Novel Name : To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 308: Pope

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Chapter 308: Pope

"This is astonishing. I can't believe that the Three Saintess are in charge of the council themselves......"
"Even after seeing it with my own eyes, I still can't believe it. They rarely show up at big ceremonies"
"They look as beautiful as ever"
Lynx and Dorowatt――in front of the twins of the three saintess, the heavyweights of the Holy Country Jardalk couldn't hide their surprises and the Holy Light Destruction Court, which should be quiet, was noisy.
(Now, let's see how that young man is going to get through this predicament)
Bataille casually looks at Olivier, who sits a little further away, without being noticed. Bataille is inwardly poisoned by Olivier's humorous attitude, in which he has made a blunder of losing 50,000 soldiers, but no fragments can be seen.
"Be quiet"
The people who are usually in charge of sacred and political affairs in the major cities bow their heads in panic at the words of Lynx, who looks like a girl much younger than them.
"Then for deliberation――"
After confirming that everything had quieted down, Dorowatt was about to get down to business, but several people had raised their hands. She gives permission to one of them to speak.
"I would like to thank you for giving me permission to speak. Also, at such a place, I would like to thank the Goddess of Light, Irigamit, for the extraordinary luck that I met with the Three Saintess Dorowatt Foddo and Lynx Foddo"
"There is no need for a preamble. Tell me only what is necessary"
"Haa. Well then, almost half of the people here, including myself, haven't been informed of the details of the 『Demon King, Capture Plan』. 『Seed of Calamity』Yuu Satou was certified as a demon king. It can be inferred that it is a large-scale military operation because even we who hold high-ranking priesthoods have been thoroughly blocked from information. But, conversely――how can we proceed with the hearing when there are people who know only that?"
Someone gulps and swallows. In the midst of a heavy atmosphere, he expressed his opinion to the three saintess, one of the highest ranks of the priesthood.
"Your argument is justified"
"That you're being cautious and choosing your words even though we can roughly associate you with the failure of the 『Demon King Capture Plan』"
"Don't worry, I'll explain about it now"
"Rest assured, children of Irigamit, Goddess of Light"
Dorowatt and Lynx spoke in turn. It's not only the man who said it, but also the people around him, who look relieved.
"The most important target of the surveillance, 『Seed of Calamity』Yuu Satou, was identified as a demon king who should be destroyed because of his dangerousness"
"However, Yuu Satou possessed so much dangerous power that it was determined that it was best to seal him up instead of destroying him"
"The amount of time, money, supplies and human resources required to execute the『Demon King Capture Plan』, including 50,000 soldiers, information blockades, manipulations and outreach to surrounding countries, was enormous"
"The generals who lead the 50,000 troops are Barash, the Vice Commander of the Holy Knight Order, 『Three Swords』Galahad, Percival, Lamorak, 『Holy Fist』Dross――"
One after another, the names of some of the fiercest men in the Holy Country Jardalk were listed.
"And finally, one of the Three Saintess, Theodora"
"So, even one of the Three Saintess has joined the fray?"
"Isn't this the strongest lineup? That Theodora-sama......wait, Dorowatt-sama said that the 『Demon King, Capture Plan』had failed. Why isn't Vice Commander Barash here? And is Theodora-sama safe!?"
Once again, there was noise in the Grand Court.
"The story is not over yet"
A pale light shines from both Lynx and Dorowatt. This is the rank 1 sacred magic 『Heart Relaxation Re - Lax』. Those who stand up and make noise regain their composure and take their seats.
"There is no confirmation that any of the 50,000 soldiers are alive at this time"
"Three Saintess, Theodora is among them"
Everyone lost their voices, as if the commotion was going to surpass that of earlier. Some held their heads as if trying to escape reality, some fell to their knees as if collapsing from their chairs and others shed tears incessantly.
"Cardinal Bataille, do you have anything to say so far?"
"I have nothing to say"
Lynx and Bataille looked at each other strangely. It took a while for things to calm down in the Grand Court. It was such a shock to lose one of the three saintess. It was also proof that the three saintess were one of the symbols of the Irigamit religion.
