Novel Name : Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 817-818

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Chapter 817 [Title below]
Liu Yi looks at Sun Qingchen who is leaning against the wall and asks, "Want to take revenge?"
Sun Qingchen raises his head blankly and looks at Liu Yi.
Liu Yi asks again, "That's right. Your girlfriend got snatched away by others, could it be that you do not wish to take revenge?"
Unexpectedly Sun Qingchen's reply was out of his expectation.
This brother laughs bitterly, "Revenge? Why should I take revenge…Xinxin following that guy is better than following me…if she follows me, she needs to be a slave for a hundred years…right now she is no longer a slave, I should be happy…why should I take revenge?"
When Liu Yi heard what Sun Qingchen said he is stunned.
This guy…is he stupid or does he love that woman too much?
"In the past, I was listening to the radio and a lousy host said that in this world, love is split into big love and small love. Small love is selfish love, wanting to live together with the one you love forever. While big love is selfless love. Only hoping that the one you love is happy!"
Sun Qingchen leans there and says, "Back then I thought that this host was stupid, how would there be a love that one does not wish to be together with? But now, I finally understand. It is not that do not wish to be together but I do not have the strength to be together…if being together will make her suffer instead of happy, why don't I let go of her to let her have happiness …"
Liu Yi does not know how he should comfort this guy. Since he has said such things, what else can I say!
"Thus…I'll let her go…"
Sun Qingchen lowers his head and no longer speaks like he had died.
Liu Yi can only sigh. Since Sun Qingchen does not wish to take revenge then he is unable to help him.
Right now he still has other more important things that he needs to do and cannot tarry here.
Taking advantage of the fact that no one is paying attention to him he opens his mouth to breathes out a stream of golden fog.
This fog transforms into a small fly that flies out silently following the small crack of the cell.
My Golden Fog has endless transformations and is an essential skill for stay at home traveling!
Following Liu Yi's memory, this unremarkable fly swiftly flies out of the prison and taking advantage that there is no one around, it lands on the ground and transforms into the appearance of a Yin Messenger.
The human body is much more convenient to move around. There are a lot of Yin Messengers in Fengdu City. If I transform into this appearance, it should not attract the attention of other people.
Liu Yi strides out of the corner in wide strides outside.
When the surrounding Yin Messengers sees him, they indeed did not pay attention to him and are only minding their own business as they walk elsewhere.
Bingo! Indeed possible!
Although this Fengdu City seems to have tight defenses it is very easy to breakthrough. As long as one knows transformation techniques one can easily invade.
Liu Yi looks towards the back of the prison and those 108 golden men can be seen clearly towering over the prison.
He walks towards those golden men. There is only this single path that leads towards the back but it is very wide.
Earlier Liu Yi and those slaves passed through this path but at that time there were a lot of people. By the side there were also Yin Messengers thus Liu Yi was unable to observe clearly.
Right now he realizes that there is quite a number of Yin Messengers patrolling. There are also Ox-heads all over the place like they are protecting these golden men as well.
Just what is the use of these golden men? Why do they want to attack the barrier in the sky?
Everything is like an enormous fog enveloping Liu Yi making him remain puzzled after pondering over a hundred times.
Fengdu City is queer all over the place.
Liu Yi walks to the end of the path but meets a patrolling Yin Messenger.
"Hold it!" That Yin Messenger block in front of Liu Yi and shouts, "Without a command tile you are not allowed to enter!"
So no one is allowed to get close to these golden men normally?
Liu Yi's curiosity instantly became stronger.
"It is the higher up who asked me to come."
Liu Yi plans to fool his way through but clearly, the other party is not that easy to be tricked.
"Oral Command?"
"It is in my hand…"
Liu Yi thinks rapidly as he stretches out his right fist.
When that Yin Messenger heard this, he instantly looks over trying to see what is in Liu Yi's hand.
While Liu Yi's fist suddenly smashes into that Yin Messenger's head as he uses Glorious Sun Palm: Soul Breaking!
Soul Breaking is the nemesis for all souls! That Yin Messenger does not even have time to cry out before his soul got scattered!
Liu Yi withdrew his fist and dusts it off before walking towards the golden man which was protected by a perimeter wall.
As before there are those enormous millstones and the enormous golden men.
In the entire plaza, there is nothing else but these.
Different from the strictly guarded outside, there is not a single Yin Messenger nor an Ox-head creature inside. It looks like their rank is not enough to enter this kind of place.
In the enormous plaza, there is only him and this sinister wind.
Fine then, this Fengdu City's special effects are rather good!
Just as Liu Yi plans to go up to investigate those millstones when Meng Xi transmits her voice to him.
