Novel Name : Martial Arts System

Chapter 70.3: My Revenge... Part 3.

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Chapter 70.3: My Revenge… Part 3.

Bells kept ringing in the school, announcing that the school day had started.
Ichiro sprinted through the school corridors and arrived at his classroom.
He quickly opened the door with a slam which attracted everyone's attention.
With quick steps, Ichiro walked inside the classroom.
He walked towards his seat and sat down under the astonished gazes of students and the teacher.
And during this, Ichiro kept a perfect poker face.
'Why are they looking at me? Never seen a student before?' Ichiro scoffed inside his mind.
The teacher coughed to get everyone's attention.
''Young man, where have you been? You are late!'' The teacher said with a slightly angry face, but he wasn't actually angry at all, instead thrilled because he is teaching a future Martial King or beyond!
Since Slych's Talent Level has been said to be Monarch Level Talent.
Even though Ichiro lost to him, and Slych is younger.
Ichiro was still at least King Level talent.
That's why the teacher is very anxious because teaching a Martial King is the highest honor!
''Sorry, sensei!'' Ichiro stood up and bowed deeply.
''U-Uh, yes!'' The teacher said with a slight stutter, he thought that Ichiro might make some excuse, as most of the students would.
'Indeed, the golden child of Irio, apologizing when needed, excellent lad!' The teacher thought with approval.
Ichiro sat down on his chair and kept concentrating on the lesson.
During the lesson, he could feel multiple gazes on him, but especially strong gaze came from the young girl next to him.
He glanced with the corner of his eyes towards the right.
He saw an innocent-looking young girl staring at him with an intense gaze.
'Her name is Suzuki Aina if I remember correctly…' Ichiro thought.
He leaned towards her and whispered. ''What is it?''
''Eeek!'' Aina screamed out of surprise, which attracted everyone's attention.
She lowered her head out of embarrassment.
Ichiro wryly smiled while scratching the back of his head.
Ichiro started again concentrating on the lesson, but this time he ignored the gazes.
After a long class, the school bell again rang.
''Finally,'' Ichiro said; he turned his head towards the young man sitting behind him.
It was his friend Mark Alleyson.
Mark had ordinary brown hair and brown eyes with a more attractive face than the average male, but his body didn't look very athletic.
''Yo Mark,'' Ichiro said.
''E-Eh.'' Mark looked at him with a surprised gaze.
''What is it?'' Ichiro raised an eyebrow.
''N-nothing.'' He stuttered while feeling everyone's gaze land on him.
Ichiro shrugged and said. ''I played Night's End yesterday; wanna play it later?''
''R-Really?'' Mark asked with widened eyes.
''You never played with us before; why now?'' Mark asked.
''Killing monsters is getting boring; I want to do the group quests,'' Ichiro told him.
''Alright!'' Mark said with excitement.
''Send your account information in WorldlyTalk, I will add you,'' Ichiro told and stood up to leave the classroom.
''Alright!'' Mark said with excitement and took his phone quickly; shortly afterward, he started typing the message.
''Jake, wanna play as well?'' Ichiro asked his other friend, who was currently listening to their conversation.
Jake had medium-length blond hair, with bluish eyes and angular eyebrows. His body was more athletic than Mark's because he is in a football club.
He, Mark, and Ichiro used to talk about video games all the time, but then Ichiro went and joined the Martial Arts club, and their talk has been reduced a lot.
''A-Ah yes!'' He almost yelled the answer.
''Give me the account name, etc,'' Ichiro said and finally started to leave the classroom.
Once he opened the door to leave the classroom, he noticed many people standing in the corridors.
He ignored most of them because they didn't hit up any conversation with him, but he felt their gazes on him.
He started walking towards class 3-D.
It is Lucas' class.
He arrived there and opened the door slightly; he peeked inside the class and looked around until he finally found Lucas.
Lucas was currently laughing with his group of friends, which surprisingly even had girls.
Ichiro opened the door, which didn't catch Lucas' attention.
But some of the students glanced in his direction.
And they widened their eyes after seeing the young man who walked inside.
The girls in Lucas' group who saw him were stunned while their heart rate started rapidly rising and their breath quickening.
''Yo, Lucas!'' Ichiro said after he walked behind Lucas.
''Eh?'' Lucas turned his head in surprise and saw Ichiro's grinning face.
''Ichiro? What are you doing here?'' He asked.
