Novel Name : To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 303: Misjudge

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Chapter 303: Misjudge

Before Barash and his men were stopped by Namari, a fierce battle ensued between the spear cavalry, who became the shields for the retreating Jardalk Holy Knights and the soldiers who refused the order to retreat and chose to stay behind and engage Yuu and his men.
If you eat even one blow, you will sneak through the desperate magic and Third Sword Saint Corps members will slash at Russ――
――The blade is repelled by the barrier that Russ unfolds.
"Ca, Captain's sword was just repelled"
"How much magic power is he putting into the barrier!"
Astonishing voices and curses on Russ leak out from the soldiers belonging to the Third Sword Saint Corps who were trying to follow their captain's attack. It was no winder. The Third Sword Saint Corps is a corps specializing in dealing with demons――especially impure ones. The magic sword used by the captain who slashed at Russ is not as good as Percival´s magic sword Aroundight, but it is still a masterpiece. In addition, the dark sword technique he used was 『Stealing Demon Datsuma』, a technique that takes away a large amount of MP from the target he slashes. Even with that technique, instead of slashing Russ´s barrier, he couldn't even crack it and was hit by a sword.
"Barrier. If it were not for the barrier, I would be able to destroy the fragile undead with a single blow!"
"At the same time, those who can't use 『Stealing Demon Datsuma』 use『Sucking Demon』. No matter how much magic power the undead is pouring into the barrier, we all at once――what......action!?"
In front of the stunned soldiers, stood Russ, who had dissolved the barrier.
"What's wrong? Not sure what to say. I think you wanted to get rid of my barrier"
The hands of the soldiers holding swords begin to tremble with anger.
"Filthy undead, taunting our Third Sword Saint Corps!!"
"You are an enemy of humanity, a subordinate of the Demon King!"
"Our sword of justice will cut off your filthy soul!!"
The soldiers of the Third Sword Saint Corps were furious that Russ――the undead had insulted them and they lashed out at Russ, but Russ's shoulders were rising and falling slightly.
"What's so funny!!"
One of the soldiers rushes in with anger. Still, he is a fierce warrior of the Third Sword Saint Corps. There was no waste in the movement to attack Russ and the wielding sword was a sharp and heavy blow.
"What the hell is this!?"
The sword swung down at Russ's head was entwined in darkness. The true identity of darkness is rank 7 dark magic『Dark Vestment Darvest』. Darkness clings not only to the sword but also to the man's body and robs him of his freedom.
"What's funny? You guys are maggots――no, maggots have a role to clean up the carcass, so it can be said that they are still better than you. You who are inferior to maggots talk about justice. How can I not laugh at this"
Russ's orbit, which glows red, looks into the eyes of the man who has been deprived of his physical freedom by the darkness. That alone deprives the whole body of power――life snatched away. The man who has dried up in ten seconds is thrown to the ground.
"You call me a filthy undead? A filthy soul? Yes, that's right. I've been behaving abominably for over 1,300 years just to take revenge on you"
The magic power released from Russ´s whole body takes heat from the soldiers of the Third Sword Saint Corps, as if it were pressed against the body even with ice.
"1, 1,300 years......or more? Isn't it from the beginning of the holy calendar!?"
"I can't believe it......"
"Foolish! Don't believe the undead´s words......cough"
A stab from behind him pierces one of the soldiers with a sword in his abdomen.
"W, What are you doing......? Guhaa....... You are......dead......should have died......!?"
There was a member of the Third Sword Saint Corps, a former companion and colleague. However, it is an undead that has become a living corpse by Russ´s undead magic.
"Now, what are you doing? If you don't get rid of it quickly, will the number only increase?"
The Holy Knights have already withdrawn. They cannot expect the support of the rank 2 holy magic 『Pure Fire』 by the rearguard, as it was when Yuu was besieged. The bodies buried by Russ's hands stand up one after another and attack the Third Sword Saint Corps.
"What a failure......"
One of 『Three Swords』, Galahad, the leader of the First Sword Saint Corps, ran through the forest with a disappointed look on his face. Originally, the number of 200 soldiers had already been reduced to about 40.
"Are you running away now?"
Yuu stands in Galahad´s way.
"Demon King!"