"Archbishop Olivier, do you have something to say?"
Bataille's voice echoed in the silent courtroom.
"Who else is there?"
Bataille replied irritably.
"It's not for me to speak on my own, without being appointed, in this place where the Three Saintess are in charge"
"I was waiting to see when you would say something to apologize, but you kept turning a blind eye. I'm not sure how you can say such a thing out of thin air. You are the planner of 『Demon King, Capture Plan』. You´re also the general manager. You´re saying you´re not responsible for making such a big blunder"
Bataille's words caused an uproar in the Grand Court. He glared at Olivier with murderous eyes that everyone would see as a divine enemy.
"What did Cardinal Bataille say from earlier? Apparently, he seems to be disturbed by his daily liturgy and this matter. Why don't you leave here and take a rest?"
"Do you think I've lost my mind?"
"Yes, I think so. After all, what you say is incoherent and you impose your own faults on me"
"What? You are――"
"Archbishop Olivier is right"
"――Lynx-sama? What are you talking about?"
A bunch of paper was visible in Lynx's hand, breaking into the conversation between Olivier and Bataille. Raise the bundle of paper to those in the grand court.
"Cardinal Bataille, this is the document you drafted and submitted for the 『Demon King, Capture Plan』"
"That's ridiculous......"
The documents were indeed signed and stamped in Bataille's handwriting.
"Is the 『Demon King, Capture Plan』 a plan that Cardinal Bataille was advancing!?"
"Are you trying to blame Archbishop Olivier for that blunder?"
"But I think it's too difficult. I don't think it's very likely that Cardinal Bataille would do such a childish thing. And the document says『Demon King, Advent Plan』 isn't it?"
"But the documents that the Three Saintess have may be signed and stamped by Cardinal Bataille"
"U, Umm"
The people who had been directing their hatred towards Olivier just a moment ago looked at him in confusion.
"There is no excuse for this"
"This document was entrusted to us by the Pope"
(It's certainly something I created and submitted to the Pope――I think it was rejected by none other than the Pope himself)
"It's not just that. The Holy Seal and the Pope's signature on this document are forged"
"You are charged with thirty-four crimes, including forgery of documents and using your position as a cardinal to overstep your authority"
"It's no exaggeration to say that this hearing was held in order to denounce you"
"You moved the Holy Knights Order for your own personal reasons and lost 50,000 soldiers. Even the Three Saintess Theodora Sanchez――Cardinal Bataille, the loss you inflicted on the Holy Country Jardalk is immeasurable"
Without giving Bataille a chance to protest, Lynx and Dorowatt continued to accuse him.
"But looking at you now, I don't think you can answer it seriously"
"Therefore, you are under house arrest until your punishment is determined"
"I urge you not to act rashly"
"The hearing is now adjourned"
Bataille was not the only one who was leaving the room with his eyes filled with various emotions. He didn't look at himself and followed Olivier's back as he left the grand court.
(Olivier, I'm not going to let this end like this)
Three days after the hearing, Bataille, who was supposed to be under house arrest, was not in his residence in the Holy City Faltima, but in one of his dozens of hideouts.
"Lord, are you sure you want to be in a place like this?"
The man, who seemed to be a sturdy old man, spoke to Bataille. There were about twenty others dressed in black, the only one whose face was not covered with a black cloth, is a face covered with scars.
"I have a double in my mansion"
"If they find out, even you will not get away with it"
It is obvious that even if Bataille is a cardinal, what will happen if he breaks his house arrest and goes out while he is accused of thirty-four crimes?
"In any case, in less than a month, all authority, including the Cardinal priesthood, will be stripped away and Olivier's ambitions can no longer be stopped"
Perhaps because of mental fatigue, Bataille's face had aged remarkably over the past three days.
