Novel Name : Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 198-201

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Heroes of Marvel Chapter 198-201

The next morning, after a night’s rest at his uncle’s house, Lin Rui said hello to his uncle and went out again. However, his uncle simply told him to pay attention to safety and then left him alone. Now these young adults are much more mature than they used to be. There are countless things to occupy their time every single day and Lin Rui’s uncle doesn’t interfere with him too much.
Lin Rui, who went out early, bought a cup of yogurt at the roadside supermarket and simply made it into his breakfast. Then he glanced at the arm guard-like thing on his right arm, and there were a few small green dots on it. In fact, this arm is camouflaged by the Allies’ arm guard. Lin Rui also knows the whereabouts of Captain Rogers and Director Fury through this arm guard. After all, Lin Rui has contacted Director Fury as Mirage Knight before. It’s very easy to get Fury’s things, and Rogers has given Lin Rui several signatures, which can be said to be due to luck.
“Well, they didn’t change their position in the evening. It should be the hiding place arranged by Director Fury. However, looking at the intensity of his green dot, it seems that he hasn’t recovered yet.” Carefully looking at the dot representing Captain Rogers and the green dot of Director Fury, Lin Rui mummers while drinking yogurt.
Captain Roger’s green dot is bright and big enough. But Fury’s green dot is very dim and small. If you don’t pay attention to it, you may ignore the past, which shows that Fury is not out of danger. However, Lin Rui doesn’t care about Fury’s injury now and he will be ok as long as he doesn’t die.
“Forget it, let’s go there first, or I won’t know if they have any follow-up plans.” Standing at the gate of the small supermarket, Lin Rui finished drinking yogurt and walked to the nearest subway station.
Hidden in a secret base under an old building on the outskirts of Washington, Fury was lying in a white hospital bed with pipes all over his body. Although Fury’s life should not be in danger from the various instruments on the side, he was in a coma all the time, and his vital signs were not strong. I don’t know whether his injury is too serious or whether the plan of this feign death has a lot of influence on him. Anyway, the paramedics on the other side didn’t have a good expression on his face as he looked at Fury in bed.
Just then, Captain Rogers and Natasha, who had been resting in the secret base for a night, had come over from the outside. Last night, they already looked at Fury’s situation. After seeing that Fury was not in any danger, they were completely relieved. Agent Kate also gave Captain Rogers and Natasha a brief explanation of Fury’s plan. Feigning death was only an alternative plan of Fury. Unexpectedly, Hydra’s assassination was so sharp that it had to be finally used.
After a general understanding of Fury’s plan, Captain Rogers and Natasha were worried about those who were still inside SHIELD, but they did not do anything indiscriminately. They all planned to wait for Fury to wake up and explain to them what to do next, and what the information that Natasha got was, which Natasha would like to know.
However, when they walked to Fury’s ward again, their faces changed. Fury’s situation at this time is not only worse than last night, but it has worsened. This should not have happened.
“What’s wrong with him!? Didn’t you say last night that Fury’s condition is very stable, and he should be able to wake up this morning? ” Walking towards Fury’s bed, Rogers looked at Fury’s pale face and asked the paramedics who were standing by. Natasha didn’t speak, but she didn’t look very well. She was obviously worried about Fury’s situation.
“Captain Rogers, let me talk about it.” Just as the paramedics retreated under the intense pressure of Captain Rogers’s momentum, Agent Kate’s voice came from behind them. Then Agent Kate walked into the ward, but it seemed that she had not slept all night.
“Agent Kate Agent, why is Fury’s situation worse?” Since someone is willing to explain, Captain Rogers turned and asked Agent Kate.
“After you came last night, Director Fury’s situation has been very stable and under our careful care, he was in the rapid recovery process. Whether it’s the stimulus potential serum he used before or the gunshot wound later, it was all under control. There was no other danger. ” Looking at Fury in bed, Agent Kate said quietly.