Marifa and Kuro, who are behind Yuu, react slightly to Galahad´s murder intent, but if they can't get in the way of Yuu, they endure the urge to kill Galahad.
"You guys slacking off is why I'm fully recovered"
Despite all that damage and hundreds of negative enchant magic, Yuu's wounds were completely healed and the negative enchant magic was lifted.
"Even so, what are you going to do now? Look around. If you're lightly 10,000, if you're not good at it, 20,000 people will be dead? How are you going to explain running back to Jardalk after such a poor performance?"
He wasn't bluffing. Lena didn't chase after the retreating Holy Knights, but Nina and Russ weren't too sweet. They mercilessly cut from the last row, as if to scatter from the tail. As the number of victims increases, the number of Russ's hand pieces increases. The superiority of numbers was already reversed.
"Shut up!!"
"Or do you cry at a useless shit-like god called Irigamit? Please take a lie because you were bullied by the Demon King''
Kuro smiles silently at the irreverent attitude of Yuu, who doesn't consider God as a god. In contrast, Marifa has icy eyes and glares at Galahad´s group.
"It's not easy to capture you after all. We should have destroyed you from the start!"
When Galahad pulls the Holy Sword Durandal from his waist, the First Sword Saints Corps follows suit.
"You don't have to worry about returning to Jardalk safely. You're all going to die here"
"Screw you!!"
Galahad slashes at Yuu with a single jump. Yuu, on the other hand, crosses the two big swords and accepts it.
No matter how much Galahad puts his power into the sword, the holy sword Durandal doesn't move as if it were fixed.
While pulling the sword, Galahad swings his sword sideways in a flash, but Yuu easily catches the sword with the black dragon light in his left hand.
(Take it with one hand)
In the sight of Galahad, who unfolds the swashbuckler with Yuu, his subordinates are seen being defeated by Marifa and Kuro.
(Stupid. It's not just the goblin, but also the dark elf lass that is lagging behind! It's because of the Pixie's support)
Momo is preventing all attacks on Marifa and Kuro. They could defeat the soldiers of the First Sword Saint Corps in a funny way just by focusing on the attack.
Galahad, who is nicknamed one of 『Three Swords』 and is said to have no one on par in the Holy Country Jardalk if he has the arm of a sword, is out of breath and takes a big breath. He is physically and mentally exhausted by the pressure he receives from Yuu, who is twice as young as himself. Right now, there is no support from the surroundings and Yuu is not under the influence of negative magic. Although he knew that there was no way that they would be the same strength, Galahad knew that he had no chance of winning.
(I´m so tired with this level of sword fighting!? And the pressure I receive from the Demon King is increasing. Now――no way! Am I under 『Intimidation』?)
"You think you're stronger than me with just a sword, right?"
Galahad shouts inwardly, 「Yes」. Galahad decided that he couldn't beat Yuu, assuming that Yuu would attack while using various skills and magic. If it is only a sword, he smiles fearlessly that he has a chance to win.
"What would you do? Will you use magic from now on?"
It was an obvious provocation. Galahad's smile deepens when he sees Yuu holding two big swords.
"There is no one who can match my sword!!"
Galahad activates the battle technique LV8 『Fukai』 with vigor. Starting with that, he continues to activate 『Clearing one's mind of all mundane thoughts』, 『Oni Possession』, 『Foresight』 and 『Standing Battlefield』.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, I'm ready to destroy you"
Yuu and Galahad move forward. The moment they enter each other's killing area, a fierce sword fight begins. Yuu wields a sword while interweaving 『Sword Technique』 and 『Dark Sword Technique』. On the other hand, Galahad opposes with 『Sword Technique』 and 『Holy Sword Technique』. In just a few minutes, they unleash hundreds of swords from each other. Galahad is a few steps higher than Yuu if it is only sword skill, but the current level of Yuu is higher than that of Galahad. As a result, the status of Galahad was lowered due to the effect of Yuu's passive skill 『Intimidation』.
(Nuuu. Is this a disadvantage if it is prolonged?)
Gradually, the wounds on Galahad's body increase. It's the same with Yuu, but Yuu's wounds are closed in the blink of an eye by the passive skill 『High-speed Regeneration』.
(It's a blow. You can't destroy the Demon King with a half-hearted attack!)
