Novel Name : To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 259: Medal Ceremony Part 1

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Chapter 259: Medal Ceremony Part 1

TDADP chapter 259: Medal Ceremony Part 1
"I was surprised. Marquis Fechi"
"I didn't think that I will attend at the award ceremony of an adventurer"
Two escort knights who serve the Papal family are watching the aristocrats who enter during the audience one after another from a long distance. And, of course, the fact that these two people are here means that William Bona Papal, the head of the Papal family, was also here.
"Because the Master isn't attending?"
"Going to that place is like jumping into a fire naked without any preparation"
"But His Majesty and Satou are in contact. I'm sure it's related to today's medal ceremony, but is that okay?"
Aristocrats of each faction have sent countless spies to the royal castle. Not surprisingly, William also has spies in various places, including civilians, maids and guards. One of them had reported to William that Yuu and Muss had contacted Udon´s King at the royal palace.
"It's not good or bad. Information is important for freshness. But this isn't necessarily a plot to slaughter my spies. I'd like to hear more about it, but the Prime Minister has already done his work. He used his favorite contract magic to close their mouths"
In addition, several new aristocrats pass in front of Williams and his guards enter the audience. All aristocrats are members of the Balue faction.
"Above all......I don't want to be noticed. I don't have a role to play in it"
William's expression was full of bitterness, not acting. The two escorts knew who William was talking about, so they didn't dare to ask or name him in such a place.
"Aren't the adventurer and Count Muss coming?"
One of the aristocrats attending during the audience speaks to the next aristocrat in a loud voice that can be heard in the vicinity. The voice reaches the ears of Karl Heinz, Morpheus and Edda, who are the representatives of the Adventurer's Guild, lined up farthest from the throne.
"It seems that you don't know the courtesy of the aristocrats, such as the son of a traitor and a vulgar adventurer entering the room after us"
"With traitors, this is the royal castle. It's not good for you to hear such things too much"
"Hmm. Who can now comment on our faction?"
A little further away, Balue was checking his face as if he were observing the attendees. forced King Udon to attend all the aristocrats of his own faction. Therefore, if anyone belongs to the Balue faction but does not attend the event, it could be regarded as a hostile action against Balue.
(Umm. Everyone seems to be there, but......)
During the audience, aristocrats who cant participate at the medal ceremony for ordinary adventurers are attending. But all of them were from Balue´s faction. Balue begins to suspiciously find no neutral aristocrats, let alone royalty, no matter how much he asks forcibly. In the first place, there must be a Balue-sponsored meeting after this medal ceremony. Yet, no one has seen his face in the royal castle, let alone during the audience.
"Francois, what's going on?"
As if to shake off that suspicion, Balue speaks to François next to him.
"Is it Balue-sama's instruction that Gareth-dono is waiting near the door?"
"No, he seems to be worried about today's medal ceremony, so I brought him in because he wanted to participate, but he wouldn't move from that place. He's my escort, but he's worried"
"Is that so"
From earlier, Francois seemed unusually restless. Surprisingly for anyone who knows him, who is usually calm, he keeps an eye on every corner of the audience.
(There are no special traps set up and no one seems to be lurking other than the visible soldiers. There is no one who is confused by the official. But the air in this room is......)
François, one of the highest-ranked spies in the intelligence agency of the Holy Country Jardalk, is wary of the sniffing odor that drifts during the audience.
"Balue-sama, I may be a little worried. May you wait outside just in case to protect yourself?"
"What are you saying. Isn't it a good shame that I'm just leaving now? Isn't there a lineup of my faction here at my direction? Therefore why should I leave my seat"
"I am very aware of your feelings, but this――"
"He is finally here"
The voice gathers the eyes of the aristocrats who were chatting at the door. Following Muss, who has the same laid-back attitude as usual, Yuu, who wears armor with the same sword as usual, enters the room.
"What!? Wearing armor during this audience!"
"After all, he is a filthy adventurer. He can't understand the etiquette of us nobles"
"It seems that Count Muss has misunderstood that the appearance after us is because the economic development of the territory he controls has been remarkable recently"
"Yes. It seems that he isnt fully aware that His Majesty is in charge of managing the territory"
"Why did His Majesty give the son of such a traitor a title in the first place?"
Yuu and Count Muss ignore the aristocrats who are swearing at them and move forward.
"Balue-sama, we haven't talked about it yet――"
"It's okay. Let's hear the story later"
François still tries to persuade him, but Balue ends the story and goes to the aristocrats who attend.
