Novel Name : To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 300: Moon and gathering clouds, one hole

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Chapter 300: Moon and gathering clouds, one hole

"Barash-sama, this is Joseph Yorm"
The voice of the young servant does not contain the color of fear or upset. The same is true for the generals around. Originally, they were proceeding with the operation on the premise that they would deal not only with Yuu but also with his subordinates such as Kuro and Russ. The appearance of Joseph alone didn't shake their hearts.
"I can see it by looking at it"
Without noticing it, Barash-sama's hands are filled with strength.
(Definitely Joseph)
While the Jardalk army was distracted by Joseph's appearance, Yuu, who had been pierced by Liama ​​Core, the spirit sword of the 『Three Swords』 Ramorak, has already escaped from the predicament――but Barash´s eyes were nailed to Joseph, not Yuu.
Joseph calls out to Yuu with a risky look. This guy appeared dressed up, but he didn't think about the rest. So without knowing how to talk to Yuu, he takes a blunt attitude. It's a strange sight when you think about it. Surrounded by more than 10,000 troops, Yuu and Joseph are in tune. Innumerable arrows are stuck in each other's bodies as if they had agreed and both are unfriendly and have a big attitude. Parents and children are as old as they are, but their hair and skin colors are different and their blood is not connected. However, both remind them of a similar atmosphere.
"Joseph, what did you come for?"
Yuu asks Joseph as he regenerates at high speed his body, which is burned from the body, blood boils and carbonized around the abdomen. He didn't dislike it. The proof is that Yuu looks strange and can't believe why Joseph is here. Joseph opened his eyes slightly to the words, followed by a deep smile.
"What's that saying? I thought you were in a pinch, so I came all the way here"
With his lower lip sticking out, Joseph replies as if he were sulky.
"Will I lose to these guys"
"Wahahaa! I'm not saying that!"
Joseph is relieved to see Yuu as bullish as usual. On the other hand, Barash was forced to make a decision.
"Barash-sama, give me your instructions!"
"Only Joseph appeared! Don't be afraid!"
"From the messenger earlier. The perimeter siege that was torn by Joseph was once confused, but is now reported to have been repaired"
Joseph went straight from the outer circumference of the Bueruko basin to the center of Yuu. In other words, he didn't defeat all the 30,000 soldiers surrounding the perimeter. As soon as Jardalk´s army in charge of the outer circumference determined that Joseph couldnt be stopped, they prioritized repairing the crumbling siege.
"What is Joseph's specialized weapon or skill?"
"It's Holy Cursed Sword"
Barash's question is immediately answered by the young servant. Barash closes his eyelids as if meditating. In a few moments, when the drooping eyelids suitable for that age rise――
"Continue the operation"
He took it for granted to everyone here to accept Barash's decision. Already, the number of soldiers killed by Yuu's hands has exceeded a thousand. At the cost of this much, he couldn't think of interrupting the operation. The generals promptly give instructions to the soldiers. First of all, he was thinking of eliminating Joseph and quickly repairing the siege that was broken.
"What are you thinking!?"
One of the soldiers was surprised at Joseph's actions. Because Joseph himself went into the siege.
"What is the hero of the Derim Empire!"
"It would be foolish for him to step into a dead zone himself!!"
Heavy cavalry reconstructed the siege that was torn with quick movements. The attack resumed accordingly.
Arrows are fired from the archer corps. Negative enchant magic was mixed in to hide behind the arrows. That said, it's not that different from previous attacks. However, there were three major differences. The first point is that the negative enchant magic from Theodora, which is the starting point of the attack, has stopped. Yuu suspects that it's a trap, but when he can't even identify the location of Theodora, he thinks it's useless to think about it and he focuses on avoiding arrows and magic. The second point is the existence of Joseph. Until now, the Holy Knights, who had only had to concentrate on Yuu, had to devote themselves to Joseph. In other words, Yuu's burden will be visibly reduced. The third point is――
Galahad activates the holy sword technique LV4 『Holy Light Blade』. He fires a slash on Yuu with his Holy Sword Durandal, which is covered with the Holy Light Blade. Yuu, on the other hand, picks up a sword from a myriad of scattered weapons and activates the sword technique 『Fighting Blade』. As a result of the holy light blade and fighting blade colliding with each other, a shock wave spreads to the surroundings.
Clicking his tongue, the blown Galahad twists his body in the air and lands.
