Novel Name : Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 802-803

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Chapter 802 [He is not a chess piece]
Hearing what she said, Liu Yi instantly got a shock.
Want to follow me? How is this possible. I still have a lot of things that I need to do.
“Does benefactor feel that bringing me will be tiring?”
Meng Xi is exceptionally intelligent. She immediately guesses the answer.
Liu Yi says embarrassed, “This… recently I need to make a trip to all of the inner pavilion sects. I am the invitation letter sender of the 5 Spirit Gathering, thus I might not be able to take care of you…”
“How would this servant let benefactor take care of this me. It should be this servant who takes care of benefactor.”
Meng Xi bows slightly before saying, “Furthermore, does benefactor know the methods to enter the rest of the inner pavilion sects?”
Liu Yi cough drily, I don’t know about that…
“Benefactor relax. In the past, when this servant was following Ye Heng, this servant had gone with him several times to a lot of major sects and among them includes the large sects in the inner pavilion. With this servant here, benefactor no longer needs to worry about the problem of how to enter.”
With a step by step guide, mother no longer needs to worry about my studies anymore…
Liu Yi cannot help but think of this advertisement.
Damn it…Meng Xi using this to entice me and I cant reject it.
“Are you sure that you are going to follow me?”
Liu Yi can only confirm once again, “I will meet a lot of danger. Sometimes it will be so much that it is out of your expectation.”
“Relax benefactor, this servant has thought about that.”
Meng Xi smiles bitterly, “This servant’s husband has reincarnated. This servant also does not have any other requests and only hopes that this servant can borrow on this servant’s ability to assist benefactor. If benefactor does not need this servant, then this servant has no other attachment…why doesn’t this servant follow my bitter fated husband…”
Liu Yi hurriedly said, “Hey, hey. Don’t! I indeed need people to lead the way so you can follow by my side!”
“Then this servant shall first thank benefactor. This servant will do everything possible to serve benefactor.”
Meng Xi’s eyes turn while Liu Yi’s heart shivers. Damn it. I got schemed by this girl! Forget it. After all, I indeed need a person to lead the way. Letting Meng Xi follow me by my side also has good points. But having a lady following me by my side feels weird.
“This servant will not cause trouble for benefactor.”
Meng Xi seems to see through Liu Yi’s thoughts. She rolls on the spot and starts shrinking until she finally turns into a fingernail-sized black spider before climbing on top of Liu Yi’s head and hides within his head.
Seeing this the beauty exclaims, “Ah! This…is this a transformation technique? Too mystical…can you teach me?”
“You better keep your mind on being your Ms. Perfect.”
Liu Yi carries the beauty again before smiling at her, “The other world does not suit you.”
“Damn it, based on what!”
The beauty is unwilling, “I feel that I should be a genius in cultivation!”
“Based on the countless times I seek survival from death.”
Liu Yi cannot help but sigh in sorrow. It is like the first time I had to meet Gu Yu.
Gu Yu had also warned me back then not to cultivate while I was unwilling and kept continuing to cultivate.
Perhaps back then if I did not cultivate, would I live another kind of life?
But Liu Yi did not regret as this was his choice.
Because of his own choice, he has his own path and met a lot of people whom he cherishes.
“You make it sound like you have a lot of stories…” The beauty pouts, “Can’t you take me as a disciple?”
She points at herself, “I am very smart! You can accept me!”
“Disciple…I had one.”
Liu Yi recalls Poison Jasmine that he had left behind at Raising Immortal Palace Hall. I wonder how powerful she has gotten?
“Then take another one. Raising one is raising, raising two is also the same, right?”
“You think that raising a disciple is the same as releasing sheep?”
Liu Yi does not know how to react, “Currently, we do not have any disciple master fate. If there is one, I will consider taking you as a disciple.”
The beauty cannot help but ask, “Ah? Then how to prove that we have fate?”
“The next time we meet.”
