Novel Name : Can We Become a Family?

Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Even though it was a lobby where many people walked around, the tension was hovering like a spectator waiting for the main stage to begin. The low sighs that flowed out sometimes were like the sounds of instruments.
They were holding in their breaths without realizing it. They were fully focused on each step Navia took. Then, walking down the stairs, a red-haired maid came down quickly.
With both hands, she was holding a thick towel politely. It was Charlotte.
“Lady, you must be cold. Please use a towel.”
Navia looked surprised for a moment when Charlotte took care of her.
Her wide, round eyes soon folded. The dignity felt earlier disappeared as if it was an illusion and was replaced with a clear and cute smile.
“Thank you, Charlotte.”
Only then, did the other servants, who had forgotten how to breathe, give up their breath. Then they scratched their heads with an expression as if they couldn’t understand why they were so nervous when they saw Navia.
Navia covered herself with the towel and bit the tender flesh in her mouth. While thinking about the black moon, Navia’s etiquette came out again.
‘It’s okay. It’s rather better to have some manners.’
Navia had been placed as the daughter of an aristocrat. It was safe to meet Nikan’s expectations until she left.
Navia walked up the stairs with Charlotte and looked down at the black moon.
‘Just what kind of power is this?’
When Wood’s magic was absorbed, the black moon scattered a dangerous light, but now it was as calm as a beast hiding its claws.
‘I’ll just change my clothes and go to the library.’
Duke Agnes had a lot of money. But money was all that he had. It was what was passed down from generation to generation in Agnes.
Water magic was definitely strong, but it was an ability that had no expandability.
How was Eseled compared to them?
Regardless of what magical ability they were born with, genius mages had been produced from generation to generation.
Agnes created a library with enormous volumes of books to somehow compensate for their weaknesses. It probably had the largest number of books, after the Eseled family.
Sadly, Navia had already read most of the books to find out about her ability to regress.
‘But maybe there’s something I missed.’
Navia, who had been walking with her eyes on the floor, suddenly lifted her head. A lovely pink-haired girl could be seen.
Vivian, standing with a teddy bear in her arms half her height, spoke to her maid, “Look, Maki. That’s Sister Navia, right?”
“Haha, it is.”
Vivian tilted her head.
“But why are you here? This is the third floor.”
It was a pure and innocent question. Even so, it was a rude remark that could be questioned by anyone.
Charlotte’s expression hardened.
On the other hand, Vivian’s maids covered their mouths with handkerchiefs and giggled.
Navia, who had been humiliated openly, was as still as a lake without any wind. The maids felt something strange and slowly closed their mouths.
Only then did Navia open her mouth, “Sorry, Vivi. Your maids’ laughing was too loud so I couldn’t hear you, could you say it again?”
The maids couldn’t refute anything, and their faces became all sorts of colors.
Vivian happily repeated what she said like a parrot.
“Sister’s room is on the second floor. Did you come to the third floor to see Vivi?” (T/N: We have another one who speaks in third person…)
Navia grinned, “Ah, it was about that? Father told me to use the third floor too.”
“Wow, really? So exciting! Then play with Vivi everyday!”
Vivian smiled and approached Navia to hug her waist. But she fell back in shock.
“Uah, what is that?”
The maids glared at Navia fiercely as if they were angry at her and protected Vivian with exaggeration.
“What’s wrong, Lady?”
Vivian grimaced, “It’s wet, so it feels bad. So dirty!”
“What does that…”
It was when Charlotte was about to refute.
Navia dissuaded Charlotte quietly. She understood how Charlotte felt at the rudeness.
‘But I’m the one who will be disadvantaged the moment I refute.’
It couldn’t be helped. Vivian was a true princess of Agnes who would be forgiven no matter what she did, and she was just Vivian’s stand-in.
In addition, Navia was despised for too long to be hurt or upset by such treatment.
“You can just have Sister Navia do this kind of annoying thing. Sister listens to everything.”