Galahad waits for an opportunity while handling Yuu's sword. When he is guided and felt, no matter how much his body is injured, wait for that time.
"Not yet~!!"
Galahad avoids Yuu's sword, which is unlikely to have been released as a boy, with the sword technique LV1 『Shunkan』. Yuu´s attack, who has a big sword in each hand, cannot be handled unless Galahad, who holds the sword with both hands, uses sword skills. There is such a difference in simple strength between the two.
And finally, that time will come. Marifa and Kuro can be seen on the extension of the line connecting Galahad and Yuu. Of course, there are Galahad's subordinates who are engaged with Marifa and Kuro, but the Demon King――some sacrifice is unavoidable to destroy Yuu.
The two sides were engaged in a paper-thin battle, but Galahad made a move to break the antagonism. He stepped further and began to swing his sword. The scars on the body are larger and deeper, but the power of the sword that hits Yuu increases. If you think of it as a brute force attack, Galahad's sword, which is tossed with slow and fast movements, was reminiscent of the constant practice of a talented person.
"Hou. You're still following me!!"
As Galahad continued his onslaught without regard for his own safety, Yuu swung his sword without taking a step back. The more the sword fight continued, the more wounds Galahad suffered, but he did not let up his attack. Galahad releases the sword technique LV6 『Blossom Riot Sword Dance - Shouran Kenbu』, while dyeing the whole body bright red with the flowing blood. As the name suggests, it is a sword technique that launches a turbulent sword attack, but if the current Galahad, which does not consider defense at all, is launched, its power is unimaginable.
Yuu, who can no longer handle it with his sword, clicks his tongue and moves away. However, Galahad was also at a distance. Yuu is wary of the actions of this Galahad that should have won. To show that, a fierce fighting spirit rose from the whole body of Galahad.
"You cannot dodge my sword in that place"
Marifa and Kuro overlapped on the extension line connecting the two. From the exchange between Yuu and Joseph, Galahad speculated that Yuu was not a person who didn't think that he was informed and that he was not a heartless person. He will not forgive his enemies, but at least he is sympathetic to his subordinates. By the time Yuu noticed Marifa and Kuro fighting behind him, Galahad had already activated his technique. He thrusts the tip of the holy sword Durandal, which has gathered holy fighting spirit into the ground and pulls out his sword while running. The holy sword technique LV9 『Ground Rift Holy Light Bisection - Valley Hol Ray』 was released while slashing the earth and a huge blade of light attacks Yuu. As Galahad aimed, Yuu's reaction was slightly delayed, distracted by his subordinates behind him.
"Forgive me, this is also peaceful――"
He apologized to his men who had sacrificed themselves to defeat Yuu. Debris hit Galahad's head and shoulders, mixing with the dust that fell like snow.
"――Wait, why is the dust mixed with rubble? And this fog......whole place"
When something goes wrong, Galahad squints at the dirt smoke that covers his sight in front of him. 『Ground Rift Holy Light Bisection - Valley Hol Ray』 is a straight line, but it is a holy sword technique that turns everything into dust over a wide area. The sense of incongruity that dust is mixed with rubble turns into conviction. When the smoke began to clear, a wall that could be mistaken for a castle wall was standing in front of Galahad through the gap. Perhaps it was a wound made by 『Ground Rift Holy Light Bisection - Valley Hol Ray』. A large crack was carved in a stone wall about 1 meter thick. The crack carved deep scratches into the steel wall hidden behind the stone wall.
"Up there!"
Galahad wields his sword toward heaven the moment a shadow casts on his face. Yuu's black dragon sword, Wet Crow and Galahad's holy sword, Durandal, slash while scattering high metallic sounds and sparks. At the same time as Yuu sets foot on the ground, he swings the black dragon sword Light in his left hand sideways. He approaches Galahad's abdomen, sprinkling black flames from his blade. Galahad jumps back and evades the big sword, but he doesn't evade completely. Blood spouts through the gaps in the torn armor. Galahad tries to hold the wound with his hands, but the black flames that cling to his wounds burn as if ridiculing it.
"Th, That's......"