&123;Benefactor…did you hear something?&125;
&123;Soud? Do you mean the sound of the wind?&125;
Meng Xi emphasize, &123;No…benefactor…there is someone speaking…&125;
&123;What the…Meng Xi don't scare me!&125;
&123;No…benefactor, there is a voice…you can't hear it?&125;
Meng Xi is anxious perhaps she is anxious because of Liu Yi's questioning.
&123;If benefactor does not believe, let Meng Xi help!&125;
As she speaks, a fingernail size spider immediately jumps out from Liu Yi's hair into the sky. Entering the sky, she starts growing!
In a blink of an eye, this spider grew into the size of a car!
The 8 beryl-like eyes flicker with a faint green light.
Going into the sky, spider webs sprays out from it's back!
Instantly this spider web spreads around the whole plaza while that enormous black spider rests in the center of the spider web.
Only then did Liu Yi recall that Meng Xi is also not a weak existence. She is an Eight Desolate Spider that is can consume moon essence to strengthen herself!
"Benefactor, catch!"
A white object flies over. Liu Yi did not dodge because he knows that Meng Xi will not harm himself.
Indeed that spider web sticks onto Liu Yi's ear.
The surrounding sound instantly flows along the spider web into Liu Yi's ear.
Other than the sinister sound of the wind, there is indeed the voice of some people!
Furthermore, it is crying for help!
"Save me…."
"Save us…."
Who is the one who is asking for help?
Liu Yi opens his black and white world but he is unable to see any life aura!
There is not even the aura of souls! Did I see a ghost?!
Fuck, seeing a ghost should be very common in Fengdu City!
&123;Benefactor…this voices, seems to come from that biggest golden man!&125;
Meng Xi stretches out a claw and points at the golden man that looks like the biggest.
Although these golden men are all over a few hundred meters, they are not all the same height. Some are slightly higher, some are shorter.
"Let's go take a look."
Liu Yi stretches out his left hand and Meng Xi transforms back into a fingernail size spider and lands into Liu Yi's palm before climbing up to his hair.
Liu Yi also leaps up, floating into the sky as he flew towards the largest golden man.
These golden men were really tall. Only after flying for a while did he manage to fly to the golden man's head.
Liu Yi also does not know where the voice came from. Revolving around the golden man for a cycle, he finally lands on the back of the golden man.
Liu Yi's eyes widen because on the back of this golden man are lots of densely packed small dots like small pimples which are very eye-catching!
Taking a close look…they are human faces that are pushing out from the golden man's back!
There are also palms, hands, and the likes…like a lot of people were trapped inside and were unable to escape in time before being sealed within.
"Save me…"
"Save me…"
Flying over there, onto this hair rising back, Liu Yi can finally hear their voices without the help of Meng Xi.
Liu Yi asks, "Who are you? Why are you inside the body of the golden man?"
"Save me…"
"Save me…"
But they still continue to cry out for help like a machine like they are unable to hear Liu Yi's voice.
"What the..they cant hear me?"
Liu Yi frowns it seems like there are some formations that prevent outside voices from entering.
&123;Master, what do we do?&125;
&123;Let me first test how strong this golden man is before we see if we can forcefully break it!&125;
Liu Yi's curiosity had already risen. He flies to a place that has no person on the back before gathering enormous drunken qi into his fist!
Because his body is formed from golden fog, Liu Yi does not have Sky Supporting Pillar to combine bodies with nor does he have that brute strength that Yang Mianmian passed to him. Thus he can only use drunken qi to strengthen himself.
Very quickly golden light flashes from his fist like a golden lamp lit up in the night!
The surrounding Yin Messengers were all attracted by this light!
"Something is happening in the plaza?"
"Quick! Quickly take a look!"
There is no need to mention the importance of the golden men. These Yin Messengers and Ox-heads swiftly rush towards the plaza.
While Liu Yi's fist had already smashed down on the golden man's back ferociously!
A golden light blasts out from the golden man's back!
The entire golden man lets out a droning noise which jolted the ears of those Yin Messengers and Ox-head making them cry out in pain.
Although they do not have eardrums, this shockwave carries an enormous qi which injures their souls!
"What the fuck! It is undamaged!"
Looking at the golden man which does not even have a single dent, Liu Yi is shocked.
"Who dares to touch my Martial God Image!"
At this moment a roar came from the sky.
Liu Yi raises his head only to see a faint face opening its mouth and roars.
A powerful cultivation pressure Liu Yi causing his heart to sink.
Who is this person? To be so powerful!
"Mere insect! Do you think that you can damage my Martial God Image? Die!"
While he is speaking, countless arms form from black smoke flies down speedily grabbing at Liu Yi!
Chapter 817 [Martial God Image]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Oh… just realize what a cliffhanger this chapter is…
Chapter 818 [Title below]
These arms are densely packed as they cover the entire sky!
It is like arms of grievance ghosts as they outdo each other trying to capture Liu Yi.
Although it is only a body formed from qi, Liu Yi has the ability to leave.
