Novel Name : Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 837-844

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Chapter 837 [Title below]
"It is me."
Liu Yi is calm as he stands there and does not look like a miner prisoner who was chained up.
Seeing him Xie Hua subconsciously becomes unhappy in his heart.
Fucking hell. Why do I feel like he is the boss while I am the little brother?
"Just you? And you still wish to discuss business with me? Today if you do not take out over a million then you will be fed to the dogs!"
"Very simple. I am the young master of an aristocratic family."
Liu Yi folds his arms behind him and stands there with the aura of a person in high rank, "You can take me to ask for ransom. A few million is a mere trifle."
Xie Hua looks at Liu Yi closely. This aura is indeed not something an ordinary person will have.
Could it be that I had captured an aristocratic young master?
Using a person to exchange for a few million…this transaction seems to be quite good?
"I can tell you which family but you must promise me a term."
"Still have a term?"
Xie Hua immediately became hesitant. Originally this kind of matter needs to take quite a bit of risk. Add another term…
"Relax. To you, this matter is very easy to accomplish."
Liu Yi points at the sick person lying on the bed, "Let him see a doctor."
Xie Hua raises his eyebrow and seems to hesitate.
"Don't you think that saving a person and getting a few million is exchange is good?"
Liu Yi says, "Furthermore, you do not need to worry that I will take revenge against you when I go out. One, I do not have any evidence regarding your black coal mine, thus even if I report it, it will be useless. Second, if something happens, you can also push it onto your underlings while you can still be unfettered and beyond the law. Furthermore, you can find me and take revenge afterward, thus I am not that stupid. After you release me, I will give you the ransom. The two of us shall do this transaction, what do you think?"
"If you say it like this…."
Xie Hua indeed is moved. A few million is not a small sum, thus it is not surprising that he is moved.
"Then let's see if Mr Xie is a person who does big business."
Liu Yi smiles and it is this smile that makes Xie Hua feel profound mystery and can't see through him.
But thinking for a bit what this kid says is also right. Nothing will happen to me. I can try and earn this few million.
He waves his hand and says loudly, "Bring that person to see a doctor!"
Cheers instantly erupt from the wooden hut while the little boy starts tearing in happiness.
"Looks like Mr Xie is indeed a person who can do great things."
Liu Yi nods his head and says a phone number.
"This person is my butler. I am called Liu Yi. You tell him that I want 3 million and arrange a place for exchange and let him pass the money to your underling."
"This simple?"
"This simple."
Liu Yi shrugs his shoulder, "I am in your hands. Are you afraid that would play any tricks?"
Xie Hua orders that Chinese language graduate underling, "Call it."
"Ye-yes boss!"
That underling takes out his handphone and enters the number that Liu Yi gave.
Very quickly the other side picks up the call. A guy as politely, "Nice to meet you. This is?"
Ever since Chen Dahai became the person in charge of Redstar, he had learned how to treat people with courtesy.
After all, every day he will receive a lot of calls from people of the upper layer. Shouting at them coarsely and excessive profanity will not do.
For this, Chen Dahai had done quite a bit of homework.
That Chinese language little brother asks carefully, "That…are you Liu Yi's butler?"
"Fuck! What are you being so polite for! You are from a gang!"
Xie Hua slaps the back of his head and angrily snatched over the phone.
"Let me tell you, your young master is in my hands. If you do not want something to happen to him then take out 3…5 million!"
The other side is clearly startled and quickly turns indifferent.
"So it is money. Okay. I will quickly gather it for you. Please do not injury my young master."
Liu Yi secretly gives Chen Dahai a thumbs up. His reaction was quick.
When Xie Hua heard this, he says in his heart, reliable!
"Relax. As long as you hand over the money, your young master will be fine! Tomorrow at 4 pm, place the money in the rubbish bin on the right side of the entrance of Tianyuan City's Century Garden. Do you understand? If a single cent is less or late by a minute, your young master's life will not be guaranteed!"
"Understood. I will hand over the money in time. Take care of my young master. As long he is safe and sound, money is not a problem."
"Hahaha, there is no need for you to worry about this. We are very trustworthy!"
Xie Hua is very delighted. I didn't expect that I would pick up 5 million in a blink of an eye!
"Wait for my phone call! When I obtain the money, I will let go of your young master!"
Xie Hua hangs up the phone before waving his hand, "Someone come and receive this young master properly. Don't slight my financial backer, hahaha!"
"Forget it."
Liu Yi waves his hand, "I will be fine here. I can experience life for a while."
"Damn it. You rich people are all weird!"
Xie Hua did not advise anymore. After all, it will be fine as long as this fellow is alive. He can live wherever he wants!
"You guard at the door. Don't let anything happen to my financial backer, understand?"
Before Xie Hua leaves, he says to the language graduate, "If you do not do this properly again, I shall do you in!"
"Understood boss…"
That fellow trembles as he nods his head while saying in his heart, who the fuck had I provoked to have to stand guard in this broken place.
After the group of people had left and locked the door, the little boy finally whisper to Liu Yi, "Big brother…are you leaving?"
Liu Yi gave him a warm smile, "Relax. I will not leave alone. I will keep my word."
"Mm. I believe big brother."
Only then did the little boy went to sleep in peace. Liu Yi gently rubs the top of his head.
How can this kind of kid live in this place. The dark black coal mine is not a place where he should stay. He should live in an even better place.
Looking at the surrounding black fellows, Liu Yi says in his heart, tomorrow shall be the day where they leave.
He closes his eyes and starts meditating.
In the past, Da Dong had never believed the saying that graduating from a university means no job. He relies on that bit of money from his family. Although his results were nothing much, he graduated from a 3rd rated university.
After graduating he was unable to find a suitable job. He cannot find an above-average one but is unwilling to do a lower one! Finally, under the guidance of a friend, he decided to join the gangs.
Although he had just entered it not long ago, Da Dong feels that this lifestyle is not bad.
He does not need to do anything every day. He just needs to scare people then he can earn quite a bit of money.
Today the boss has given me another bad job and that is to go to the Century Park to pick up money!
Damn it. I heard that there is 5 million inside! Just how big will this bag of money be!
Da Dong drives the company SUV out happily which is to store the money.
"Boundless horizon is my love, at the foot of the continuous mountains the flower blooms…"
[TL: song title is Most Dazzling Folk Style]
After this is settled, I will obtain a large bonus.
Da Dong leisurely and carefreely drives the car as he sings a song.
Century Park is not that far away from where he lives. After singing the song for over ten minutes, he reached the Century Park.
In the early morning, there are not that many people in the park and the sky is still slightly dark.
In the early morning of winter, the sky will not be bright before 7.
Da Dong stops the car by the side. After getting off the car, he indeed sees a number of bags placed by the rubbish bin of the entrance.
"What the heck. This is 5 million?!"
Da Dong had never seen so much money in his life before. He stealthily pulls open the bag and looks inside. Indeed it is filled with red bills!
"What the fuck… so much money…"
Da Dong's eyes are filled with stars and feel like he is dreaming!
He secretly takes out a stack and stuffs it into his shirt.
After taking a stack he feels that it is not enough and he took two more stacks and stuffed it into his pants pocket.
"Anyways they wouldn't be able to count that a few thousand is missing!"
"That's right. Why don't you talk a few more."
"Right, right, right!"
Da Dong nods his head before being startled and raises his heart to look around!
Surrounding him, are a few men in black suits. One of them is wearing a black military attire with a red scarf tied around his arm. On the scarf is embroiled the character 'Guard'.
This guard character is very familiar. None who are part of the underworld would not know. This represents the strongest legion in the underworld, Red Scarf Army, Scarlet Cloth Guard!
Whoever dares to provoke this legion is just seeking death!
"I, I am only in-charged of collecting the money!"
Da Dong is trembling in fear. With so many fiends surrounding him, he is unable to become happy.
At this moment Da Dong's handphone suddenly starts ringing, -Boundless horizon is my love…-
The Scarlet Cloth Guard standing by the side immediately pulls out his pistol and presses the cold muzzle on Da Dong's forehead.
The Scarlet Cloth Guard asks coldly, "Know how to speak?"
Da Dong is not stupid and feels like he is about to pee in his pants.
He picks up the call and from the other side came Xie Hua's voice, "Da Dong have you obtain the money?"
"Yes, I have it already…"
Da Dong's voice is trembling slightly and that muzzle instantly presses down on his forehead.
Da Dong trembles and says hurriedly, "Boss! There is a lot of money! I am trembling while holding it!"
"Hahaha, you stinky fellow who has never seen before the world. Don't you dare to embezzle it. If you dare to take a single dollar, I will break your legs!"
"Will not, boss. I will bring it back with not a single cent missing!"
Da Dong hurriedly swears, "If there is any less, you can chop off my hand!"
"Hurry and scram then!"
Xie Hua hangs up.
Da Dong bears with his urge to pee in his pants and ask that Scarlet Cloth Guard in front of him, "That…what, what should I do?"
The Scarlet Cloth Guard smiles and says, "You can just take the money and go back. But you must first tell me where you're going?"
Da Dong does not dare to say. If he says, he will be killed by Xie Hua.
The Scarlet Cloth Guard did not speak anymore. He moves the gun and shoots Da Dong's calf.
This handgun is a .54 thus the penetration force of the bullet is very powerful and instantly pierces through Da Dong's leg.
Da Dong instantly screams. That Scarlet Cloth Guard immediately covers his mouth.