"Well, Yuu-chan, you're going to be terrible"
"Edda, shut up"
"Morpheus is right. Why is there a female fox here?"
Originally, only Karl Heinz, the head of the Adventurer's Guild Headquarters and Morpheus, the head of Comer´s Adventurer's Guild, were scheduled to attend the medal ceremony. However, Edda said she would follow them and didn't listen to Morpheus. Thanks to this, Morpheus was forced to explain and complain to the officials of the royal castle.
"Isn't the lord with a lot of small talk popular with women?"
Edda thrusts her finger into her long ears and shakes her head from side to side, turning her stunning gaze toward Morpheus and Karl Heinz.
"Don't you know I have Fifi-chan?"
"It's a obstinate-style of doting. It's also that Fifi's sexual preferences are refracted――no, I wonder if that's enough? Well, that doesn't matter. More than that, you'll be able to respond equally as promised, right?"
"Th, That's it!? The bond between me and Fifi-chan is better than steel――hmm, well fine. A female fox like you can't understand it when I spun a thousand words. And it's a promise with Fifi-chan. As the head of the Adventurer's Guild headquarters, I will treat you equally. Instead, you will see His Majesty"
The sound of seven-colored bells echoes during the audience. First the aristocrats, then the civilians and soldiers, then Morpheus and the head kneels and bow. The sound of the bell for the second time stops and along with the sound of the bell for the third time, Udon´s King, Clemens Claus Ning Barchet, who is protected by the imperial guards, appears with the Prime Minister at the head.
"Do you know where this is!?"
Surprising voices leaked out one after another from the kneeling aristocrats. Here in the royal castle, even aristocrats will be punished if they speak without the permission of Udon´s king. Even so, they suddenly made a voice――
(Th......That person is stupid!?)
The same is true for Finance Minister Balue, as everyone kneels down to welcome Udon´s King. He is stunned by the appearance of Yuu, who is standing alone without kneeling. However, in response to Yuu, who behaved in such a rude manner, Udon´s King and Prime Minister Balls didn't even say anything and even their facial expressions didn't change and they accepted the act as a matter of course.
(Kuuu......kuuku......Kuhahahaa! Did you fall that far? King Udon!! I couldn't say anything because I was made fun of so far by a vulgar adventurer! After all, this me with noble blood should lead the Udon Kingdom!! It is wrong for such a commoner-born personality collapser to stay on the throne forever!! A little more. With a little more patience, that throne is mine!)
Balue endures while attracting the face to the corner of the mouth that rises naturally. He imagined himself sitting on the throne and told himself to calm down.
"Raise your face"
Prime Minister Balls calls out as Udon´s King moves. Everyone who raised his face saw Udon´s King with the same gentle smile as usual. The aristocrats were overwhelmed by the appearance. They wonder if there is no blame for the adventurer's disrespect that happened in front of him.
"Your Majesty, I will proceed with the medal ceremony"
Udon´s King nods slightly to Balls's words and one of the officials gives the usual official statement. The medal ceremony goes on quietly without incident.
"――In praise of Yuu Satou's achievements, His Majesty Clemens Claus Ning Barchet will award him with the prestigious Grand Udon Ribbon"
An official who is different from the official leading the medal ceremony brings the pedestal carrying the medal to Udon´s King. Udon´s King stood up from the throne in line with the movement.
"Yuu Satou, come forward"
With the attendance of the king and many aristocrats, Yuu's attitude, which hasn't moved even a little, can be perceived as being upset and arrogant. When Udon´s King picked up the medal from the pedestal and Yuu tried to move forward――
"Please wait!!"
A loud voice echoed during the audience.
"Your Majesty, please wait for honouring that person!!"
It was one of the aristocrats who attended. When he jumped out of the aristocrats who attended with that momentum, he ran up to the front of Udon´s King and Yuu.
"Baron Doutowam, what are you saying to His Majesty in the middle of the ceremony!!"
"Such rudeness is unheard of in the history of the medal ceremony!"
"It must be a suggestion with a reasonable resolution!!"
Voices blaming Baron Doutowam flew in rapid succession. But no matter how many words he was accused, Baron Doutowam wasn't frightened and dignified.
"I am prepared for the punishment!! Your Majesty, would you please listen to my suggestions before that!! After that, you can do whatever you want!"
"How rude!"
"You are in front of His Majesty! Restrain yourself"
"What are the Imperial Guards doing! Catch this rude person as soon as possible!!"
"I'm going to ask you to listen to me and I'm going to ask your Majesty to get out of the way!"
