Novel Name : Can We Become a Family?

Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

“…yes? The Eseled Duchy, that place is…”
“It’s a family that has fallen to the point of being called a garbage camp.”
The Eseled family, which had attracted the troubles of all families, was given the title of garbage camp.
To request being sent there as their successor…
Edward was silent for a moment. Navia’s ultimate goal seemed to be leaving Agnes.
But why?
“Why do you want to leave the Agnes Duchy?”
It was as if he was asking why do such a stupid thing about this good place. Edward didn’t stop there.
“You will have to be in Agnes to get married with good conditions.”
It was a little doubtful whether an eight-year-old girl understood the story of marriage yet, but somehow Navia seemed to understand it enough.
“And even if Duke Eseled is single with no children, his cousin has three children. Do you think they’ll leave you alone?”
It’ll be walking on your own limbs.
Even if he didn’t explain, Navia understood fully. Walking on your own limbs?
‘I’m already doing that here.’
“That makes sense.”
Navia smiled as if the mouse was thinking of the cat.
“But that’s none of your business.”
Edward shut his mouth, feeling the nuance that she had already calculated everything. He thought about whether he had ever been so badly pushed by someone, but he couldn’t remember. This was the first time.
But he didn’t resent it. He had strange expectations.
“I will sign the contract, Princess.”
Light gathered in the air as Edward released mana to make a contract.
Light was converted into letters. Navia and Edward checked the content and joined hands.
A more intense white light came from the letters. It was the sight of a contract being made. The letters changed into rings and fell in his palm.
Seeing Edward wear the ring on his index finger, Navia gave him the cure.
“A wizard absorbs the back flowing mana from the patient’s body and makes it in a temporary vacuum state. Just follow the correct path and inject mana into the empty body.”
It would be impossible for a poor wizard, but Edward could do it.
‘He was the one who discovered the cure in the first place.’
Edward’s head began to spin at an unexpected idea. It’s possible. It’s a theory that’s possible enough. When his expression brightened up with joy, Navia asked suddenly.
“Today is the day you report my academic achievements, right?”
“…that’s right.”
Edward was tired of asking how she knew now.
“When you report today, say that the brainwashing has weakened. That way, you’ll be less embarrassed no matter what happens in the future.”
From the threats, Edward was bewildered, but he had no choice but to follow her.
“…I understand.”
Navia sprang down from her chair, grabbed her skirt and greeted him gracefully.
“Then I’ll see you next time, Teacher.”
If a stranger saw her being too formal, they might have smiled, saying she was cute. However, Edward, who received the greeting, couldn’t take it as a cute action.
It was because he felt the pressure of his owner holding onto his leash.
Navia turned around and left the room in a flash. Her silver hair fluttered like wings.
He was completely defeated to the end. Edward swept his face and sighed, but continued to look at the door.
Like he was chasing the missing silver afterimage.
When the door to the study room was closed, Navia had a big smile.
‘It was so easy to persuade him.’
The image of Edward on his knees and lowering his eyes was so refreshing. But she wanted to scream at the same time.
‘How could you do that to me when you knew better than anyone else, what I yearned for!?’
Navia had the same dream, seeing the caring Duke and the proud members of Agnes who had saved her life in the gutter…
She didn’t even know that she was brainwashed. Navia was helpless against the cunning adults.
Edward’s magic strengthened the general human desire to be loved and recognized. Since Navia was very deficient, Edward’s dominant magic was especially effective.
‘Because of that magic, I lost my 7th life.’
Navia now had a mental barrier where Edward’s level of dominance didn’t work. So in the eight life, she thought and acted on her own will. Was that why? It was her longest life.
The most recognized.
But in the end, it was a failure.
Love? Family? That’s all an illusion.
Navia had a scary face and stopped in the hallway.
‘Ah. Unconsciously, my manners…’
The etiquette that was educated very strictly in her eight life came out habitually and unconsciously.
Even now, as she stopped walking suddenly, her appearance wasn’t disturbed at all. Like she was a real Lady from a great aristocratic family…
It was when Navia’s eyes were locked darkly.