“What’s the matter with him now? Don’t tell me that’s how he recovered all night. ” Steve asked, pointing to Fury in bed.
Rubbing her brows, the agent looks back from Fury to Captain Rogers and adds, “that’s what I’m going to say. Just when we thought Director Fury was recovering, two hours ago, his condition took a turn for the worse, and we still don ‘t know why.”
“Two hours ago? And you are telling me now?!” Steve was obviously angry when he heard Agent Kate. If Fury was really in danger, then his next plan will not be perfect, especially if he reveals Hydra’s information completely, but it needs Fury’s level-A permission.
“At first, we thought that there was something wrong with the treatment, so we tried our best to change it, but there was no progress. Now we can only maintain his current situation and make it so that his condition no longer continues to deteriorate. Besides, you are not a professional doctor. It’s just about the same whether I tell you now or later. “Agent Kate didn’t care about Rogers’s tone and continued to explain with a tired face. In order to save Fury, Agent Kate have been here with these professional medical staff for one night, but they can only make his condition no longer worsen, as for the recovery, it can’t be done temporarily.
“Then have you found the reason? The reason for the sudden deterioration of Director Fury’s situation is that nothing has happened to him. ” Just as Captain Roger was about to say something else, Natasha, standing next to him, suddenly chimed in. Hearing Natasha’s words, Rogers who was just about to speak, remained silent for a while.
“The specific situation has not been analyzed. However, we all agree that Director Fury’s current situation may be related to poison.” When she heard Natasha, Agent Kate hesitated to say the results of the medical staff.
However, although they judged Fury was poisoned, they couldn’t recognize what the poison was, and they couldn’t begin to treat it at all. Now they are just using a strong anti-venom to help Fury protect the vitality of his body. Once the anti-venom doesn’t work, Fury’s situation will get worse again, and they won’t have any other way.
“Poisoning?!” Rogers and Natasha’s face changed after Agent Kate said that Fury might be poisoned. They obviously know the difficulty of this situation, which can make the elite of SHIELD almost helpless, so Fury’s situation is really dangerous.
“Are you sure? How was Fury poisoned?” Asking two questions in a row showed Captain Rogers’s fears.
“Almost certain. As for the timing, we suspect that the Hydra guy who was operating on Director Fury at SHIELD may have been among the paramedics who poisoned him at that time. But we also used a controllable toxin to put Director Fury into suspended animation, although we didn’t find out.” Agent Kate has apparently studied Fury’s poisoning history and answers the question immediately after being asked by Captain Rogers. While at SHIELD, in order for Fury’s fake death to go undetected, they also used a controllable toxin, only to find out later that Hydra was also doing the same thing.
Hearing the Agent’s words, Captain Rogers and Natasha became even paler. No wonder Hydra didn’t intervene in Fury’s treatment. And after Fury’s death, they didn’t mind. They must have thought they’d done it themselves. But while they didn’t ‘t kill Fury then, they’re still putting Fury’s life in jeopardy.
Rogers looked at Fury on the bed with a sense of powerlessness. If this continues like this, Fury will definitely not be able to survive this.
“That’s how it turned out. No wonder.”
Just as Steve and Natasha stood on Fury’s bed and frowned, a familiar voice came in from the outside.
Upon hearing this sound, Captain Rogers turned and looked outwards, and Natasha and the Agent beside her were all doing the same thing.
Da da da ~
Just as Steve and his three men turned to look out of the ward, a guy with a half-mask covering his face in a black windbreaker came in. Lin Rui who was tracking Rogers through the Allied Guard was finally here.
There are not many agents in the secret base arranged by Director Fury. Lin Rui can’t be stopped at all. He just let him in. However, this is also the reason why neither side has really moved. Fury’s trusted subordinates all know the unclear relationship between the mysterious Mirage Knight and their boss, and Lin Rui certainly won’t do anything to these loyal members of SHIELD.