"Olivier Duraland? It's a terrifying opponent that no matter how much Tamos and I investigate, we can't get even the slightest clue"
"If Hana Blossom had acted when the previous Archbishop died suddenly, none of this would have happened in the first place"
"That's what you say. There is no proof that Olivier killed him"
"How can you be so naive? The evidence could have come later"
When the previous Archbishop, who was a member of Bataille's faction, died suddenly, Bataille tried to send in a successor from his own faction, but the Pope appointed Olivier as Archbishop without even listening to him. Everyone was surprised at the fact that a young man from who knows where was chosen as the Archbishop. Bataille did not just sit back and keep his fingers crossed. He made numerous attempts to win Olivier over and find out who he really was, but they all ended in vain.
"Huhahaa. It's a shame that a cardinal can't be trusted with any kind of evidence"
"Nonsense. It's not the time to argue. I'm sure you know that. Bessieres, the Pope is definitely being manipulated by Olivier"
"Hohou....... He is not an ordinary opponent, such as manipulating that Pope"
"I've prepared seven people who have the unique skill to break 『Fascination』and 『Temptation』. And they're all top-notch"
"I've got twenty from Hana Blossom. Everyone, including Tamos, is just working on petal skill"
"I never thought I'd be working with you, Bessières"
"Don't say that, don't say that. I never thought I'd be fighting with someone who's been my political enemy for years"
"Even now I can reach the Jardalk Palace without fighting, but beyond that――"
"Then that's where I come in. There is a loophole that only I, Tamos and some of Hana Blossom know about. But even so, a battle will be inevitable"
"I know from one of the secret agents I have in the Jardalk Palace that the Pope has been holed up in the Oracle Room for the past few days"
"The deepest part of the palace, of all places......"
"But if we miss this opportunity――
"There is no next opportunity......"
"That's right. This is the only and the last opportunity now that the Holy Knight Order is regrouping due to the failure of the plan to capture the Demon King and the Saintess's faction is in turmoil over the safety of Three Saintess Theodora"
"All right. So, the plan is――"
The elite soldiers guarding Jardalk Palace were incapacitated by Bessires's hit without even being able to finish the sentence.
"Haahaaa. If you go through this holy purification room, haahaaa......holy light corridor to room"
"You're out of breath, are you alright?"
Bataille calls out to Bessieres. The petite old man was sweating from his wrinkled body. By the time they reached the holy purification room, six of Bataille's private soldiers and four of the twenty skilled men Bessières had brought with him had already lost their lives.
"Don't worry. The very survival of the Holy Country Jardalk is now at stake!"
"I thought you were an old man who was only passionate about political battles, but you are quite spirited"
"No, let me pull it out. *Gasping for breath*......"
"Wahahaa. Tamos, don't lose a single one of the men Bataille has prepared!"
"Leave it to me, Bessières-sama"
A man with scars all over his face responds without expression.
"Cardinal Bataille!? What the hell is this――cough......"
"I'm sorry, but this is for the sake of the Holy Country Jardalk, so shut up and die"
Bessieres´s right fist pierces the soldier's chest with his armor. His right hand, which he pierced, held the guts of his heart.
"That's it! That's the door that leads to the Oracle room"
The huge, finely decorated doors had enough presence to give a sense of more than a thousand years of history. If not for this moment, even Bataille would have felt it.
"Only the Pope can enter beyond this point"
"That's good. If there are no obstacles, huh!!"
Bessières and the others opened the huge door. A woman was standing at the end of it, looking back at Bataille and his friends with a relaxed motion. There was――Stella standing there. No, she looked like Stella, but she was about two years younger. But as soon as Bataille saw the woman who looked like Stella, tears welled up in his eyes.
"What's the commotion?"
"Pope. I, Bataille, have come to help you in any way I can"
Bataille bowed deeply to the Pope and signaled to the people behind him. At the same time as the signal, seven casters activate the unique skill to release 『Fascination』and 『Temptation』 all at once. Lights of various colors, yellow, red, blue and green, pass through the pope's body with a powerful release force.
"Th, This is......!!?"
" going on?"
The casters look confused and look back asking Bataille for an explanation.
"What's wrong? Did you get rid of the Pope's brainwashing?"
"This person is............the Pope――"
Before the caster can finish his words, the Pope releases his magic power.
