Novel Name : To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 260: Medal Ceremony Part 2

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Chapter 260: Medal Ceremony Part 2

TDADP chapter 260: Medal Ceremony Part 2
Balue kneeling in front of Udon´s King, who sits on the throne, made his body tense like a frog stared at by a snake.
"Yo, Your Majesty, I would like to express my deepest sympathy for this situation, but please be assured that this Balue will take responsibility for that person and Yuu Satou back on the right path――"
Balue arranges words as an excuse for Udon´s King, who has a distinctly different atmosphere than usual. The aristocrats around him also begin to notice something is wrong.
"Do you understand my feelings?"
With his hand on his chin, Udon´s King looks into Balue's eyes.
"The Nox family has been in Udon Kingdom for generations――no, it is a clan that has served the royal family. I am proud that my loyalty to the royal family is unmatched among many aristocrats. That's why I understand Your Majesty's feelings now. More than that, on a day like this......if only I had moved faster......I wouldn't have let this happen. Please see. These charges of crimes''
As if to emphasize how Yuu is a great sinner, Balue shows Udon´s King a document taken from his pocket item pouch. These were charges that Balue had forged in advance to trap Yuu and the document was marked with a seal formally stated in writing by the House of Lords, who was in charge of the law.
"Things made by Finance Minister Balue......"
The heart of Balue jumps up to Udon King´s words. The document prepared by Balue was made by threatening the clerk in charge of the House of Lords.
(No way......did he confess!? It shouldn't be. He should know what his life would be if he did it like that)
"It's a pretty elaborate document. Ah, I'm talking to the House of Lords. I wonder if it was Lutger-kun, the document officer. After a little play and chatting, he immediately told me that he was being threatened by Finance Minister Balue, but for some reason he committed suicide during the game"
"Do you say that I forged these sins? The sins committed by Yuu Satou are true! In fact, the head of Tencassi´s Adventurer´ss Guild over there, Carl Heinz, and Morpheus, the head of Comer´s Adventurer's Guild, are also admitting that he is evading the money he should pay for the Adventurer's Guild!!"
"Is that so?"
With his attention to Balue and a question from Udon´s King, Karl Heinz created an atmosphere that seemed to be somewhere fun.
"Your Majesty. This Karl Heinz, I've never heard of such a story"
"Same for me"
Balue glared at Morpheus who knelt down and answered so with unbelievable eyes.
"Y, You! What are you talking about!! As I said in my mansion, Yuu Satou is fraudulently profiting from tax evasion!!"
"What are you talking about? Apparently, Finance Minister Balue is excited and incoherent. A Rank......About Yuu Satou, an adventurer, as the aristocrats who sit here know, high-ranking adventurers are given various preferential treatment for rights and taxes that are unthinkable to the common people. Among them, taxes are allowed in the first place from A rank. However, most adventurers above the A rank do not use the out-of-the-way tax amount, but Morpheus"
"Yuu Satou exercises the rights of A-rank adventurers and has already paid taxes to the Adventurer's Guild using tax prepayment. No tax evasion"
Following Karl Heinz, Morpheus provides a supplementary explanation.
"Wait......wait! I haven't heard that story!?"
Pointing at Morpheus, Balue asked while yelling.
"The adventurer's personal information is protected by a pact between the Ream Allied Nations and the Adventurer's Guild. Therefore, even though the other party is the Finance Minister of one country, I am the head of all Adventurer's Guilds, so why shall I leak an adventurer's personal information? "
"Fugii......! In the first place, Yuu Satou is a B-rank adventurer!!"
"Just because the A-rank guild card wasn't created in time, Yuu Satou is a decent A-rank adventurer. That's guaranteed by me and Morpheus, the head of Comer City´s Adventurer's Guild."
Balue that makes a blue line on the temple is an expression that is about to hit Morpheus and others, but remembering that this is in front of the king during the audience of the royal castle, he forcibly suppresses the rough feelings.
"Finance Minister Balue, you didn't seem to be able to successfully root into the Adventurer's Guild"
"What are you talking about? Your Majesty!? Prime Minister, it seems that His Majesty is upset by so many events. Could you leave this place to me and take His Majesty to the Royal Palace as soon as possible? Come on, fast. What are you doing!"
"It's not the same as usual"
Balue whispers 「What a stupid thing!」 to Prime Minister Balls, who looks cold.