As Liu Yi speaks, he flashes while hugging the beauty. Using Shadow Step, he instantly steps 100m away and appears on the deck of White Princess.
The beauty only feels her gaze turns blurry and she is already on her ship.
Liu Yi placed her down before taking two steps back.
“Take care of yourself. Comrade Ball-breaking Sister. In the future, don’t be captured by others again.”
Liu Yi waves his hand before leaping off the deck and splits the sea as he flies off.
“I am not called Ball-breaking Sister!”
The beauty jumps onto the railing and shouts towards Liu Yi, “Remember, I am called Zhao Yali! ZHAO YA LI!”
Zhao Yali is it?
Although Liu Yi heard it he did not turn around and continued flying forward.
Hidden in Liu Yi’s hair, Meng Xi says, “Benefactor, this servant feels that she is a good seed for cultivating!”
“If I have the fate of being her master, then we will meet again.”
As Liu Yi says, “Moreover currently, I do not have the time to look after a disciple. I still have to go all over the place to send invitation letters.”
Meng Xi asks, “This…can benefactor explain to this servant what the 5 Spirit Gathering is?”
Liu Yi who is hidden in the darkness explains the situation to Meng Xi as he flies.
“So it is like this…”
Meng Xi nods her head, “No wonder benefactor wants to go all over the place to look for the inner pavilion! Luckily benefactor had met this servant. Otherwise, if you wish to find those inner pavilion sects which are hidden deeply, it will be difficult.”
“Yeah. Being able to enter Penglai Island can be considered as fortunate.”
Liu Yi says in his heart, these inner pavilion sects hide well!
“Leave it to this servant! This servant shall help benefactor resolve your difficult situation and leave worries behind.”
“Fine then…but there is a matter that I still wish to discuss with you.”
Liu Yi has a matter that he is unable to understand. Now that Meng Xi is here, he cannot help but ask her.
“Benefactor can just ask. There is no need to be so polite to this servant.”
“Then I shall ask.”
As Liu Yi flies he ask, “Other than the identity of Island Master, Ye Heng has another identity right?”
“This…this servant does not know a lot.”
Meng Xi shakes her head, “This servant only knows that behind him is a very enormous power…but in the past when he went to meet these people, he would not bring this servant along…thus…”
“Oh, no worries…”
Liu Yi’s heart sinks. Looks like this time around, this task is not as relaxing as I expected.
Could it be that the reason why Ai Ling let me travel to the inner pavilion sects is related to this?
“Ah, right! Benefactor, just now after you had killed Ye Heng, he had dropped an item. Benefactor did not notice thus this servant helped benefactor keep it.”
As Meng Xi speaks, she transforms one of her arms, stretching out from Liu Yi’s head and presents in front of him.
Liu Yi shivers, fucking hell, a woman’s arm stretching out from my hair is too strange! Luckily I am not an ordinary person otherwise, I would have peed my pants!
Liu Yi raises his slight and saw Meng Xi’s arm holding a wooden tablet.
He stretches out his hand and took the wooden plate before taking a close look.
This is not ordinary wood. It seems like it is carved out from some immortal tree. From it, there is an ancient aura.
An ancient word ‘Sixth’ was carved on the wooden tablet.
What does this word represent?
“Looks like a single tablet is unable to prove anything.”
Lin Tong had flown out without him knowing and grabs Liu Yi’s shoulder. She looks at the wooden tablet in Liu Yi’s hand carefully and says, &123;If you can obtain another wooden tablet, perhaps you can analyze some results.&125;
Lin Tong judges, &123;Didn’t that Ye Heng says that they are a power. That means that he is not the only one who possesses this tablet. Big idiot, that lass of yours is so smart, she let you be the person to distribute the invitation letters. Within this, there will be a ploy!&125;
Liu Yi is very startled, Lin Tong admitted that there are other girls who are smarter than her! This is too weird!
