Novel Name : Martial Arts System

Chapter 56: A Person Who Wields Limitless Talent.

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Chapter 56: A Person Who Wields Limitless Talent.

A mature-looking beautiful woman with long jet black hair and violet eyes was currently looking at the phone which showcased the news, she looked thoughtful while her beautiful face looked mesmerizing.
She was one of the Quest Commentators in the tournament.
Her name is Quella Dracolonia.
She was currently staying in a hotel room, which was way fancier compared to others.
The hotel room was as big as one floor, that's why the Top Floor of this hotel is only for VVVIP.
She had enough wealth to spend her entire life on the Top Floor, even though single night costs 1.000.000$
But her being the young princess of the Dracolonia family gives her limitless influence and wealth.
But why was she Quest Commentator in a small country like Gensa?
She had her reasons…
But the reason why she was one of the Quest commentators in this tournament is, because she followed Mars here.
Mars is her ''bodyguard'' till she leaves Gensa.
Even though Mars doesn't want to do it, he has no other choice other than to keep Quella safe.
But currently, she is staying alone in the hotel, which is practically a fortress. Especially her room.
That still doesn't mean that she is weak…
She is a Martial General fighter without any training.
Her bloodline was strong enough to push her to the peak of Martial General, with help of the Age of Growth.
She didn't learn Mind-Body to reach Martial Captain - instead, her bloodline made her body strong enough to ignore the strength you get after achieving the Mind-body
Her body strength and durability are already in the realm of Martial King.
But she can't reach Martial King with only the help of her bloodline.
Miss Quella had a limitless talent to reach Martial Divinity… but her lack of interest in Martial Arts disappointed many.
Especially her parents.
That's why she is in Gensa…
She can't return home without becoming Martial King.
And Quella decided to go to one of the weaker countries, she decided on Gensa, because it was the closest one.
Gensa is a so-called Low Tier Country.
It represents the country's average strength, and the only reason that they are even called Low Tier Country is that there is 1 Emperor and a few Martial Kings.
There are countries that are lower tier than Low Tier countries.
Those countries are called Bottom Tier Countries.
Sounds kind of harsh, but those countries don't have any Martial Kings or Emperors.
Quella could go to those countries… but she has another reason for going to Gensa.
Mars can keep her safe, that's why there is almost no one who is capable of hurting her.
And if someone tries to… Quella only needs to say her family name, and her attacker would stop attacking instantly and start kowtowing mercy.
Even Arkenthym isn't reckless enough to attack Young Princess of Dracolonia.
And fun thing is that…
Ramu's Higher-ups weren't even aware of her identity.
Not many were… Still not many are fully aware of her identity, but most of the people already are aware that she is very wealthy.
Ramu's Higher-ups were totally clueless that two persons they should not ever disrespect were being commentators for their tournament.
Quella was the one who dragged Mars to be one of the commentators.
Because to her, it looked. 'fun'
While gritting his teeth, he accepted.
But this helped him as well.
Mars at first came to Ramu to check out new prospects for Enforcement Department.
That's why the Commentator job was fine for him because he saw clearly everyone's weaknesses and strengths.
He took Quella with him to the Ramu, because if she gets hurt in any way while being in Gensa…
Then there won't be Gensa anymore if her parents hear about it.
And they WILL hear about it.
That's why it has been very stressful for Mars in the last few months.
Especially now, because few Rankless Kings are approaching Gensa…
Mars is still fearful of Arkenthym's existence.
But he knows that Arkenthym isn't an idiot.
Arkenthym won't attack him or Quella without good reason.
But Quella wasn't as fearful as him.
She doesn't care about 'mere' Emperor.
Her family has always been full of Martial Gods and Demi-Gods.
Her Grandfather was Martial Half-Divinity during his prime.
Surrounded by powerful figures all of her life, she isn't feeling even slightly afraid of him.
It could be either arrogance or ignorance.
But her being surrounded by such a powerful aura, day after day, made her numb to anyone under Martial Saint rank.
Quella closed her phone.
She is currently thinking about the next course of her actions.
Even though she is lazy when it comes to Martial Arts.