"No! All of you, get behind me"
It was an extraordinary torrent of magic power. Despite only releasing the magic power, the bodies of the seven casters who were in front of Bataille disappear from the world without leaving any fragments.
From the magic power of the Pope, Bataille, who set up a barrier to protect Bessieres and the others, consumed MP at once and was struck by a feeling of fatigue that made him want to sleep on the spot.
"I have never been manipulated"
", thereupon Olivier´s plan――
"Bataille, now is not the time for carefree talk. If he has not been brainwashed, we have no choice but to take him with us. Tamos, give me a hand"
Bessieres said he would take him, but the Pope was originally one of the three saintess. He knew it wouldn't be that easy. Bessières and his men surrounded the Pope with quick, noiseless movements. Tamos, however, was standing behind Bessières.
"Tamos, what――tsk"
From behind Bessières, Tamos unleashes a dagger thrust. Bessieres, who avoids with a hairbreadth, takes an alert attitude.
A young girl's voice comes out from someone with the face of Tamos.
"You......what happened to Tamos?"
"Of course I killed him"
In a tone of voice devoid of any malice, Huhu replies.
"Is it an illusionary magic that I don't notice? Since when did you switch places with Tamos?"
"I don't remember that before"
Bessières muttered inwardly, 「The worst」. He doesn't know when Tamos was replaced by her, but there is no doubt that Bessieres' movements were out of the ordinary.
"Forgive me for staining the Oracle's chamber with blood"
There was a knight kneeling in front of the Pope. No one was aware of his existence, though he must have been surrounded by those who belong to Bessieres.
"『Holy Spear』Dogran"
The moment Bataille muttered this, the upper body of the knight wearing the golden armor disappeared. At the same time, those who surrounded the Pope spewed blood from their chests and fell down.
"What the hell is going on here?"
Perhaps he couldn't dodge Dogran's attack. Bessieres's left arm was blown off the base of his shoulder. The others were killed by a blow to the chest. It was inexplicable to Bessières that his subordinates, who had blocked their sense of pain with the battle technique of 『Clearing one's mind of all mundane thoughts』and medicines, should be able to regenerate from minor wounds, were dying without moving from a single blow to the chest.
"Ah~. Why did Dogran's attack hit and Huhu's attack not?"
Huhu skipped around Dogran, but Dogran did not take his eyes off Bessières.
"You will pay for your sins"
"Hee. What sin?"
"It is a great crime to enter the Jardalk Palace without permission. It's also a great crime to enter the Oracle's Chamber and touch the Pope――the Pope´s body............forgive me"
"Dogran-san, I want you to tell Huhu without being mean"
"You do it like this, Huhu"
When Bessieres noticed the voice, a huge tail pierced from his back to his chest.
"Na......gupuu............what is that?"
When Bessieres forced only his face to the door between the oracle, Olivier and Chinzia stood there. One of Chinzia's nine tails was fired at such a speed that Bessieres couldn't even react.
I'm not sure what to make of this.
"Chinzia-san, that's all for reference――ouch!!?"
Chinzia drops her fist on Huhu's head, which hangs down.
"I, Idiot. H............Holiness, cough......a monster enters......Jardalk"
Bataille was stunned by the identity of Chinzia. His chest was pierced like everyone else. He is trying to heal his wounds with his full power of sacred magic, but it is surprisingly ineffective. Bataille knew best that he wouldn't last that long, although he escaped death on the spot.
"Po, Pope............why............? Why?"
Bataille asks her with the slightest power left, saying that if he doesn't die before he dies, he can't die even if he dies.
"To correct the distorted history"
"If you were a Cardinal, you know that there was a girl who was unjustly despised despite her efforts and dedication for the human race――I want to restore the honor of Sakura Shinomiya"
As if he had forgotten the pain in his chest, Bataille's face was glued to the Pope as if he were looking at something terrible from the pain.
"Th......That,, country Jar,, n......o, pe, people............protect......"
"That's fine. The human race should pay the price"
Bataille said nothing in response to the Pope's words. Dogran kneeled in front of the Pope.