"Hey…it is only in the morning, it will be bad if you scare other people."
Da Dong is about to pee in his pants as his leg is in extreme pain.
Fuckig hell…looks like right now there is no job that is good to do!
Gangs are even harder! It is easy to die!
Chapter 837 [No work is easy]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 838 [Title below]
"You can continue to maintain the image of a man of steel," the Scarlet Cloth Guard smiles warmly, "But the next shot will be your head."
"Don't, don't be like this…"
Da Dong hurriedly says, "Our location is…"
He told the location to the Scarlet Cloth Guard truthfully. That Scarlet Cloth Guard immediately takes out his handphone and make a call.
"Okay. We can set off now."
Da Dong bears with his pain and asks apprehensively, "This, you are going to fight against us?"
The Scarlet Cloth Guard smiles, "It should be called encircle and annihilate."
While he is speaking, a rumbling sound came.
Rows of military helicopters fly over their head causing Da Dong to be flabbergasted.
What the fuck!
Just attacking a gang, why do you need to put on such a show!!!
Military helicopters, can you be more exaggerated?!
Just as Da Dong thought of this, he hears the sound of engines by his side.
He turns around to see rows of armored cars drive by his side with a tank following behind them.
What the fuck! Are you joking!
Red Scarf Army has these kind of toys?!?!
Are they a gang or an army!
How did they even get their hands on a tank!
Today Xie Hua is very happy. He is as happy as anyone can get.
Didn't expect that going to Living Buddha, I would pick up 5 million!
Indeed, Living Buddha, is no for nothing, hahaha!
To celebrate, Xie Hua especially took out the best quality Dahongpao from his collection. He sits in a villa beside the black coal mine and happily sips it.
His woman is sitting in his embrace using an iPad.
"Husband. You see this nice-looking handbag. Chanel limited edition! There is only 200 in the entire world!"
"Oh buy it then." Xie Hua says, "Right now I have money. A few million. What does buying a bag count as? How much is it?"
"Not expensive. Only 1.2 million."
"Oh, 1.2 million…fuck, what did you say?"
Xie Hua kicks that woman down.
"Fucking hell! Does a bag cost 1.2 million?! You think that my money is picked up from the ground?"
The woman falls onto the ground and is very wrong. She mutters softly, "Didn't you pick it up…"
"What did you fucking say?"
The woman turns pale in fright and does not dare to say anything.
Xie Hua slaps the gun that was placed on the table beside him and scolds, "Fuck you! If you make any more noise, I will shoot you!"
The woman does not dare to say anything. Only then did Xie Hua went back to sipping his tea in satisfaction.
Looking like it is still kidnapping that earns money. In the future, I should do more kidnapping work! It is more profitable than mining coal!
"It is almost time. Da Dong should be back soon. Let's go and meet our moneybag!"
Xie Hua stood up and walked out of the villa to the wooden hut.
That language graduate is dozing off in front of the door.
Seeing this Xie Hua gave him a kick, "Fucking hell! I let you watch the door and you went to sleep?!"
The language graduate was badly frightened and starts trembling.
"What are you staring blankly for! Open the door!"
Xie Hua acts like he is going to kick again and that language graduate hurriedly climbs to his feet and opens the lock before opening the door.
Sunlight instantly shines into the wooden house. Xie Hua raises his head and instantly sees Liu Yi who is meditating in the wooden hut.
Xie Hua cannot help but ask, "What is this? Meditating? A rich young master believes in buddha?"
"That's right. I am praying."
Xie Hua says, "Praying? There is no need to pray for yourself. Soon the money will arrive and you can leave."
Liu Yi smiles, "I am not praying for myself. I am praying for you guys."
"Praying for us?"
Xie Hua raises his eyebrow not understanding what Liu Yi means.
Looking at the time, Liu Yi says, "It is almost time. Soon you will know."
While they are speaking, a little brother outside cry out in panic, "Boss, boss, it is bad! A lot of people came!"
"Who? Police?"
Xie Hua turns around and asks, "I gave them so much money and they came to investigate us?"
"Boss…it is not the police…"
The little brother is about to cry, "It is the fucking army!"
Xie Hua is also stunned, "Army? You must have seen wrong!"
"Boss…it is the army…"
While they are speaking, military helicopters start flying in and float in midair.
Following which soldiers wearing Red Scarf Army military uniform rappel down from the helicopters. They are all holding MP5's in their hands and are armed to the tooth in military equipment. These gang people are unable to be compared to them.
When they came down, these gang members instantly kneel down. Who would dare to resist!
"What…what is this…"
Xie Hua is also stunned. At this moment an enormous sound came from the perimeter wall.
The perimeter wall was exploded in pieces.
A tank directly charges through and rumbles in. Following behind it is a row of armored cars.
"What the fuck…did the army really attack their way in?"
Xie Hua nearly kneels down. Fucking hell, I have been in the gangs for so many years and this is the first time I had met such a large array!
Using the army to attack gangs…isn't this too much?!
Over a hundred armed to the tooth Red Scarf Army soldiers are holding MP5's as they surround the black coal mine. The gang members were frightened as they kneel down trembling.
"It's not related to me, not related to me. I am just a worker!"
The language graduate crouches on the ground as he starts crying. He was badly frightened.
I only mingled around in the gangs there is no need to use the army to bomb us!
What the fuck is going on!
"Squat down!"
A Red Scarf soldier uses the butt of his gun and strikes his back.
"Yes, yes. I will be honest!"
The language graduate hurriedly nods his head.
Xie Hua pretends to be courageous and asks, "Who are you…why did you attack my territory!"
"Can't you see who we are?"
A Scarlet Cloth Guard walks over and points at the red ribbon around his arm.
"Scarlet-scarlet Cloth Guard…Red Scarf Army!"
Xie Hua feels his crotch o becoming wet. Although I am also in the gangs, how would I dare to fight against the Red Scarf Army!
"There…there's no bad blood between me and Red Scarf Army! Why did you guys come and look for me!"
"Because you locked up our Commanding Officer."
After that Scarlet Cloth Guard speaks finish, he salutes at Liu Yi who is mediating.
A group of Scarlet Cloth Guards and Red Scarf Army walk over and salute towards Liu Yi.
The gang members were badly frightened. What the fuck, we kidnapped the Commanding Officer of the Red Scarf Army?!?!
Isn't this a fucking joke! This is lighting up the toilet to find shit!
Xie Hua himself nearly bit his own tongue.
How, how is this picking up money! This is picking up a fucking bomb!
Furthermore, this is a super horrifying bomb!
Red Scarf Army's Commanding Officer…this is a person who can make China tremble …
I…kidnapped this fellow…
" I said that I was praying for you guys."
In front of the stunned looks of everyone, Liu Yi slowly stands up, "The government is unable to do anything to you, the police are unable to do anything to you, the public is unable to do anything to you, right?"
Liu Yi crosses his arms and looks at Xie Hua in front of him. "No worries. I, Liu Yi will deal with you."
"I…I am willing to give you money…"
Xie Hua gathers his courage and says, "As long as you let me live…I can give you money…there is no hatred between the two of us right. I can also apologize to you for the earlier matter. I can offer you tea as an apology! I, I can also split a portion of the earning of this black coal mine to you! As long as Commanding Officer is satisfied."
"I only want one thing of yours."
Liu Yi stretches out a finger.
Xie Hua hurriedly says, "What do you want, you just need to say!"
"I only want your life."
Ruthlessness flashes across Liu Yi's eyes, "The rest of the people also who killed people. Tell me and I will help you guys take revenge."
"Must you be so ruthless?"
Xie Hua trembles as despair flashed across his eyes.
"It is not me who is ruthless. It is you who was ruthless."
Liu Yi points at the Thousand Men Hole, "Do you want to go in there to see the evil that you had committed?"
"What did I do wrong!"
Xie Hua suddenly roars, "Right now there are so many people! The population pressure is also so big! What is there bad about me capturing a few people to help me earn money?! Isn't this killing two birds with a stone? I can also earn money as well as lessen the population pressure for the country! The country should thank me!"
"Yeah. What you say is very reasonable."
Liu Yi nods his head, "If that is the case, isn't me killing you contributing to the country? Thus, there is no need to thank me."
Chapter 838 [Just one condition]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 839 [Title below]
Within Qin Imperial Palace, Fourth is sitting there as he looks at a Bagua Plate in his hands and says slowly, "Ninth has died."
Third says, "Didn't he die earlier? A few thousand years ago, wasn't he dead to the point where he cannot die again?"
"Don't you forget that we are undying."
Fourth says, "Even if his flesh body was utterly destroyed back then, his soul is unable to be the same as us and returned to Qin Imperial Palace through the moonlight. Thus his soul should be lingering in the nether world undying and unable to reincarnate."
"Hmph! If it was not for him, my woman would not have died!"
Third says with a trace of coldness, "Causing her to be unable to use the moonlight technique fully! He deserved death!"
"That's right. This time around, he has thoroughly died."
Fourth smiles faintly, "Right now, this traitor's soul is entirely extinguished, dead to the point that he cannot die again."
"Strange. Who did it?"
Second who is by the side asked with his arms crossed, "Who can destroy us Ten Heavenly Stems? Who is the one who has this capability?"
"Who else could it be?"
Third looks at his Bagua Plate, "The divination shows that the one who killed him is none other than that adorable chess piece of ours."
"Looks like if this goes on, this chess piece will exceed our expectations."