"One sword dodge!"
Following Galahad is Percival. Percival does not overlook the momentary rigid time that occurs immediately after releasing the sword technique. Shaking the magic sword Aroundight sideways. Originally, the bluish purple blade is dyed bluish black. If you squint at it, you'll notice a dead spirit clinging to the blade. The dark sword technique LV5 『Skull Shadowless Beheading』. If a living person eats a blow of a blade that wears a ghost and a sword spirit, it will erode the body and mind. Combined with the unacceptable magic sword Aroundight, it is a vicious attack. If Yuu cannot make it in time with his sword, he activates the rank 4 black magic 『Lava』. Lava spouts vigorously from the ground. Percival swings his sword out of the lava on himself. The lava was torn in half sideways, but Yuu wasn't there. However, as expected, Yuu was also slightly out of shape.
"Also dodge this, but――Lamorak!!"
Fight with one sword, break with the second sword and stab with the third sword as finish. A top-notch sword user attacks with undisturbed cooperation. It can be said to be a deadly attack. In fact, Yuu was unable to capture this collaboration.
When Lamorak running on the ground puts his power into the spirit sword Liama ​​Core, flames flutter. He tries to swing the sword as it is, but the blade stops halfway.
It was Joseph's work. The holy sword Holy Flame held in his left hand was catching the spirit sword Liama ​​Core. The flame of the holy sword and the flame of the spirit sword are intertwined as if the same flame attribute invades and both blades scream with high heat and pressure. This is the third point. When Yuu is at a disadvantage, Joseph will help him at the right time.
"Ga, he stopped my sword with one hand!"
"Are you guys not ashamed? Ganging up on a kid"
For Lamorak, who tried to swing his sword with his whole body, Joseph took it with one left arm, which was as thick as a log.
"Shut up!! Heretic!!"
No matter how much Lamorak put his strength on his arms, the sword didn't frighten.
"What are you doing! Why don't you stop Joseph!!"
Galahad rebukes them, but he wasn't messing with the Jardalk army. They have been attacking Joseph for some time. It's just that Joseph's ability exceeds that.
"I'll admit your strength, but you can't beat me!"
When Lamorak can't compete with his power, he pulls his sword and shoots it in a flowing manner, but Joseph evades with a light movement that doesn't match his giant body and jumps backward.
Jardalk's spear cavalry launches an assault on Joseph as if he were a deadly enemy. A myriad of arrows struck Joseph first, sewing through the gap between the soldiers. It's okay if you're frightened by an arrow and even better if you're killed and even if both don't come true, Joseph's feet will stop in front of this many arrows. Stephan, who leads the spear cavalry, thought that if his men rushed there all at once, it wouldn't matter if he was there.
"We just thrust in!!"
"He avoided that many arrows......he hasn't been cut!? Even if he wasn't hit by an arrow, thrust in!"
Joseph rushes towards the spear cavalry, protecting only the bare essentials, such as his eyes and throat. A fast-flying sword digs Joseph's cheeks and ears, but he runs at the same speed and hits the spear cavalry.
"Th, This......!!"
A dozen people in the front row fly in the air in response to Joseph's rush.
"You are dead"
Joseph avoided the spear thrust and slashed at the spearman. The spearman avoided a direct hit to his head, but his armor was slashed from his right shoulder to his left torso. However, the fatal wounds are regenerated at high speed. This is due to the enormous amount of healing magic sent by the rearguards through the Holy Thread. The spearman slashed by Joseph smiles fearlessly, but soon after Joseph decapitates him.
"What are you happy about being slashed?
"Nuoooo! Joseph!!"
"Don't casually address someone without an honorific"
Joseph makes a right-handed slash. One of the spear cavalry catches it with a spear, but the spear and the body become two.
"This person is supported by enchant magic!"
Joseph's blows were an extraordinary power. If you receive it, he will smash one´s spear, sword, shield and armor. It can be said that it is a strong sword. Negative enchant magic flies from behind Joseph, but the dark sword technique 『Sucker』 catches it. It is a technique that absorbs attack magic and magic given to the opponent, but Joseph, whose magic power isn't so high, cannot absorb the negative magic given by as many as 300 rearguards.
"Idiot, what you can accept!"
"Who is a idiot"
When Joseph sees that he can't accept the magic, rubs the negative magic on the spear cavalry by his side. The spearman who received the negative enchant magic with the magic power of 300 people rots in the blink of an eye and collapses without even being able to scream.