"Pope, he's already dead"
"Is that so"
The Pope gently closed his eyelids with the palm of her hand as Bataille died with his eyes wide open.
"There is a report that Evalina Foddo is inquiring about the Hilfe internment camp. What do you think?"
"Leave her alone. It's time for her to know the problems facing the Holy Country of Jardalk"
The Pope waved her left arm to the side and the bodies of Bataille and the others disappeared into dust.
"I thank you for your cooperation"
'Not for you, hero of the beginning"
"I know"
"Everything is――"
""――For Sakura Shinomiya""
Olivier and the Pope muttered to themselves as they stared at the glowing ceiling.
Name: Yuu Satou
Race: Human
Job : Magic Warrior/ Enchanter/ Master Swordsman
LV: 69
HP: 4752
MP: 5307
Strength: 922
Agility: 848
Vitality: 967
Intelligence: 869
Magic Power: 938
Luck: 1
Passive Skills
Swordsmanship LV8
Axe Technique LV7
Dagger Technique LV6
Cane Technique LV6
Fencing LV8
Spear Technique LV7
Hammer Technique LV8
Shield Technique LV7
Staff Technique LV6
Throwing LV7
Strong Arm LV5
Intensified Physical Ability LV4
Intensified Agility LV3
Detect Enemy LV7
Leadership LV7
Intimidation LV6
Night Vision LV6
Attribute Resistance LV9 ↑UP
HP Recovery Speed Intensification LV3
MP Recovery Speed Intensification LV4
Trap Discovery LV6
Stealthy Steps LV6
Status Abnormality Resistance LV9 ↑UP
Skinning LV6
Skin Hardening LV3
Magic Eyes LV5
High-Speed Regeneration LV6 ↑UP
Cooking LV5
Magic Resistance LV9 ↑UP
Strengthened Agility when light equipment LV3
Strengthened Defense when heavy equipment LV5
Strengthened Strength when heavy equipment LV5
Evasion LV7
No Cast
Magic Power Strengthening LV7
MP Consumption drastically reduced LV3
Taming LV7
Riding LV5
When equipped with a sword, strength increases LV2
Increased Critical Probability LV3
Increased Critical Strength LV3
Blessing of Light
Blessing of Darkness
Active Skills
Swordsmanship LV8
Holy Sword Technique LV4
Dark Sword Technique LV3
Fighting LV6
Dagger Technique LV4
Staff Technique LV5
Cane Technique LV5
Bare-handed LV5
Demon Fist LV8
Spear Technique LV6
Shield Technique LV7
Axe Technique LV6
Hammer Technique LV7
Martial Arts LV6
Tactics LV5
White Magic LV8
Black Magic LV8
Undead Magic LV8
Enchanting Magic LV7
Dark Magic LV7
Spirit Magic LV5
Space-Time Magic LV7
Summoning Magic LV7
Ancient Magic LV5
Dragon Magic LV5
Holy Magic LV3
Magic Sword LV8
Blacksmithing LV5
Alchemy LV8
Steal LV4
Spy LV6
Appraisal LV4
Analysis LV3
Roar LV6
Unlocking LV5
Trap Setting LV5
Trap Releasing LV5
Barrier LV8
Magic Power Awakening LV7
Breath LV5
Subordinate Strengthening LV7
Follower Strengthening LV7
Enslavement LV6
Status Abnormality Attack LV8
Unique Skills
Devil Eye of the Spirit World LV5
Pillage LV4
Follower Subordination LV3
Beast Killer
Increased Hearing
Herculean Strength
Spirit Whispering
Parallel Thinking
Opening Gate
Insect Killer
Dragon Killer
Holy beast Killer
Rapid Empty Space Inexhaustibility
Empty Space Fist
: Black Dragon Light (Grade 3): Intensified Strength / Automatic repair / Black Dragon Breath
: Flying Cap Type 2 (Grade 4): Enhanced Blind Resistance and Stun Resistance
: Adamantite Armor (Grade 3): Enhanced Physical Resistance, Strengthened HP Recovery Speed and MP Recovery Speed