He does not wish to reveal his identity. Although this behind the scene person could be a cultivator from Fengdu City Liu Yi does not know why but he has a weird feeling that something is not right. Thus, he hides his identity and fights against this person.
"Imperial Sword Technique!"
He uses the most simple technique to deal with those ghost arms.
Golden swords emerge from behind Liu Yi's back. Also in a row, they follow Liu Yi's sword seal and flies towards the sky.
-clashing sound-
Intense clashing sound as the arms in the sky was kept being destroyed by the sword rain that Liu Yi created.
"Who are you! Why did you pretend to be a Yin Messenger!"
"If you do not want people to know then don't do it!"
Liu Yi thinks rapidly and feigns as he says casually, "I already know your secrets!"
"Then you must die!"
That black hand instantly exploded in anger when he heard this!
Over millions of black hands in the sky start to transform and turn into black ghosts. They became even more agile as they charge at Liu Yi.
"There is no path for you to escape!"
The face in the sky is very malevolent, "Die!"
"You fool, who would be willing to obediently die!"
Liu Yi reports in disdain, "You wish to stop me with this? You are thinking too much!"
As Liu Yi speaks his sword seal changes!
The swords behind him immediately protect him before shooting out in all directions!
-clashing sound-
Streams of sword qi wreck havoc! The black ghosts are unable to get close to Liu Yi!
"So thorny…"
The black hand seems to be shocked by Liu Yi's strength, "Fine…then I shall let you witness the strength of my Martial God Image!"
As he speaks those black ghosts suddenly land on the ground before starting to push those milestones!
108 golden men immediately start moving as they open their palms and grab at Liu Yi!
These Martial God Images are very sturdy! Relying on the current Liu Yi, he is unable to deal with them at all!
The swords that he created are like a tickle when they hit the Martial God Images.
Avoid the spearhead!
Tonight Liu Yi's objective is not to fight but to test the water that's all!
He immediately roars as he transforms into a stream of eye-piercing golden light and explodes in midair!
The black hand did not expect that Liu Yi would self explode and disappear completely.
Did he really die?
"Activate all of the Yin Messengers! All of the Ox-heads! No matter if that fellow is dead or alive, lock down the entire city!"
The black hand roars, "Release the wanted poster! Anyone who captures this person will be able to obtain 10 million soul value!"
10 million soul points!
An Ox-head creature standing in the corner of the plaza twitches its lips, this 10 million is enough to let a slave directly turn into a manager!
At this moment, Liu Yi has the urge to let Sun Qingchen capture him. But it is just a thought. After all the black hand is not an idiot. With Sun Qingchen's capability, how is it possible for him to capture him?
He shakes his head and wags his oxtail before walking out of this plaza with heavy steps.
He slips away openly under the eyes of the black hand and his next steps are to find that old ghost called Qing Yise!
He must find a person who understood Fengdu City to inquire about the situation!
After Liu Yi exits the radius of the prison, he no longer uses the eye-catching image of the Ox-head creature. He finds a corner with no one and transforms into an ordinary ghost before walking along the pathway of this extensive Fengdu City.
Indeed right now in Fengdu City, there are a lot of Yin Messengers flying all over the place trying to find Liu Yi.
But none of them would have thought that right now Liu Yi had changed his appearance and is walking about under their eyes.
&123;Very convenient!&125;
Lin Tong speaks from inside Liu Yi's conscious, &123;Thinking about those flower thieves who know the technique for changing their appearance, I estimate that they have the same mood as you, right?&125;
&123;Immortal Fox Sister! These two things are completely different.&125;
Liu Yi instantly starts sweating, &123;I am a chivalrous person, not a person who goes and harms other families ladies! Why is it when you say it, it turns so wretched?&125;
&123;Because you have a wretched heart.&125;
Lin Tong roasts, &123;Every where you go there will be girls accompanying you, aren't you a flower thief? Two days ago you plucked Kunlun Mountain's Yang Mianmian so who do you plan to pluck this time? Fengdu City's female ghosts should be what you like, right? Did you find the one that you want? Want this lady to help you be the matchmaker?&125;
&123;Immortal Fox Sister! That's enough!&125;
Liu Yi wipes away his sweat, &123;I am not interested with female ghosts!&125;
&123;Then why don't you pluck Meng Xi. Eight Desolate Poison Spider, after plucking her, you will have the ability to absorb the essence of moonlight!&125;
&123;Id rather pluck my Immortal Fox Sister!&125; Liu Yi licks his lips, &123;Who knows, perhaps I might grow out a foxtail!&125;
&123;Your sister!&125;
Lin Tong did not expect that she would invite trouble for herself and is angry. But thinking rapidly she starts calculating in her mind.
&123;Okay.&125; Find a peaceful place and this miss shall come out and let you pluck! Bring it on!&125;
Liu Yi wishes to curse as Lin Tong's current situation is not suitable for him to eat her up.