&123;Anyways, first, go to the next place. Where is our next stop?&125;
Liu Yi’s gaze looks far away, &123;Kunlun Mountain.&125;
At this moment inside Qin Imperial Palace.
“Sixth actually died! To hell with it!”
“As I said, you guys will regret giving up this chess piece.”
“Right now what is the point in saying all of this! Think of how we should deal with it!”
A group of guys wearing black robes keeps quarreling. Only First sits there not saying anything.
A sculpture was placed by his side. Inside the sculpture is Sixth’s soul. Currently, he does not have any flesh body thus he can only place Sixth inside this sculpture.
“Why don’t we kill him.”
Third says darkly, “With him alive, it is an enormous threat to our Qin Imperial Palace!”
“Kill him? How?”
Second crosses his arm and snorts, “This chess piece has developed beyond our expectations! With his strength can you defeat him?”
“Sometimes, some matters do not need brute force.”
A cold intent flashes across Third’s eyes, “As long as you guys allow it, I will let him die without anyone knowing!”
“You wish to do it through Tenth?”
By the side, Fourth laughs, “Stop joking. Your Tenth seems to no longer be your person anymore, right? Right now, all of her heart is on that kid!”
“Nonsense! That is nothing but the facade she created!”
“What is real? What is fake? Can you differentiate?”
“Are you seeking death?”
“Want to fight? Good, my hands are itchy!”
“That is enough from all of you!”
First finally berates making all of them quiet down.
“Sixth still needs a few days to recover. This time we should also understand that Liu Yi is no longer up to us to slaughter as we wish nor a chess piece that we can control. Right now, we must eliminate this fake spirit vein.”
“I shall let Tenth take action now!”
“No, not through Tenth.”
First did not mince words as he shakes his head, “I am unable to trust her. Seventh you go.”
Third’s face turns white while a black robe guy standing by the side immediately walks out of Qin Imperial Palace without saying anything.
Chapter 803 [Fight over influence]
Kunlun Mountain is China’s number one mountain of immortals.
This mountain range is easy to find because it is China’s main mountain range in the western part of China. It crosses across Tibet and Xinjiang, its overall length is 2500km.
But the real Kunlun Mountain is hidden from the sight of the people around the world.
Meng Xi had transformed into human form as she stands on top of the Kunlun Mountain which is completely covered in snow as she points between two mountain peaks far away.
“The real Kunlun Mountain is between those two peaks. If you wish to enter, you must obtain permission from the Kunlun Mountain immortals.”
“There is no need for this. I have a treasure.”
As Liu Yi speaks, he took out another item from the bag that contains the invitation letter.
Fengshui Board.
Ai Ling seems to have guessed that I will need to use this Fengshui Board thus she passed it to me along with the invitation letters.
Alas, Little Lass, just what medicines are you selling in your calabash. Can’t you just tell me?
“This is…Fuxi Palace Hall’s Fengshui Board?”
Seeing the treasure in Liu Yi’s hands, Meng Xi got a shock, “To have this kind of treasure, that inner pavilion sect’s illusion barriers are useless against benefactor!”
“Before that, I must know the correct location.”
Liu Yi holds the Fengshui Place and looks at the two mountain peaks in front of him, “These two peaks are rather impressive…”
Liu Yi is somewhat wicked.
“Benefactor can cast your spell. This servant shall be your protector.”
“It is not a big spell, there is no need for a protector.”
Liu Yi waves his hand indicating that it does not matter. At the same time, he sent his qi into the Fengshui Board.
The two enormous mountain peaks in front of him suddenly seem to be pushed aside before slowly being forced together.
With this sound, the two mountain peaks finally combine into a mountain peak that reaches through the clouds and the summit cannot be seen at all.
“This way!”
Meng Xi transforms back into a small spider and jumps onto Liu Yi’s hair, “Benefactor. As long as you fly up to the summit of this mountain peak you will see inner pavilion’s Kunlun Mountain!”