: Black Dragon Scale Gauntlet (Grade 3): Enhanced Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance and Darkness Resistance
: Holy Beast Leather Boots (Grade 3): Enhanced Holy Resistance and Holy Divine Protection
: Black Dragon Scale Shield (Grade 3): Enhanced Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance and Darkness Resistance
: Mirage Ring (Grade 3): Displays Falsely Against Analysis
Black Dragon Sword, Wet Crow (Grade 3): Curse (Delay), MP absorption (Large) when attacking, symmetrical magic resistance halved when slashing, curse (Mental pollution, intense pain, confusion, difficulty breathing)
Name: Nina Levers
Race: Human
Job: Thief / Assassin / Shadow
LV: 46
HP: 1609
MP: 802
Strength: 507
Agility: 732
Vitality: 464
Intelligence: 195
Magic Power: 394
Luck: 22
Passive Skills
Detect Enemy LV7
Trap Discovery LV7
Dagger Technique LV7
Stealthy Steps LV6
Dual Dagger Technique LV6
Assassination Technique LV7
Evasion LV7
Enhanced Agility LV6
Skinning LV6
Active Skills
Steal LV5
Concealment LV7
Trap Releasing LV7
Spy LV6
Fighting LV3
Dagger Technique LV6
Assassination Technique LV6
Unlocking LV7
Appraisal LV6
Trap Setting LV5
Shadow Moving
Shadow Technique LV5
Unique Skills
Magic Armor Earth
: Black Dragon Claw (3rd grade): Increased Sharpness: Certain Probability when attacking to inflict Deadly poison,
: Black Dragon: Fang (3rd Grade): Increased Penetration: When attacked certain probability to inflict Paralysis
: Holy Beast Breastplate (Grade 3): Increased Attack Power: Increased Defense Power: Increased HP Recovery: Increased Holy Resistance: Divine Protection
: Black Dragon Leather Jacket (Grade 3): Increased Dragon Resistance: Increased Physical Resistance: Automatic Restoration
: Wicked Gloves (Grade 3): Increased status boost for Scout Job
: Big Thief Shoes (Grade 3): Increased Agility and Scout Skill reinforcement
: Demon Bracelet (Grade 3): Increased Arm Strength
: Pendant of Shishua (Grade 5): Up to Lv 3 Analysis Prevented. Ability to Block Part of Analysis
: Dragon Bangles (Grade 4): Complete Ability Boost
: Skanda Earrings (Grade 3): Increased Agility
: Phantom Demon Earrings (Grade 3): No Bewitching effect
: Dark Raven Scarf (Grade 3): No Darkness effect, Strengthen Night Vision, Block Sign
Reserve Weapon
: White Dragon Light Fang (Grade 3): HP and MP absorption (medium) when attacking light attributes
: Mithril Dagger (Grade 4): MP absorption (small) when attacking
: Damascus Dagger (Grade 4): HP absorption (small) when attacking
Reserve Ornaments
: Fairy Earrings (Grade 4): Enhanced Bewitching resistance
: Dwarf Earrings(Grade 5) : Increased Agility
: Golden yarn Scarf (Grade 4): Increased Physical Resistance: Improved Fire and Water Resistance
Name: Lena Forma
Race: Human
Job: Magician / Witch / Sage
LV: 47
HP: 710
MP: 3038
Strength: 119
Agility: 180
Vitality: 144
Intelligence: 736
Magic Power: 771
Luck: 16
Passive Skills
Cane Technique LV6
Chant Cancellation
Increased MP Recovery LV6 ↑UP
Increased Magic Power LV7
MP Consumption Halved
When equipped with a cane, Magic Power enhancement LV4
When equipped with a cane, Intelligence enhancement NEW!