So, under the restraint of both sides, Lin Rui entered the secret base under the close surveillance of those agents. As soon as he walked in, he heard Agent Kate and Rogers captain talking to each other. That’s why he just said that. He felt something was wrong when he came all the way. It’s reasonable that Fury should have recovered by now, but the Allied’s arm guard showed that Fury’s situation was deteriorating continuously, which made Lin Rui curious.
“It’s no wonder that Hydra hasn’t had any movements. They have already done it and they have kept this from everyone.” Under Rogers’s gaze, he walked towards the bedside, and Lin Rui’s eyes swept towards Fury and he continues to say faintly, listening to his tone, they all feel that he cares about Fury’s life and death.
In fact, Lin Rui was previously thinking the whole thing is too simple. Since Lin Rui’s hidden quest is to protect Fury from death for a week, how could it be so simple? It’s not so easy to complete a Hidden Quest. It’s unrealistic for Lin Rui to get the reward without doing anything.
“Mirage knight, how did you find this place?” Ignoring what Mirage Knight had said, Agent Kate asked Lin Rui with a slightly ugly face. This secret base was built by Fury in secret a long time ago, and no one knows its location except for his completely trusted subordinates. Mirage Knight is obviously not on the list of people that Fury trusts. If the location is exposed here, Agent Kate couldn’t imagine what would happen next.
“Don’t worry, you are not exposed, I have my own ways to find you. Also, shouldn’t we focus on Fury now?” It seems that Lin Rui knows what the agent is worried about and answeres her question.
“Mirage Knight, do you have a way?” Unlike Agent Kate, who has a lot of defenses against Lin Rui, Rogers asked after hearing what Lin Rui said.
Steve knew about Hydra from Lin Rui, who had stated from the beginning that he wanted to keep Fury safe, so Rogers was not surprised to see Mirage Knight here, but he thought that he must have something that would save Fury’s life. After all, Lin Rui found Captain Rogers’s apartment directly before. Although his apartment is not as secret as the secret base, it is not something that can be found by normal people.
As Captain Rogers looked at Lin Rui expectantly, Black Widow who was on the sidelines stared at Lin Rui as if she wanted to see something from the half of his face. This is the New York Vigilante, and he had intervened again and again in the SHIELD internal matters. And he seems to know a lot of things that even SHIELD doesn’t know, which makes Director Fury very irate. Natasha is also very interested in Mirage Knight, but she still hasn’t figured out which force this guy who emerged a few months ago belongs to and why does he has such a strong strength.
“What about the way… I think there should be something.” Lin Rui replied calmly as he heard Captain Rogers. Although he doesn’t know what type of poison is in Director Fury’s body, as long as a cup of Elven Holy Spring Water is fed to him, Lin Rui can guarantee that he will soon be recovered.
“Really?! Mirage Knight, do you know what type of poison is in Director Fury?” Without waiting for Captain Rogers to speak again, Agent Kate, who was pushed to the back by Lin Rui, had once again squeezed into the front and asked again loudly.
“Don’t be so excited, I don’t know what poison is in Fury’s body. But, haven’t I given you a small bottle before? I told you to feed it’s content to Fury when his life is in danger, you didn’t give it to him.” Lin Rui looked at her faintly.”
Agent Kate was somewhat disappointed when she heard that Lin Rui didn’t know what poison is in Fury, but when she heard the last words of Mirage Knight, she was even more confused. “The bottle of unknown liquid you gave me can save Director Fury’s life?”
After Lin Rui gave her the bottle of water, Agent Kate also gave it to the professionals and they did a series of tests, but the results surprised them. Some of the ingredients in the bottle couldn’t be detected at all.
So, although Agent Kate still remembers what Lin Rui had said to her, she didn’t dare to give this bottle to Director Fury when she didn’t know what it was. After all, even if they don’t know what type of poison is in Fury’s body, they might still find some time to find out, but once they have given him something weird, they may not be able to save him.