(What kind of man is that?)
Stephan thinks so while fighting against Joseph. Of course, Stephan knows the name of Joseph Pal Yorm, who is famous as a hero and one of Derim Empire´s Seven Swords.
(I see, it's a sword that is no different from the rumor, but I don't think my spear is inferior)
Stephan, who received Joseph's sword with his spear, couldn't catch it and was blown away. Immediately, the spear cavalry attack Joseph to protect Stephan.
(The power of this sword attack......! I thought it was a trivial story, but the story that Joseph freely gave out critical hits was true!!)
If you think that you will rush like a wild boar against countless arrows, you will respond best to negative grant magic. If you think that it is aggressive enough to mistake it as a beast, you can not easily destroy it once you enter protection. No matter what kind of soldier you are, you have a habit of swords and body gestures, but Joseph doesnt. No, the habit was so strong that Stephan couldn't tell.
"Nuuu. Where are you aiming for――"
Joseph shoots the sword technique LV4『Flying Blade』 in the wrong direction. The destination of the flying sword is the back of the 『Three Sword』 Galahad, who is engaged with Yuu. However, it was the famous 『Three Sword』 Galahad as expected. As soon as he noticed Joseph's attack, he slashed the slash from behind with his sword.
"――Don't let the Demon King support you!"
"Who is the Demon King, idiot!"
One of the spear cavalry who called Yuu the Demon King is torn into vertical and horizontal crosses by Joseph's two swords.
"You!! How dare――gahuuu"
"Die noisy"
One after another, the spear cavalry raised by Stephan by hand is dying by Joseph's hand. Stephan expects support from Theodora, but finds that even Yuu, let alone Joseph, has stopped attacking. When he tried to send a messenger, he wondered if something bad happened――a whistling arrow was released in the sky. The whistling arrow that makes a sound by the iron attached to the base of the arrowhead and was used as a signal on the battlefield.
(This sound is!)
At the same time that the spear cavalry take a distance from the surroundings of Joseph, shooting stars fall from the sky toward Joseph. The identity of the shooting stars were arrows. The captain of the 4th battalion released the bow technique LV7 『Meteor』 from an altitude that doesn't interfere with Theodora´s barrier. Thousands of arrows created by magic power pierce Joseph.
"Oo......!! As expected『Projection Killing』, there are times when it is touted that the strong bow arm is unparalleled in the Holy Country Jardalk!"
"Look! Joseph, his body curled up!"
"Stephan-sama, stop Joseph!"
"Brigade leader, now is the time to avenge everyone!"
Stephan nodded slightly to the words of his men and set up his spear toward Joseph. Fearing that the bow technique 『Meteor』 will come into contact with his spear, he will release 『Giga hole destroy rotation attack - Giga Medes』, the best spear technique he can use, which kills even a giant with a single blow. However, Stephan feels uncomfortable with Joseph's appearance. Before he knew it, only one sword was held in Joseph's hand, which should have been two swords. No, he couldn't see the hand holding the sword. However, he saw a big sword that seemed to stick out of Joseph's body.
(What is that big sword?)
Joseph's body, which had been curled up, shrinks as if it were compressed and becomes half-body. From there, he twisted his body further and Stephan saw Joseph's big back. Although his posture had no scabbard, it closely resembled the sword-drawing stance.
Only Stephan was able to react to Barash's voice. As he bends down to the ground, he feels something passing by where he was standing. No, Stephan was looking at something with his own eyes. From two swords to a single large sword, the sword technique 『God Devil Ruination - Arbor Yorn』 released from the Holy Devil Ice Flame Sword that has returned to its true form.
(I......I can't believe it. No, is it 『Sword Technique』......?!? At the moment when the technique is activated, at least four different skills were used 『Sword Technique』, 『Holy Sword Technique』, 『Dark Sword Technique』, and 『Battle Technique』)
Stephan is surprised by Joseph's 『Sword Technique』, but he looks back and is stunned. Except for those in front of Joseph, the Spear Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Archers, Rearguards and the trees beyond them had disappeared far away. At least a thousand soldiers have disappeared from the world, leaving only their lower bodies.