''Class over. I was bored, and I came here. Easy.'' He said simply and sat down on the chair which was next to him.
Lucas rolled his eyes. ''I heard that you didn't enter the gates in the morning and that you were late; where did you go?''
''You will probably hear about it today,'' Ichiro said without caring much.
Lucas raised an eyebrow; he was now curious.
''H-H-Hello.'' One of the girls in the group managed to say.
''Yo,'' Ichiro said while giving a small smile.
But it was destructive.
The young girl who said 'Hello' had a minor nosebleed after seeing Ichiro's smile.
Lucas rolled his eyes at sight; he didn't feel envy because of the looks the girls give for Ichiro, because he doesn't really have any feelings for the girls in his class.
…Instead, he has very strong feelings towards a specific high school student… But Lucas doesn't have any hopes of her accepting his confession.
''What are you going to do after school?'' Lucas asked.
''Why are you asking?''
''Nothing much. Do you want to grab a coffee? New Cafe was just opened not far from here.'' Lucas suggested
Ichiro thought for a moment before nodding. ''Sure, but I need to visit some people after that… Wanna join?''
''U-Uh, sure,'' Lucas said with a slightly untrustworthy gaze.
He didn't know what Ichiro was planning, but it is never good to follow Ichiro's ideas.
Ichiro grinned slightly but hid it well.
The School bell again started ringing.
''E-E-Excuse me… That's my seat…'' Ichiro heard a shy voice next to him; he turned his head and saw a timid-looking girl with long bangs which covered her eyes.
''Ah, sorry.'' Ichiro apologized; he stood up and left the seat.
The girl gave a slight nod with a shy smile and sat down in her seat.
''See you later!'' Ichiro told Lucas and left the class.
''See you.'' Lucas waved his hand and sat down on his chair, waiting for the class to start.
The school day went slowly, but Ichiro managed to survive it because he kept annoying the System while ignoring the lessons.
The last school bell ring was heard, and instantly students swarmed out of the classrooms with exhausted faces.
''Fuck school,'' Ichiro said and ran out of the classroom. ''Freedom!''
''Let's play later today?'' Ichiro told Mark and Jake.
They nodded with slight smiles.
Ichiro started running out of the school building.
He saw most of the students walking towards their clubs, while most students went towards Martial Arts Club.
But some of the students left through the gates.
Ichiro walked out of the school building and saw Lucas standing silently while surrounded by a group of people.
''Lucas, let's get fuck outta here!'' Ichiro said happily.
Lucas rolled his eyes. ''Sorry guys, but I have an appointment with Ichiro.''
The people surrounding him gave a slight nod and started walking towards their own clubs.
''Alright, let's go,'' Lucas said and started walking out of the school gates.
Ichiro followed closely behind.
They walked for a few minutes in silence, and surprisingly even Ichiro stayed silent.
Even Lucas was surprised that he could keep his mouth shut this long.
''So, who are the people who you were planning to meet?'' Lucas started the conversation.
''You remember the college students you almost killed last year?''
Lucas grimaced; it wasn't a happy memory.
''I am going to beat the sh*t out of them!'' Ichiro told.
Lucas widened his eyes. ''Why?!''
''They beat the sh*t out of me last year; I am going to have my revenge!''
Lucas looked at him with a surprised gaze. ''This is a horrible idea!''
''Why?'' Ichiro raised an eyebrow.
''They are part of the Underworld; we are fucked if we touch them.''
''Let's hide our faces!'' Ichiro told.
''Are you sure we should be doing this? This is a horrible idea…''
''I need to do this! I need to get rid of my demons, and those cunts are only ones left.''
''Fuck…'' Lucas cursed while scratching his head. ''Fine, let's do it!''
''Nice!'' Ichiro grinned.
[Host. I don't understand why everyone follows your plans. Your plans are very sh*t]
'Fuck you system, you are a stupid moron who can't understand my intelligent plans.'
[Enlighten me then]
'I will cover my face so they can't recognize me. I will find them, and I will beat the living sh*t out of them.'
[What a horrible plan. What if they have Martial Captain close to them? They are part of the Underworld, and going against Underworld with your pitiful strength is suicide]
'I have Killing Blow, relax.'
[Host, I suggest not to use the Killing Blow recklessly. It is a precious item]
'I have a plan, relax!'
[What is your plan?]
'I hope that they don't have Martial Captain on their side.'
[…Oh, dear Destiny… Was choosing this person as your Champion correct choice?]
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