"That shouldn't be the case. In fact, His Majesty, who is usually quiet, is not so talkative"
"So His Majesty is usually talkative"
Slowly Balue moves his gaze from Balls to Udon´s King. There was Udon´s King smiling in the same way as usual. However, the impression he got from that figure was very different. A foolish man who was silent, always smiling and nodded at all――it must have been Udon King's Clemens Claus Ning Barchet. Therefore――――
"Ah......ah......Yo, Your Majesty"
Udon´s King put his index finger on his mouth, asking Balue who was trying to say something, to stay away from him.
"Don't look like that. I'm sad too. Think about it, when you try to harvest a crop that you've been looking forward to growing over time, you'll be scratched from the side. I'm looking forward to it. I was trying to play with a toy, but it was as if the toy had already been destroyed. I feel like I want to raise my voice and cry with such sadness. In reality, before this happened, it was faster. If it were true, I should have been playing with you earlier before this happened. Count Wyatt got in the way of it. Despite my half-belief, you questioned Count Wyatt's rebellion and realized my existence, so far. As a result, it began to move more deeply than ever before, but the expansion of power slowed down. Without it, I would have been a good time-killing partner by now, but I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. It is only negative from the point of view of the entire Ream continent, but since the sacrifice of the people who live in the Udon Kingdom has decreased, it will be as Count Wyatt thought. He'll be laughing loudly in the after-life by now"
Like a fish begging for food in a cage, Balue tries to say something with a crisp mouth, but the words don't seem to come out well. Udon´s King stands up from the throne as if he lost interest in Balue.
"I want to introduce my friend"
Yuu's face is unpleasantly distorted by the words. The aristocrats, like Udon´s King, had not yet swallowed the situation and couldn't keep up with their heads.
"It's Yuu Satou who's there. My friend, King of the Nameless Kingdom and an ally on an equal footing with the Udon Kingdom. I would like to apologize to those here for the delay in the in"
An ally equal to the Udon Kingdom and the king of that country. The faces of the aristocrats who were swearing at Yuu before were turning pale. Morpheus, who also didn't know that Yuu was the king of a country and even had an alliance with the Udon Kingdom, couldn't hide his surprise.
"I......Your Majesty, I haven't heard anything like that!!"
As if Marquis Fechi squeezed out his voice, he asked Udon´s King.
"That's right. I haven't consulted. Or what? I have to ask Finance Minister Balue and Marquis Fechi every time I do something"
"Th, That's......! However, it's only your Majesty who can decide on such serious politics that influences the operation of the nation......!!"
"You apologized for being late to inform me. It has been more difficult than that"
Like others, Udon´s King speaks to Balls.
"I don't know, but to say something like that to the king of a country that has an equal alliance with the Udon Kingdom......what kind of crime would be charged in such a case, Balls-kun"
"If you don't know it, you won't be able to do it. If not a crime of death, you'll be demoted at best. I think that the rank below the Count is deprived and the Marquis is appropriate to be demoted to Baron"
The aristocrats scream at the words of the ruthless Prime Minister Balls.
"This kind of tyranny cannot be tolerated!!"
"That's right! My family isn't silent!"
"Your Majesty, please be merciful!"
「What are you going to do when you ask me for mercy?」 said Udon´s King, looking at Yuu and shaking his head as if to say that he was in trouble.
"Oh yeah. I met King Nameless because he was looking for something. Apparently he knew it was in the Udon Kingdom. Help me to find it. I was asked by King Nameless to help him"
Balue pressed his hand against his chest, holding down the item pouch in his pocket.
"Do you know anything, Finance Minister Balue?"
"It's best to ask you about the Udon Kingdom. Oh, don't be surprised to hear that. It's a timeless item pouch. It's a national treasure of the Nameless Kingdom and it was stolen within the territory of the Udon Kingdom. Doesn't it seem natural for allies to cooperate?"
"Oh......I think"
"Let's ask again. Do you know anything about the timeless item pouch?"
Balue, who quivered his body and turned deep pale, turned his face as if begging Yuu.
"It's okay to have a farce. The timeless item pouch has some features to prevent theft. Didn't your idiot alchemist notice it?"
When Yuu stretches his right arm toward Balue, he puts his magic power into it. Then, Value's chest began to glow pale.
"What!? It's different!! This is some kind of mistake!!"
"Get out without messing up"
Yuu screams at Balue of shouting his innocence to the people around him. With trembling hands, Balue takes out the item pouch with fish embroidery from his chest.
"Th......This is what I got from somewhere, but surely this is a timeless item pouch! Who can prove that it is something of the Nameless King?"
Over this period, Balue makes an unsightly excuse.