When equipped with a robe, Intelligence enhancement LV2
When equipped with a robe, magic power rises LV2
Magic Resistance LV7
Strengthened Intelligence LV1
Active Skills
White Magic LV6
Black Magic LV7
Enchanting Magic LV3
Ancient Magic LV1
Spirit Magic LV1
Holy Magic LV1
Dark Magic LV1
Summoning Magic LV1
Barrier LV7
Magic Power Awakening LV6
Cane Technique LV3
Unique Skills
: Dragon Arista Star Ryubosei's Cane, Type 5 (Grade 2): ​​Increased Magic Power, Increased Intelligence, Reduced MP Consumption, Increased Four Major Attributes, Spirits
: Mithril Broom (Grade 4): Enhanced Magical Power: Increased Casting Speed: Increased MP recovery Speed: Divine Protection of the Wind
: Black Dragon Hat (Grade 3): Enhanced Dragon Resistance: Increased MP Recovery Speed: Enhanced Physical Resistance
: Mithril Robe (Grade 4): Enhanced Magic Resistance
: Tenma Zofine Gloves (Grade 3): Devil Eye Invalid, Increased Demon Resistance, Enhanced Black Magic, Increased Dark Magic
: Arc Demon Cloak (Grade 3): Increased magic Resistance: Increased MP Recovery Speed: Decreased MP Consumption
: Big Witch’s shoes (Grade 4): Enhanced Magical Power: Increased MP Recovery Speed: Increased Magic Resistance
: Wood Dragon Ring (Grade 3): Strengthened Magic Resistance and Increased Physical Strength
: Wood Dragon Pearl Amulet (Grade 3): Increased Physical Resistance and Strengthened Physical Strength
: Ring of Life (Grade 3) : HP +500: HP x 8%
: Saint Angel Earrings (Grade 4): Increased White Magic and Holy Magic Power: Increased Holy Resistance
: Darkness Earrings (Grade 4): Enhanced Darkness Resistance: Increased Curse Resistance
: Darkness Necklace (Grade 3): Increased Darkness Tolerance: Increased Curse Tolerance
: Darkness Anklet (Grade 4): Enhanced Darkness Resistance: Increased Curse Resistance
: The Devils Ring (Grade 3): Five-Fold Increase in Magical Resistance
Darkness series set effect
Strengthened Four Attribute Resistance, 300 MP increase
Name: Marifa Nagutsu
Race: Dark Elf
Job: Monster Tamer / Insect Master / Wood Spirit Technique User
LV: 46
HP: 1189
MP: 1224
Strength: 393
Agility: 434
Vitality: 449
Intelligence: 402
Magic Power: 501
Luck: 3
Passive Skills
Archery LV3
Maris's Devil Eye LV6
Monster Taming LV6
Insect Technique LV6 ↑UP
Increased Physical Abilities LV3
Protection of the Wood
Increased Casting Speed LV4
No Chant LV4
Cooking LV2
Active Skills
Bow Technique LV3
Spirit Magic LV3
Subordinate Enhancement LV6
Enslavement LV6
Follower Enhancement LV6
Mount LV4
Wood Spirit Magic LV4
Summon Insects
Unique Skills
: Divine Spirit Tree Bow (Grade 3): Great damage to the ghost race, Strengthened Physical Ability, Increased Hit Rate, Strengthened Wood Spirit Magic
: Wind Dragon Leather Jacket (Grade 3): Increased Agility, Weight Reduction, Enhanced Magic Resistance
: Spirit Tree Shoes (Grade 4): Panic Resistance, Increased Magic Power
: Bewitching Queen Hand Armor (Grade 2): Slashing halved, hitting halved, Increased Follower (Bewitching Insect Race)
: Black Dragons Choker (Grade 3): Strengthen Muscle: Increased Dragon Resistance: Increased Physical Resistance
: Black Dragons Bangle (Grade 3): Increased Physical Tolerance: Increased Magic Resistance
: Amulet of Atis (Grade 4): Increased Holy Resistance and Darkness Resistance: Increased Panic Resistance
: Wood Dragon Bracelet (Grade 3): Strengthened all Abilities and Magic Resistance
: Beast Demon Ring (Grade 4): Strengthened Followers and Enslavement
: Enslavement ring (Grade 4): Strengthened the control of the followers
Holy Sword Durandal
Aegis Shield
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