Novel Name : Can We Become a Family?

Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

While Navia was searching through books, Charlotte came into the library. She was holding blankets, warm water, and a meal.
Navia took her eyes off the book and looked at the approaching Charlotte.
“Did you deliver the snacks?”
Charlotte nodded as hard as she could.
“Yes! Master will send gifts from Ansier Boutique in return. Agnes’ orders are usually processed within two days, so you’ll get them soon.”
Even nobles had to go through a long reservation to purchase goods from Ansier Boutique. However, the story was different for the privileged Duke Agnes.
“How did you match master’s taste perfectly? I’ve never seen him eat pumpkin porridge before.”
Charlotte was nervous when she prepared the cold tea and pumpkin porridge. But her worries were pointless.
Navia shrugged her shoulders and smiled softly with an unknown meaning behind
It was a regressor’s knowledge.
“The Duke must have been terribly heartbroken.”
Ansier Boutique.
She didn’t go with this plan having this kind of compensation in mind.
‘I’ve never received anything from that boutique as a gift.’
Ansier was only allowed for Vivian.
“Sister. Look at this. Isn’t it so pretty? Daddy is the best! I’m the only one in society who has the latest dress from Ansier.”
“Of course, since Father loves you. For my coming-of-age ceremony, a dress from Ansier…”
“Really, I saw a clothing store yesterday that suits sister. It’s a commoner’s clothing store. What was the name? Anyway, Sister can wear a dress from there for your coming-of-age ceremony!”
“Ah… Thanks for caring.”
“Everyone ignores matters about Sister, so I can’t help but come forward!”
She felt bitter at them, but she forgot about it, thinking it was because Vivian was so innocent.
Thinking about it now, she laughed without realizing it.
‘It must have been Vivian’s own strategy to protect the fact that the real Princess of Agnes is herself.’
Did the six-year-old Vivian already feel that way?
“Charlotte, don’t tell anyone about this.”
Although it was difficult to understand Navia who would not use the good news to raise her status by informing people around her, Charlotte nodded.
“Yes, I understand.”
By the time the untimely water crisis was over, Philippa, who had been out for a while, returned to the mansion.
She was immediately informed about Wood.
“What? The Young Lord was trapped in a pillar of water?!”
“And Master ordered me to be vigilant again…”
“I have to go see!”
Philippa rushed to Wood’s room.
“Young Lord!”
As soon as the door opened, expensive vases with flowers were thrown at the wall, splashing debris everywhere. Wood did it.
“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill them all!”
Philippa looked at Wood, who was in a frenzy.
His hair was still wet, and he was still wearing his wet clothes. What if her precious Young Lord catches a cold…!
Philippa slapped the servant next to her with all her strength.
“What are you doing not taking care of your Master?!”
Wood had been like this since he came into his room, so the servants had no time to dry his hair and change his clothes.
However, Philippa was a person who would never consider that. They had to bow and complain silently.
“…we apologize.”
“Nothing goes well without me!”
Philippa grumbled and looked back at Wood, weeping with sadness.
“Oh my, what if you get hurt like this…!”
Wood, who had been smashing everything in his room for a long time, stopped, breathing hard.
Philippa approached him quickly, “Your precious body will get hurt! Please think of your body.”
Wood gritted his teeth.
“This is all because of that low-life!”
Philippa’s eyes suddenly changed when she heard it was because of the low-life.
That was Wood’s reference to Navia.
“…Lady Navia?”
“That goddamn low-life tried to kill me, but why is Father taking that b*tch’s side!”
Philippa was astonished.
“She tried to kill the Young Lord?”
“How the hell did that low-life trap me in water? Damn it!”
‘Trapped in magic… isn’t that magic? Does that mean she’s a wizard?’
“Young Master… are you saying that the Lady is a wizard…?”
Wood frowned at Philippa’s question.
“Father said that isn’t it. But my magic suddenly disappeared, and she used the same magic as mine. I clearly saw it!”
Philippa was relieved.
If you’re not a wizard, that wouldn’t possible.
Then that meant that Wood was hallucinating.
But Philippa tried to make Wood feel better.
“Oh my God, if that’s true, the Lady needs to be kicked out right away!”
“Father said he would cut my allowance! Do you think that’s all? He threatened to ban me from parties and hunting trips!”
“How could he!”
Philippa beat her chest, feeling as if a rock had fallen inside. How dare you persecute Wood, the precious young Lord, and threaten me, who has been loyal to Agnes for years.
‘How dare you threaten me with embezzlement when you’re not even an Agnes?’
Philippa could not let Navia, who was only a stone that had rolled in, use Agnes’ gold to enjoy a bountiful blessing.
It was right for her to use the money meant to take care of Navia.
But you’re saying it’s embezzlement?
Philippa hated Navia so much that she couldn’t stand it.
It was the same for Wood.
“I can’t live in the same house with the low-life who tried to kill me!”
“That’s right. I will not let her be.”
Philippa’s eyes became vicious.
‘There’s no way she found out herself that I had stolen from her child support. Someone told her. Who else would it be other than the one besides me in this place who used the stolen money?’
In addition, Charlotte was definitely suspicious.
‘The three of them must be holding hands.’
Philippa had already suspected it since yesterday. She was concerned that the chef had betrayed her, so she was watching his irregularities.
As long as the chef worked in Agnes, the ledger that recorded everything about the corruption will arrive in her hands in two days.
‘I just need to weave Charlotte in somehow.’
Philippa spoke to Wood, who was still trembling, with a gentled voice.
“This nanny will do anything to help you. You know that, right?”
Just wait a little bit, Young Master.
Philippa will never sit and watch them try to ruin the precious young master’s future. Philippa’s lips twisted evily.
Her heart was already full of joy at the thought of punishing hateful three: the chef, the suspicious Charlotte, and of course, Navia.
Wood, next to Philippa, was also lost in thought.
‘The low-life definitely stole my magic. Then what if I don’t use magic? I’m stronger.’
Admiring his cleverness, Wood was filled with vengeance. He wanted to show Navia her place right away, but if he was caught by Nikan, he could lose his allowance.
A good place will have to be chosen and it has to be proceeded secretly.
He spoke bluntly, as if nothing was wrong.
“Forget it, Nanny. That low-life isn’t my opponent.”
‘Getting flustered today was a mistake.’
But it’ll be different next time.
Wood and Philippa were glistening from the thought of their ideas.
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