"Oh~, Itete"
Joseph murmured in a light tone. He has taken more than a thousand lives and his emotions don't seem to fluctuate. The more skilled soldiers and first-class people are, the more they understand that emotional upheavals on the battlefield can lead to their own death. However, Stephan is frightened by Joseph, who is normal after doing all this. Aside from the Jardalk soldiers who surround him, Joseph put a lot of power into his whole body. Then, the arrows are pushed back by his muscles and the swords and spears which pierced his body fall out. However, even though the attack did not seem to work, a large amount of bleeding caused a blood clot at Joseph's feet. Finally, Joseph pulls out and throws the magic arrow stuck in his right eye, along with his scooped eyeball away.
"This is okay. What is it? Did you bother to wait? Well, the battle has just begun. Let's enjoy it slowly"
He has been scared of the mighty monster. However, it was the first experience for Stephan, such as terrifying against the same race.
"How long does it take you to take care of Joseph alone!"
Galahad is impatient and frustrated by Stephan and the rest who don't seem to join at all and their voices are disturbed.
"Are we going to help Stephan and others?"
"Percival, please"
"Leave it to me"
With that said, Percival rushes towards Joseph.
"Is it okay? All three of you can go"
"Nukase. I alone are enough for you"
Galahad replies to Yuu's provocation with his teeth exposed and Lamorak holds his sword silently. The ring surrounding Yuu gradually narrowed, but Yuu moved faster than that.
"Mmm. Be careful!"
Green and purple fog can be seen around Yuu. Jardalk's soldiers become more vigilant when they cast some magic.
"What magic is this?"
"Enchant magic 『Poison Mist』. But this is......Demon King, what are you thinking?"
Yuu activated the rank 4 enchant magic 『Poison Mist』, a negative enchant magic that puts a poison fog on the target. Yuu put it on himself.
"Contest of Endurance"
They heard Yuu's voice in the poisonous fog.
"Idiotic action"
"Maybe the Demon King's trap"
「Don't be fooled by the Demon King´s words」, Lamorak advises, while Galahad says 「Useless Resistance Demon King」.
"There is no one here who is afraid of evil!"
As if to prove Galahad's words, fearless Jardalk soldiers jump into the fog one after another. Even if it was a poison fog, it was judged that it was not so threatening to the Jardalk soldiers who received the enchant magic of poison resistance.
Soldier´s corpses pop out of the fog as if throwing garbage away.
"You'd better hurry up"
They couldn't see him because of the fog, but it was definitely Yuu's voice.
"Isn't there a wind magic user!"
"I'm already using wind magic, but it seems that the Demon King is blocking it"
"Demon King tsk"
The Jardalk soldiers rushed into the fog again and again, but the result was the same.
"This doesn't make sense. I'll go"
Fearing the wasted soldiers, Lamorak rushes into the fog with the spirit sword Liama ​​Core in his hand. When he stepped in for a few meters, a sword approached sideways from the right side. It's a sharp blow, but with Lamorak's arm, it's easy to beat. Lamorak goes beyond just flipping the sword, giving a blow to Yuu's shoulder.
"Why don't you come out without hiding!"
"Hee. I thought you wouldn't come in"
"I know. You can't win with a honest sword fight, so you're probably playing with this kind of trick"
"I wonder what it is"
(It's not a bluff. If so, what's his aim? Even if he earns time and an ally other than Joseph comes――)
While unfolding a sword fight with Yuu, Lamorak's head is filled with an unpleasant premonition. There is no hard reason, but Lamorak releases the power of the spirit sword Liama ​​Core, saying that this fog should be dispelled as soon as possible. A flame rushes from his blade and a whirlpool of flames winds the poison fog into the sky. Only Yuu and Lamorak stood in the clear fog and Jardalk´s soldiers who turned into silent corpses were rolling around randomly.
(Are the corpses intact? The purpose is to create undeads with undead magic――what is that?)
Yuu's feet were shining. The true identity of the shining thing is a myriad of magic threads, which are bundled together and shine like a faint light source. The magic thread melted into the earth.
"I wish I had a little more time"
Lamorak felt the enormous flow of magic power from Yuu. The magic power flows from Yuu's whole body to his feet.
