Novel Name : Martial Arts System

Chapter 89: Kurogami Ichiro - Martial God.

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Chapter 89: Kurogami Ichiro - Martial God.

''Haaah!'' Ichiro's face started changing colors until it was completely white.
He fell down to the ground out of exhaustion.
His pure white eyes started turning colors until his familiar black eyes returned.
Ichiro's hands were still trembling like he was freezing.
''S-S-System.'' Ichiro's voice shook.
[Host, calm down!]
[Calm Nature Activated!]
Ichiro's body slowly stopped trembling, some colors returned to his pale face.
His body became calm once again, ''System… What was that.''
[…The Future]
He sat down on the ground, ''That was Arkenthym… Wasn't it?''
''Dying almost every day… I wonder what I meant by that…'' Ichiro murmured; he suddenly had an awful feeling from those words.
[Like I told you a while back. Your destiny is linked with Underworld, in more ways than you can imagine]
''…Can the future be changed?''
[I wouldn't suggest it. I only know the pieces of the future, changing it… Can have dire consequences, and you might not be able to change it even]
Ichiro sighed, ''Why did Underworld decide to Assassinate me… What did I do?''
''Ichiro, time to go to school!'' He heard Azumi's voice from downstairs.
''Haah…'' Ichiro took a deep breath, took his school uniform from the closet, and put it on.
He went downstairs and left the house with Ayako.