The hall becomes even more noisy. At that time when it seemed out of control as it was――
With the voice of Finance Minister Balue, the aristocrats calmed down as if they were having a meeting.
"Everyone. This is one of the five great nations, during the audience of the royal castle that Udon Kingdom is proud of and in front of His Majesty who serves us. If you are an aristocrat, behave in a dignified manner commensurate with your noble blood. Your Majesty, Baron Doutowam, is advocating with extraordinary preparedness. Why don't you give him the opportunity to make a suggestion, whether or not you listen to it?"
To Balue-sama´s words, Udon´s King nods as usual.
"Thank you, Your Majesty"
Balue's mouth was laughing, while bowing to His Majesty.
"Baron Doutowam, thank His Majesty for allowing you to speak despite being rude in such a place"
"Thank you for your merciful consideration, Your Majesty. I hindered Your Majesty's honor because this Yuu Satou is not worthy of the honor!"
The aristocrats who had been making a fuss until a little earlier, such as officials and soldiers screaming, 「Silent」 to calm them down.
"Baron Doutowam, isn't it just speculation and not a well-founded statement?"
Even when stared at by the sharp eyes of the Prime Minister Balls, Doutowam wasn't frightened and nodded loudly.
"It was a coincidence that I noticed that. In just over two years, I became interested in this seemingly naive boy, regardless of whether he was a B-rank adventurer or a tough man"
Muss, Morpheus and Edda hide their mouths by covering them with their hands. Karl Heinz, who stands next to Morpheus, is skeptical of the act.
"As I investigated, I realized a horrifying fact. That boy was doing a lot of wrongdoing with the people of the underworld in the slums of Comer City. The begging was cute, and the evil criminal acts, from prohibited drugs to illegal human trafficking, were enough to make me want to turn my eyes away. The vicious criminal activity was such that it was tempting to turn away from the lawful trafficking. Frighteningly, this person was free to use the people of the underworld and said that it was perfect to expose those wrongdoings. He was hiding so much!! It's terrifying to imagine how bad it was to become a high-ranking adventurer in this short period of time! Your Majesty to such a villain, if it becomes clear that he has been honored, the prestige of the Udon Kingdom, which is one of the five great nations, will fall to the ground and how much defamation will be directed to His Majesty and our aristocrats from the people and the royal aristocrats of other countries. It's too late after the ceremony!! Now! I can stop it here!! I believed that it was my duty as an aristocrat and allowed myself to say it!"
Baron Doutowam's enthusiastic speech calms the audience. The first to speak was Viscount Sospiro, a noble of the Balue faction.
"Baron Doutowam, your loyalty to the Udon Kingdom, impresses me, who is also a nobleman of the Udon Kingdom, but do you have the essential proof?"
"Yes, there is. This is the last letter sent to me by Lord Siramie, Baron Dani's younger brother, who went to Comer City with a few servants to verify the truth"
The letter in his hand remained after being sealed with the beeswax of Baron Dani´s family.
"Well, was it said to be the last? No way......Lord Siramie!?"
"Please see. Knowing that he would not escape from the pursuers of Yuu Satou who knew the secret, he sent this to me at the end!!"
The letter, spread out with both hands, contained a number of alleged crimes committed by Yuu. Every time Baron Doutowam read the contents, the aristocrats who attended said, 「He should be guilty of death!」, 「A scary boy......were we about to be deceived!?」, 「He is trying to conspire His Majesty」, 「Wasn't the recommender of the medal Count Muss?」. In the first place, it was Finance Minister Balue who encouraged Yuu to receive the medal of the Udon Grand Ribbon, but before he knew it, Muss was the recommender.
"But isn't it just because it's written in the letter? I know Lord Siramie, Baron Dani's younger brother, but I didn't hear very good rumors. I don't think he suddenly changed his mind and became a legitimate aristocrat"
Marquis Fechi sneaks up to Doutowam with a nasty smile.
"I don't think it's too much of a word for anything, Marquis Fechi!!"
"It's an insult to Baron Doutowam, who advanced to the risk of his life!!"
"Marquis Fetchi, you should withdraw your words and apologize right now!!"
Marquis Fechi remains smiling despite the criticism of the aristocrats. Baron Doutowam raises his hand and urges everyone to calm down.
"Marquis Fechi is right. I am very aware that my testimony and what is written in this letter are not enough"
"Well, do you say there are others?"
"Of course, I have other evidences to prove, but if you listen to his testimony any more, everyone should be convinced"
"Mmm. Who is that person......"
