Novel Name : Heroes of Marvel


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Tony came back less than a minute after leaving and he looked a little impatient. The difference between the reappearing Tony and one minute before he left was that he had already put on his latest Iron Man Armor. Except for his unarmed right forearm, all other parts of his body were protected.
In the only right hand that was unarmed. Several alloy bars extending from the parts of the upper arm’s Iron Man Armor circled Tony’s right forearm, with an energy block inlaid in the middle.
As for JARVIS, he had blocked the Core Energy System of the Battle Armor in the laboratory before Tony left, Venom could no longer absorb energy. However, the energy it had just absorbed was enough for it to move for a long time. The current Venom still maintains the state of Arming the Armor and there seems to be no other changes.
“OK! JARVIS, open the door of the laboratory, I want to go in!” After briefly checking his own weapons, Tony then walked to the door of the laboratory, and at the same time ordered JARVIS.
“Sir, I don’t recommend you to go in.” After hearing Tony’s words, JARVIS did not open the door of the laboratory immediately, but give out a suggestion.
“Don’t worry, JARVIS, I just want to go in and experiment with one of my Ideas to see if Venom can continue to be used by others without affecting the host. Moreover, I would just let it attach to my forearm, and if something went wrong then destroy it.” Tony explained with a smile when JARVIS stopped him.
That’s right, Tony just wanted to see for himself whether Venom could complete the Armor strengthening of the host without affecting the host. Many of the previous experiments on Venom have shown that Venom has a great effect on host strength enhancement.
And Venom is a creature that can feel its host’s thoughts. He can change itself according to the host’s request, just like when Peter was parasitized before, he could make Venom into various suits.
If Tony can really magnify Venom’s advantages after eliminating Venom’s shortcomings, then it will become a brand-new weapon, a weapon that is completely different from the Iron Man Armor. Simply think about it, Venom can quickly Arm the host and help the host gain a powerful strength and Venom can also make corresponding changes with the changes in the external environment.
Such a function is the envy of many Advance Agents. Based on Venom’s current capabilities, Tony wanted to develop a new type of armor.
“Although this kind of test is necessary, I still don’t recommend you to test it on yourself.” After understanding what Tony was going to do, JARVIS continued to persuade him. In JARVIS’s thinking, as long as there is a one percent danger, he doesn’t want Tony to risk it.
“Who else is there beside me? Jackson? It is better if I did this then let anyone else face this danger. Open the door. Are you still worried that Venom can affect me when I am armed with the Iron Man Armor?” Facing JARVIS’s persuasion, Tony said helplessly.
In fact, the aggressiveness of Venom itself should not be taken into account at all, but the most threatening thing is its influence on the host’s thoughts so that the host can act according to Venom’s wishes.
However, Tony doesn’t believe that only one forearm would be enough for Venom to complete it parasite on him and Venom won’t be able to affect him much with his counter attacks. Moreover, judging by logic, when there is enough energy, Venom will no longer absorb the bioenergy of its host.
“Then, all right, Sir.” In the end, JARVIS still failed to persuade Tony to give up such a decision.
In the next moment, JARVIS has opened the door of the laboratory. Tony’s eyes flashed with light and then he walked in without hesitation. It was just an experiment. He had done it many times before, and Tony, who had faced many life and death situations, wouldn’t be afraid of something that posses little to no danger at the moment.
Da Da~
Tony, wearing an Iron Man Armor stepped closer to the Battle Armor Armed by Venom. Through the scanning of the Battle Armor, Tony knew that there was a lot of energy inside Venom, which it had just absorbed.
The energy in the Energy Block on Tony’s bare right forearm far exceeded the Core Energy of the Battle Armor attached to Venom, so Tony slowly stretched out his right arm and approached Venom. When he was half a meter away from Venom, Tony stopped. He was waiting for Venom’s response.
When Tony stopped there for a while, Venom, who had been quietly attached to the Battle Armor, slowly moved, and squirming appeared everywhere on the Black Armor. Then, tiny tentacles stretched out from Venom and quickly shot towards Tony’s right arm.
Pū Pū Pū!
Soon, Tony’s bare right forearm was slowly wrapped up by the Venom tentacles that shot over, and the Venom moved toward Tony from the Battle Armor. After watching Venom slowly wrapping his right arm, Tony was earnestly experiencing the feeling of being attached to by an Extraterrestrial Creature.
“So it feels like this!” As Venom completely wrapped his right forearm, Tony murmured.
As Venom wrapped Tony’s right forearm, he first felt a kind of coolness on his right forearm, then he felt a feeling like water flowing on his skin which disappeared after some time. Although Tony could still see Venom on his right arm, he could hardly feel it anymore, it was as if Venom had become a part of his arm.
“It doesn’t seem to be having any influence on me.” Seeing Venom wrapped around his right forearm safely, Tony didn’t feel any influence on his thoughts. But the energy of the Energy Block on the right forearm was slowly decreasing, which was obviously absorbed by Venom.
“So, has my power increased?” After confirming that his thoughts were not affected by Venom, Tony wondered if Venom had the effect of enhancing the host’s strength and did Venom Enhanced his strength.
“JARVIS, check the changes in my right forearm, and prepare a Dynamometer for me.” Now that he has already tested it himself, Tony certainly wants to test it more comprehensively.
“Yes, sir.” JARVIS has already started to check the various indicators of Tony’s right forearm.
Two beams scanned over Tony’s black right forearm and then a series of data appeared before Tony. Before JARVIS could speak, Tony had already seen and understood the data.
“It’s really enhanced! Why don’t I feel it at all!?” Tony cried out in surprise as he watched the 3-D projection of his right forearm.
From the data detected by JARVIS, the overall force of Tony’s right forearm wrapped by Venom has increased by about 50%. Both the muscle strength and bone hardness are much higher than before, which is almost a miracle.
When Tony was surprised, JARVIS had already transferred a Dynamometer to this laboratory.
“Sir, if you want to check the strength of your right arm, don’t use the maximum strength. Only the right forearm is strengthened. If you use too much force, it will cause damage to the unreinforced arm part.” As Tony walked cheerfully towards the Dynamometer, JARVIS appropriately reminded him.
“Got it.” Tony agreed and raised his right arm.
In the next second, Tony had already used the force gauge.
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