Heng opens his mouth and breathes out a stream of water!
This water swiftly turns into a sea wave overflowing the heavens as it crashes down towards Liu Yi.
This sea wave is very majestic, over tens of meters tall. Even if it is a city, under this kind of enormous wave, it will be bowled over.
Meng Xi is still okay while the beauty hiding inside Sky Flipping Seal turns pale seeing this kind of wave. She thought that the end of the world is coming!
"Save me…"
Meng Xi holds the beauty's arm and comforts her, "Relax. Benefactor will save us."
The beauty who is inside Meng Xi's embrace asks while trembling with fear, "Just…what kind of person is he?"
This guy…appears again like a dream.
The beauty had seen a number of guys on board the White Princess. But it is her first time meeting someone like this.
He is different like the coming of the new wind, entering her heart making her moved.
Meng Xi says into the beauty's ear, "This servant also does not know what kind of person he is …but I believe that benefactor will save us…"
"Why would you believe him?"
The beauty is startled. From the looks of it, this is also the first time this beautiful woman met Lord Ball-breaking.
"Because…this servant can only choose to believe him…"
Meng Xi smiles bitterly, who else can I believe?
"Die in peace."
Ye Heng controls that enormous wave like it is going to swallow up Liu Yi instantly.
"Apologies, I have so many in my harem so I do not wish to die yet."
As Liu Yi speaks, he raises his palm and slaps towards the wave!
-Army Destruction!-
A white circular ripple instantly spread out from Liu Yi's palm and strikes the enormous wave!
Almost in a blink of an eye, that enormous wave condenses into ice and froze unable to advance at all.
"What powerful cultivation."
Seeing the wave that was frozen into ice, Ye Heng cannot help but sigh, "So young and you have this kind of cultivation base. Indeed you possess a fake spirit vein!"
"You know that I'm a fake spirit vein?"
Liu Yi frowns as this is out of his expectations!
Ye Heng knows that I am the fake spirit vein…should I get rid of him?
"Hahaha, it is not only me who knows that you are the fake spirit vein."
Ye Heng sneers, "When the 5 Spirit Gathering convenes everything shall be revealed!"
"What do you know?"
Liu Yi sensed that something is wrong. Little lass arranged this 5 Spirit Gathering and asked me to go all over the place to send invitation letters. It looks like it is not as simple as I thought.
"You are not worthy of knowing. You are only a small chess piece!"
Ye Heng gives Liu Yi a look of disdain.
Liu Yi retorts, "I am a chess piece? Then what are you?"
"We are a noble composer. Our might is beyond what you can imagine!"
"You guys?"
Liu Yi heard a keyword, "You are not alone?"
Could it be that the entire Penglai Island are people like Ye Heng? It does not seem to be…
Or could it be that behind Ye Heng, there are some other powers at play?
"You are not worthy of knowing!"
Ye Heng seems to realize his slip of the tongue. A fierce glint flashed across his eyes as he form seals!
Instantly that wave that was frozen exploded and rolls up into a waterspout which crazily twirls towards Liu Yi! Tearing apart every single inch of his flesh!
"Let's use this move kill you!"
Ye Heng laughs, "This seat's water is true water refined from moonlight. How is it possible for your frost to freeze it!"
"Indeed is not bad but where are you hitting?"
Liu Yi's voice suddenly came from behind Ye Heng causing him to be startled!
When did he run over here?
"Twenty-two starjades are indeed very powerful but it does not mean that you will win!"
Liu Yi had already determined Ye Heng's cultivation. He puts on Fireice Armor as his Fog Qi reinforces his body and strengthens his moves!
Taking advantage that Ye Heng had yet to react, he raises his leg and kicks sideways and kicks Ye Heng into the sky!
"Eat my fist!"
Liu Yi also shoots up the sky as a roaring fire dragon cover his fist and smacks onto Ye Heng!
Ye Heng was blasted away like he was blown off by Liu Yi!
But Liu Yi is unhappy as he feels that he did not hit his target!
-crashing sound-
In a distant place, some mist condenses together into Ye Heng's body with blood dripping from the edge of his mouth.
Although he had escaped it seems like he was still injured.
"To injure me this Penglai Island Island Master? Good fellow, you are seeking death!"
Ye Heng's anger is growing without restraint. Didn't expect that after so many years of cultivating, I would lose to a junior who had just risen up!