Ignorant innocence.
It was a perception that Navia should obviously be like that.
But Navia always tried to be a good and nice sister. It wasn’t unusual if she took care of Vivian all night for the smallest cold.
She would complain about her lack of appetite and barely ate the porridge she made herself. In fact, Vivian was healthy other than the fact that no one knew when her mana would explode.
Rather, Navia, who couldn’t eat properly and didn’t have time to rest, took care of herself.
But it was okay. Didn’t Vivian have a deadline?
‘And we’re sisters.’
But Vivian’s incurable disease was cured every time. Vivian escaped the danger of the mana reflux disease.
‘And I was killed.’
Until now and always. Every time. All the time.
But she didn’t want to blame Vivian.
To be honest… it was too annoying to care now.
Navia skillfully put on her good sister mask and smoothly let out a lie.
“Ah, sorry. I was playing in the water with Brother and got wet.”
Navia purposefully said she was playing.
‘That way Vivian will get angry.’
On the surface, it would seem like a vague way to protect Wood’s incident.
As expected, not only Charlotte, but also the other maids couldn’t understand the meaning behind Navia’s words.
Of course, Vivian had a bewildered expression.
“Why did you play without Vivian? Sister is bad. Vivi wants to play too!”
“You’ll catch a cold, Vivi.”
The maids became very embarrassed. They had already picked up the bad quickly and violently.
It was not the situation to go to Wood to play in the water right now. Vivian’s head maid, Maki, glared at Navia.
‘You should’ve made smarter excuses, you stupid and fake Princess!’
“Lady, why don’t you play with your toys in the bathtub?”
“But Vivi wants to play in the water with Brother.”
Navia teased her gently, “Vivi, play later. Brother is busy, so he can’t play right now.”
Vivian gave a “hmph!’ and spoke with a sulky face.
“Vivi will go talk to Brother himself.”
Vivian ignored all the tricks to stop her.
When Navia tried to stop her, Vivian hit her violently.
“Don’t block me!”
Navia backed away with a grimace.
“Let’s go together, Miss!”
The maids glared fiercely at Navia and followed Vivian. When the third floor was empty, Charlotte burst out the anger she endured.
“How could they do this to Miss? Particularly Maki…!”
Navia spoke calmly, “It’s okay. It’s not something that happens only once or twice.”
Charlotte felt suffocated from Navia’s composure.
‘That’s right…’
Navia was always like this.
When Charlotte became so stuffy it was indescribable, Navia suddenly made a strange request.
“Charlotte, can you get some cold pumpkin porridge and tea? If you say it’s for father, the kitchen staff will prepare it.
Charlotte couldn’t understand why she was asked to prepare food for Nikan so suddenly, but she readily agreed.
“Then I will go after helping Miss change clothes.”
Navia shook her head and refused.
“I can do it. Bring the snacks to Father as soon as they make it. In the meantime, I will be in the library.”
Charlotte’s head ached and her chest tightened again when Navia acted maturely, not suitable for her age.
“I will do as you say.”
Navia sent Charlotte away and went back to her room to change into dry clothes and dry her hair.
‘I’t might get cold in the library.’
It would be nice to have at least some warm water.
Navia didn’t have anyone to ask for such a favor because she only had one maid, Charlotte, not three like Vivian did.
Instead of warm water, Navia wore another layer of clothes and headed to the library. It was not uncommon for her to go to the library.
‘I often stayed up all night there because of Edward’s homework.’
If it wasn’t for that, there were many times when she was stuck in the library transcribing as punishment.
There was no one in Agnes who used the library except for Navia, so the doors weren’t properly greased.
She used to go around the library and take all the books she could use and pile them up on her desk.
Actually, she didn’t expect much.
‘I’ve searched all the libraries that were open at the time, but there was northing special.’
It will probably be the same for this ability.
“I still have to look.”
Navia turned the page.
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