"This person must be killed."
First says darkly, "Otherwise, he might thwart our plan."
Fourth ask, "Who should we send next?"
"Sixth, Seventh as well as Ninth have died. Among us Ten Heavenly Stems, there is only seven of us as well as the one who is still hiding."
Third says hurriedly, "Let Tenth go! Believe in her and give her an opportunity! She will do it!"
First replies slowly after careful deliberations, "It is not that we do not want to give her an opportunity. Just that right now, the chess piece is wandering all over the place. If Tenth appears by his side right now, this does not conform to common sense. Thus we must send a key person."
First turns around and asks Fourth, "Where is the chess piece going to next."
"The divination shows that he is currently heading south and should be going to Womanland."
"Womanland? Looks like it is your turn to take action Second."
First smiles, "Don't disappoint us. Don't let down our noble Emperor Qin."
"Leave it to me."
Second crosses her arms and says proudly, "I am not like those useless trash. This time the chess piece will die in my hands."
"That is good then. Everything shall be handed over to you."
First nods his head, "If you fail then there is no need for you to come back."
"I have never failed!"
After Second speaks, her body transforms into a beam of moonlight and disappears from within Qin Imperial Palace.
"Now that Second has taken action, that fellow's death date is finally arriving."
Fourth laughs mischievously, "The bagua divination says that this time, our Qin Imperial Palace will succeed!"
"Hope that that Bagua of yours is accurate!"
"It has always been very accurate!"
"500 years ago, you shouted that Emperor Qin will revive. 500 years have past and I did not see any movement!"
"This…the bagua only says that he is going to revive. It did not say when it will revive…"
"Talking nonsense!"
"Nonsense! If you say that my bagua is nonsense again I will fight you!"
"You are seeking death!"
"Bring it on. Who is afraid of you?!"
First roars out making the scene finally stop.
"Have you guys forgotten your identity? You guys are people who have lived for over several thousand years, why are you still like kids! If you guys continue on then do not blame me for beating you to the mundane world!"
Liu Yi does not know that Qin Imperial Palace which he had taken as an enemy is currently coming after him. Right now, he is sitting in the main hall of White Cloth Sect drinking the special local product Daughter Tea.
Although this tea is not bad, Liu Yi is a bit awkward drinking the tea.
Because he realized that a group of women is hiding by the side of the main hall pointing at him as they laugh non-stop.
Damnit…am I that funny?
Liu Yi looks at his clothing and there is nothing that is not in order.
&123;Meng Xi is there anything strange on my face?&125;
Liu Yi can only ask from help from his neck passer-by.
Meng Xi smiles as she says, &123;Nothing. Benefactor is still that handsome.&125;
&123;Then why are they looking at me like that?&125;
Liu Yi is unable to comprehend.
&123;Very easy to understand!&125;
Meng Xi says out her guess, &123;These girls have not seen any men for several decades, you can be considered as a rare organism! Seeing you, it would be strange if they are not curious about you!&125;
&123;Ah? That means that right now I am no different from the monkeys in the zoo?&125;
Liu Yi frowns.
&123;Hehe, you can also say it like that. But benefactor is an existence that will attract the attention of everyone wherever you go.&125;
Liu Yi clucks, &123;Bootlicker.&125;
Meng Xi says coquettishly, &123;Hehe, this servant likes to bootlick master.&125;
Lin Tong who is lying on Liu Yi's right shoulder twitches her lips and says in her heart. Hmph, damn lass. Who does not know how to act coquettishly. It is just that this lady disdains to do it!
At this moment, a woman wearing red clothing slowly walks over. Liu Yi turns around and takes a look. This lass is quite beautiful. Just that it would be better if she had some expression on her face!
She is lacking three things!
No expression, no chest and no humanity!
That woman sits down on the right of Liu Yi and asks, "You are Liu Yi?"
But there is no politeness in her voice.
"That's right. This one is indeed Liu Yi. Who is this fairy?"
That woman says coldly, "Qiu Han, but you are not allowed to call me that."
"This is strange then."
Liu Yi asks not understanding, "Why can other people not call you by your name? If it cannot be used, then what is the use of calling yourself that?"
"My name can only be called by women."
Qiu Han replies coldly, "Filthy smelly men cannot call it."
Liu Yi looks at Qiu Han in huge astonishment, "How would you know that I am a smelly man? Could it be that you have secretly smelled me before?"
"Who has smelled you before!"
Qiu Han says in alarm as a nauseous expression appears on her face, "How dare you use this kind of language to humiliate me! Liu Yi! Did you come to my White Cloth Sect to pick fault?!"
"Seems like you have mistaken the sequence, right? It is you who humiliated me first."
Liu Yi chuckles lightly, "You had also said that you had never smell me before, then base on what did you say that I am a smelly man?"
"Hmph, all of the men in the world are the same. Incomparably smelly. Is there even a need for me to smell?"
"Whatever. In the future, after you have smelled it, you will know what the smell of a man is."
Liu Yi waves his hands, "There is no need for the two of us to continue this kind conversation."
"I will never smell a man! Liu Yi! Daoist Liu! If you humiliate me again with words, then do not blame me for being impolite!"
That pair of pretty eyes of Qiu Han glare at Liu Yi.
"Since you do not let me call you by your name, then how should I address you?"
"You can call me Elder Qiu."
There is still no expression of Qiu Han's face.
"Fine, Elder Qiu, I have come…"
Before he finished, Qiu Han raises her hand and stops Liu Yi's following worlds.
"No matter what your objective is, my White Cloth Sect is not interested."
"Hey, hey. This matter is not small."
Liu Yi is very speechless, "5 Spirit Gathering is not a small matter. Is your White Cloth Sect sure that you have decided not to take part?"
Qiu Han replies, "Major matters of the sect require our princess to decide."
"Then bring your princess over."
"The princess is in Womanland's Imperial Palace. How can she come and meet you?"
"Then bring me over to pay respects to her."
"Womanland has never let men enter. You are a man so how can you enter Womanland!"
"Then what do you expect me to do?"
"Very easy."
Qiu Han says, "Return to where you come from."
"You think I came here for a tour?"
Now Liu Yi is really unhappy. "Is Womanland that hard to enter? It is not like I am going in to find girls! I am entering to do business!"
"Like I care!"
Qiu Han snorts, "Hurry and leave. This place does not welcome you!"
Liu Yi is also not anxious as he slowly drinks his tea.
By the side, a group of women are peeping with all kinds of methods as well as whispering to one another.
"What are you looking at! Go practice! Do all of you wish to go and reflect on your past mistakes?!"
Qiu Han shouts scaring those girls into escaping in a panic.
"Looks like Elder Qiu is rather reputed."
Liu Yi smiles, "I thought that you were only harsh towards men. Unexpectedly you are also the same towards women."
"Don't compare men with us women! This is an insult to us!"
"Right now you are also insulting me!"
Liu Yi is unhappy, "What, you got harmed by men before? Cheated?"
Qiu Han thinks for a bit before saying, "In my lifetime, I had never met men more than a few times."
"Then why do you say that men are ugly?"
"Because men were originally ugly!"
Qiu Han snorts and says, "Our Queen's stone statue is still at the entrance of Womanland which reminds us at all times how despicable men are!"
"A man cannot represent men."
Liu Yi purses his brows, "A club beating the rest of the people makes people annoyed."
"I feel that I am already speaking highly of you."
Qiu Han sneers, "Anyways this place does not welcome you. You can leave."
"If I do not meet your princess, I will not leave!"
"Why are you so dislikable! This place of ours does not welcome you, understood?"
"I did not think that I would be staying here. I only wanted to meet the princess and deliver the invitation. Since you cannot decide then I can only find the person who can make the decision."
Qiu Han instantly became angry, "If you continue to tangle here, I will expel you!"
Fuck! Take action then! Who is afraid of you!
Liu Yi's temper also rises as he secretly revolves his qi.
&123;Benefactor. I think that we should retreat first.&125;
Meng Xi advises, &123;Womanland this place is not advisable to attack. It can only be outsmarted. Womanland has a kind of technique which is very strange. When combining together, it is very savage. Back then even my master Ye Heng was unable to contend against it. He couldn't take a single blow!&125;
&123;Fuck…how can there be such a heaven-defying technique.&125;
Liu Yi wishes to curse.
&123;Anyways, let us first retreat…perhaps there might be other methods.&125;
&123;We can only do so…&125;
Chapter 839 [White Cloth Sect]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 840 [Title below]
Womanland is completely covered by a barrier. Other than entering from Womanland, there is no other way in.
Liu Yi stands by the lakeside outside as he stares at the faraway Womanland's entrance with a frown.
What can I do now? Didn't expect that Womanland would be so xenophobic.
That Qiu Han is a bane of men. She is too extreme in her hatred towards men!
No matter what I say it is useless. Looks like this woman cannot be reasoned with.
The surrounding barrier is also too powerful. Breaking through forcefully will not be easy.
But to fight against White Cloth Sect like Kunlun Mountain? But Meng Xi says that they have a special formation that can combine the strength of these girls making Ye Heng retreat. Wouldn't I be seeking a beating, fighting against them?
Saying sweet words is also useless. With Qiu Han there, no matter what kind of nice words I say they will also be useless.
Liu Yi stands by the lakeside as he moaning and groans. For a moment, he does not know what he should do.
Although Womanland does not allow outsiders to enter, but there are a few small villages surrounding it.