"How! The Holy Thread――"
With the spirit sword Liama ​​Core, an explosion occurs at the same time as Lamorak screams while slashing the holy thread that connects to him. Yuu used the holy thread to activate the rank 5 dragon magic, 『Dragon Flame Exposed Combustion - Napal Delon』. Explosions wrap around Jardalk´s soldiers everywhere. The sticky flame couldnt be extinguished with water and deprived the surroundings of a large amount of oxygen. Jardalk´s soldiers are suffocated or burned to death due to lack of oxygen while screaming unvoiced. The Jardalk soldiers who were confronting Yuu are still good. In response to Lamorak's voice, they were able to cut the holy thread in a hurry. The ones who weren't enthusiastic were the heavy cavalry who were at a distance and the rearguards who were arranging the holy chain horizontal battle formation. Many soldiers were delayed in responding to Yuu's attack magic.
"Report the damage situation"
"Hu......I don't know"
"I'm going to check it out and report it right away!"
Barash's young servant involuntarily roars his voice. At least 20% of the rearguards, who are the key to the operation, have been lost. Moreover, as long as Yuu interferes with the holy thread from the invisible underground, it is virtually impossible to support recovery and enchant magic through the holy thread.
"Look at this tragedy! It was all caused by the Demon King!!"
"You guys have a fight with Yuu and say something like that"
Joseph replies, avoiding without receiving Percival's sword. With just one sword, Joseph decided it was dangerous to hit Percival's sword.
"Heretic! Dieeeee!!"
Heavy cavalry head for Joseph, who interacts with Percival. Whether their arms are torn off or their legs are cut off, they cling to Joseph's body.
"This, impo――guoo......"
When Cesar, who holds a great shield, hits Joseph with the shield technique 『Aura Shell』 together with the spear cavalry, the sound of Joseph and the spear cavalry's armor and bones screaming and crushing echoes.
"Your sacrifice, I won't waste it!!"
You can see Percival jumping in the dark night holding his sword. Joseph tries to jump away in front of the dead smell after a long absence.
"Le......Let go, youuu!!"
One soldier who is prepared to die clings to Joseph's waist and legs. Judging not to evade, Joseph thrust his left arm toward Percival´s sword.
"You cant prevent it with such a thing!!"
The blade of the magic sword Aroundight broke Joseph's palm without resistance and broke the flesh and bones of his left forearm. As the blade reached his left elbow, Joseph forcibly shook his left arm.
Percival leaks a surprised voice. His sword's orbit deviates and the blow that should hit Joseph's head and kill him only cuts off his left arm. This time, Percival sniffs the dense dead odor that drifts in himself. Joseph is already swinging down the Holy Devil Ice Flame Sword at Percival's neck. Percival, who has swung his sword off, cannot afford to evade.
Cesar breaks in between Joseph and Percival. He catches Joseph's blow with his great shield, but the proud great shield splits in half and a slash is engraved on his armor. Still, he protected Percival from the death blow.
"Dying obediently――Ke......oo?"
A spear was growing from Joseph's belly trying to stab a stop blow at the two who blew away.
"『Seven Swords』Joseph Yorm, defeated by 『Perforation』Stephan"
Stephan pierced Joseph with his spear, along with the body of the spearman who clung to Joseph even when he died.
"Don't kill me without permission"
With a spear growing from his belly, Joseph shoots his sword technique, 『Rotating Slash』. A side-turning slash scatters the bodies of Stephan and the clinging spearman.
"Guoooo......m, monster"
Stephan glares at Joseph, spitting blood out of his mouth.
"Gohuu....... Da, Damn, I don't have enough blood"
Joseph carries the Holy Devil Ice Flame Sword on his shoulder and looks around. He lost his right eye and has no left arm. The spear penetrating his belly is dyed red with Joseph's blood. He is just a full-blown wound. Still, his left eye is sharp and his fighting spirit is fierce rather than diminishing.
"Joseph is already in a hopeless situation ! Don't be afraid!"
"You come"
Joseph heads for Percival who motivates the soldiers with rough words――
"Finish off――tsk"
Joseph almost instinctively jumps out of the spot, even though he doesn't feel the killing intent. But faster than that, a thread of light entwined Joseph's right arm and leg, pierced his body and tied him to the ground.
"Ooo! Thank you, Saintess...dono, for the assistance!!"
Percival tries to hit Joseph, who can't move, but is blocked by a barrier. Percival´s magic sword Aroundight, which was said to slash everything, was repelled at the barrier.
"What are you thinking! Saintess, explain!"
"What are you...going to do to my Joseph? You want to be killed? And put the strongest two letters in front of the saintess"
When she moves to the side of Joseph in a floating, shining egg-shaped barrier, Theodora cancels the barrier and appears.