“Hey, low-life.”
From a short distance away, the voice of an enemy was heard. Navia could tell who it was without looking. Turning her head, Wood was at the corner of the hallway.
Wood was receiving his first punishment right now. He thought he was going to die of anger. He couldn’t stand the disgrace without letting Navia be.
However, Nikan would scold him if he was caught. It was unfair and upsetting, but the king was his father. He didn’t want to be trapped again, so Wood was rolling his head around.
‘At this time, no one is near the East Wing on the first floor.’
This was a stage to use violence without hesitation. Wood’s choice was appropriate. Nikan was in the midst of a sensitive external gaze, so he would be greatly reprimanded if he makes another big fuss.
Navia remained calm even though she was clearly in a crisis.
‘Wood, you’ve used your brain quite a bit.’
She wanted to give a round of applause to Wood, who was impatient, for wait in the hallway to get revenge.
Wood snickered.
“Did you think I’d just let you go?”
Navia was inferior physically and in status. If Wood decided to be violent, Navia won’t be safe.
‘But is this situation only favorable to you?’
“Today, with my hand…”
“You’ll kill me?”
With an innocent look that seemed to know nothing, Navia said something frightening. Under strange pressure, Wood denied it unknowingly.
“W-who said anything about killing?”
Wood felt a sense of intimidation as if he had entered a tiger’s den himself.
However, he was used to this pressure because he had felt it before. Yes. Yesterday.
Like a rabbit with its ears jolted up, Navia asked.
“Then why were you waiting here like a mouse?”
Wood was a typical human being who was weak to the strong and strong to the weak.
Wood hardened in his seat like a stone.
Pathetic? No, but is that b*tch talking down on me?
Wood’s expression was horribly distorted when he realized the situation.
“Do you really want to die?”
When he raised his fist, Navia burst out laughing as if she couldn’t stand it.
“How consistent.”
Since Wood realized that his father valued Navia’s appearance, he had been sneaky by hitting her in places other than her face.
“Then kill me.”
He was still only ten years old.
Killing would be in his near future, but not yet.
A ten year old Wood, who committed the evil acts of putting bugs in a confined space, could not hold the weight of murder.
But he could handle death.
“Try to kill me. Father would like it very much.”
Trudge, trudge.
When Navia narrowed the distance in an instant and offered her neck, Wood became frightened by the momentum.
“Y-you…! Get lost!”
He was terrified and pushed Navia hard.
Navia pushed by Wood reeled back. Her shoulders were tingling, but this kind of thing didn’t hurt much. Navia shot Wood a fierce look, “Do you think you can kill me with that?”
Wood shouted, “If you come closer, I’ll really kill you!”
Navia’s piercing red eyes felt unbearably terrible. Navia grabbed Wood’s hand and made him squeeze her neck.
“Hurry up and kill me!”
“Let go!”
Wood shouted and screamed, raising his mana with all his might. It was an action that was close to an instinct to live.
A large cylindrical column of water soared in front of Wood.
Navia was captured in the water.
Wood looked dejected but rose slowly.
“Ha, haha! Why would you act up?”
Navia knew how to swim, so she tried to get out of the water. But her body didn’t listen.
Wood laughed meanly and mocked Navia as he watched her flounder in the water.
“Do you think water made from magic is the same as normal water? This contains my willpower!”
The water restrained Navia’s behavior at Wood’s will. She was losing her breath, her body was heavy, and her heart was beating like crazy. It was the same feeling as when her carriage fell into a lake in her first life.
‘No way, no, it wasn’t.’
But this feeling…
‘…I was killed with magic? It wasn’t an accident?’
As Navia twisted her body in anger and distress, Wood laughed while holding his stomach with a relaxed expression.
“Look, I said I would kill you, didn’t I?”
‘Why do these humans have powerful abilities? Just why?”
Despair and anger trampled her spirit. A disgusting sense of helplessness rose. Navia had a lot of information. However, she wasn’t armed with a real force.
‘I can’t die here!’
Then, like in her dream, her right wrist heated up.
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