This patch of Womanland's illusion barrier is not small. Inside this illusion barrier, there are a few interesting small villages. Look like they are the population of people outside of Womanland.
A lot of Inner Pavilion sects are the same. They have some villages and the likes around them. Sometimes, cultivators would go to the village to choose disciples. But the importance of these villages is to ensure the productive force.
Even if the cultivators of higher realms do not need to eat, those early realm cultivators still need to consume food. The food that they need, herbs that they need for their pill concoction all need these villages to cultivate.
At this moment, by the lakeside, there is an old man who is leisurely fishing.
Liu Yi feels that he should first inquire about some useful information from this old man. After all, people who live closer naturally know more news than him.
He walks over and stands by the side of the old man. He cups his hands and asks politely, "This sir, may I ask…"
The old man holds his fishing rod with a hand while making a keep quiet sign by placing his other hand in front of his lips.
"Little kid, with such a loud voice, the fish will be scared away by you."
Liu Yi stands behind the old man and did not say anything. He silently revolves his cultivation technique.
After waiting for over two hours, the fishing float which is floating in the lake finally moves slightly.
The old man is calm and unhurried. After waiting for a while more did he start reeling in his fishing line.
A mackerel shaking its tail is fished up before being grabbed by the old man familiarly. He takes off the fish hook before placing it into his bamboo basket.
"Little fellow is rather patient. Which village are you from?"
The old man finally speaks to Liu Yi.
"I came from outside, I'm returning home to visit my family and passed by Womanland."
Liu Yi asks, "Is it impossible to enter this Womanland?"
"If you are a man then forget about entering."
As the old man insert a fish bait into the fishhook, he says, "Ever since Tang Xuanzang went to the west in a quest for Buddhist scriptures, Womanland's Queen has turned into stone, thus Womanland put an end to men entering. You being a man and wishing to enter Womanland, it is even harder than ascending up the nine layers of heaven!"
"Really no way?"
The old man raises his head and looks in the direction of Womanland and asks, "You see this barrier in the surroundings. Do you know the origin of this barrier?"
"Back then this barrier was the Sanskrit Barrier personally arranged by Tang Xuanzang. Only if you have the strength of Realm Crossers, otherwise, you will not break it."
"What the fuck…Tang Xuanzang also knew cultivation?"
"What are you talking about? Tang Xuanzang, Elder Tang is the famous outstanding senior monk. How can his cultivation be inferior! Victorious Fighting Buddha was such a valiant existence which caused havoc in Heaven, didn't he, in the end, follow by Tang Xuanzang's side?"
"Isn't it because of the Band-tightening Spell?"
"What Band-tightening Spell? Did you listen to the stories outside?"
The old man rolls his eyes, "That is just what those people outside are weaving, talking nonsense. The real journey to the west is not like this one. Elder Tang was a generation's famous outstanding Great master of sutras. His strength was not weaker than that monkey. Everyone says that eating Tang Seng's meat will make one live a long life but Tang Seng's meat is not that easy to eat, hahaha…"
What the, that Tang Seng who only knew how to chant sutras..was he that powerful?
Liu Yi feel that his world view is continuously being toppled.
Liu Yi cannot help but ask, "Is there REALLY no method?"
"If your asking… there is a way…"
The old man hesitates…he seems to be considering if he should say or not.
"May elder please enlighten me."
Liu Yi cups his hand and humbly asks for guidance.
"Then come closer."
The old man beckons him over, "The teaching cannot be transmitted to six ears."
[TL: basically it means that no third party can know.]
The old man makes it rather mysterious. Thus Liu Yi can only get close to listen to what this old man wants to say.
"This path is…"
As the old man says slowly, he suddenly raises his palm and slaps down on Liu Yi's chest.
Liu Yi trembles before falling back into the lake behind him and instantly sinks until he disappears without a trace.
The old man turned around and instantly transforms into another person.
It is none other than Second from Qin Imperial Palace.
He crosses his arms and arrogantly looks at the lake which resumes its tranquil.
"This fellow is nothing at all and they actually failed. Indeed in Qin Imperial Palace, I am the strongest, hahahaha!"
He looks at his right palm, "After being hit by my Moon Dream Death Palm, this fellow is definitely dead. It looks like your days of being a chess piece have finally ended. There is no need to thank me!"
Second transforms into a beam of moonlight and disappears from his spot.
Very cold…
Very cold…
I feel like I cannot move my body …
Liu Yi's body sinks into the lake and slowly towards the bottom.
At this moment, a whirlpool suddenly happens in a cavern at the bottom of the lake and sucks Liu Yi's body in.
Yue Qinger had just become 16 years old today. Based on Womanland's rules, she is to be completely naked as she soaks in Queen Spring and conducts her growing into adulthood baptism.
Every girl who grows to adulthood in Womanland must undergo a baptism once in Queen Spring. From what the elders say, this Queen Spring was formed by the day and night weeping of the Queen of Womanland back then from her missing Elder Tang.
To let all of the girls in Womanland understand how evil guys can be, thus they let the girls who had grown into their adulthood wash their bodies in this Queen Spring.
Yue Qinger also cannot be the exception but she feels that this Queen Spring is a bit cold.
The elders always say men are very vile, very perverted. How sickening they are…but what does a man look like?
I have never seen a man before in my lifetime…too curious…
"Heavens, if you can hear me, then bestow Qinger a man to take a look…"
Yue Qinger who is soaking in the spring water puts her palms together and silently prays.
At this moment, a human figure floats up in front of her.
Yue Qinger takes a look and feels like it is a…man she had read about in painting!
A startled cry instantly spread out from this Queen Spring.
Yue Qinger is very astonished. She had heard that men are all very perverted. When they see women, they will immediately pounce on them and eat them. After eating, they will wipe their mouths and leave! Like a devil!
Yue Qinger hugs herself, afraid that she would be 'eaten up' by this man!
Human eating humans is too scary already!
But after she shrieks and hugs herself for a long time she did not see that man moving.
Yue Qinger feels slightly strange. She swims forward moving closer to that man.
That guy still does not move at all as he continues to floats along with the water wave.
Yue Qinger feels that something is wrong. She stretches out her hand and gently pokes that man's body.
That man did not respond to her like he had fainted.
Yue Qinger pokes that man's face but there is still no movement.
This should be a man, right?
But what is the matter with him. Why does he not move? Did he faint?
Why would he faint inside Queen Spring? Didn't Womanland not allow outsiders to enter?
Furthermore, Elder Qiu is the Welcoming Elder. It is impossible for her to let a man in.
But…why would he faint here? So strange …
Yue Qinger becomes curious. She wishes to study this man.
Heard that a man's body is different from a woman’s. An elder says that on a man's body there grows a weapon that is similar to the Golden Cudgel used by Sun Wukong which is the bane of women.
What does that thing look like?
Yue Qinger wishes to study it when she suddenly heard a yell from far away.
"Is it Qinger? What happened?"
It is an older sister who is a year older than me!
Yue Qinger hurriedly swims over in front of that man and blocks the view of his body.
A woman that looks rather similar to Yue Qinger walks over as she asked in worry.
Yue Qinger hurriedly waves her hands as she says, "No-nothing…"
Big sister pouts, "Since there is nothing what did you shout for?"
"Because the water…water was too cold…"
Yue Qinger's face is slightly panicking. But due to the darkness of the night, her big sister did not see clearly.
"Then you should slowly soak. This is your ceremony for being an adult. You need to wash your body clean understood?"
"Understood big sister! You are very annoying!"
"Damn lass. Then slowly soak!"
Her big sister walks far away.
Yue Qinger sighs before turning around and looks at the guy lying in the water.
He still had not woken up.
"Just what kind of person are you?"
Yue Qinger is very curious as she pulls that guy while swimming to the riverbank.
Getting up the riverbank, Yue Qinger immediately waved her hand and covers herself with a red dress.
The guy fainted at the river bank. Half of his boy is still in the water and he does not move.
Yue Qinger bends over and looks at this guy.
"Ah! What happened to his hands and legs?"
Yue Qinger was shocked because this guy's hands and legs had turned into stone.
Stranger, earlier in the water he was not like this…why is it that after getting ashore his hands and legs had turned into stone?
Did this guy contract a weird disease?
Yue Qinger is very curious!
"Aiyah…I must first hide you…it is too dangerous outside."
Yue Qinger thinks for a bit before her eyes brighten up.
"Right! I can hide you over there! This way no one will find you!"
She raises her hand and that guy floats up in front of her.
Chapter 840 [Yue Qinger]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 841 [Title below]
Liu Yi feels that his eyelids are very heavy…very heavy…
He is unable to resist his urge to sleep and only wishes to sleep. Have a good sleep.
It is yet another feeling pressuring his body.
By his ear, he keeps hearing the shouting of Meng Xi and Lin Tong. Liu Yi knows. He knows that he must wake up.
He tries his best to open his eyes and look at the surroundings.
In the beginning,his vision is blurry and slowly, it starts to recover bit by bit.
I…seem to be lying in a cave…the surrounding is stone and chilly.
Liu Yi is unable to take this kind of cold which makes him wish to hug himself and shiver.
But he suddenly senses that his four limbs are unable to move!
"What is going on…turning numb from the cold?"
Liu Yi subconsciously looks at his hands and legs and is astonished to realize that his arms and legs had turned into stone.
"What the hell! What is this fucking situation!"
Liu Yi got a huge shock. Are you fucking joking with me!
