Novel Name : Martial Arts System

Chapter 35: Analyze.

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Chapter 35: Analyze.

''Hank got defeated by Irio's weakest member who is only at Low Martial Soldier! What a twist!'' Commentator A commented.
''Brilliant move!'' Mars said with approval
Quella also gave a nod with a small smile
The stadium started heating up, 89% of people in the audience were sure that Snakeland would win, but now the audience was gobsmacked.
''Lucas is actually not participating in the fight anymore?! What is happening!'' Commentator A asked with confusion
''This is a big mistake!'' Quella exclaimed, Mars next to her also looked at the match with widened eyes.

Wreth punched with a quick jab towards Ichiro, which he dodged, but Ethan followed with his punch, but only managed to hit Ichiro's block.
Ichiro retreated a few meters, but Ethan was already attacking him, he unleashed dozens of punches in a span of 2 seconds.
Ichiro dodged them one by one until he couldn't dodge the last punch, which made him use [Ironic Edge] which parried the punch to miss his body, Ichiro quickly counter-attacked with his own punch, which hit Ethan's cheek making him stumble backward.
Wreth reached Ichiro's left side, he punched, which Ichiro blocked, but Wreth followed with an elbow aimed at Ichiro's abdomen.
[Ironic Edge - Side Sweep!] Ichiro deflected the elbow with his right palm, making the elbow miss and making Wreth's body vulnerable.
Ichiro didn't let this chance go by, Ichiro reeled in his arm and put his arm on a spear-like stance.
[Iron Lance!] Wreth widened his eyes, feeling a great amount of danger from that attack, he tried to use his right arm to parry the attack, but couldn't fully, and [Iron Lance] managed to hit Wreth's shoulder, Ichiro's hand stabbed his shoulder, making it bleed furiously, Ichiro took back his hand which was stained with Wreth's blood.
Ichiro sensed danger behind him, he quickly sidestepped to left, just barely dodging incoming Ethan.
''Fuck! He is strong.'' Wreth said with a grim face, Ethan nodded with a solemn face.
Meanwhile in the Commentators Booth.
Marc widened his eyes and exclaimed.''He pierced through Wreth's body with bare hands! Amazing!''
''What is that technique?!'' Quella asked aloud.
''That is the technique Ichiro used at Time Attack! Ladies and Gentlemen, Ichiro is finally going all out!''
In the streets, passersby's looked at the screen and were shocked.
Everyone looked in disbelief at the screen, they saw something unbelievable, someone actually stabbed the body of Martial Leader like it was nothing with bare hands, which is nearly impossible with the body of Martial Leader to achieve.
In the audience.
''Did you see that?!''
''Is he hiding a weapon?''
''No you idiot, look at the big screen, he did that with bare hands!''
''But why is he fighting 2v1? Why isn't his teammate helping?''
''But he is fighting alone two strongest members of Snakeland!''
''Snakeland isn't third seed for nothing, that kid is strong!''
Back in the match.
Ethan and Wreth attacked Ichiro at the same time.
Ethan did a low kick towards Ichiro, while Wreth punched towards Ichiro's face.
[Ironic Edge - Leg Sweep]
Ichiro parried the kick with great ease with his own leg, while he used ordinary Ironic Edge to make punch miss him.
Ichiro jumped backward to take some distance, but it didn't help much, Ethan reached Ichiro in a second and started raining punches.
[Machine Gun Explosion!]
Ichiro kept parrying the punches with [Ironic Edge]
But then he felt a presence coming behind him, he sidestepped to right, barely dodging Wreth's punch.
''Tsk.'' Wreth clicked his tongue and went after Ichiro.
But before he reached him, he saw Ichiro's eyes change slightly, Ichiro started having red rims around his iris. (Red Rims with analyze - Blue Rims with Weakness Detection Eye)
Ichiro used his analyzing ability!
'He will punch me with right fist, which I will block, but then he will follow with a kick towards my torso…' Ichiro analyzed his opponent's biggest probability of attack.
Ichiro can predict with his analyzing ability - The choice of attack his opponent would probably do, but it's obviously not 100% accurate, it can only be used because Ichiro had fought over thousand fights, so he can somewhat predict what his opponent is thinking, but if his opponent is more experienced/stronger than him, or simply beginner at fighting, who doesn't know the best choices of attacks, then Ichiro's ability is useless.
Wreth punched with his right arm towards the right side of Ichiro's face, which he easily blocked, but Wreth then raised his leg and kicked towards Ichiro's body, but Ichiro stepped backward, dodging the kick.
''!'' Wreth widened his eyes.
Ethan appeared next to Ichiro and punched Ichiro to his face, which sent Ichiro sliding in the ground for dozen meters.
Ichiro also can't predict if he can't see his opponent.
Wreth attacked Ichiro with tackle, trying to take Ichiro down to the ground, then it would be pretty easy to defeat him with help of Ethan.
But Ichiro saw it coming and quickly sidestepped, dodging the tackle.