“Well, I know you never really trusted me. But what would I do to him? Where is it now? If you don’t trust me, give it back.” After listening to Agents Kate’s words, Lin Rui knows that they must not trust himself and would not have given the Elven Holy Spring Water to Fury.
“This… Here you are. ” Although she was embarrassed, Agent Kate took out the bottle Lin Rui had given her before from her back pocket. She had always carried it with herself.
Call ~
After taking the bottle of Elven Holy Spring Water from Agent Kate, Lin Rui turned it a few times in his hand, and there was a sound of liquid swaying in the bottle. In a simple sense, Lin Rui knows that it’s actually the Elven Holy Spring water that he gave to Agent Kate before and it hasn’t been swapped out.
The next second, when Captain Rogers and Natasha were both curiously staring at the small bottle in Lin Rui’s hand. Lin Rui opened the cork from the Elven Holy Spring Water bottle and rushed towards Fury’s bed with lighting like speed! Lin Rui has already poured the Elven Holy Spring Water into Fury’s mouth when the next few people haven’t reacted yet.
“What are you doing!?”
Just as Lin Rui rushed towards Fury’s bed and poured the Elven Holy Spring Water in his mouth, Kate and Captain Rogers shouted, although they had some trust in Lin Rui, but this series of actions are unacceptable. Steve, who was closest to Lin Rui, reached out and grabbed Lin Rui back, trying to get him off Fury.
However, Rogers’s outstretched hand was blocked halfway. Although Lin Rui poured the Elven Holy Spring Water in Fury’s mouth, he did pay attention to the situation around him. When Captain Rogers reached to grab himself, he just raised his arm to stop the arm and slightly block Captain Rogers.
By the time Rogers was ready to make his next push, Lin Rui had already wriggled off the bed again, leaving Rogers no chance to make his next move. As for the small bottle containing Elven Holy Spring Water, it was now empty, which Lin Rui readily collected.
“What? Do you still want to fight me? Anyway, the liquid has already been poured into Fury. You just need to wait for a little and see the situation.” Seeing Kate and Captain Rogers and Natasha looking at him, Lin Rui didn’t care much and said it directly. He doesn’t want to be attacked here by Captain Rogers and Natasha, especially as many well-trained agents are still watching. It’s not that Lin Rui is afraid of them, but he doesn’t want to end a relationship before it has even begun.
Drop ~dī dī!
Just as Lin Rui was talking and retreating, the machine for detecting Fury’s physical condition suddenly rang out. Agent Kate and others who had been staring at Lin Rui looked back nervously at Fury.
Call ~
Before Captain Rogers could see what was going on, the medical staff who had just been standing on the edge of the ward rushed forward and pushed all of them apart.
Seeing the medics nervously check on the machine and Fury’s condition, Captain Rogers and his colleagues stood by quietly, without bothering them. Still, all three of them focused their attention on Mirage Knight, who had retreated to the door of the ward. Seeing that he didn’t leave, Rogers and others looked at him and their eyes flashed with unknown thoughts.
Soon the sound of the machine stopped and the doctor’s examination was over. However, the doctor, who had a sad face before had a relieved smile on his face this time. Seeing the appearance of the doctors, Agent Kate quickly stepped forward.
“Dr. Dennis, how is Director Fury?”
“He’s getting better! Director Fury’s situation is getting better! Although I don’t know what poison was in Director Fury before but now his body is indeed in Rapid Recovery, the toxin seems to have been cleared out. If there is no accident, he will be able to wake up in two hours. Mr. Mirage Knight, what exactly did you just gave to Director Fury?!” After answering the agent, Dr. Dennis asked excitedly to Lin Rui, who stood at the door.