Liu Yi vaguely remembers. It seems like I got attacked by that old man and got hit into the lake waters…but how did I come here afterward?
This…is not possible, right?!
What if I got transmigrated, can I transmigrate back?
But what I should consider now is…is my arms and legs that have turned into stone!
What are these symptoms?
&123;Master, it seems like Moon Dream Death Palm.&125;
Meng Xi had lived for a long time and had seen many things. She descends from Liu Yi's hair and lands on top of his finger which had turned into stone and says, &123;Does master still remember those cultivators who had turned into stone statues in Fengdu City?&125;
Liu Yi frowns, &123;So this is also a method of using the Moon Dream Sutra…&125;
It can turn my body into a stone statue?
No wonder I feel that I can't use my strength. Perhaps all of it is used to resist this Moon Dream Sutra's strength.
His entire body keeps turning into stone. All of his qi is all focusing on resisting, hence making sure that his entire body had not turned into stone.
"Right now, I am fucked up …."
Liu Yi wishes to curse. This time I met with an unexpected failure. To get plotted against by other people!
Furthermore, it seems like I got plotted by a person from Qin Imperial Palace!
Who is it among the Ten Heavenly Stems? Damn it! To chase me here!
How did they know that I am here?
Liu Yi wants to blow his top.
"Oh? You have awakened?"
At this moment Liu Yi hears a voice.
Liu Yi got a huge shock and raised his head to see a woman in the prime of youth wearing red clothing standing by his side.
Fuck! When did this girl enter!
All of Liu Yi's cultivation is used to resist the Moon Dream Sutra thus he did not even know that outsiders had gotten close to him.
Seeing Liu Yi's vigilant gaze, the girl bent over and giggles.
"You, scary big guy is afraid of a small girl?"
"Scary big guy?"
Liu Yi smiles bitterly, "Take a look at the current me. Where do I look scary?"
"That is also true. Your current appearance is very ugly! You are not as scary as what the elders describe."
The girl laughs tenderly, "How did you become like this? Could it be that you met Heaven Deficiency Sect?"
"Heaven Deficiency Sect?"
Liu Yi does not understand.
"That is a very large sect close by. I heard that it is an evil sect."
The girl is slightly concerned as she says, "Inside are demons and the one leading them is a demon called Master Jihong. He possesses an ability that turns people into stone!"
Master Jihong? Could it be that the one who sneaks attacked me was that person? He is also one of the Ten Heavenly Stem?
It looks like the key to undoing this curse is to find that fellow from Heaven Deficiency Sect.
What is he called? Master Jihong! To call himself Master Jihong. Could it be that he is a person who believes in Buddha?
At this moment, Liu Yi starts to think rapidly.
The girl waves her hand in front of Liu Yi's face a lot of times but is unable to attract Liu Yi's attention thus she asks, "Hey, hey. Why are you not speaking? Did your head also turn into stone?"
"So stupid…in the future, let's call you Stone!"
Liu Yi is startled awake and looks at the girl standing in front of him.
"If I am called stone then what are you called?"
"I call Yue Qinger. You can call me Qinger."
This girl is rather open, "Then what is your name?"
"Just call me Stone…you see, right now aren't I like a stone."
"That's right. Of those who had been hit by this technique, it seems like none have lived. It is strange that you are alive."
Yue Qinger bends down and squats by Liu Yi's side as she observes Liu Yi carefully.
"Probably…it is because my life is more tenacious."
Liu Yi smiles bitterly, not knowing if he should be happy or sad.
"Then where did you come from? Are you a person from the surrounding villages?"
"No. I came from the world outside."
Liu Yi feels that this is okay to say and did not expect that he would attract Yue Qinger's interest.
"Real-really? You came from the world outside?"
Yue Qinger's face is filled with curiosity, "Quick-quickly tell me is the outside world interesting?"
"Your Womanland…doesn't have any channels to obtain news from the outside world?"
"No. Only the elders can exit and enter Womanland as they want. The rest of us are not allowed to have any contact with people from the outside world!"
"So strict..could it be that this place is a prison?"
Liu Yi suddenly feels that these girls are slightly pitiful. It is such a pity that they are not even allowed to leave this place to take a look at the outside world.
I couldn't take this kind of life.
"Anyways you will be in extreme danger inside Womanland."
"Wait a minute…"
At this moment, Liu Yi's mind short-circuited for a moment before he finally came to realize, "We are inside Womanland?"
"Now then you react?”
"Impossible ….earlier I was outside of a village! How is it possible that I am inside Womanland now?!”
"Ah? Right…why would you appear inside Queen Spring…"
Yue Qinger also sinks into deep thoughts.
Liu Yi asks, "Doesn't Womanland have a very powerful barrier? How can outsiders enter?"
"I also do not know…you see that radiance?"
Yue Qinger points outside the cave as she speaks.
Liu Yi looks over. Right now his sight is not that good. He can only faintly see a golden light far away in the sky.
"I see it." Liu Yi nods his head, "That is?"
"That is Elder Tang…ah wrong. That is Evil Tang's Nine Heaven Fire Staff that he left behind in Womanland. It is all due to this Nine Heaven Fire Staff which allows us to support the Nirvana Great Barrier. Outsiders will never enter Womanland unless our Elder Qiu Han allows them."
Qiu Han that woman? That hard to deal with woman…
"Furthermore, our Womanland's unique Nirvana Formation also relies on the support of this Nine Heaven Fire Staff to work. If Womanland didn't have this formation staff, then Womanland would have collapsed already. Those that lust for our Heaven Deficiency Sect would definitely take the opportunity to attack and occupy our Womanland by force!"
What the…after these girls obtained Tang Xuanzang's benefits, they also scold him! Really….
"Anyways, no matter how you enter, right now at this place, you are in a lot of danger. You can't walk around so hide here….after being hit by Moon Dream Death Palm, I hope that you can live a while longer and tell me more stories of the outside world. I will bring you my Womanland's panacea. Although it cannot help you heal it can maintain your lifeforce for a while."
As Yue Qinger speaks, she takes out a pill bottle and pours out a pill from within before feeding it to Liu Yi.
"Right now…I no longer have the strength to chew down the pill…"
Liu Yi smiles bitterly feeling like he is like a useless person.
"Not a problem. Then let me help you!"
Yue Qinger blinks before placing the pill into her mouth and after chewing it into pieces, she bends down and feeds it to Liu Yi using her mouth.
Liu Yi is completely stunned…
What the fuck!!! She uses her mouth to feed!
Does this lass not know that men and women should not touch each other when giving or receiving things?!
This lass is lacking common sense?!
"Okay. I have now fed you."
Yue Qinger raises her head and looks at Liu Yi wittily and says, "I remember that in the past when I was very sick, this was how elder sister fed me medicine! So it should be effective!"
Liu Yi also does not know if what he had eaten is medicine or Yue Qinger's saliva…either way, it is rather sweet.
The medicine effect is very quick. Within moments, Liu Yi feels a surge of warmth spreading out from his dantian before flowing around his body.
This surge of strength seems to turn into Liu Yi's last hope. Originally he did not have any strength and now it seems like he can raise a trace of power-up which makes Liu Yi have some strength.
The golden sun on Liu Yi's back lights up. Although it is only a faint trace, Liu Yi can feel that his hands and legs petrification is becoming better.
This is a good thing. Looks like my Nine Yang God Qi is still very strong! As long as I have time, I will resolve this petrification.
But I don't know how long I need to wait.
"For now, you shall hide here first. You must tell me stories about the outside world!"
Yue Qinger mischievously waves her tied-up braided pigtail, "Otherwise, I will not care about you! Today, I cannot stay here for long as I have some matters to do. Rest properly first. Tomorrow, I will come and visit you!"
Yue Qinger turns around and flies out of the cave.
This lass… hurriedly come, hurriedly go. I still have a lot of matters that I still have not asked…forget it. Contrariwise, I can peacefully cultivate for a while. I do not have much time left. After Womanland, I still have to make a trip to Ruyi Sect.
Liu Yi takes a deep breath and starts continuing to spread the medicine effect throughout his entire body.
He controls this surge of strength and keeps attacking the petrification on his hands and legs.
Following the stone becoming smaller and smaller, the amount of cultivation that Liu Yi can maneuver is beginning to increase.
The cave is indeed very secluded. Looks like other than Yue Qinger, no one seems to know of this place which is a good place to hide.
Thus Liu Yi borrowed this kind of place and kept treating himself.
When Liu Yi's cultivation base had finally recovered to 0.01%, he breathed out a sigh of relief before activating his black and white world.
Borrowing his black and white world to slow down the speed of the outside world before he keeps restoring his cultivation!
I believe that soon, I will recover!
Chapter 841 [Changing into stone]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 842 [Title below]
"Really strange. Isn't that Liu Yi famous for being difficult? Why did he not come here again?"
Qiu Han who is sitting touches her forehead, not understanding.
One of the female disciples cannot help but ask, "Elder, aren't you very hateful of that fellow? Isn't it good that he did not come?"
"What do you know?"
Qiu Han berates, "Can't you use your mind to think a bit!"
"Ah? Could it be that there are still some other secrets?"
"Of course! If I was him, I would not give up important matters so easily."
Qiu Han frowns and analyzes, "He definitely wants to use some other methods to enter our Womanland. Anyways, for these few days, we must strengthen our defense. Send down the order to inspect the barrier. After which let the patrols search carefully! They must not let outsiders enter."