"Turn it over. I'm telling you to turn the item pouch over"
"Haa? Who are you talking to――guu"
He couldn't spin the words until the end. Now that he know that Yuu is an equal ally of the Udon Kingdom, Balue is in a position where he has to pay close attention to his language.
(Stupid! Embroidery with your name on it, etc......)
When he turns over the item pouch, Balue is terrified.
"Gyaa!? That shouldn't be the case! I pulled out the embroidery!! Hagaa!? No, right now, it just came out!"
The item pouch turned inside out was labeled as Yuu Satou with a pale light. While spitting, Balue appeals in a desperate manner, but no one can help him. Even Francois couldn't move, though he couldn't help but feel upset in this situation where he couldn't do anything about it.
"I was surprised that the national treasure that King Nameless was looking for was stolen by a nobleman in my country, who also held the post of Finance Minister, who is also responsible for the country"
King Udon pulls out a stack of paper, saying words that are almost unemotional, such as bar reading. The bundle of paper was given by Yuu yesterday.
"That's not the end of the story. It seems that King Nameless found the wrongdoers in the Udon Kingdom when he was looking for the timeless item pouch. Many aristocrats were involved in this document. Evidence of the crimes and where they are based are provided and unfortunately all the aristocrats here seem to be deeply involved in these crimes. According to this, Marquis Fechi, you seem to like the powder made by boiling plants very much. Does Viscount Sospiro prefer younger children of other races?"
"Your Majesty! Don't be fooled by such adultery!"
"That's right !! This must be a plot for the Nameless Kingdom to fall into the Udon Kingdom!!"
"Which one can be trusted, the one who has served the Udon Kingdom for many years or the one who doesn't know which horse bone there?"
Far from being a nobleman, every aristocrat desperately appeals to King Udon, because they lose everything.
"Bring him here"
"Haa! Immediately"
At the command of King Udon, one of the guards brings a person from behind the throne.
"Pe......Peterlit!? What are you doing here!!"
Balue opens his eyes to the appearance of Peterlit, who is under his control.
"Peterlit, is there any false part in the document given by King Nameless?"
"No! Your Majesty, all the wrongdoing described in that document is true!! In the name of Peterlit Morderon Pasle, who pledges allegiance to the Udon Kingdom, I will accuse the sins of the aristocrats here!"
"What do you say!"
"The fourth son who doesn't have a title!!"
"What are the soldiers doing! Shut up that man soon!"
Peterlit didn't speak out when he was cursed by the aristocrats. However, he looked at Yuu's complexion to be frightened.
"Your Majesty, as you can see, the place is very confusing. I would like to suggest that you should check the truth of the matter again"
To the words of Marquis Fechi, the aristocrats scream, 「That's good!」.
"That's not the case. I don't think you're committing a crime like the one described here, which has served the Udon Kingdom for many years"
"Ooo....... As expected, Your Majesty――"
"So Grifred and Param will be leading the soldiers and by this time stepping into the hundreds of bases and mansions in your territory mentioned in this document. Rest assured, I believe in you. I'm sure this investigation will end in vain"
The faces of the aristocrats who found hope were instantly dyed in the color of despair.
"I, I remembered an urgent business, so I'm sorry for this!"
"So, Viscount Sospiro, are you going to run away by yourself?"
"What are you talking about!"
With a pale face, Viscount Sospiro walks fast to the exit between the audience.
"Don't retreat!"
In front of the door, 『Beheading』 Gareth, stood to block. Gareth stands ignoring, as if Viscount Sospiro's words had not been heard. When Viscount Sospiro, who had boiled down his business, tried to push Gareth away by force――
Gareth didn't hesitate to decapitate Viscount Sospiro. His head rolled to the floor, leaking a stupid voice.
"Your Majesty has not given permission to leave. There are rude people"
Once Gareth shook the battle axe of Demon Gorla Va, who did not even have a drop of blood even though he beheaded someone and the wind that the war caught reached Balue´s cheek. The aristocrats are stunned when they don't understand that Gareth, the escort of Balue, has beheaded Viscount Sospiro of Balue´s faction. Balue who has been involved in all kinds of wrongdoing and has continued to use people quickly realizes that.
"Since when"
"When did you start?"
"Don't play dumb! When did you betray me!!"
Balue, who had been absent-minded earlier, was angry at the appearance of a traitor following Peterlit.
"This is different. My loyalty is dedicated to His Majesty. It's bad to hear people betraying it
"Wh, Who do you think saved your village and the poor rural village!!"
