Novel Name : Martial Arts System

Chapter 412 - lchiro ls Rich!

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Chapter 412 - lchiro ls Rich!

A car stopped with tires screeching in front of the Police Station.
From the car, Marshall appeared with a messy outfit and bloodied face.
Everyone who saw him was shocked and wondered what had happened to him.
Marshall fixed his collar and ran towards the front door.
The Police Officers who saw him saluted but didn't get a salute in response.
They thought that their Police Commissioner was busy and didn't dig deeper into it.
Marshall slammed the door open and scanned the Police Station with an anxious gaze.
Every Police Officer stood up and saluted with respect.
Marshall, however, turned his gaze away from them and saw the door that leads to the kitchen, which had a sign that told about repairs being undergone.
His gaze went past the door, all the way to the end of the hallway where his subordinates were waving at him.
Marshall quickly walked towards them and entered the elevator with him.
The Police Officers who stayed behind whispered and wondered what happened to him.
''Wait, check this out!'' One of the Police Officers shouted and showed a video clip.
Everyone gathered around him and looked shocked to see their Police Commissioner fighting against someone way younger.
At first, they weren't as shocked, but seeing their Police Commissioner losing in a pathetic manner shocked them!
Back in the elevator.
Marshall grimaced and grabbed his aching forehead.
''Sir, are you alright?'' One of his subordinates asked.
''I am fine!'' Marshall bellowed out and didn't want to talk about it.
His subordinates flinched and decided not to talk any further.
The elevator doors opened, and a dimly lit hallway became visible.
They left the elevator and walked to the end of the hallway, where one Police Officer and a staircase were located.
The Police Officer saluted and stepped to the side, letting them enter the staircase without any hiccups.
Soon, Marshall and his subordinates reached the bottom floor, where another hallway and door at the end were located.
In front of the doors, two Police Officers were guarding with boredom visible on their faces.
Their boredom-filled faces disappeared, and they straightened their backs in a hurry.
After seeing Marshall walking towards them with an anger-filled face, they gulped and opened the door, hoping that his anger wasn't directed at them.
Luckily for them, it wasn't.
Marshall entered another room from the door, and a large manufacturing space appeared around him.
Dozens of assembly lines with faceless puppets standing on top of them were everywhere he looked.
At one of the corners of the large open space, hundreds of faceless puppets were ready to be packed in metallic caskets.
''Hurry up!'' Marshall screamed, ''We need to get the packing done by nightfall and have to sell them all somehow!''
His subordinates, who were wearing Police Officer outfits, nodded shakily and accelerated their paces.
No one in the room noticed that there was someone else as well.
An illusionary figure without a face was floating near the ceiling, 'Police Commissioner, Hero of Irio, huh…'
The System smiled slightly, even though the smile was almost unrecognizable, 'This will be good training for Ichiro.'
Its body flew out of the room through the ceiling.

Soon, the System reached the bright blue sky with the City of Irio below.
With one short step, the System appeared on top of the Kurogami Residence, just in time to see a car entering the front yard.
Ichiro, his family, Alena, and Azura left the car and entered the house.
Ayako was nowhere to be seen because she was in the school, even though she was unwilling and wanted to come with them.
The System went through the walls and appeared in Ichiro's room.
Soon afterwards, Ichiro entered the house and glanced at the Martial Arts card before stuffing it inside his pocket and sitting down on the desk.
''Host, we need to talk.'' The System spoke.
[Host, we need to talk]
Ichiro heard a voice inside his mind belonging to the System.
''What is it?'' He asked while writing down the notes about the fight.
[I found out something that is important for the safety of your family]
Ichiro stopped writing and closed the notebook before asking, ''What is it?''
[Underneath the Police Station, a massive Puppet Manufacturing operation is happening]
''What?!'' He exclaimed, ''Wasn't it done by the government and not the Police?''
[Correct. The ring leader is Police Commissioner Marshall, who plans to sell them for Underworld]
''How did you find out?'' Ichiro stood up and walked back and forth.
He clearly knew the consequences if this news came to light.
''Sigh… I thought Underworld wasn't public in Irio because Police Commissioner, but it seems there was another reason.'' Ichiro scratched his head with annoyance.
He opened the door and glanced towards the downstairs, where the sound of talking came from.
[What do you plan on doing, Host?]
Ichiro closed the door and asked, ''Are you sure it will harm my family in any way?''
[What do you think will happen if Police Commissioner Marshall manages to stay in power in Irio?]
''What do you think will happen if Irio loses its only Martial Commander?'' Ichiro asked and sat down on his bed, ''I can't stay here forever.''
[There is someone else who is near Martial Commander]
''Who?'' Ichiro looked surprised. He didn't know there was someone else near that level.
''What?!'' That was the last name he thought the System would say.
[He is Middle Martial Captain, but his level of talent will allow him to enter that level in 4 years]
''4 years… Still too long.'' He shook his head and thought it was way too risky.
[Yes… But, with your help. I have reason to believe that he will reach that level before you leave Irio]
''Well, I am glad of your trust in me, but…'' He shook his head with a wry smile, ''Are you absolutely confident that leaving Marshall alone has dire consequences.''
[You bastard]
Ichiro smiled, ''What?''
[Grr… Fine! I will let you… Transfer 100 million of Night End's coins into real-life currency]
''Oh.'' Ichiro innocently smiled, ''Very nice of you. Alright, I will get rid of him.''
*Ding* *Ding*
[100.000.000 Golden Coins Exchanged for 10.000.000$]
''Hehe.'' Ichiro smugly smiled, ''I am fucking rich!''
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