"Nirvana Great Barrier is so powerful. How is it possible for outsiders to enter?"
The female disciple smiles and says, "You are too suspicious elder."
Qiu Han says, "There is nothing that is impossible to happen. Is there anything absolute in the cultivation world? Even the Cosmos God can be defeated, what other matters are not possible to happen?"
"Fine then. I shall send down Elder Qiu's order."
The woman immediately leaves.
At the same time, Liu Yi whom Qiu Han is worried about is currently sitting in the cave healing up.
In a blink of an eye, 5 days had passed and Liu Yi had recovered half of his cultivation.
Perhaps in less than two days, I will recover most of my cultivation. At that time, I can go and meet that pain in the ass princess and settle the matter!
These few days Yue Qinger visited daily and fed me medicine daily.
Although Liu Yi had already recovered his ability to eat things, he still shamelessly pretends that he is unable to and enjoys Yue Qinger feeding him the medicine using her mouth.
Yue Qinger is pure. Every time while he enjoys this kind of special treatment, Liu Yi feels like he had committed a crime.
But only by having a sinful feeling… can one feel even more simulated.
Just as Liu Yi is cycling his cultivation, a fragrance appears by his side.
Looks like Yue Qinger has come.
Liu Yi immediately opens his eyes.
Indeed in front of him is the pretty face of Yue Qinger.
"Stone, Qinger has come to visit you again!"
As Yue Qinger speaks, she takes out a pill, "Old rules, let me feed you the medicine first. Open your mouth, ahhh…."
She speaks to Liu Yi like she is coaxing a little kid.
Liu Yi also opens his mouth with a clear conscience. Yue Qinger bends down and feeds Liu Yi the pill with her mouth.
As their lips kisses, Yue Qinger uses her little tongue to send the chewed up pill into Liu Yi's mouth.
Normally, Liu Yi would receive it silently. But today, he suddenly cannot help but be mischievous and stealthily sucks on Yue Qinger's tongue.
Yue Qinger instantly shivers. The habitually as norm matter mood for today suddenly turns strange!
She subconsciously cries out in alarm as she pushes Liu Yi away with a red face.
"Why….why did you bite Qinger's tongue…"
Yue Qinger says coquettishly before gently patting Liu Yi's stone arm, "You are a stone person and you are still dishonest! No wonder elders say that men are bad!"
"Nonsense, men are not things (are not things, in this case, mean good-for-nothing)…, this saying is also wrong!"
Liu Yi feels that he will confuse himself to death. Thus he changes his tune, "That…today what do you wish to know?"
"Right, last time you told me that mortals can fly about in the sky without using any cultivation technique, is it real?"
"That's right. Mortals are very smart. Although they do not know how to cultivate they are experts at drawing support from tools."
Liu Yi is very happy that he had smoothly changed the topic and continues to speak, "They have invented a kind of plane that can fly in the sky. The speed is very quick and also very convenient."
"How curious…Qinger also wishes to take a look ah!"
Yue Qinger is like a curious doll.
"Wait for the future, if there is an opportunity, I will bring you out to experience it yourself."
Talking about this, Yue Qinger's expression turns gloomy.
"Not possible."
She shakes her head and says, "Other than elders, no one is allowed to leave Womanland a single step…Qinger is also not an exception. It is also a matter of a thousand years later even if I become an elder…Qinger has only just come to age…"
"No worries. I'm still here. I will bring you out."
Liu Yi pats his chest.
"But…elder says…if one is not an elder, leaving Womanland will be dangerous."
Yue Qinger pouts and says, "Thus they do not let us go out…"
"What a joke. Is the elder who said that Qiu Han?"
"Oh? You know our Elder Qiu? She is a very strict person…but very reliable."
"Hmph, she is a crazy person!"
Liu Yi said in unhappily, "She has not seen a man before and starts despising men. If she is not mental then what is she! Don't listen to her. She is just scaring you girls."
Yue Qinger's gaze glitters with faint excitement, "Qinger…Qinger can go outside to have a look?"
"Of course. I guarantee."
Liu Yi smiles.
"Hmph! Boastful!"
Yue Qinger pouts, "You are about to turn into stone. How can you bring Qinger out!"
"I will get well."
Liu Yi smiles and says, "Very soon I will do it."
"Hmph! Boasting again!"
Yue Qinger giggles, "It is very impressive that you can maintain your current state! But relax. Recently Qinger has been reading ancient books regarding this and will find a way to save you."
"Then I shall rely on you, sister Qinger."
Liu Yi suddenly feels a surge of warmth.
"Don't be polite. Since Qinger picked you up the two of us are fated."
"How can you use such words as a pick-up. It is not like I am a cat or a dog."
"How would there be such a big cat or dog like you!"
Yue Qinger hits Liu Yi's arm lightly, " Your more like a bad cat or dog. Who would want to pick you up as a house pet!"
"My role is not a house pet!"
Liu Yi wishes to tease this adorable girl Yue Qinger but there are more important matters that he needs to do.
-dong, dong, dong-
The sound of bells ring out and Yue Qinger is startled as she turns around and looks outside of the cave.
"Ah, I still wish to chat with you a while more but I cannot now."
"What is the matter?"
"The large bell is ringing so something must have happened so I must hurry back!"
"What matter? Everyone must gather?"
Liu Yi is unable to understand.
"Don't you look down on me!"
Yue Qinger says arrogantly, "Although I have just come of age, I am a member of Queen's Guard! Hehe, if elder sister knows that I had passed the test and gotten into Queen's Guard she would be infuriated! She is still a member of the Patrol Team!"
Liu Yi guess, Queen's Guard? Patrol Team? This should be Womanland's internal police system?
"Qinger wait a bit."
Liu Yi hurriedly calls her back.
Yue Qinger says, "Aiyah, didn't I say that today I cannot accompany you? Qinger has things to do!"
"Will not delay you. I have a small request."
Liu Yi hurriedly says, "I have stayed here for so long and I haven't gone out to look around. Can you bring me out today?"
"You are messing around!"
Yue Qinger puffs her cheek, "How can I bring you! You are such a big person and your hands and legs are also inconvenient."
"Let me show you something fun."
Liu Yi opens his mouth and breathes out a breath of golden fog.
This golden fog instantly transforms into a butterfly before landing on Yue Qinger's shoulder.
"Ah! What is this? So mystical!"
Yue Qinger happily looks at the small butterfly on her shoulder. it is very vivid and lifelike and is completely no different from a real one.
"What is this technique?"
"A small technique."
Liu Yi transmits his voice into her ear, &123;I will not do anything and just watch from here.&125;
"Really will not anyhow do things?"
&123;Relax. I am just a small butterfly, what can I do?&125;
Liu Yi comforts, &123;I am curious about Womanland thus I wish to take a look. Aren't you in a hurry to leave?&125;
"Ah, right! It's your fault for wasting so much time! If Qinger is late, you will get it from me!"
Yue Qinger leaps and flies out of the cave. She flies as fast as lighting towards the sound of the bell.
Liu Yi obediently stays on Yue Qinger's shoulder and for the first time, he had a feeling like he is Immortal Fox sister.
So staying on other people’s shoulders is rather interesting.
The view of the world is slightly different.
But Yue Qinger is flying too quickly…only by grabbing onto her with full strength otherwise I would have been thrown off by her.
Very soon, Yue Qinger had flown to the main hall of White Cloth Sect. At this moment, two rows of females wearing red female clothing are standing in the main hall.
The women in these two rows have powerful cultivation. While the one standing at the very front is none other than Qiu Han.
By Qiu Han's side stands a few other women. It seems like they are the same as Qiu Han. They should be the elders of White Cloth Sect.
Liu Yi cannot help but be speechless. Fucking hell, how are these women in Womanland born? Why are all of them such great beauties?
Perhaps any guy who can live in Womanland will die from happiness!
No. It should be dying from excitement.
At this moment, standing in front of these women is rows of guys wearing blue robes.
On the chest of the robes is two words, Heaven Deficiency.
Heaven Deficiency Sect?
Liu Yi thought that it was a Buddhist sect. So they are a group of Daoists?
But why do these Daoists look so wretched?
Especially that old Daoist in the lead. His face is covered with lumps like a toad.
Qiu Han still has that bad temper as she looks at that lump-face Daoist coldly and berates, "Tun E, I seem to have said before that this place does not welcome you. Why do you still come here for!"
"Immeasurable Tian Zun!"
That Daoist called Tun E to laugh sinisterly, "Is there even a need for this old Daoist to repeat? Shouldn't you be the clearest about what this old Daoist wants?"
"Don't think about it Toad!
Chapter 842 [Toad?]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 843 [Title below]
Liu Yi has the urge to laugh. This metaphor is quite appropriate. Didn't expect that Qiu Han esthetic conception is quite good.
At this moment, Yue Qinger transmits a message to Liu Yi.
&123;This old monster Tun E is not a good person! He is a repulsive toad demon!&125;
Toad demon? No wonder! No wonder he would appear like this! So it is natural.
&123;Heaven Deficiency Sect is not good! They covet our sects Queen Real Stone for a long time!&125;
Yue Qinger continues and says, &123;Hateful toad. Same as their Master Cihong, he is nothing good! Hmph, the Heaven Deficiency Sect is full of scum!&125;
&123;Looks like you girls hate this Heaven Deficiency Sect.&125;
Liu Yi thoughtfully nods his head, &123;Then is that Queen Real Stone that important to you?&125;
&123;Of course. That is the stone that our Womanland's Queen had transformed into!&125;
Yue Qinger nods her head and replies, &123;We have been waiting for our Queen to wake up and revive! Womanland cannot leave the queen. So how can we give her to their Heaven Deficiency Sect!&125;
&123;I see. They wish to have such an important thing, they are too shameless!&125;
Liu Yi also feels disdain.