"Rural village? Ah......I wonder if that's what it is"
Gareth, who was angry at Balue´s words, grinned as if he had finally remembered it. Only with that expression, Balue realized everything.
"Wa......Was it a lie?"
"I was worried in a hurry, but I'm relieved that I was fooling Finance Minister Balue"
King Udon answered the question of Balue on behalf of Gareth.
"Now, there should be enough masquerading. Take them with you"
"Oh yeah, except for Finance Minister Balue"
To the words of King Udon, the Imperial Guards and others take control of the aristocrats. In the royal castle, even aristocrats are not allowed to wear weapons without permission. There was a nobleman who tried to counter the imperial guards with swords and spears by magic.
"Your Majesty has ordered us to kill when someone resists"
One of the imperial guards mercilessly pierced Baron Doutowam's thigh, trying to activate magic. Seeing the scene, there are no aristocrats who resist.
"Yo, Your Majesty! Forgive me! Mercy!"
As the faction's aristocrats were taken away, Morpheus and officials forced the general soldiers out in the middle. For some reason King Udon ordered only one of the officials, François, to remain there. Currently, Balue left during the audience is kneeling towards King Udon and rubbing his head against the floor. Yuu standing next to him looked down as if he was ridiculing Balue.
"Thank you for your mercy, considering the achievements of the Nox family who have devoted themselves to the founding of the Udon Kingdom!!"
"Huhuhuu. I don't want to be told"
With his head down, Balue whispers something. What he was saying was heard by Yuu, who has the unique skill of 『Improved Hearing』, but when he leaned toward Balue´s side.
"H, How much? How much should I pay? I'll pay as much as you want! So, you can get in between your Majesty and me and intercede. No complaints? As much money as you like? You can get it"
He feels the blood suddenly drop, the body temperature drops and Yuu drops. Until now, Yuu has seen many people who deserve to be called scraps, but even in such a situation, the fever has cooled over anger due to the shallow Balue of thinking about his own self-protection.
"Understand your position and choose your words, trash"
Yuu's feet are placed on Balue's head, who rubs his head against the floor.
"Y, You!! Aristocrat......chosen, precious, noble blood, on my head! Dirty commoner's feet......!!"
"Do you die?"
Balue´s blood, which has become hot enough to boil, cools as if it freezes in an instant and sweat from mental sweating oozes from the hands and soles and from the sides to the whole body.
"F, Forgive me!! Please be merciful!!"
In a hurry, he rubs his forehead against the floor harder than before and asks for forgiveness.
"Usually you would be merciful, because the owner of the Nox family, who is the oldest famous family and is touted as a great aristocrat, exposes such an disgusting appearance"
Too much humiliation causes blood to ooze from Balue´s mouth, who clenches his teeth and blood drips onto the floor.
"But I don't think about you at all. Well no"
When Yuu gives a visual signal to Prime Minister Balls, he brings the documents prepared in advance on the pedestal.
"Originally, the crimes you have committed can only be capital punishment in the light of the law of the Udon Kingdom, but it seems that this Nameless king had foreseen this and you will give him an apology and get an opportunity to survive"
"Apology............opportunity to survive......?"
The scared Balue rises to Balls´s words.
"I put my contract magic in this document. As you well know, breaking my contract magic means death"
Even after receiving the explanation of the document from Balls, Balue couldn't stop laughing in his head. In that situation, he was able to avoid even depriving him of the title, which he thought would definitely be the death penalty. It's no wonder that Balue wants to laugh.
(Look! No matter how much you curse, you need me in this country!! I will definitely come back and I will reward those who betrayed me!!)
Balue reads the text of the document, focusing on the cheeks that seem to loosen involuntarily.
He hereby pledge that Yuu Satou and Balue Voly Nox will not touch each other. After that, Yuu Satou will be referred to as A and Balue Voli Nox will be referred to as B.
One, as an apology, the second is the period of compensation for the total number of chess board squares, the first day is one madoka, the second day is two madoka, the third day is four madoka and in cash, to the instep pay compensation through the Comer City Adventurer's Guild.
One, he will bring compensation to the Adventurer's Guild. It is prohibited to bring it through a substitute person.
With such bullet points, the text continues. And finally――
One, the person who breaks the contents of this pledge will die in pain and will hand over all the assets to the other party.
"If that's okay, both sides should sign this pledge, then ink their thumbs and stamp their thumbprints"
"W, Wait!"
Balue waits for Balls, who proceed indifferently like work.
