Novel Name : Martial Arts System

Chapter 101: Michael - Sariel - Ichiro - Rafael.

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Chapter 101: Michael - Sariel - Ichiro - Rafael.

Next Day.
Ichiro stood up and started wearing his usual winter getup. A white-colored sweatshirt with grey sweatpants.
He left his room and saw most of the people already woken up; he saw Jordan and others being anxious for some reason.
''Jordan, what is it?'' Ichiro asked.
Jordan clumsily put his pants on, ''Coach is here! For some reason, he wanted to check the new meat!''
''What?'' Ichiro raised an eyebrow.
''It's pretty much an early training session!'' Wells said and ran towards the bathroom.
''Ah.'' Ichiro nodded and leisurely walked towards his own bathroom.
Once he was done, he exited his room and closed it behind.
But then…
Three doors next to him opened as well.
The others in the dormitory quieted down and stood silently.
Three figures left their rooms at the same time, and all of them glanced at Ichiro.
''Hello, Third King.'' The young man with short white hair and grey eyes spoke. He had an attractive face with sharp eyebrows and a battle-hardened face; there was a tinge of arrogance in his eyes as well. He is the First King of the first year, Michael.
''Nice to meet you, Third King.'' The young man from the second door said as well. He had dark blue hair with blue eyes. He had a lean build, built for a compact with larger fists than usual. He is the Second King of the first year, Sariel.
''…'' The young man who came from the fourth door nodded silently. He had longer hair styled as a ponytail, and his hair color was grey which fit his grey eyes nicely. His build was very lean and very tall. Standing at the height of 190cm with ease. He is the Fourth King of first-year Rafael.
Ichiro looked at them and nodded, ''Nice to meet you all.''
Michael, Sariel, and Rafael nodded.
They took straight and silently, with great discipline, but they didn't even glance at others.
Only the 3 others were in the same status as them, if not including the higher years, and those three were standing next to them.
They don't need to waste their breath by talking to lower Rankers.
Ichiro can clearly feel the arrogance from them, and it is well-founded.
They are the greatest geniuses from this year.
But sometimes, too much arrogance will be your downfall.
Everyone stood in front of their rooms, waiting for the Coach to arrive.
Soon, heavy footsteps came from the stairs.
From there, a massive muscular individual came. The left side of his face had a massive scar reaching his neck. He was the height of 230cm with a stoic-looking face; his every step made the building shake and the earth shake. He is Coach of the Martial Arts Club - Giron, and he is Martial King Ranker!
Giron's aura instantly pressured everyone; the weaker ones fell down on their knees.
While the Four Kings stood straight.
Jordan and his friends couldn't stand straight, their shoulders slumped, and their heads were looking at the ground.
''Hmm…'' Giron hummed and removed the pressure.
Jordan and the others took deep breaths while Ichiro and the other Kings were looking calm.
Giron didn't even use 10% of his power; otherwise, even the Kings would be flat on their stomachs - this was only a small test.
Giron nodded while looking at the Kings but was disappointed in others, ''Let's go to Training Hall!'' He roared and started descending the stairs with heavy steps.
Michael followed first, then Sariel, after him was Ichiro, and finally Rafael.
The rest of the students waited for a moment, and after the Kings left the building, finally they followed behind.
Sometimes it is rude to walk behind Kings or next to them because it would make them look like they are of the same status.
Giron's and Four Kings figures attracted a lot of attention while walking towards Training Hall.
Instantly cameras flashed, and today's most viewed news article will be [Winterlight's New Four Kings!]
Michael and Sariel walked with heads straights, arrogance erupting from them.
Ichiro was walking with his hands in his pockets, they didn't even have time to put on his jacket, and he was freezing! His every step makes crunching noises. It felt weird for him to walk with snow underneath him, but slowly he was getting used to it.
Rafael walked silently.
They arrived at the massive building! It was almost as big as the school building!
The building spanned over 300 meters with a height of 500 meters.
They entered the building and saw dozens of professional-looking individuals helping some of the Martial Arts Clubs improve their moves or stances.