&123;Heaven Deficiency Sect has always been shameless!&125;
Yue Qinger says in extreme anger, &123;For the past thousand years, our Womanland has been on guard against them. If it was not for the Nirvana Great Barrier protecting us, our Womanland would have suffered a calamity. But they also forget about demanding anything! If they dare to play dirty tricks, Qinger shall punish them!&125;
&123;Yes, yes, yes. Our Qinger is the best.&125;
Liu Yi knows that Qinger's deposition is like a little kid thus he says good things to please her.
Indeed Yue Qinger's mood becomes a lot better as she smiles faintly.
As that toad is speaking about the Queen Real Stone, Qiu Han snorts coldly, "I believe that we have already given you an answer!"
Qiu Han does not give face as she rejects, "You have come time and time again,your seeking embarrassment!"
"Hahaha, Elder Qiu, you cannot put it such so rigidly."
That toad grin as he smiles making Liu Yi nearly vomit. He is as ugly as one can imagine! Fucking hell! Can this dude not smile!
This dude's smile can be used to frighten people into peeing in their pants!
Too fucking scary!
Along with this toad's smile, the members of the Queen Guard immediately pulls out two long swords as they stare at him vigilantly.
This situation seem to be somewhat awkward while the hurry to explain, "Eh, this old Taoist is only smiling…"
Qiu Han has lingering fears as she holds her long sword and says, "How many times have I warned you not to smile. Otherwise, we will take it as a signal to start a fight!"
The toad wants to cry but has no tears, "Is this old Taoist so bad?"
"Apologies, I do not wish to discuss appearance with you." Qiu Han hurriedly says, "If we discuss, I will vomit!"
"You damn woman…"
Just as the toad wishes to scold back, he swallows it back down.
"Elder Qiu, this old Taoist respects that you are a hero among women. But if you dare to shame this old Taoist again, then do not blame this Taoist for becoming hostile!"
"Becoming hostile? You do not have the right."
Qiu Han sneers, "Perhaps if your senior brother Master Cihong came he might take one of our moves!"
One of the people from Heaven Deficiency Sect cannot help but mutter, "So arrogant! Aren't you just borrowing the support from Nine Heaven Fire Staff!"
"That's right, we have the Nine Heaven Fire Staff! If you have the ability then come and snatch it!"
Yue Qinger props her hands on her waist and says, "Like we are afraid of you guys!"
The group of Heaven Deficiency Sect people became speechless but Liu Yi notices that that toad seems to be secretly smiling.
Liu Yi feels that it is weird and something bad must be going on.
What is this damn toad plotting?
"Elder Qiu, this Taoist, seeing on the many years of relationship between us…"
Qiu Han immediately retorts, "Spits! Who has a relationship with you!"
"Fine, fine, fine. Just treat this Taoist as being a good person. This Taoist is only doing it for your good. Right now pass the Queen Real Stone to me and this old taoist can help you resolve that curse."
"Who would believe you! Who needs your fake goodwill!"
Qiu Han berates, "If you do not wish to fight then scram! Otherwise, do not blame my Womanland for being impolite!"
"What do you mean Qiu Han!"
The toad frowns deeply, "No matter what, we have been neighbors for so many years. Is your Womanland going to be so heartless?"
"It is not our Womanland being heartless. It is your Heaven Deficiency Sect being too presumptuous!"
Han Qiu says impolitely, "How is the Queen Real Stone something that you guys can have designs on! Talking nonsense here, how shameless are you! Don't blame me for chasing you away!"
Toad gnashes his teeth and says, "Good. Qiu Han. This is your own choice! Then do not blame me for being heartless!"
"Tsk, thinking highly of yourself!"
"Soon we will see who is thinking highly of themselves! Qiu Han, this old Taoist will let you know what is regret! Let's go!"
The toad wave his hand and these Taoists leave one after the other.
After they had left, a member of the Queen Guard cannot hold it in and says, "Elder Qiu. We should teach them a lesson!"
"Who wishes to fight against those stinky men."
Qiu Han says, "It is enough to scare them off. I do not wish to stain our White Cloth Sect's holy hall with men's blood!"
"What Elder Qiu says is right!"
"That's right, that's right! How can this place be stained with men's blood!"
The girls by the side start discussing.
Liu Yi cannot help but mutter, &123;This Elder Qiu of yours really hates men.&125;
Yue Qinger nods her head and replies, &123;That's right. Not only Elder Qiu. Our Womanland find men loathsome!&125;
Liu Yi asks, &123;Then do you dislike me?&125;
&123;Hehe…don't dislike…you are not as bad as what the elders say…&125;
Yue Qinger smiles, &123;Although you are a little bit bad, but I don't dislike you!&125;
&123;That is why, guys are not that bad as they say. Probably Tang Xuanzang is a bad person but I am not. I am the best person in this world!&125;
&123;Hmph, anyways Tang Xuanzang is a bad person! In the future if you see him, you must help my Queen to beat him up!&125;
&123;Okay. Understood!&125;
Liu Yi nods his head, &123;Just leave it to me! I'm guaranteed to beat him up into a pig head!&125;
&123;But can you tell me why that group of Heaven Deficiency Sect people want the Queen Real Stone?&125;
Qinger hesitates lightly before saying, &123;I can tell you but you cannot tell other people!&125;
"Of course."
Liu Yi nods his head but says in his heart, this girl is too pure and easy to lie to. Just a few words of sweetness can make her say important matters.
Luckily the one she met is me. If it was a person with bad intentions, perhaps Womanland would have been undermined!
&123;That Queen Real Stone is the incarnation of our Queen. Do you know how powerful our Queen was?&125;
While saying all of these, Qinger is slightly proud.
Liu Yi became somewhat curious, &123;How powerful?&125;
&123; Realm Crosser!&125;
Yue Qinger's voice carries pride, &123;The powerful Queen protected our Womanland from external infringement. Back then, there were a lot of demons and monsters surrounding our Womanland. Those that wish to infringe into our Womanland were all killed by our Queen!&125;
What the fuck, so she is a swift and fierce old woman! Tang Xuanzang's woman was so impressive?
&123;The Queen Real Stone that the Queen transformed into also possesses the strength of a realm crosser. If a person uses a suitable technique to seize and possess it, that person will obtain the strength of a realm crosser and become the strongest in this world.&125;
&123;What the fuck, so heaven-defying.&125;
&123;Hmph, you are not tempted, right?&125;
Liu Yi laughs, &123;My strength can only be cultivated by myself. Is there any meaning to stealing the strength of other people?&125;
&123;Indeed you are different from the masses!&125;
Yue Qinger's mood seems to become better, &123;Seeing how obedient you are, today I shall bring you around Womanland to stroll around!&125;
Liu Yi casually asks, &123;Then I shall rely on you! Can you bring me to the imperial palace to look around?&125;
After all he wants to hurry and meet the princess. If he can see her that would be even better.
Yue Qinger shakes her head, &123;Oh, this is not possible. The Nine Heaven Fire Staff is placed in the imperial palace. Even if Qinger believes you, I will not bring you there!&125;
&123;We cannot go there?&125;
&123;We cannot go there! Definitely not!&125;
Liu Yi tries to tempt her, &123;I will tell you more interesting things from the outside world…&125;
&123;Then you are not allowed to speak! You are not allowed to run about!&125;
What the heck! Didn't expect that Qinger would agree!
&123;Forget it then…&125;
Liu Yi had a very intense feeling of having committed a crime and feels like he is making use of the pure Qinger.
&123;What is the matter? Didn't you want to go and look at the imperial palace?&125;
&123;I thought about it and feel that it is a bit dangerous!&125;
Liu Yi says, &123;There should be a lot of experts in the palace. If someone notices us, you will be punished, so let's not go.&125;
&123;Hehe…you are good!&125;
Qinger cannot hold back and giggles.
"Qinger what are you laughing about?"
The two of them had not left the main hall yet. Thus Yue Qinger's laugh attracted the attention of Qiu Han.
"Ah, no-nothing Elder Qiu!"
After all, Yue Qinger had just reached 16 years old. Being questioned by the normally strict Elder Qiu, she immediately becomes panicky.
Qiu Han instantly glares and berates loudly, "Still not explaining!"
Yue Qinger is afraid now and does not even have the courage to speak.
Damn it! If this goes on, perhaps she might say everything! Right now my cultivation has not fully restored so I cannot be exposed!
Liu Yi hurriedly uses his own technique and secretly engulfs Yue Qinger's entire body.
Yue Qinger trembles as golden light flashes across her eyes.
Chapter 843 [Got noticed?]
Do check out my patreon do more chapters in advance. Cheers
Chapter 844 [Title below]
Qinger does not know what's going on but right now she can't control her own body.
At this moment, Liu Yi transmits his voice to her, &123;Qinger don't resist. I am helping you.&125;
Helping me?
Although Yue Qinger does not understand but she chooses to believe Liu Yi.
Qiu Han glares at Yue Qinger and pressures, "Still not saying!"