She is still a very smart individual.
She knows about the problems heading straight towards Ramu.
Spring and Summer are called Tournament Phase.
Because most of the tournaments are held during this time.
That's why a lot of eyes are in every tournament, to seek out new prospects for their organization.
Most of the High schools from Arya are having a close eye on the Middle School tournaments.
And Universities are having a close eye on High School tournaments.
That's why this incident in Ramu, will cause huge havoc in the upcoming months.
Especially in the morning after everyone learns about it.
But the bigger problem came because Underworld was included in this incident, and also Rankless King…
But Quella still isn't aware that Mars defeated a Rankless King, but if she knew, then she would already be on the next bus, leaving Ramu without hesitation.
But Quella is already deciding whether she should leave or stay.
If she decides to stay, then it might be too late to leave in the morning.
She is Martial General and there aren't that many Martial General's in Gensa, that's why she should be safe if she decides to leave Ramu behind.
But then the second reason arises.
She needs Mars' help to reach Martial King.
Mars has already broken the limiter.
And Quella doesn't know-how.
Martial Arts journey is usually lonesome, you can only count on yourself.
But there are some exceptions.
Nobody can help you break your limiter.
But there are ways to speed up the process.
Quella has already received some help from Mars and is already one step closer to reaching the Martial King.
And it has only been less than a year after she left her home.
Usually, it would take some people over 10 years to break the limiter.
But Quella, in one year, is already at the breaking point.
She needs one more push, and she breaks it.
Quella sighed deeply and tucked her hair behind the ear.
Her smooth thighs were shown while she is currently wearing a slightly revealing nightgown.
Her D-Cup-sized breasts changed the outline of the nightgown drastically.
Quella kept tapping her chin, thinking about a solution to the current problem.
''I guess I will leave.'' Quella decided, she walked to her closet.
She took off her nightgown and her beautiful half-naked body was on display.
She took a simple black shirt and jacket with black jeans.
Now she looked like an ordinary teenage girl, except her beautiful face was far from ordinary, she also didn't look like she was in her 30s, instead, she looked like she was about to enter her 20s.
She took her phone and dialed Mars' number.
The phone ringed for a moment until finally, the call connected.
''What is it?'' Quella heard a Mars tone which was filled with annoyance.
''It's me,'' Quella answered.
''Miss Quella? Is everything alright?'' Mars's tone instantly changed to worry, he knows that if Quella gets harmed in any way, then he will lose his head.
''Yea, but I will leave Ramu,'' Quella said while taking her purse with her.
''W-WHAT!'' Mars roared in the phone loudly.
Quella giggled, she walked to the elevator which was connected with her room, and was about to open it.
''N-No! Wait for me at least!'' Mars was almost crying on the phone.
Quella rolled her eyes and entered the elevator, she clicked the bottom number, which will take the elevator to the lounge.
''I didn't ask for permission. Ramu won't be a peaceful place for next months, that's why I am going somewhere quieter.'' Quella answered.
''W-Wai…'' Quella didn't wait for Mars to finish his sentence; instead, she hang up the phone call and put her phone in her purse.
She waited for a few moments longer, until the elevator reached the lounge.
She exited the elevator and walked towards the exit of the hotel.
People who work in the hotel recognized her as the VVVIP.
They gave a very polite bow.
Quella exited the hotel with a slight smile and saw the lights illuminating the night city.
''Hmm…'' Quella tapped her chin and thought aloud. ''Where should I go now…''
She shrugged her shoulders and started walking in the streets.
Her beautiful face attracted a lot of attention from women and men alike.
But her powerful aura was on display, that's why no one dared to approach her.
Especially since Quella hasn't learned the control of aura, that's why her Martial General aura was unrestricted.
She kept walking on the streets until she saw a video about today's tournament.
The screen showed the fight between Slych and Ichiro.
The screen showed the city the fighters are from…
Under Slych, words [Armya] were shown.
And under Ichiro's figure, words [Irio] were shown.
''Irio…'' Quella thought. ''That place should be safer…''
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