“Okay. Hold on tight.”
Liu Yi leaps out and instantly flies up vertically sticking close to the snow-white mountain peak.
It is unknown how tall the mountain peak is. Liu Yi keeps flying for 7-8 minutes but he is still unable to see the summit!
The surface of the mountain peak is no longer white snow but sparkling translucent ice. The enormous Kunlun Mountain is like an iceberg very beautiful and imposing.
Liu Yi had flown until he is somewhat fed up, “What the fuck. How tall is this mountain!”
“This servant also does not know…”
Meng Xi shakes her head and says, “But I heard that in the past, Kunlun Mountain was connected to the nine-layers of heaven but later the gods felt that this is a threat to them thus they gave the order to chop off half of Kunlun Mountain.”
“What the fuck, connected to nine layers of heaven, is there a need to be so exaggerated?”
Liu Yi says in his heart, how demented!
“Anyways right now Kunlun Mountain can no longer reach the nine layers of heavens. It cants even get to the heavenly courts which is regretful. Benefactor, persevere to fly a while more and you should see it soon.” encourages Meng Xi.
“Alas…how nice would it be if I had the ability to fly automatically. Then it wouldn’t be so boring.”
Liu Yi is rather helpless but he can only continue to preserve in flying upwards.
After breaking through the clouds, I am still unable to see the summit. Looks like I need to waste time again.
After flying for over ten more minutes, he can faintly see the summit.
Meng Xi also saw the summit and shouts with some excitement, “It seems like we are almost there!”
“Yeah…if we continue to fly on much longer, I am going to vomit.”
Liu Yi also let out a sigh of relief. He uses all of his strength and suddenly sped up, transforming into a black light, and instantly appears at the summit of Kunlun Mountain.
What shocked Liu Yi is that at the summit of Kunlun is an enormous hole. While inside the hole sits an old man with frozen ice shards hanging from his hair and beard.
The old man seems to be quite old and his clothes are tattered, revealing his arm and legs.
Those that do not know might have thought that this old man was a beggar.
While Liu Yi can’t see through the depths of this old man. He sits there without any aura making Liu Yi thought that he was a corpse that was frozen to death!
Meng Xi seems to have seen this old man before and warns Liu Yi, “Benefactor this is the gatekeeper of Kunlun Mountain. He is very powerful…Ye Heng did not get any advantage when fighting him.”
“I hope that he is not like Ye Sihan.”
Liu Yi prays before landing on a block of ice in front of the hole and asks, “Senior. I need to enter Kunlun Mountain. Is it possible for junior to enter?”
That old man did not speak as if he had really died.
Liu Yi shouts again but he did not react.
Damn it. Could it be that this old man really died?
Could it be that he is like a scarecrow placed here by Kunlun Mountain to scare people?
“Since senior did not speak that means you approve.”
Liu Yi cups his hands before walking towards the hole.
But at this moment a cold qi suddenly emerges and froze into an ice sculpture, tightly sealing up the hole behind the old man.
“The youngsters now are too anxious.”
The old man finally speaks. He did not open his eyes but his voice faintly enters Liu Yi’s ear.
“So senior is still alive. Junior wants to enter Kunlun Mountain to handle one matter.”
Liu Yi says in his heart, are you trying to scare people?
“Apologies, right now, Kunlun Mountain will not receive outsiders.”
The old man rejects Liu Yi making Liu Yi unhappy.
“Senior, I am the envoy for the 5 Spirit Gathering. I do not have ill intent coming here. I am only here to send the invitation letter to Kunlun Mountain. Please be flexible.”
“What 5 Spirit Gathering. I have never heard about it before!”
The old man replies coldly, “You did not come at the right time. Right now is an extraordinary time. We will not meet outsiders. Little kid, it is better for you to return.”
“Then may I know when would it be convenient for Kunlun Mountain.”