At this moment Yue Qinger pouts like she was wronged and says in a sobbing tone, "Why is Elder Qiu so fierce…"
"Of course it is because…"
Qiu Han who speaks halfway is slightly startled, why does Yue Qinger seem to have turned into another person?
"Just now I was startled…and Elder Qiu wants to frighten me as well…"
Qiu Han became curious, "Startled? Why are you startled?"
"It is because I was frightened!"
Yue Qinger continues and says, "Today seeing that toad being overbearing, I keep feeling like they are plotting something! Thinking about these, Qinger cannot help but be afraid…"
Liu Yi tries to imitate Yue Qinger's speaking manner as much as possible.
"What is there to be afraid of. You are a member of the Queen Guard and you are afraid of people from Heaven Deficiency Sect?"
"Qinger is not afraid of the light but of the dark!"
'Yue Qinger' says out his worries, "These Heaven Deficiency Sect people look treacherous, Qinger is afraid that they would play dirty tricks."
"Then why did you laugh?"
"Because Qinger thought of our Elder Qiu seeing through them after they play their dirty tricks, the appearance of Elder Qiu ferociously beating them up made Qinger laugh!"
"Hmph! These fellows should all be beaten up!"
Qiu Han nods her head, "If I have the chance, I will give them a fierce lesson!"
"That's right, that's right! That's why Qinger became so happy thinking about it!"
Qinger smiles while Qiu Han nods her head, "So that is the case. I thought that you had some secrets that you were hiding."
"How would Qinger have secrets!"
'Yue Qinger' blinks. Seeing Qiu Han's deadpan manner, Liu Yi who is pretending to be Yue Qinger suddenly has an urge to tease her.
"But…recently, Qinger…indeed has some secret place that is weird…"
"What place?"
Qiu Han hurriedly question, "Did you meet a suspicious person?"
Liu Yi raises his eyebrow without a word. Looks like this woman is starting to suspect that I had entered Womanland? Indeed a woman who is always paranoid!
"No…it is my body feeling weird…"
As 'Yue Qinger' speaks she slowly walks in front of Qiu Han before placing her hands on Qiu Han's tiny waist and slowly moves up.
"Recently…Qinger feels that Qinger's chest is stuffy, slightly swelling…don't know what is happening…elder has seen a lot of stuff, can you tell Qinger what is happening?"
The real Yue Qinger starts screaming, &123;Ah! What, what are you doing!&125;
&123;Relax Qinger. I will not harm your Elder Qiu!&125;
Liu Yi says, &123;I cannot help but tease her after seeing how serious she is.&125;
&123;Only this much?&125;
&123;Of course. Furthermore, I am using your body. It is not like I can take advantage, what are you afraid of!&125;
&123;That is also true…but you cannot go overboard…&125;
Yue Qinger is also a mischievous girl. Hearing what Liu Yi said, her thoughts also became alive.
It seems like seeing Elder Qiu being teased will be very interesting…
Qiu Han indeed got startled and exclaims, "Qinger…what, what are you doing…."
But because Qinger is a woman, she did not get angry and was only startled.
But Liu Yi was also startled because she realizes that these girls in Womanland seem to not have bras.
This woman is roughly wearing something like a dudou, which is very loose.
Liu Yi feel upwards and is shocked to realize that Qiu Han's breast is not that small. To think that I had thought that she was a woman who is lacking!
"Aiyah! So Elder Qiu developed so well!"
"Don't, don't touch!"
Qiu Han is panicking now. Although everyone is a woman, but this is the first time she got touched by another woman!
After all, which woman would dare to get close to her. They were all scared away by her prestige.
"You developed better than me…does Elder Qiu also have times when you have chest pain? Would you develop one big one small?"
As Liu Yi speaks, he gropes even more determinedly making Qiu Han shiver as her face turns red.
"You, you cannot touch anymore!"
Qiu Han wishes to push away Yue Qinger's hand only to realize that she does not have any strength left…
Why is it like this…
This is the first time Qiu Han had this kind of feeling.
Could it be that Qinger's hand has something weird….it must be me who is sensitive.
"Qinger…you cannot touch anymore…"
"But Qinger is envious…Elder Qiu's breasts are really good…Qinger also wants…why doesn't Elder give your breasts to me…"
"How, how can this be given…"
"We have so many techniques, think for a bit and perhaps there might be one that can do it!"
"Don't, don't mess…. you cannot pinch there!"
"Why not!"
"Just, just no!"
Qiu Han finally cannot take it and pushes 'Yue Qinger' away.
"It is no longer morning. Go back and rest. Don't mess around anymore!"
Qiu Han bolted.
"Hehe! This is the first time Qinger has seen Elder Qiu run away!"
Liu Yi finally releases his control over Yue Qinger and transforms back into a small butterfly landing on her shoulder.
Liu Yi snorts twice, &123;Your Elder Qiu is too strict. Her character is not that good at all. If I have the chance I will transform her!&125;
&123;Elder Qiu is very good…but didn't I say before, although she is strict, she is very nice to us and is very reliable.&125;
&123;No matter how reliable a woman is, in the end, she will have a weak spot.&125; Liu Yi sighs and says, &123;Those people from Heaven Deficiency Sect cannot be taken lightly. You must be on guard and cautious about them.&125;
&123;Hehe, you think too much!&125;
But Yue Qinger says full of confidence, &123;There will not be a problem. With our Nine Heaven Fire Staff around, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they will never win! If they come, they will flee wretchedly from our attacks!&125;
&123;You girls are too confident.&125;
What Liu Yi is worried about is this.
&123;How is this confidence. It is just that you do not know the power of the Nine Heaven Fire Staff!&125;
Yue Qinger smiles and says, &123;Later when there is an opportunity, Qinger will bring you to take a look.&125;
&123;Fine then. Seeing how confident you are, I wish to know what it is.&125;
Liu Yi was made very curious by her.
&123;Mm. It is no longer morning. Qinger shall send you back.&125;
&123;Hehe, then do you plan to spend your night over at my place?&125;
&123;Scram! If you say such things again, Qinger will be mad!&125;
&123;Fine, fine. I shall not tease you. Then let us go back but walk slowly. I wish to appreciate the night view of this Womanland.&125;
Yue Qinger also does not wish to part with Liu Yi so early. She feels that being together with this mysterious guy makes her very happy and the time passes very quickly.
Yue Qinger likes strolling. As she walks, she transmit her voice to Liu Yi, telling him which part of Womanland it is.
But one must say that the scenery in Womanland is indeed very beautiful.
Mountains on one side and water on the other. Verdant hills and limpid water.
If I can enjoy a life in retirement here, it will be very good.
Talking about this, back then Tang Xuanzang's willpower was firm. In this kind of beautiful place with such beautiful women accompanying by the side, he was not swayed and ran to the west to obtain the scriptures. Although at the beginning he was forced to but later on, he should have his own determination.
If it was me, perhaps I would have stayed in Womanland forever.
Could it be that I am indulging in female charms?
Cough, cough…this is hard to say.
It seems like the reason why I work hard is that I am thinking about my women.
To protect these women…that is why I keep becoming stronger.
&123;Look. In front is the Lover's Forest!&125;
Yue Qinger points at the slightly dark small forest in front and says, &123;It is very famous!&125;
&123;Lover's Forest?&125;
Liu Yi feels that this name is interesting.
&123;That's right. Legends say that this is the place where Elder Tang and our Queen secretly had a tryst. The two of them pledged their love here! But ever since Elder Tang left and our Queen turned into stone, this place is sealed, no longer allowing people to enter.&125;
&123;That is regretful. I wanted to go in and take a look.&125;
&123;Qinger also does not dare to…if Qinger got noticed, Qinger will definitely be spanked by a rod…&125;
Liu Yi says in his heart, I also wish to use my rod to beat this Qinger. It is only a pity that it is not hitting her butt but hitting other places..cough…
Alas, my thoughts are too impure.
Liu Yi decided to properly pray to Buddha to purge himself of wicked thoughts.
Amitabha, amitabha…
&123;It is best for us to leave.&125;
Yue Qinger inquires Liu Yi for his opinion.
&123;Fine then. Looks like this play is even scarier to you than the imperial palace!&125;
&123;That's right…Qinger is a member of Queen Guard. So I can enter the imperial palace…but no matter who it is, no one is allowed to enter this Lover's Forest!&125;
&123;So that is the case. Looks like Qinger is quick-witted!&125;
&123;Of course! Qinger is very smart, hmph!&125;
Liu Yi feels that Qinger is too easy to coax.
Just as the two of them plan to leave, they heard voices coming from the forest.
"My good Fang Fang. I missed you!"
"Brother Chong. I missed you as well…"
A guy's and a woman's voice causes Liu Yi and Yue Qinger to be startled at the same time.
Yue Qinger hurriedly transmits her voice to Liu Yi, &123;It seems like there are people!&125;
&123;Mm. Let's listen…what is going on.&125;
Liu Yi hints Yue Qinger to move closer. Yue Qinger nods her head before silently walking to the side of the forest.
The voices became even clearer.
"Brother Chong…don't kiss anywhere…"
"How am I kissing anywhere. I am kissing here!"
"Wuuu, Brother Chong, you are bad…"
"Hehe, I have even worse things!"
"Ah, Brother Chong, Brother Chong~~"
The following sounds are no longer child-friendly. The sounds make people have wild fanciful thoughts.
Yue Qinger does not understand and asks, &123;What are the two of them doing? Why would there be a guy here?&125;
Chapter 844 [Cheating]
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