Galahad kneels on the ground. In the battle with Yuu, he was completely wounded and he continued to use high-level battle techniques, sword skills and even holy sword skills. The exhaustion was extraordinary. At the moment when Galahad was convinced of victory and released 『Ground Rift Holy Light Bisection - Valley Hol Ray』, Yuu developed the rank 5 black magic 『Iron Wall』 and cover and strengthen it with the rank 3 black magic 『Stone Wall』. Furthermore, he saw the nature of his technique as light and diffused it with the rank 1 black magic 『Water Mist』.
"Cough......this, this kind of wound......"
It was Galahad who stood up, but noticed that there was a gap between his thoughts and body movements.
"This You!"
"Don't really take what the enemy says"
Galahad determines that the abnormal condition occurring in his body is due to space-time magic, but in reality it is not. In one-on-one battles, Yuu uses two types of delays: the delay caused by space-time magic and the curse 『Delay』 given to the black dragon sword Wet Crow. When he swung down the black dragon sword, Wet Crow, he was slamming a curse into Galahad.
"Hu, Huhahaa. I can't believe I'm being this stupid! Justice, cough......justice evil"
Galahad shouts when he realizes his death. Was the grudge's voice against Yuu, or was it against Irigamit he believed in?
"It's just you now"
Marifa and Kuro who have cleared up the First Sword Saint Corps refrain from behind Yuu.
"What's wrong? Not sure what to do. You're not going to stop me? Or are you going to take away my sword power?"
"Did you see with 『Analysis』? No. Who told you that?"
When Yuu came to the Bueruko basin to meet Roy, he wasn't wearing all of his armor. Among them is the Mirage ring that displays a false status for 『Analysis』. Furthermore, Yuu himself didn't wear a barrier. Therefore, it is speculated that the Holy Knights of Jardalk learned in 『Analysis』 that Yuu possessed the unique skill 『Pillage』. However, Yuu doesn't immediately see it in 『Analysis』 from Galahad's reaction, but decides that he knew it from the beginning. As if to affirm it, Galahad smiled ugly.
"Wahahaa! If you want to know, you'll have to follow me to the other side!!"
Holding his holy sword Durandal in the wrong hand, Galahad pierces his chest.
"Ga, Gahuu....... Yo......Your hand......die......!!"
The holy sword technique LV6 『Holy Fire Burst Formation』 is a technique that shoots a holy flame around itself in a circle, but Galahad activated it by involving himself. The detonation burned Galahad's body to the bones, leaving only the holy sword Durandal, who lost his Lord.
"He burned up his entire spirit"
Even if they don't have a physical body, Yuu can make them undead with undead magic if they have a spiritual body. However, even the spiritual body died without leaving Galahad. When Yuu picked up the Holy Sword Durandal with a disappointing face, he left the place.
"That's enough!
"It's not good yet. Uhuhu, I'm grateful that I'll check for other bad things"
Theodora smiles sloppily while touching Joseph's body. From her appearance, it seems unlikely that she is very revered as the『Three Saintess』 in Jardalk.
"Get away from Joseph!"
A sword flash fired at the same time as the voice divides Joseph and Theodora.
"Oh, if I think who it is, it's a poor elf. You're still stalking my Joseph, aren't you?"
"W, Wh, Who is a late poor elf!"
Claudia´s face turns bright red and gets angry. Next to that, Lara couldn't stand it and laughed. Both of them are full of wounds. 『Three Swords』 Lamorak and Percival were the opponents who struggled with both 『Sword Dancer』and 『Cursed Sword Princess』.
"Besides Joseph is m, my, my fiance!"
"That's not the case. Claudia is just saying it. Joseph will marry me"
Hearing the words of Claudia and Lara, Theodora doesn't lose her composure.
"You're still alive, aren't you?"
"So are you"
Theodora and Lara stare at each other in a meaningful way. Theodora, who has a 『Holy Blessing』 and Lara, who has a 『Devil Blessing』, have been acquainted with each other when they were kidnapped by the Walpurgis sect and during the Third Holy Devil War.
"It's okay. I'm going to take this opportunity to say this as Joseph's rightful wife. Just give up on Joseph and stop following him around"
"Hey, who's the rightful wife?"
It seems that Joseph's words have not reached the ears of Theodora and the others and the three glared at each other as if they were looking at each other. When all three tried to reach for something at the same time――a metallic sound echoed.
