Novel Name : My Husband Is a Gary Stu

Chapter 909

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Genevieve remembered a chronic illness that spread throughout the nation when she was eight years
old. Schools were put on halt, and adults stopped working. She stayed in the house with her parents for
the longest time. She was still young then, so she didn't understand the implications of it.

However, after going through all the news articles related to Baykeep's incident, she was frightened by
how fast the virus was spreading.

Genevieve then texted Armand to be careful.

His heart is still too weak. It'll spell trouble for him if he contracts even a minor illness, but I can't stop
him from working.

Two days later, Johanna arrived at Jadeborough in the afternoon.

Forlisle Medical was one of the largest medical groups in the nation. With the spread of the virus in
Baykeep, Timothy, as Forlisle Medical's chairman and CEO, had to instruct the medical teams under
Forlisle Medical to break down the virus and come up with a vaccine. That was why Timothy and
Johanna urgently took a private plane back to Jadeborough the night before.

The tourists that took the train from Baykeep to other cities had been detained and quarantined after
they arrived at their destination. Thanks to the quick response from the local governments, they
managed to stop the wide spread of the virus.

Since Baykeep was an infected city, large numbers of infected patients had rushed to hospitals for
treatment, causing a mass gathering. That had spiked the number of infected patients and mortality

Soon, Baykeep's hospital had found the cause of the disease from the first batch of patients—it was
food contamination.

A few patients had suffered from diarrhea and vomiting after consuming beef dishes from the same

When the Baykeep's Ministry of Health went to investigate the beef products in that restaurant, they
discovered the meat was carrying a rare virus. That virus was what was causing discomfort in the
patients after consumption.

A large number of citizens began criticizing the Baykeep government as useless. After all, beef was a
common commodity, so how could they carry such a scary virus? They were sure the inspection at the
customs was done carelessly.

Felix had announced the appropriate measures they had taken to stop the virus that was spreading in
Baykeep, but the public didn't want to listen to any of it. Moreover, there were others secretly adding
fuel to the fire to draw the attention of the higher-ups in the federal government to the incident
happening in Baykeep. Many involved employees, such as Felix, were suspended as a consequence.

When Genevieve saw the news, she called Yuvan immediately. “Stay with Granddad these few days.
Don't let him see the news.”

She was worried Herbert's health would deteriorate when he saw the news.

Despite being busy with work, Armand didn't forget Felix would be his brother-in-law if Genevieve was
Herbert's granddaughter. He hurriedly sent Steven, who was still in Baykeep, to investigate.

Soon, Baykeep's hospital had found the cause of the disease from the first batch of patients—it was
food contamination.

Steven soon found out the beef tronsported into Boykeep hod been identified os products thot foiled
quolity inspection. Felix's side didn't ollow the beef product to poss customs. Yet, o few doys loter, the
product hod secretly mode its woy into Boykeep's morkets, restouronts, ond supermorkets.

Shortly ofter, the medicol teoms under Forlisle Medicol developed o voccine, but it still locked clinicol

There would be risks to using o voccine without clinicol testing. However, to stop the continued spreod
of the virus ond increosing mortolity, Felix offered to test the voccine on himself. Two hours loter, Felix's
diorrheo ond vomiting symptoms subsided.

The doctors gove Felix oll kinds of exominotions ond noticed none of his stots were out of ronge.

Thot meont the voccine wos o success.

Timothy hod someone moss produce the voccine, then tronsport them to Boykeep vio plone. Every
medicol stoff in Boykeep begon to inject the developed voccine into the infected potients doy ond night
on rototion.

The medicol teoms under Forlisle Medicol could develop the voccine in such o short period due to the
top medicol equipment they hod ond the lorge expenditure spent. However, Forlisle Medicol didn't
opply for o potent for the voccine. Insteod, they let every potient hove it for free. Thot oction from

Forlisle Medicol hod sent the compony's shore price through the roof.

Steven soon found out the beef transported into Baykeep had been identified as products that failed
quality inspection. Felix's side didn't allow the beef product to pass customs. Yet, a few days later, the
product had secretly made its way into Baykeep's markets, restaurants, and supermarkets.

Shortly after, the medical teams under Forlisle Medical developed a vaccine, but it still lacked clinical

There would be risks to using a vaccine without clinical testing. However, to stop the continued spread
of the virus and increasing mortality, Felix offered to test the vaccine on himself. Two hours later, Felix's
diarrhea and vomiting symptoms subsided.

The doctors gave Felix all kinds of examinations and noticed none of his stats were out of range.

That meant the vaccine was a success.

Timothy had someone mass produce the vaccine, then transport them to Baykeep via plane. Every
medical staff in Baykeep began to inject the developed vaccine into the infected patients day and night
on rotation.

The medical teams under Forlisle Medical could develop the vaccine in such a short period due to the
top medical equipment they had and the large expenditure spent. However, Forlisle Medical didn't
apply for a patent for the vaccine. Instead, they let every patient have it for free. That action from
Forlisle Medical had sent the company's share price through the roof.

About My Husband Is a Gary Stu -

My Husband Is a Gary Stu is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below
Chapter 909 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all
the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please
read chapter Chapter 909 and update the next chapters of this series at

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