Giron's figure instantly caught everyone's attention.
There were about a few hundred students and trainers alike in the building, and they all bowed.
Giron nodded and started walking towards the middle of the Hall, while Four Kings followed behind.
Everyone stopped training and focused on Giron.
Jordan and the rest reached the building but didn't go near Giron and others; instead stayed at the door of the building.
Giron opened his mouth, ''These will be our 4 new Recruit Fighters; give them a warm welcome.''
Everyone started clapping while looking closely at the Four Kings.
Michael puffed his chest in pride.
Sariel nodded.
Ichiro stood silently, and Rafael as well.
Giron nodded and looked at the Four Kings, ''You four are part of the Core from now on, Congratulations!''
Giron started clapping, and another round of applause resounded in the Hall.
Giron stopped clapping and nodded, ''We are here to improve our strength as much as possible before the new semester starts. The first month will be the Battle of Cities, we will face against other cities from Winterlight, and we cannot lose! We haven't lost in the Battle of Cities in 50 years!''
Four Kings nodded solemnly.
''Since we need to save our Main Fighters strength and to keep them safe from injuries. Usually, Recruit Fighters will be the ones fighting in Battle of Cities!''
''It will be 1 month before the school semester starts. Until then, I will measure everyone's strength, and I will decide who is going to be Captain of the Battle of Cities.'' Giron said.
Michael looked serious all of a sudden; he glared at the other Kings. Being Captain is an enormous honor, and it is basically a free ticket to the Reserve Fighter line-up!
Sariel looked very serious.
Ichiro had a neutral face.
And Rafael's bored look turned into a more serious one.
Giron was satisfied. Competition between Kings is always healthy; it makes them stronger. Mainly because their arrogance always pushed them to be the best.
King never wants to be weaker than others with the same status as them.
''Go training! I will keep an eye on you all.'' Giron said and left towards a group of trainers.
Michael and Sariel went to their own spots.
Ichiro scratched his head and left towards Jordan.
''Excuse me, Third King.'' Rafael opened his mouth.
Ichiro turned his head, ''Yes?''
Rafael turned serious, ''I want to spar with you.''
Ichiro didn't change his expression; instead, he narrowed his eyes, 'Trying to take me out of the contest instantly, huh… Fine by me.'
''Sure,'' Ichiro said and followed behind Rafael.
Their figures caught the entire Hall's attention.
Giron raised an eyebrow, ''Oho… Unexpected.'' He smirked and concentrated on the match.
Michael and Sariel stopped and looked at them as well.
Rafael stood a dozen meters away from Ichiro.
Ichiro looked calm and composed.
'System… Interface.'
[Name: Kurogami Ichiro]
[System Level: Advanced]
[Martial Rank: Martial Captain]
[Trait: Calm Nature]
[Age: 16]
[Level: 7]
[SP: 0]
[Coins: 15500]
[2050/6400 EXP]
[HP 228/228]
[Strength: 221]
[Agility: 234]
[Stamina: 201]
[Vitality: 188]
[Lottery Spins: 15]
[Inventory: Two Swords of Killing - Beauty Shampoo - Dynamite - Book of Etiquette]
[Martial Arts: Iron Style (Mythical), Taekwondo, Karate, Muay Thai, Boxing,]
[Weapon Mastery: Knife Throwing - Dual Swordsmanship]
[Weakness Detection Eye Lv1: It allows you to see any weakness of the person with the rank of Martial Commander or below!]
[Death Ignore (Mythical): Death? Overrated - Once you die, you can ignore death and come back to the Realm of Living!]
[Expert Blacksmithing Mastery: Gives you abilities of Master Blacksmith - You will be able to create weapons which this world has never seen before!]
[Kurogami Ichiro's Legacy: The Legacy of Earth's Strongest Warrior - You can use one attack per week with the same strength as Kurogami Ichiro was in his prime!]
With the help of Quella's training, most of Ichiro's status went over 200! But instead of being happy, he was disappointed.
He is still not in Martial Commander rank.
He thought that he needed 200 to reach it… but instead, it was 300!
Ichiro also didn't use his coins and lottery spins yet. There is a reason for both of them; he is saving coins, and after he reached Martial Captain…
A new option came for the Lottery.
[Supreme Lottery: Spin - Cost - 20 Lottery Spins! - 50% Chance of Failure]
Ichiro is still debating should he use 2500 Coins for 5 Lottery Spins so he can get Supreme Lottery, but it is a 50/50 chance that he will actually get something good.
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