Novel Name : Can We Become a Family?

Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

4. Discord
When Navia was lying on the floor, Charlotte came into the room.
Wood quickly cast a spell and knocked Charlotte out.
Unless it was Navia who could steal magic, this was no big deal.
Of the three servants in Navia’s room, Tom began to tremble as two people had already fallen to the floor.
Wood snorted at Tom.
“You’re not closing the door?”
“I-I’m sorry, Young Master…”
Tom swore inwardly at the fact that he was caught by Wood and got involved in something dangerous. But as seen just now, Wood was a wizard, so he could endanger him even as an adult. If he doesn’t follow his orders, he will be retaliated, so he trembled but didn’t disobey.
“Shit, I didn’t think of the fact that she has a maid…”
Wood looked at Charlotte annoyingly.
“You two keep this maid in an unused detached house. The remaining one, take the low-life to the warehouse.”
Duke Agnes had many external facilities other than the main house. Some were small huts that even some of the workers didn’t know of. He was going to take Navia to an outside warehouse and use violence to show her his dominance.
‘I’ve been searching for a place all day yesterday for this.’
“But… will we be able to go without being caught?”
Wood got annoyed with Tom asking cautiously with an anxious expression.
“You’re going down through the balcony anyway, so what’s the problem?!”
Wood’s magic was never lacking. It was an excellent axis because of his superior descent.
It wasn’t a problem to lower an adult woman and a girl with his power.
“It won’t take long anyway.’
It won’t take half a day to overpower Navia.
Even if Nikan considered Navia important, he could only pick out parts that wouldn’t be noticed and form bruises.
Wood giggled, imagining Navia crying and begging for help.
“Come on, go down and be on standby.”
He hummed and lowered the two down magically.
His movements were surprisingly delicate.
“Kikik. You can’t get hurt now.”
It would be a big problem if she broke before he could vent his anger.
So Wood went down the first floor quietly. The servants did not find it strange for Wood to go out of the mansion.
Upon arrival at the back garden, the other two servants had already disappeared with Charlotte, and Tom was left alone with Navia on his back.
“Let’s go.”
Tom sighed inwardly as he just had to take Navia.
He just prayed that he wouldn’t get caught by anyone.
Wood moved away from the main building. Entering the forest trail behind the mansion, a place decorated like a mountain cabin appeared.
There was also an old warehouse that had been abandoned for more than 100 years.
“Lower the low-life over there.”
“Huk, huk. Yes… Young Master.”
Tom was carrying Navia during the long walk, so he was out of breath. He put Navia down in the old wooden warehouse. He frowned upon the mold.
“Now, shall I wake up that low-life now?
At that time, the servants who were in charge of moving Charlotte rushed in.
“Young Master! You have to go back to your room quickly!”
Wood, who just poured water on Navia to wake her up, looked back annoyingly.
“What is it!”
“The Master attached a knight to keep an eye on the Young Master. He asked where the Young Master is right now and was told that you were taking a walk in the garden…”
Wood gritted his teeth. He was just about to take care of the low-life, but there’s surveillance?
“Why did Father suddenly put me on watch?!”
“It is probably because he was requested at the Imperial Palace.”
Wood’s eyes shined.
“He’s going to the Imperial Palace? Hm, then that’s rather better.”
‘I’ll lie that I’ll be in my room to get rid of the knight, then I can come back here and beat the crap out of the low-life.’
He thought that it was a perfect plan.
“Let’s go back for now. Lock the warehouse.”
Wood returned back to his room on the third floor. As the servant said, there was a knight standing in front of his room. He snorted as he entered his room.
But the knight, whom he thought would be guarding in front of his door, followed Wood inside.
“…what’s with you? Why are you following me in?”
“His Excellency ordered me to escort the Young Master right next to you.”
“This… you’re not leaving right now? Stay outside!”
“I apologize.”
The knight apologized, but he wasn’t thinking about going outside.
Wood was so angry that he tried to throw things at the knight but tried to calm his anger.
It was because the knight could consider it suspicious if he got more angry about why he didn’t leave.
‘There’s still time to take care of the low-life.’
If Nikan went to the Imperial Palace, he won’t be back until late afternoon. In the meantime, there will be a way to get rid of the knight.
To do that, he needed someone to help him. Wood ordered the servant bluntly.
“Hey, you there. Get the nanny.”
It was clear that Philippa would do anything for him.
But a lot of time passed since the servant left to get his nanny.
By the time he was about to get annoyed, the servant came back. But, he was alone.
“Young Master, I don’t see Ms. Philippa.”
Wood’s anger exploded at the servant’s words.
“Just where the hell did the nanny go?”
Philippa, who was humiliated in Vivian’s room, returned to her room with a face that had aged ten years.
She was about to go mad in anger and resentment.
On top of being shamed of her loyalty, Nikan pointed a knife at her.
“How could you do that to me? How…!
Punch! Punch!
Philippa punched her chest. If she didn’t, she would have suffocated.
“This is all because of that b*tch.”
Her anger naturally turned to Navia. Nikan was just fooled by the evil girl.
If things are corrected, everything will flow the way it was.
However, there was nothing unusual, so it was time to be angry inside.
Knock knock.
One of Philippa’s close aides came with a book in his hand.
“The item you mentioned has arrived.”
“What were you doing for it to come so late!”
Philippa took the book violently and checked the contents.
Philippa, who scattered through the details of the embezzlement that the spy had coaxed, drew a mean smile.
Charlotte’s name was newly inserted in the middle of it with the fact that the chef had embezzled.
‘It’s done! It’s perfect!’
She went to Charlotte’s room with a bag full of trash-like items. She was nervous that Charlotte may be in the room, but the room was empty.
Heaven was helping her sin.
Philippa quickly stuffed her belongings into Charlotte’s closet and escaped.
The trap was ready.
She took the book and went to the office pretending to be in a hurry.
But Nikan wasn’t seen.
Instead, Lyndon, who was organizing receipts related to housework, looked at Philippa curiously.
“Butler, where is the master?”
“Master was requested at the Imperial Palace. What’s the matter?”
The Imperial Palace at this important moment!
Philippa frowned and looked at Lyndon with a straight expression.
Lyndon was the ledger who wrote down the evidence that Nikan had taken care of the household affairs to some extent,
“The chef has been committing embezzlement.”
“How dare!”
Lyndon opened the book with anger. There was a detailed record of the embezzlement in the kitchen.
“But the chef didn’t do it alone. You know the maid Charlotte, right?”
“Charlotte… Lady Navia’s personal maid?”
“Yes. Charlotte is an accomplice. Those shameless ones even tried to shut me up.”
One truth and one lie.
Philippa devised a scheme as if she wasn’t receiving anything.
“Lady Navia even tried to make me guilty! Of course. because it was a lie, it didn’t work.”
As evidence of embezzlement, she included Charlotte as well as Navia. It didn’t matter if Navia couldn’t be kicked out right away due to lack of evidence.
What mattered was public opinion.
‘Everyone just needs to be aware that Navia is a problem.’
Then the chance for revenge will surely come!
Philippa spoke sharply with a voice intoxicated with triumph.
“You have to catch them right now, Butler!”
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