"Why are you interfering?"
Nina, who had been interrupted in her attack on Theodora, asked Joseph who had interfered. Surprisingly, only Joseph noticed Nina's attack, while Claudia, Lara, and even Theodora, who was attacked, didn't notice Nina's approach.
"That, that's a Jardalk, isn't it?"
"Ah, yes. I know what you're going to say, but I have some questions I want to ask Theo, so wait"
Without listening to Joseph's restraint, Nina raised her dagger. However, the movement stops perfectly.
Beyond Nina's line of sight was Marifa with Momo and Kuro and Yuu with Russ and Lena. Nina lifts her stance and stares at Yuu with an embarrassed face. Yuu, on the other hand, clicks his tongue as soon as he sees the spirit sword Liama ​​Core and the magic sword Aroundight in the hands of Claudia and Lara. From Yuu's point of view, he feels like the weapons he was aiming for have been stolen by them. But that's not the case now.
"Joseph, you"
"Yuu, I understand what you mean, but wait. This guy looks a little weird"
Yuu looks sternly at Joseph, who points to Theodora with his thumb.
"Ah? What are you saying that I don't understand? I'm not going to be fooled by that"
Joseph leaks a dumb voice.
"That guy, besides you two"
Yuu points to Theodora and then looks at Claudia and Lara. If they looked closely, they would have noticed that Yuu's hand was shaking slightly as he pointed. He was upset. Even though he was surrounded by 50,000 people of Jardalk´s Holy Knights, you couldn't believe that Yuu didn't falter.
"F......First wife you said. The elf there was your fiancé and you were planning to get married"
Yuu glares at Joseph, as if he were betrayed by what he believed in, as if he were looking at a dirty thing.
"Its different"
"What's different?"
Joseph wondered how he could explain it. He is not a man of many words. He was trying to think of a way to convince Yuu, who was looking at him with suspicion.
"That's terrible! You were just playing with me!"
Suddenly, Claudia deliberately sent a glance to Joseph, crying. Her eyes were urging him to choose herself.
"That's a lie. Joseph marries me"
Lara appears in front of Claudia and declares. When Theodora moves to the side of Joseph, laughing at it with a snort.
"I'm Joseph's wife, right? Now you two, admit defeat and leave"
As if to provoke Claudia and Lara, Theodora wrapped her arm around Joseph's arm. Immediately, a dispute a little further away from the protesting Claudia, but Joseph is far from it.
"These people are not like that"
It was too late for Joseph to realize that he had misspoken.
Was it a game?
"No. Believe me"
"I'm disappointed in you. That's enough. Russ, I want you to retrieve the Jardalk's equipment. And the corpses, too"
To Yuu, who is clearly angry, Russ just bows without saying anything. Lena and the others read the air and say nothing.
"Yuu, wait"
It's like a man clinging to a rejected woman.
"Shut up. I'm disappointed in you"
Suddenly Yuu stops.
"Isn't Namari here?"
"No, that can't be......"
It was at the same time that Yuu synchronized his sight with Namari by Russ's words. The northwestern sky was illuminated like noon.
"Russ, Lena!"
Yuu creates a barrier for everyone. Russ and others also develop a barrier late. Immediately after, a blast attacks Yuu and others. The aftermath of the 『Scorched Earth』 released by the great sage reached Yuu and his friends. Its power was tremendous, more than 60% of the Bueruko basin disappeared and the remaining 40% had no prototype left as if it had been stirred by hand.
"Damn. You've got to be kidding me"
Ignoring Joseph, Yuu looks around. All the armor and bodies of the Holy Knights of Jardalk, who were about to be recovered later, had disappeared.
"Hey! I was the only one with a weak barrier!"
Joseph, whose hair has become fluffy due to the blast and heat, protests to Yuu.
"Joseph, what's with that hair?"
Claudia laughs in a stunned voice and Lara laughs at Joseph, who is too stupid. Protected by a golden egg, Theodora anxiously floats around Joseph.
"Russ, I'm going to pick up Namari, so look for any armor left"
When Yuu says so, he creates a gate with space-time magic without hearing Russ's reply. When he went down the gate as it was, he pushed back Nina and the others who were trying to follow him and closed the gate.
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