Ichiro was about to kick at Wreth, but Ethan appeared again next to him and punched with great speed, which again took Ichiro by surprise and sent him flying again.
*Crack* Ichiro crashed to the ground which made tiles below him crack, he gritted his teeth and quickly stood up and dodged the incoming punches from Ethan and kept retreating for another dozen meters.
''Is this power of simps?! Should I convert to that religion also?'' Ichiro thought aloud.
Wreth and Ethan had veins popping from their forehead and rushed towards Ichiro with intent to kill.
'I really need to get anger management if I keep hanging out with Ichiro.' Lucas thought from the sidelines.
Wreth attacked with palm, which Ichiro already analyzed and he grabbed his wrist, Ethan attacked next to him, but Ichiro already saw him coming and kicked him to the abdomen, which sent Ethan flying a dozen meters.
Ichiro had his right arm grabbing at Wreth's wrist, he put his left arm to spear-like stance and unleashed his attack.
[Iron Lance!]
Wreth felt dread, he tried to take out his wrist from Ichiro's hold, but to no avail.
*Stab* Ichiro's [Iron Lance] hit Wreth at his chest, making another stab wound appear at Wreth's body.
''GRHHHH!'' Wreth gritted his teeth and kicked towards Ichiro, but he already let go of his wrist and jumped backward.
Wreth put his hand on the stab wound, grimacing slightly in pain.
Ichiro looked towards Ethan and saw him running towards him, but he was still some distance away, he decided to attack Wreth and put his arm again on spear-like stance and attacked with it.
[Iron Lance!] Wreth managed to dodge it, but it still scratched at Wreth's left arm, making a slight slash wound appear on it.
Ichiro took a step forwards and unleashed another [Iron Lance] which successfully hit Wreth's left side, close to his abdomen.
Ethan finally reached Ichiro and attacked with punches and kicks, trying to push him away from Wreth, but Ichiro with ease parried them with [Ironic Edge]
Ichiro did sidekick towards Wreth's body which sent him flying towards the edge of the arena but managed to stop himself in time.
Ethan gritted his teeth and kept unleashing more and more of his punches, but his limit was closing on him and his heart rate is increasing, he is panting while punching towards Ichiro.
Ichiro continued parrying the attacks, until one of Ethan's punches managed to hit Ichiro in the chest, making him stumble backward, making his posture a mess.
Ethan didn't let this chance go by, this is their final chance at victory, he took a step forwards, he punched, Ichiro quickly put his guard up, which managed to block it.
[Machine Gun Pistol!] Ethan unleashed his strongest punch, Ichiro looked at the incoming punch with calmness, his blue rims around his iris started glowing even more.
[Ironic Edge!] Ichiro put his palm towards the incoming fist, he hit the side of the fist, deflecting it to miss his body.
Ichiro put his arm on spear-like stance and unleashed his [Iron Lance!]
Ethan widened his eyes and only saw Ichiro's arm turning blurry, at next moment he saw Ichiro's hand, touching his neck, only an inch more and it would have hit Ethan at his neck and possibly killed him in the process.
''Damn it, I give up,'' Ethan said with a resigned sigh, Ichiro gave small smile and looked towards Wreth who was trying to stop his bleeding.
''Ethan is defeated!'' Announcer exclaimed.
''Only Wreth remaining from Snakeland! Will the third seed get defeated by a single man!''
*Cheers!!!!* Stadium erupted in cheers with many looking at the battle with widened eyes.
''What about you Wreth-chan?'' Ichiro asked with a grin
''Grrr…'' Wreth growled in anger, his shoulder and left side of his body were still dripping blood.
''Give up Wreth.'' Lucas said, he started walking towards Ichiro while looking at Wreth.
''…Damn… I give up!'' Wrath roared in anger, he jumped off the arena, the instantly medical team surrounded him, to patch up his wounds.
*Cheers!* Stadium erupted in cheers and in disbelief, Snakeland, 3rd seed team was defeated!
''YES!'' Irio's Club Advisor yelled loudly with a huge smile.
Ichiro and Lucas looked at him with small smiles.
''Good job!'' Liam gave thumbs-up, which they returned with grins.

(In Irio)
''YES!'' Kurogami Eiji celebrated with a shout.
Ayako cheered loudly while Ichiro's mother Azumi sighed, she hold her breath during Ichiro's match, which finally ended with Irio's victory.
*Brrr* *Brrr*
Azumi looked at her phone which vibrated, it was another call for her, it has been ringing nonstop past few days, after some family members or simply her friends saw her son fighting in the tournament and has been in limelight since day 1, they have been congratulating her or just had some small talk.
Azumi smiled wryly.'Another call… So many have introduced their daughter as well…' Azumi shook her head.
''Another one huh?'' Eiji asked.
''Yeah… Ichiro so popular~'' Azumi said with a grin.
''Those bitches! Trying to take my brother away. Hmph!'' Ayako pouted.
''Language!'' Azumi exclaimed with her mouth agape.
'Ichiro, you are fucked, man…' Eiji thought with a sly smile.
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