The moment they did it, she will be absorbed by him.
Isn't this trolling me…
It is not like I am Vacuum Cleaner, why would I be that rotten!
&123;That…Immortal Fox Sister. How much longer do you need to be able to solidify your soul…&125;
Seeing Liu Yi salivating as he asks this question, she cannot help but gift a look of disdain.
&123;Hmph! Still early, wait!&125;
&123;You abuser…&125; Liu Yi says with tears, &123;You can't be like this!&125;
&123;Hmph, there are so many girls by your side, with them, it is enough to console you!&125;
Lin Tong sneers and says, &123;Wait till this miss has finished, naturally, I will turn around and pluck you instead!&125;
&123;That needs to wait…&125;
&123;Why is it that you are always thinking about these matters! Be healthier and active! Increase your strength more!&125;
Lin Tong criticizes Liu Yi, &123;Why did you turn so perverted!&125;
&123;Appetite and lust are only natural!&125;
Liu Yi says in deadly earnest, &123;Furthermore, me having sex with the girls will increase my strength! My Immortal Fox Sister don't forget that you are the Fire Spirit Body, furthermore, you have the bloodline of Heavenly Fox. After we dual cultivate, that is equivalent to gifting wings to a tiger. Not only would I absorb the spirit bodies strength, but I would also be able to let my Glorious Sun Palm improve!&125;
&123;Only you would have a preposterous argument!&125;
Lin Tong rolls his eyes, &123;Hurry and be busy with your matter. Later on, we talk about our matter. I will do my best to cultivate!&125;
Don't know if the last sentence is to encourage Liu Yi or what, after saying it, Lin Tong no longer replies.
Thinking about seductive Lin Tong, Liu Yi cannot help but become somewhat aroused.
Alas, did not think that I would have this day of yearning for love!
But what Immortal Fox Sister says is right. The top priority is to deal with this current matter properly.
&123;Little Jade. Release a satellite. I want the entire map of this Fengdu City!&125;
Wanting to find Daihatsu Casino, rushing around like a headless fly is not possible as this place is too big.
Fengdu County's surface area is 2900km! While Fengdu City is the clone of Fengdu County!
Letting Little Jade uses her satellite to scan out the map of this place is the fastest method!
&123;Master, satellite release failed!&125;
Unexpectedly Little Jade sends back bad news, &123;Master, within 600 meters of the sky, there is a formless barrier that obstructs the satellite! Within 600 meters, the satellite is unable to enter the space orbit thus it can't operate.&125;
Damn it!
As Liu Yi wishes to roast, he raises his head and looks at the sky.
Indeed this place exists inside a barrier?
This Fengdu City's owner, why does he want to keep using his Martial God Images to keep attacking the barrier?
Liu Yi is unable to comprehend this point.
Aren't Yin Messengers able to enter the mortal realm? What is the reason for attacking the barrier?
It looks like I can only use other methods to find that Casino.
Liu Yi walks into an alley and when he exited he had changed into another appearance.
If Sun Chenqing had seen Liu Yi at this point in time, he would definitely clench his teeth in anger!
Because the person whom Liu Yi had transformed into is none other than Zheng Wuyin, that manager who had snatched away his girlfriend.
Wearing a black suit and his swept-back hairstyle, Liu Yi feels like he is dressed up in the 90s style!
Fengdu City's trend might be a little eccentric!
After Liu Yi changes into this appearance, he can walk sideways on the road.
When the ghost citizens on the street see him, they would one after another kneel.
When Yin Messengers fly over him, they would also descend and salute him before flying away.
This kind of feeling is rather enjoyable!
Hierarchy is exactly like this making those in the higher up extremely comfortable while the price is suffering of countless of those below them.
This kind of hierarchy is undoubtedly inhuman and antisocial. Although Liu Yi is enjoying it in his heart but he does not approve of this kind of system.
Enjoying a while is alright, just treating it as experiencing a game once.
Talking about it, this Fengdu City is just like a simulation game. All the people here are like fictitious new life as they keep doing their tasks to gather soul value to raise their rank. But Liu Yi himself is like a virus as he takes advantage of his ability to tamper with the data of the game.
He walks to a ghost who is kneeling in front of him. That ghost is trembling with fear as it seems like he thought that Liu Yi wants to beat him.
"Lo-lord…where, where did I offend you…"
"Nothing. I have a matter that I want to ask you."
Only then did the ghost breathe out a sigh of relief as he hurriedly reverently says, "Lord can just ask. This one will not hide anything that this one knows from you."
"Very good."
Liu Yi nods his head and asks, "Do you know where Daihatsu Casino is?"
That ghost instantly blanks out.
Chapter 818 [This can also be cultivated]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Oh… just realize what a cliffhanger this chapter is…
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