Liu Yi says in his heart, since it is not convenient now, then I can choose to go to other inner pavilion sects first before finally coming back to visit Kunlun Mountain.
“Around a year later. Come again in one year.”
The old man says out a number that makes Liu Yi despair.
Liu Yi insists, “A year is too long! Junior can’t wait that long! Senior please be flexible. After junior has sent this invitation letter this junior shall leave!”
The old man says coldly, “Little fellow, do you know what my nickname is?”
“Please enlighten.”
“This old man’s nickname is Grim Heartless! No matter who it is, what kind of person, other than Kunlun Mountain’s disciples, when Kunlun Mountain is not receiving people, no one is allowed to pass through me!”
Green veins jump out from Liu Yi’s forehead. He looks at the old man guarding the gate and feels that it is better not to breakthrough using force. After all, he does not know what he might run into inside Kunlun Mountain. If he wasted his strength for nothing, then it will be much tougher for him inside.
Thinking till here, Liu Yi reaches into his spatial bag and takes out a hamburger before tearing the packaging and starts eating.
“Oh. Since that is the case then I shall rest here for a while. So tired, so hungry…”
As Liu Yi eats the hamburger from the USA, he feigned helplessness as he looks at the scenery outside.
The old man’s nose twitches as he swallows his saliva.
“Luckily I brought food, otherwise I would have starved.”
Liu Yi took out a roasted chicken and starts eating. That relishing expression is very lowly.
The old man can take it and ask, “What is this fine food…to be so fragrant?”
“Does senior want to eat?”
Liu Yi smiles faintly, I don’t believe that you would not fall for it.
“Hmph, you can forget about using this kind of thing to bribe me! I am known as Grim Heartless!”
“Fried drumsticks are really bad does senior want one?”
Old Man seizes that delicious fried drumstick from Liu Yi’s hand and starts eating. He mumbles through the food, “Don’t go in for too long, otherwise it will be hard for me to account for.”
Perhaps he had to stay in this place where birds don’t even shit for too long and has not eaten delicious food. One chicken drumstick can settle him.
“Don’t need too long. Junior will come out immediately after passing over the invitation letter. After all, this junior still needs to go to other sects to hand over the invitation letter, thus I have no time to waste.”
As the gatekeeper of Kunlun Mountain eats, he raises an oily finger and says, “I shall give you two day’s time. After it is over, I shall enter to capture you!”
“Then I shall thank senior.”
Liu Yi cups his hand and prepares to walk into the hole that was open.
Unexpectedly the old man stretches out his hand and blocks Liu Yi.
Liu Yi raises his eyebrows, could it be that after eating, the old man reneges on his words?
The old man asked with a red face, “That…that round thing that you ate earlier…can you also give me some…”
“Not a problem! Not a problem!”
Liu Yi had stored a number of things in his storage bag. He immediately takes out over ten hamburgers and placed them in front of the old man.
The old man instantly becomes happy and smile merrily and says, “Seeing how you are so intelligent, I shall tell you a matter! When you enter Kunlun Mountain, you must be careful. Because right now it is the day where Kunlun Mountain is choosing it’s number 1 power!”
Liu Yi is curious, “Number 1 power? What is that?”
“That is Kunlun’s three powers contest.”
As the old man eats his hamburger, he says, “Kunlun Mountain is split into three powers. the first is fighters, the second is sword masters, the third is soul masters. Every ten years, the three powers will compete against each other once and choose the strongest power to manage Kunlun Mountain. Right now you came at this event.”
“So that is the case. No wonder senior did not allow us to enter earlier.”
“It is precisely so. Right now it is an unusual period. I like you so don’t die inside.”
Liu Yi cups his hands, “Hahaha, thank you for your concern senior. When junior comes out, junior shall give senior other delicious foods.”
Liu Yi jumps into the hole.
The old man stuffs another hamburger into his mouth before sighing, “Alas…hope that you can live until then! Kunlun Mountain is not as simple as you thought!”
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