Aristocrats, civilians and soldiers are breathtaking. Baron Doutowam pointed to him in a calm manner.
"Fi, Finance Minister Balue!?"
Everyone is uniformly surprised. Marquis Fechi asks, as if on behalf of the aristocrats.
"Lord Balue, what about Baron Doutowam, saying? It's only a thing, so if it's false, it's better to say it clearly"
"Baron Doutowam is not lying"
"Did you know that!"
" this some kind of mistake? I can't believe that the Finance Minister, the head of the Nox family, was silent about such wrongdoing!"
With a deep expression of sadness, Balue raises his face while swinging from side to side.
"I wanted to solve it with my own power before it became such a big deal. I was thinking of telling His Majesty after the ceremony and then forgiving him. In addition, Baron Doutowam read aloud. In addition to what Baron Doutowam has read out, Yuu Satou is also involved in the illegal capture of a Dryad protected by the Ream Alliance and the disappearance of spirits, which is a problem in the Udon Kingdom"
"Dryad!? It's not a fuss about being used in other countries!!"
"If that is true, how many farmers are in need due to the disappearance of spirits!!"
When Balue makes a gesture that he holds something with both hands, the nobles who were making noise close their mouths.
"In order to confirm the truth, I ordered the adventurer clan 『Reef of Authority』 that I take care of to search for the Dryad, but no one came back alive from Comer city. It is illegal. I heard that they were hunting illegal slaves and sent a thousand private soldiers, but they also didn't come back to me alive. He also mixed banned drugs and potions, in a sense, it's a brilliant way to detriment the alchemy guild by gaining unfair profits, how to remind Count Muss and how to prevent other aristocrats from pursuing criminal activity. He has no choice but to deceive the enormous amount of money earned from these criminal acts, avoiding the taxes that would otherwise be paid to the Adventurer's Guild and causing great damage to the Udon Kingdom and the Adventurer's Guild"
"D, Death penalty!"
"He can't escape the capital punishment!!"
"I don't think such a monster was nesting in the Udon Kingdom!!"
"Count Muss also conspired to know!!"
Aristocrats who expose their emotions and curse Yuu and Mussu try to squeeze into the situation.
With Balue´s voice, the aristocrats stopped the movement.
"Everyone can understand your anger, but as I said earlier, we are aristocrats who should be a model for the people. We should suppress our emotions and behave gracefully"
The aristocrats who tried to say something solidify when the see Balue´s face. Tears ran down Balue´s cheeks and ran down to the floor.
"Is it what our aristocrats, who are in charge of national affairs, should do to plead for easy death to young people in the future? I think it is different! Because of aristocrats, when young people go the wrong way, it is the role and responsibility of the aristocrats to correct it!!"
"But Lord Balue has also suffered a great deal"
"That's right! I may have lost my face as Finance Minister, lost my private army and even the adventurers who were taking care of by me"
"I accepted. Yuu Satou! Let's lead this talented young man to the right path and let him rectify!"
"Wh......What a broad heart......"
"I can't believe worry about the future of such a criminal!"
"Wonderful......what a wonderful aristocrat. It can be said that it is one of the aristocrats representing the Udon Kingdom!"
Many aristocrats were weeping because of Balue´s tears. Looking at it, Yuu had cold eyes, as if he had been shown a boring spectacle.
"The idea is great, but how does Lord Balue intend to rectify it?"
"That's right! He's one of the greatest sinners in the history of the Udon Kingdom. I don't think he's the one who listens honestly!"
"That worry is right! Please see here"
What Balue took out of his pocket was a collar that every aristocrat knows well――a slave collar.
"This is a second-class slave collar brought back by an adventurer from an S-rank labyrinth. With this collar, even if the opponent is a B-rank adventurer, he can't disobey my orders. Let's promise that things that everyone is worried about will never happen again!!"
The aristocrats fluttered with voices praising Balue, saying, 「That's safe」 and 「Finance Minister Balue」.
(I won. I won! This won't shake my victory!! Look at me! I get the Dryad, ask for the timeless manufacturing method and squeeze it to the bones!! After that ――Guhahaha! Yuu Satou! Count Muss!! I'll show you the hell!! You will regret being born!!)
Convinced of his victory, Balue has an ugly smile.
"Your Majesty showed me something unsightly, but can you leave everything to this Balue Voli Nox?"
With that said, Balue is appreciated. In the eyes of Balue who raised his face, there was the face of Udon´s King with the same smile as usual. But――the eyes that seemed to be closed all the time were slightly wide open.
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