Just now Lin Rui intentionally put a bottle of an unidentified liquid into Fury’s mouth in front of them and Fury started to recover quickly within ten seconds after drinking the unidentified liquid, which was simply a miracle. As far as Dr. Dennis knows, there is no such magic drug in the world, and even the experimental products secretly researched by various institutions cannot have such rapid and powerful effects.
Seeing Dr. Dennis’s excited look, Lin Rui, who was standing at the door crossed his arms around his chest and said nothing. Just now when he poured the Elven Holy Spring Water in Fury’s mouth, Agent Kate and everyone here looked at him like they wanted to eat him. He won’t be giving them an answer right now.
“Really?!” Not caring about Lin Rui, Agent Kate had already rushed to Fury’s side and asked carefully.
“Really! Although I don’t know how it was done, Director Fury is really getting better!”
In fact, even without Dr. Dennis’s repeated assurance, Agent Kate can see Director Fury’s face getting better. This quick recovery effect was so good that she is able to see the effect in a moment. Fury’s face, which had been pale due to poisoning, now recovered back to its original black color and his breathing became more powerful.
Captain Rogers and Natasha are much calmer than the exited Agent Kate as they have long noticed the changes in Fury’s condition after drinking the unknown liquid. So, after Dr. Dennis determined that Director Fury’s situation had begun to improve, both of them could not help looking at Mirage Knight standing at the door.
“Thank you, Mirage Knight.” Captain Rogers walks up to Lin Rui and thanked him sincerely.
“Oh! Although we don’t trust each other now but I also said that I will guarantee Fury’s safety and I have done that.” His posture of arms crossed on his chest has not changed as he looked at Steve in front of him and faintly said.
Call ~
“Mr. Mrage Knight, can you tell me what you just gave to Director Fury? We have done tests before, but we couldn’t figure out what it was. If you still…” Without waiting for Captain Rogers to say anything, Dr. Dennis, who was behind him had come over and asked Lin Rui with excitement.
“This ~ is a secret. However, I only have this bottle of this thing and I just used it to save Fury’s life. Even if you want more, I don’t have it. I would not have used it if he had not been in real danger and I had no choice.” Hearing Dr. Dennis’s words, Lin Rui broke the doctor’s expectations in getting samples.
Elven Holy Spring Water is also available in System Shop, but it requires too many Reward points, and Lin Rui has few opportunities to use it now. In addition to the bottle he got as a reward after completing the mainline quest before, Lin Rui also exchanged another bottle with the reward points for his own use, which he would never give them for them to study.
Moreover, even if Lin Rui is willing to give them one bottle for research, he believes that these medical personnels or various SHIELD experts won’t be able to research anything. After all, Elven Holy Spring Water cannot be explained by normal science. Even Tony gave up studying the thing that saved his life and sealed it on the secret terminal of JARVIS.
“Ohh? Anyway, Thank you for saving the Director’s life Mr. Mirage Knight.” Although a bit disappointed, Dr. Dennis did not say anything as there was only one bottle and it was used to save a life.
“Well, now that Fury is all right. I will come back here in two hours. Do you have a place where I can rest.” Since Fury is fine, Lin Rui is not going to stay here anyway as the doctor had already said that Fury would take two hours to wake up.
“Mirage Knight, I will take you there.” Responding to Lin Rui is Agent Kate, who has walked over from Fury’s bedside. Although she knows that her actions will definitely upset the mysterious Vigilante, she doesn’t care about Lin Rui’s bad attitude towards her, as long as he can save Fury.
Without speaking, Lin Rui has stepped out of the ward. Then, led by the agent, Lin Rui was placed in a simple break room. The break room is actually a single dormitory. After all, when the secret base was originally designed and built, few people knew about it, and there would be no guest room.
Of course, Lin Rui won’t mind this kind of thing. After Agent Kate left, Lin Rui sat quietly on the bed in the room facing the door, seemingly waiting for someone.