Days went by fast.
In the morning, Ichiro does his usual training routine.
After training routine, he goes to school and spends time in Martial Arts Club or with Lucas.
But after school, the most terrifying part of the day begins.
Ichiro even wants to stay in school, so he doesn't need to go there, but teachers got afraid that he might be sick and decided to call Irio's best doctors to check.
Their usual training spot is the Screaming Boy Forest; at this time, it is still an unnamed forest.
The familiar sound of girly screams from boy and maniac-sounding laughter from witch was heard in the forest.
Even though Ichiro hates this training with passion, it still had surprising results.
Only in 4 days, he gained 2 agility points, making it 93, only 7 away from the max limit.
Ichiro was never pushed this much past his limits; he knows that if he stops running or dodging, the sword will hit him, it won't kill him, but it will be a very painful experience. Quella sometimes even speeds up, which made it impossible for Ichiro to keep running away; that's why he had to use the trees for his advantage, which was another reason his agility rose by 2 points.
They didn't train techniques, only running.
Every day they ran. From the start of the training, till midnight.
Luckily Ichiro's stamina was at max; otherwise, he wouldn't have the stamina to keep running.
Ichiro and Quella were currently standing at the entrance of the forest.
The sky was dark, the moon shining at the sky, and stars shone brilliantly.
Tomorrow is the day of the Martial Rank test.
''Are you confident, my dear disciple?'' Quella asked with a slight smirk, they finished their training not long ago, but she isn't even exhausted, even though they ran for 8-9 hours.
''I am.'' Ichiro simply replied, tomorrow is a very important day.
Tomorrow might be the day when… He unlocks his treasured Iron Style.
Quella nodded, ''I can feel that you are very close to Martial Captain… but…''
Ichiro turned his gaze towards her.
She looked severe, ''In Gensa, it might be amazing to reach Martial Captain at the age of 15. But some geniuses have reached Martial Captain at the age of 13!''
Ichiro widened his eyes, ''How is that possible? Does that mean they reached Martial Commander before the age of Growth begins?!''
Quella nodded, ''It is hard to reach Martial Commander before the age of Growth but not impossible.
''Those geniuses are mostly in Marq, but there are some in Arya, so-called hidden geniuses. A kid called Aether Nightside reached Half-Step Martial Captain at the age of 13, he is now 14, and I think he has reached Martial Captain by now.''
Ichiro nodded thoughtfully.
''Not all geniuses compete in the tournaments. They are hidden aces of different families, but… Underworld is different. A lot of big families compete there, including their children.''
''Why would they risk their lives?'' Ichiro asked; he didn't understand the logic, what is the difference between Underworld tournaments and ordinary tournaments, what do they gain there that is worth risking their lives for.
''Underworld tournaments are only place where you can win a thing called Power Limit Remover,'' Quella said.
Ichiro widened his eyes, ''Power Limit Remover?!''
Quella nodded, ''It doesn't remove the Power Limit, but it makes it easier to remove it. If you spend like 3 years to break the limiter by yourself, you can do that in 3 months with Power Limit Remover.''
''There must be some side-effects, right?''
Quella smiled, ''That is the thing… There is none.''
But then Ichiro remembered one thing, ''I can feel that you are close to Martial King, why don't you go and win it?''
''Hahaha!'' Quella burst into laughter.
Ichiro looked strangely at her.
Quella wiped tears off her eyes, ''I wish I could, but I would definitely die there.''
''Underworld tournaments aren't a joke. Dying is an everyday occurrence there.''
''You would die?! But you are…''
Before Ichiro could finish his sentence, Quella said, ''Strong, right?''
Ichiro nodded; the woman in front of him is dozens times stronger than him, and she is as strong as he was in his previous life.
Quella sighed, ''I have seen a man who can split the sky in half. My strength is nothing compared to that.''
Ichiro went silent; he remembers the scene of Arkenthym destroying the Hiena with the wave of his hand.
That is the power of gods!
In his previous life, he used to be called as a Martial God.
That rumor started after Ichiro was doing his first mission for the Government.
Mission was simple enough; he needed to get rid of a terrorist organization.
Ichiro thought that it was one day job, but when he entered their hidden base… It wasn't a ''small'' terrorist organization like the Government claimed.
It was huge, with over 5000 thousand members.
It was the biggest terrorist organization in Asia, and he had to take care of them all by himself.
But what did Ichiro do?
He decided to take care of them all by himself.
It was the darkest night for the terrorist organization.
Once night came, Ichiro snuck in the base and sneakily took care of all the guards. Now the thousands of members were happily sleeping, without knowing that the grim reaper was on their doorsteps.
No one knew what happened that night, not even Government.
But… There was total of 3 survivors that night.
Only 3 people survived from the 5000.
They all said one thing…
Ichiro's plan didn't go very smoothly; one of the terrorists noticed something was wrong and decided to press the alarm.
But Ichiro didn't abandon his plan; instead, he attacked straight on.
In front of him, a heavily armed terrorist group was standing.
Hundreds of guns were pointing at Ichiro's lonely figure.
But Ichiro only smirked and disappeared from his spot.
The hundreds of terrorists looked around them but didn't see even a shadow of him.
They didn't notice that a lonely figure was on top of them in the air.
Ichiro smirked and landed in the middle of the terrorist group.
The group went into turmoil.
Ichiro simply slashed with his hand.
[Ironical End]
The dozens of terrorists around him suddenly started coughing mouthfuls of blood, but then their heads were separated from their bodies.
Bloody rain appeared in the sky, soaking every terrorist in the group.
Everyone… except Ichiro.
Ichiro's outfit was clean without any dirt or blood in them
The terrorists instantly panicked; their group was not cooperating, they started shooting everywhere, even killing their own men.
Ichiro moved in the shadows, killing everyone on sight, his face was pure calm, without any sign of remorse.
Three men who managed to saw the scene and managed to somehow escape, never forgot the sight.
The terrorist organization who terrorized Asia for decades, disappeared in single night.
Everyone heard about the sudden massacre, but no one knew who was responsible.
But then Japan's Government made announcement that they were the ones who was responsible. The world was shocked, the citizens of Japan were proud.
It was huge achievement to take down the biggest terrorist organization, and that achievement was now part of history, which will be told to every generation.
Every generation after this will feel proud and admiration, because it was their country who took down the famous terrorist organization!
But no one knew… That all this was done by single man.
Not even the Japan's Government, they thought that Ichiro had help, because not even their wildest dreams they would thought that single man took down a group of 5000 men.
But… This was done by a single man.
Kurogami Ichiro - Martial God.
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