"What are you thinking!"
"You´re noisy. Don't look at me with those disgusting eyes. I'm tainted by your eyes. That's why I hate lolicons"
Stephan and Cesar give up on Percival, who isn't convincing.
"Percival-dono, should we join as soon as possible now?"
It is not the intention not to stick a stop to Joseph here, but now that there is more priority to do, Percival and his friends take the soldiers to Galahad´s group who are fighting Yuu.
"What are you going to do, Theo?"
"It's been a while, hu......huhuu. You know it was me"
"I understand, but you´re still the same as in the past"
Theodora's appearance hasn't changed at all since Joseph last broke up.
"You shouldn't move too much. Even if Joseph dies. Leave it to me and be quiet"
"You misjudged. I don't want you to help me in this kind of shit"
"I wouldn't be involved in such a sneaky act"
"What are you talking about? In fact, you are――"
While checking Joseph's wounds, Theodora murmured, 「It's the worst that a large adult wants to hit a child」.
"You're not doing any strange medicine, are you?"
Joseph was trying to release Theodora's restraint from earlier, but his body didn't move at all.
"What has Joseph been saying since a while ago? I, I? It's strange. Anyway, don't move, the wounds can only heal at a minimum now, but I'll cure them perfectly later"
It was reported quickly to Barash where the command of the army was held that Theodora had detained Joseph.
"What is Theodora thinking about! Using the restraint magic for the Demon King for Joseph!!"
The young servant reveals his emotions. That would be unavoidable. Theodora left her place on her own and used the magic she had prepared to restrain Yuu for Joseph.
"No, it's not a bad decision"
"But Barash-sama"
"I don't think that we'll be able to carry it according to the strategy from the beginning. I should have prepared for restraint magic separately, wondering if this might happen"
"That restraint magic takes too long to activate, even with the magic of a thousand rearguard magicians. I don't think the Demon King will be quiet"
"Joseph is useful there"
"Joseph? What does that mean?"
"I understand now. We're heading to the Demon King"
Without knowing the meaning of the words Barash said, the main team begins to move.
"Well. Demon King, as expected tenacious"
Galahad holds his sword while breathing roughly. He couldn't expect the support of recovery magic and enchant magic from the holy thread and when he looked around, many soldiers couldn't heal their wounds and died. On the other hand, Yuu wasnt unharmed. Percival´s group who had been devoted to Joseph's response joined. Negative enchant magic was concentrated on Yuu again and the cooperation of 『Three Swords』 was revived, so many hand injuries were inflicted.
"Open the front"
Barash appears among the soldiers surrounding Yuu. At that moment, Yuu activates about 100 rank 4 black magic 『Steel Bullet』, but the heavy cavalry guarding Barash prevents it with their shields.
"Hmm, hmm, hmm. The Demon King still looks fine. But, it's been so rampant. Will you be captured soon?"
Galahad and his friends were surprised at Barash who appeared on the front line. As you can see, Yuu still has plenty of spare capacity and is not the one to respond to persuasion. Barash should understand that.
"Complaint? Who――"
When Barash raises his right arm, a corner of the siege opens. Beyond the opening, there was a further distance in the dark night, but with Yuu's eyesight, he could see Joseph being restrained.
"Hou......I see, I see"
Barash smiles deeply when he sees Yuu's complexion. Coupled with the wrinkles of the old Barash, the smile looked deep and ugly. After Joseph appeared, Barash did not overlook the slight emotional fluctuations that Yuu showed. It is a pretense to care about Joseph who is far away while fighting and the moment when there is support from Joseph.
"Demon King, as you can see. Joseph's life is in my hands"
Yuu glares at Barash, holding a sword in his hands.
"Did you feel like stopping your useless resistance?"
Galahad and the others couldn't understand Barash's idea that the Demon King couldn't give in to such a threat.
"Regrettable. Then――"
When Barash tried to swing his right arm up――
"Uhh? Did you say something now?"
"I told you to stop. Don't touch him"
Barash smiled at the words. People other than Barash are uniformly unbelievable. However, Yuu himself was more surprised at what he said than anyone else here. Yuu throws his weapon away, cancels his 『Combat』 and becomes completely non-resistive.