Da Da ~
Just after Lin Rui stared at the door for three minutes, a slight sound of footsteps came. Then a petite figure appeared in front of Lin Rui. Lin Rui’s stunned eyes flashed with a glimmer of surprise when he saw the figure at the door.
Looking at Mirage Knight sitting on the bed and looking at her, Black Widow, Natasha’s eyes flashed with an unidentified light as she walked into the room.
Call ~
Natasha, who walked into the room, sat down on the chair opposite to Lin Rui, and then looked at Lin Rui with a calm face.
“Miss Natasha, I wonder why you’re here?” Lin Rui asked as he looked up and down at the beautiful woman with impeccable body and face.
In fact, Lin Rui was waiting for someone at the door, but he thought that Captain Rogers would be the first one to come here. However, he did not expect that it would be Black Widow, Natasha. Speaking of Black Widow, although she is only an Advanced agent of SHIELD, she has played an important role in many cases due to her beautiful face and outstanding spy skills. Also, in the movie, the beautiful agent is confused with several Avengers, including Captain America. However, Lin Rui is not currently aware of anything that is happening between Natasha and Steve.
“Mirage Knight, it’s not the first time we’ve met. I didn’t expect a vigilante from New York to show up in Washington and save Director Fury’s life. ” Natasha said with a smile when she heard Lin Rui’s question.
Natasha knew Mirage Knight from a long time ago. In the beginning, Natasha pretended to be an assistant and lurked beside Tony. At that time, she met Lin Rui many times, although Lin Rui was wandering around Tony as Jackson. However, in the Ivan incident, Natasha also witnessed Mirage Knight and Spiderman working together to deal with the rioting of Iron Man Drones.
Later, Lin Rui contacted Fury to discuss Hydra and Natasha also secretly observed Lin Rui. Therefore, in the whole SHIELD, she is the only one who is probably the most familiar with Mirage Knight in addition to Fury.
“I was the source of the Hydra information to Director Fury and I have some responsibility for putting him in danger. Also, removing Hydra will require Director Fury’s efforts. So, I’m doing it for myself. However, the Black Widow herself didn’t come here to speak about this, did you?” Staring into Natasha’s beautiful eyes, Lin Rui says faintly.
When Lin Rui spoke of the name Black Widow, Natasha’s eyes contracted significantly. As the most mysterious top agent of SHIELD, Natasha’s identity is known only to a very small number of people, and Lin Rui directly said her identity code, which surprised her. However, Natasha was relieved after thinking about the recent series of actions taken by Mirage Knight.
“Of course not, Mr. Mirage Knight. I came over to talk to you about your purpose. You know, Hydra may be evil, but it doesn’t have an interest in you. Or is there a connection between your forces and Hydra? Do you want to wipe out Hydra using SHIELD’s Hand?” Shaking her head, Natasha chuckled, then her face suddenly became serious.
When Mirage Knight appeared, SHIELD did not pay much attention to it. After all, there are many Vigilantes in the United States. Especially the city of New York is the gathering place of Vigilante. But as time passed, this particular Vigilante’s involvement became more and more important. And when he recently went to Fury and pointed out that Hydra was lurking inside SHIELD. It seems that the information he knows completely exceeds the information of SHIELD, the self-proclaimed Global Defender organization.
So, after a series of unsuccessful investigations, SHIELD can only conclude that Mirage Knight is someone with a hidden and powerful organization. The scale of this organization may not be smaller than SHIELD, and it may even be larger than SHIELD in terms of intelligence.
However, when SHIELD found out that the League of Defender was formed by Mirage Knight and Daredevil and other vigilantes such as Spiderman, they were puzzled about their previous inference. If there’s a super powerful organization behind Mirage Knight, then why did he do something that was totally unnecessary. After all, although they haven’t found out who Spiderman is, the identity of Daredevil has long been investigated.
After knowing the identity of Daredevil, SHIELD was able to recruit him into SHIELD. Although she knew the identity of Daredevil in real life, she still couldn’t find anything about Mirage Knight. Because Matt is really an enhanced ordinary person, this group seemed to be made of ordinary Vigilante.