"What is it?"
Balls's ruthless eyes were saying, 「Even if you have such a right」.
"There are a few things I would like to confirm. First of all, what is the matter of the chess board? And why can't there be a substitute?"
It was Yuu who answered Balue´s question.
"King Udon seems to like playing chess, so I decided to play chess with you. The total number of chess squares is 64, that is, you will spend 64 days to pay the compensation to me"
"Muu! This amount of money will be paid immediately!"
"Are you stupid? You're supposed to be harassed, but as you can see here, every day you go to the Adventurer's Guild to pay the compensation"
Balue was so angry that he had the illusion that his blood vessels were cut by too much anger. However, he was desperately trying to keep his face calm because he couldn't get on the opponent's provocation here.
"Don't ask any more questions――"
"Wait! I would like you to erase the part of Comer City? I'm living in the royal capital, and I'm sure it's impossible for me to visit Comer City's Adventurer's Guild every day!"
"Hee, you didn't get caught even though you were a fool"
(This stupid brat!!)
"Then, I will cut the part of Comer City´s adventurer guild and modify it to the adventurer guild"
Balls corrects the text, Yuu and Balue sign the document and finally ink their thumbs and stamp their thumbprints.
"This completes the procedure"
"Then I'm sorry"
When the contract magic is over, Balue quickly leaves the audience.
Udon´s King stopped François from following him. François knelt down and waited for King Udon's words, even though he was surprised that King Udon knew his name as one of the officials working at the royal castle.
"If I think about it, we´ve a long relationship together. It makes me sad to think that this will be the last time"
To Udon King's words, François muttered in his heart what he was saying, though he didn't show it on his face. It was about five years ago that he sneaked into the Udon Kingdom from the Holy Country Jardalk. One year after that, he became a official working at the royal castle and over the next year, he approached Balue. He has never had a chance to talk to King Udon directly. I'm wondering where the word 「Long relationship」 comes from.
"Oya? I wonder if I forgot. I'm lonely. You see, when I was on the throne of the Udon Kingdom and greeted the nations. Excuse me in Jardalk. It was you, François-kun, who was entrusted with my guidance in the Holy Country of Jardalk"
François, the highest-ranking intelligence agency of the Holy Country of Jardalk, Hua Brosom, would not have been able to prevent goosebumps unless he was in a state of fear in the tactic 『Fearless Psycho』.
(I think it was decades ago. It's about eight times when I just belonged to Hua Brosom. Since then, my face and body have grown significantly and my current appearance is much younger than my age. I'm changing)
François could only be silent. Speaking of something, it seemed that King Udon could see everything.
"If you can live safely and return to the Holy Country of Jardalk, tell the Pope that Clemens is saying hello"
François left the audience with his head hanging, without replying or nodding.
"Is that all right?"
Balls asks, but Yuu doesn't answer and takes off the flight cap type 2. Momo was lying on his head, wondering when she was called out.
"How was it?"
When Momo, lying on his head, jumped into Yuu's palm, she gave up her shoulders and shook her head when Yuu asked.
"Then you can go home now"
In response to Yuu's words, Momo swelled her cheeks and jumped to Yuu's head again, then slapped his head as it was. Accepting the protest from Momo, Yuu muttered, looking at his feet.
"Call me right away!!"
Balue returned to the mansion after escaping from the audience of the royal castle and shouted out as soon as he called the butlers and servants into his room. Neither the butler nor the servant asked 「Who?」, when Balue was in a bad mood like this, the person to call was decided. He is the son of Value and the boss of Lawrence, the criminal organization that controls the underworld of the royal capital, the leaders of the many adventures clans under Balue and the leader of his private soldiers and mercenaries.
"No matter what! I'm gonna kill him, who has humiliated this me who has noble blood!! I'll kill you......yes, I'll kill you all!"
As Balue took off his surcoat, yelling, his fat body wore dozens of magic tools. All of them are gems that are hard to see in auctions, such as 『Deathly poison Resistance』, 『Seduction Resistance』, 『Charm Resistance』, 『Physics Resistance』, 『Slashing Resistance』, 『Thrusting Resistance』, 『Abnormal Condition Resistance』, 『Instant Death Resistance』, 『Magic Resistance』 and 『Petrification Resistance』. All of them were Grade 3 or higher magic tools that boasted strong resistance.
"Idiots!! Did you think I would get caught in such a few games! It's not going to work out the way you want it to! It's a short-term battle, whether it's time or something! I'll kill you all within a month!!"
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