Along with the command of Barash, the rank 11 holy magic 『Criminal Crucifixion - Gol Go Davis』, which can be used by as many as a thousand rearguards, will be activated from Yuu's feet. The golden crucifixion is slowly built and begins to appear. No matter how powerful the restraint magic is, it would normally be impossible to restrain a moving opponent. However, the story is different if the other party doesn't move. The golden ivy tied the non-resisting Yuu's limbs and the stakes that popped out of the crucifixion pierced Yuu's palms and ankles.
Suddenly, one of the soldiers hit Yuu who couldn't move.
"How dare, How dare you! You killed my companions!!"
Then another soldier hits Yuu's face. The opponent who despised the god he worshiped, killed his friends and thousands of his comrades, the heretic, the demon king and the enemy of god is restrained and cannot resist. Even so, those who worship the goddess of light, Irigamit, especially the Holy Country Jardalk are here. Those who were willing to live for the holy war turned into mobs. At first, there were only a few, but at once thousands of soldiers began to violence against the non-resisting Yuu.
"What are you doing? Stop it right away!"
This is a situation that Barash didn't anticipate. Immediately, his young servant and officers go to the mob soldiers and stop them, but thousands of angry voices drown out their voices.
"Reject! Let me through!"
Dross appears in front of Yuu, squeezing through the soldiers. Yuu's face, whose all skills were blocked by the effect of 『Criminal Crucifixion - Gol Go Davis』, was swollen by assault, and he had bruises all over his body.
"He, Hehee. It's not good yet"
"Who are you? Ah, the one who was running away from me. I'm sure the nickname was 『Running away』"
Dross' right fist digs into Yuu's flank.
"It's hard to breathe if the ribs are crushed, right? Ah? Say something!"
This time, Dross' left fist digs into the other side of the flank.
"The lowest guys"
Theodora murmured as if to spit out.
"――Sure. I'll kill them. Stop it now"
Joseph with bloody eyes puts all his energy into trying to break his restraint. In his eyes, Yuu is seen being teased.
Dross pierces his fist deep into Yuu´s crushed ribs. Blood splatters from Yuu's mouth each time.
"If you ask me for forgiveness, I'll do something a little"
There is no one around to stop Dross´s assault. Rather, he whispers to do more.
"A wimp like you? I can't laugh even if you're kidding"
Dross, who has a blue streak on his temple, shakes his fist many times. As his teeth crumble and his broken bones break through his skin, Yuu still looks at Dross with despised eyes instead of succumbing.
"Stop those eyes!!"
No matter how much he hurts him, Yuu's eyes won't change. Yuu spits bloody spit on Dross´s frustrated face.
"Y, You bastard....... I guess I said you shouldn't look at me with those eyes!!"
Dross, who wiped his face, put his palm on Yuu's right cheek. He just raised his thumb and hooked it into the eye socket――pushing his thumb in one fell swoop.
"Ahahaaa!! It serves you right!! I made it look the same as Joseph!! "
Yuu's right eye dances in the air and Dross laughs as he tramples the eyeball that has fallen to the ground.
The sound of tearing fibers reaches Theodora's ears. Then she heard the sound of pulling something out.
"Is that the end?"
Dross' anger culminates in the unchanging appearance of Yuu, who looks at him with his left eye.
"Indeed, that's right. Even if you take him back to the Holy Country Jardalk, it's a miserable end to wait for......"
Dross activates 『Combat』 and begins to gather power on his right arm.
"Hahaa. Even if you eat this, it would be great if I could hit your mouth without decreasing it"
From Dross's line of sight, the aim is Yuu's lower abdomen.
"Clench your teeth"
Right now, as he tried to release his fist, a flash of light passed over Dross from behind. The light flash penetrates the upper part of the crucifixion that restrains Yuu, rises as it is and pierces the heavens. The full moon peeped through a huge hole in the clouds, illuminating Yuu with a soft light.
"Jo......Joseph, your spear"
In Theodora's eyes, Joseph can be seen with his spear in his hand. Perhaps because he broke the restraint of the holy thread, Joseph's whole body was torn and his bones were exposed.
"What the hell is that? Joseph has a spear!?"
Barash is dismayed by the situation he feared.
"Wh, What's happening now――gyaaaa!? M......My eyes, my eyesss!!"
Dross rolls around the ground, holding his eyes. Something that jumped out of Yuu's feet instantly grabbed Dross's eyes. Then five or six shadows pop out. Nina's 『Shadow Moving』 caused Russ and others to appear in front of Yuu.
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