“Since you ask this question, then I will tell you the truth. I should wait for Fury to wake up and let him talk to you but it is okay to say it in advance.” When he heard Natasha’s questions, Lin Rui’s eyes turned towards him. Since SHIELD thinks that there is a big organization behind him, Lin Rui doesn’t mind letting them think so, so he doesn’t have to explain his future knowledge.
“Originally, I just didn’t like Hydra. But Hydra is not the only organization in the world that wants to rule the world and I didn’t have to completely kill them like this. Now, I have some other reasons to completely eradicate Hydra. There is no need for me to tell you the reason. Anyway, you just need to know that I am standing with you now.”
Natasha was seriously prepared to listen to some big reasons when Lin Rui said that he would tell the truth, but what Lin Rui said next made her brow slightly wrinkled. What Lin Rui said is not much different if he didn’t say anything. Natasha now only knows that Lin Rui is really hostile towards Hydra. Whether it is true or not depends on whether she believes it or not.
“In that case, I won’t ask why, but what plans do you have next?” No longer exploring the relationship between Lin Rui and Hydra, Natasha continued.
“Plan? I don’t have any plans. Is it not your SHIELD’s responsibility to get rid of Hydra? I just want to help. And as long as Director Fury is fine, I am confident he can defeat Hydra.” When he heard Natasha, Lin Rui shook his head and replied.
To say if Lin Rui has any plans to complete the mainline quest to remove Hydra, he really does not. His current plan is to rely upon SHIELD and Hydra’s long-standing hatred so that SHIELD will defeat Hydra and he would be able to complete this quest. After all, although Lin Rui has seen Marvel’s movies, Lin Rui really doesn’t know how many hidden people and organizations like Hydra are hiding in the world.
Lin Rui also doesn’t know whether to eliminate Hydra’s mainline quest is to break up Hydra’s main force or to kill all members of Hydra. If it is the latter, Lin Rui worries that he may not be able to complete this quest in his whole life. Therefore, it is necessary for him to rely on a global organization like SHIELD to complete this quest as much as possible.
“But don’t worry, I will try my best to help you. I won’t refuse to help you with anything that is inside of my abilities. I will guarantee the safety of Director Fury during the cleaning that he intends to carry out in SHIELD. ” Seeing Natasha’s changed face after hearing his answer, Lin Rui added.
“Thank you, Mirage Knight. Since you said that you can help as much as possible, I wonder if you can answer another question?” Natasha’s face softened, she suddenly asked as something occurred to her.
“What?” Lin Rui asked curiously as he saw Natasha’s expression.
“Director Fury wants to take advantage of his fake death to bring out the exposure of the Hydra members inside SHIELD. I already know. I know that there must be people inside SHIELD who will cooperate with us now. Now I want to ask something else, Director Fury sent me to execute a special mission, and during that mission, he asked me to copy an encrypted data. Later I handed the U-disk with the encrypted data to Director Fury, and now I want to know what information is in the U-disk. After Fury got the U-disk, he immediately executed his previous plan and was attacked.” Staring at Mirage Knight in front of her, Natasha asked calmly. Since Lin Rui’s previous performance of knowing about all kinds of things is quite impressive, Natasha intends to try him here to see if he knows what the encrypted data is.
“Encrypted data? Let me think about it… Oh, you mean that!” Lin Rui had some doubts when he heard Natasha, but he quickly remembered what she was asking about.
“But, before I answer your question, let us first bring in Captain Rogers at the door. Captain Rogers, how long do you plan to stand at the door?” Just when Lin Rui was going to answer Natasha’s questions, he suddenly turned his head and looked to the door and spoke.
Just after Lin Rui said that, Natasha also looked at the door. The door was half-open, and there stood a large and strong figure of Captain America.
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