Furthermore, he had always looked down on Liu Yi and treated him as a chess piece!
"Uncle, your defeat is confirmed."
Liu Yi shrugs his shoulders, "It is a pity that you have given your proudest magic weapon to your disciple, otherwise, you might be able to fight against me."
"Hmph, why would this seat want that kind worldly possessions?"
But Ye Heng disapproves of it, "This seat is a person who possesses great cultivation, this seat is the greatest magic weapon!"
As he speaks, rays of white light emerge from his head like mist.
Seeing this scene, Meng Xi immediately warns Liu Yi, &123;Benefactor, please be careful! This is Ye Heng's strongest Moon Dream Heart Technique!&125;
"Finally taking out your strongest attack?"
But Liu Yi is excited as he clenches his fists, "Really good. Let me see which sect or gate you are from!"
"I'm only afraid that you are wont to see through it!"
Ye Heng roars towards the moonlight as his clothing crumble into pieces.
His upper body is naked as a stream of moonlight flows onto his body and turns into a kind of strange tattoo.
At the same time, a large crescent moon floats out from behind his back and is slightly beautiful.
"Over the years, you are the second one who made this seat use my real power."
Ye Heng's muscular figure steps on the moonlight as a small crescent moon shines between his eyebrow like Bao Qingtian.
[TL: Bao Qingtian is commonly known as Justice Bao.]
"The first one was the Penglai Island Island Master but it is a pity that he is dead."
"Saying it like this is too regretful." Liu Yi sighs, "Because the second Island Master is also about to die as well."
"Mad man!"
Ye Heng snorts and says coldly, "My Moon Dream Heart Technique is the strongest technique in the world! How could you be my opponent!"
"Its only moonlight, how can it strive for splendor in front of the scorching sun."
As Liu Yi speaks, nine sun flies out from his back.
These nine suns revolve behind Liu Yi, the eye-catching golden light floods the Trapping Demon Formation giving Meng Xi and the beauty a surge of warmth.
What is this power…so warm…
"Nine Yang God Qi. The cultivation technique of gods."
Unexpectedly Ye Heng hit the nail on the head and let Liu Yi feel shocked in his heart, "This technique is not bad but in this world, other than the already extinguished Nine Yin Demon Qi which can fight against Nine Yang God Qi, there is also another type and that is our Moon Dream Heart Technique!"
Ye Heng says arrogantly, "If it was not because the gods were afraid that we would become powerful the Nine Layers of heaven would have changed into a new regime! But those fellows did not expect that our clan would be so easily defeated! After so many years of cultivation, my clan king had already absorbed enormous strength! As long as he awakens, this world shall be ours! You shall all be our servants!"
"Please, uncle. Right now is no longer the era of monarchs."
Liu Yi cannot help but remind Ye Heng, "Who is that monarch that you are talking about?"
"You are not worthy of knowing!"
Ye Heng does not reply to Liu Yi's question, "What is waiting for you is only death!"
He stretches his hand towards Liu Yi.
Instantly a formless surge of qi grabs hold of Liu Yi and lifted him into the air!
Liu Yi is startled. He feels like an enormous hand is grabbing hold of him!
"This is the strength of moonlight! Die peacefully!"
My heart seems to be grabbed by something and is slowly starting to be squeezed!
If this goes on, my heart will be crushed!
Damn it, this moonlight qi is somewhat strange!
But wanting to borrow this to kill me, isn't this a bit naive?
"Golden Pupil!"
Liu Yi's pupils turn golden and instantly sees a vaguely transparent light ribbon twined around his body.
At the same time, one of the pieces enters deep into his chest. Perhaps this toy is the one that is pinching my heart!
A surge of shocking force erupts from Liu Yi's mouth. He lets out a shout and instantly scatters those light ribbons that coil around his body!
Liu Yi lands back on the ground as he half kneels. A fist pressed against the ground as a chill flashed across his eyes.
"Uncle this kind of despicable move is making me angered."
"My Moon Dream Heart Technique is a killing technique! Go and die!"
Ye Heng stretches out his hand and instantly several hundred light ribbons charge forwards surging towards Liu Yi!
Liu Yi raises his head. Seeing these ribbons, his lips curl up.
"Then let us play happily! Glorious Sun Palm!"
Chapter 799 [Moon Dream Heart Technique]
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